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Everything posted by BlueOak

  1. I know little about the man so I can't comment on him, only the concept. I wouldn't live there as it takes part of life and over emphasizes it. Also living under a single figurehead of any kind for me is intolerable, because they can't be held accountable or removed if they do something harmful enough to warrant it. I realise others appreciate this type of government/leadership so I am not looking for the pros and cons. However everyone receives opposition from the status quo. That's why things change very slowly and also why you receive these answers reflecting experience. A couple more theocracies on the planet won't hurt it much more than other government types have done, it might add something as a collective we lack. Its isolated on a small island so I don't feel its situation or fate will be the same as Tibet. You need plenty of what spiritual people are inclined to overlook just to hold a non status quo position, let alone make a change. So it will be interesting to see what happens to it. An experiment on an island seems a good place for it. Watch from a far and see what happens.
  2. I don't know of it'll help but a lot of men i've known have struggled with the same issue. Especially if you are young and the drive is there to do your own thing. This seems to be a core issue. Never get children unless you want them and they are right for you. Even if you are a nice person you can do a lot of damage to a kid if you don't actually want to have them or the responsibility of them. >>I’m not sure that I’m ready to settle down for the rest of my life and that’s the direction my relationship is heading. >>But on the flip side we’ve build a great thing over the last couple years and really vibe. After a long think and time alone on how you feel. Time to do the hard thing, talk to her and see how she feels. If you are feeling this way and its not just nerves talking. Phrase it in the not being ready for a family and marriage sense, be honest, open and you'll know if it can work out anyway. How the relationship goes is her decision as well, not just yours, that's the tough bit of relationships. But with communication you'll know if you can last together anyway. Wish you the best.
  3. I had to uncondition myself. To understand emotions were natural and healthy to feel, that took 10 years or so. There was a period people were considered to be over emotional at large, but I feel that was simply decades or more of men being told not to feel coming to the surface collectively. You have emotions and if you don't use them, you are cutting off part of yourself, like an arm or leg. Now I speak from the heart and the head together (Most of the time ). It also removes the need for lying that people talk about on the forum, I just realised that right now that they struggle with, so thank you. Don't get me wrong, people can still be too emotional for their own good, just like they can be too cold for their own good, but that's not for me or you to tell them.
  4. I am from the UK so understand this is not a dig at the UK. Strangely I think the EU will more likely become federal without the UK or Turkey in it. Turkey because of the Greek - Turkish border tension that flared up awhile ago, and the UK because its much more anti European Hegemony than for it. The further Europe went in that direction the more the UK pulled back. The balkland region might also have problems with border disputes if the EU accepts them and they go federal. Internal issues like these linked notwithstanding: *Some of these are large some are very minor. As it is right now, the EU is in its strongest position to become federal, but it would have to be done in a very careful and clever way. People likely couldn't lose their national identity, you can see the push back in europe right now and that's centuries of conditioning into that identity. Would it be beneficial to lose this identity anyway longterm? A federal europe stops border disputes and fighting over land, to an extent, but a lot of culture and political self governance is lost as a result. There is a breakdown of identity and a certain amount of apathy which comes as a result which is being seen right now as identities are eroded, though its only one of the factors, lack of trust, self interested groups pulling it apart etc being others. Do I think it will go federal, I think its more likely to go federal than it is to splinter but I don't rule either out, nor do I rule out it staying exactly as it is.
  5. I was born in the early 80s UK. So I don't have a point of reference for the 70's much beyond what history I was taught, which wasn't much of the immediate era preceeding that. History lessons were mostly focused on the medieval period, ww2, ww1, renaissance etc. Its possible tensions were higher in the cold war period between two large alliances. Certainly a 40 year old american who also was born afterwards, might well say that, but we didn't talk about it in England after the fact much. Whereas we are still talking about the middle east, china borders, russia borders, european nationalism, (rise of the right generally), disinformation and polarization are at the highest i've ever seen them globally. People focus on two countries still today in discussion, but I am talking about all the border disputes currently ongoing and internal tensions which have been arrising for the last couple of decades or so.: here are the external ones, but there is plenty of internal powershifts going on right now that you see talked about.
  6. 'If you think of assets beyond a certain level .... you are doing capital allocation.' All tax is capital allocation.
  7. True I regretted that when I wrote it. 1st world war era was more tense for example, middle ages etc. Certainly in my lifetime of 40+ years though, this is the most tense period I can recall.
  8. Would you want to? Nobody here can say yes or no to what's going to happen next with certainty. That's sort of the point.
  9. Isn't what you said an interpretation as well OP? Relativism taken to the extreme folds in on itself. (I still enjoy it )
  10. There was a time when Russia was closer to actually joining Nato, what a different world that would have been. On the EU's army. Until the last few years heck no, we don't want to encourage further militarisation. Right now yes. Its needed. The world is less stable than ever. When I see the UK cutting its military budget I sigh. I think individual countries struggle to justify having a large military budget, but large alliances can do so with less domestic push back.
  11. Hemp has a multitude of uses, such as fuel, cosmetics, clothing, ropes etc. Fuel alone means it'll never be legalized worldwide until the fossil fuel interests are finally disempowered. We are getting there at a snails pace. The key being having the people with the money no longer care becase they are already in renewables.
  12. No. Have you ever met someone you couldn't make angry?
  13. 1) It helps not to separate them. If mental health issues are at an all time high, the people in power are also affected to a lesser or greater extent. 2) Fear makes people act irrationally.
