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Everything posted by spectra

  1. Will this course help with getting rid of subconscious feelings of loneliness/disconnection?
  2. @Leo Gura What about the newer episodes? They're not up yet
  3. I teach middle school and I'm currently in my second year of teaching. I would love to connect with other teachers who are into practical philosophy/self-actualization. I quit after my first year, took a break because I had to deal with some personal issues, gained a lot of insight after months of serious introspection, and now I feel way more equipped for my job. Working with kids is humbling. During my first year, I felt like a kid myself. Teaching / Becoming a teacher with integrity is forcing me to grow up.
  4. @Paradoxed Adults are stupid too. I'm stupid too. We're all stupid in some way. The sooner we realize this, the better.
  5. @Jannes I agree. It forces you to become assertive and confident if you want to survive in this profession. A lot about teaching is also counter-intuitive. For example, I became better at exuding authority by using silence as my strategy. In my first year, I thought I could assert myself by shouting. I got laryngitis after three weeks lol. Now, in my second year, I tried my best to not mirror the energy of my students, and act like an energy shield. When they got loud, I would stop talking and simply looked my loud students dead in the eye until my silence became uncomfortable, and they stopped talking. It works. The counter-intuitive approach Leo talked about in his video really works. Emotional non-reactivity is key.
  6. @Human Mint My first year was extremely stressful, to the point where I lost track of my values, reasons for why I wanted to teach, I would overthink everything. Now I am able to think more clearly, and I don't sweat the little stuff. Leo's video "What is maturity?" helped me a lot. I rewatch that video every now and then.
  7. I did it. I found my LP (which I will not reveal for the sake of anonymity) and I feel like a huge weight is off my shoulders. Since graduating from uni, I have been having a lot of doubts concerning my LP and future career because I let myself be influenced by society. But after meditating for a while now I feel (re-)connected to my Authentic Self, and I have enough confidence to tackle my life and to create my dream life. It's such a powerful feeling. I'm not afraid anymore. I trust myself. I know I can do this. I'm filled with motivation and the desire to get shit done. Here's what I need to work on: 1) My health: I will lose 22 lbs by May (no sugar, no junk food, limit dairy intake, consume lots of whole foods and fermented vegetables) 2) Improve my daily routine: while I'm still waiting for my new job to start, I will dedicate 8 hours a day to personal development and to self-studying topics related to my professional field. This includes introspective journaling, watching relevant video content and taking notes (and reviewing them) 3) Fixing my sleep schedule - no screens after 9 PM
  8. I had the same problem for years. When I cut out gluten and sugar, it went away completely. Also my excruciating sciatica pain. I didn't take any medication.