  14. The last few days I meditated for the first time(s) in several years. Today I had a brief intense argument. I now have a mild headache. In the past it has been much more intense depending on the state. When I don't meditate I don't get headaches if I argue with people or enter a stressful situation. When I do meditate the crown of my head and my temples are prone to getting headaches. Is there any way around this apart from the obvious answer, control, understanding addressing what came up. I am asking about the physical side of it. Is meditation always prone to making people more suseptible to headaches when emotions are more intense. I realise meditation can itself calm stressful situations but my environment and myself are not capable of remaining calm at all times.
  15. I agree well put. It is all connected and you feel it when you improve your diet and take care of yourself. Though I would say the world. As developing economies are adding to the strain with their own industrial revolutions, and much of the garbage from western countries are being dumped in them where possible. The planet's like a body and at the moment its getting a case of the flu physically speaking, but with what we are going through collectively with the virus it's a reflection of what the planet is experiencing. I don't feel its unrepairable as some do, so as others have said the placebo of hope or the living in a joyful state of mind helps. But I do feel there are always more serious corrections coming. Not by some divine power but by virtue that the current conditions haven't changed things yet, so it'll either continue as is or get worse and 'hopefully' be corrected.
  16. Also sometimes you can/see feel more vividly than others, and this can come with meditation, or just having a happier day. When we talk about subtle senses, sometimes you are more alert and awake than others. Colors seem more vibrant and the energy/emotion inside seems more tangible. Whereas in a dark depressive pit of a state, been there, you see, feel or hear very little its all very dense and heavy.
  17. Generally there are considered 5 senses. Taste Touch Sight Smell Hearing I've heard it said that as you move beyond these five senses, it is difficult to keep incarnating here. It is certainly difficult to communicate to people who firmly believe 5 senses are all we have. For a 6th sense I would say Mind. I would add experience being a sense, enabling a level of prediction both consciously and unconsciously. I would add gut feeling is a sense, for the sheer amounts of times i've heard people say I felt this was going to go really badly and so didn't do it. *Perhaps these two are combined to simply be Mind. Other than that you've got dream interpretation (subconscious), body awareness (internal touch), which you can explain to people and they might be included in the 6 senses i've described above. Body awarenes being touch and dream interpretation, gut feeling, experience, subconcious etc as mind. If we talk beyond that, people hate it, and i've only experienced small glipses beyond that. Third eye work which people would say was imagined, sense of Synchronicity which would say was coincidence, out of body experiences which people will call you crazy for etc.
  18. Authoritarianism will continue while liberalism is undermined internationally. Authoritarian Socialist + Capitalist Liberal With the backlash against identity politics. Many capitalists are still attacking liberals, and so moving the dynamic more to authoritarian. Which is not neccesary as China and Russia are rising powers with more authoritarian governments. So we have that dynamic adding to it too. We have the EU going through turmoil. We could well end up back to authoritarian states and all the internal violence and external posturing that brought. *We could add environment to this model to make it 3D, as it should be a separate consideration and the most important of all. It would be smart for everyone to do so long term, as the importance of it naturally increases with its severity. ** Please also understand I use term liberal literally. Not the party, for parties in america its left, I believe in australia its right and the UK central.
  19. 1) Above all else. Population. It is the magnifier for all issues. Resource shortages, housing prices, space, pollution, environment, traffic, stress, wars over territory/resources, now viruses as there is less space between population centers, and we live closer together than ever etc. Nobody will ever talk about how to stabilize or reduce it. Because for the: Capitalist it hurts the economy. Liberal it infringes on civil rights. Socialist believe its self-regulating or can be, but I need more data on this and the authoritarian view as we don't see them. 2) Environment It seems the 'language' is getting more serious in the UK as to how to at least address the environment. The challenge is of course slowly shifting workers and their families from one career to another, especially where communities rely on a specific industry. There is also a lot of money invested industries which is the real sticking point. Then there are developing countries going through industrial booms, and more to come. But it is nice to see adverts at least where Eon and others say they are taking the problem seriously. Me I'll believe it when I see it, it's been decades of resistance, lies and false promises. If they do manage it, then perhaps we can at least see green technology making them the same money oil did, and that would be a positive, to have communities and families with a history of solar, wind or bio fuels to their name. We are still using non recyclable plastic. Which is insanity. We are creating something which we cannot use or break down in any form, islands of it now in the ocean and stretches of land that will never be anything but landfills, i.e uninhabitable. So every time we use a produce we cannot recycle we make a small part of the earth uninhabitable, and for mass-produced food products that is nothing but wasteful in every sense. 3) The changing international power dynamic. There is a lot of upheval happening now and more to come. The risks to the average person are the quality of life goes down, as it has been at least in the UK, and the possibility of more war, crisis or hysteria going around which makes people do unwise things. 4) Media Is media reforming hmm. A bit. It still respresents a specific interest rather than a collective truth. Most of it is an echo chamber for whichever view is being put forward with very few exceptions. In the UK we do an okay job of grilling whoever is on, the interview is usually somewhat hostile as a result. Sadly though its almost impossible to have an independent media channel in the UK, as free use doesn't exist on things like news clips, so fully outside the box perspectives are never engaged or challenged, leading to things like conspiracy sites. Although things like question time have around 7 perspectives (I forget its been many years since I watched), its all still for the status quo. I do enjoy the fact that at least any elected official can question the prime minister each week, about anything. 5) Finances. Banks are not your friends. They are not your enemies. They are banks. Why do I pick on banks, because the 'we are your friends banking campaign' in the UK gives me nausea. Its setting people up to be ripped off again. Friends, they don't come watch the football with you, they are not there when a family member passes away, they don't share interests outside of banking with you. They are not your friends, they are your bank. I realise the campaign was launched to improve their image after they got away with ripping people off in 2008, and got nothing but bonuses out of it, but its not helpful. They are not your enemy either, they are not plotting against you, seeking to undermine you. They are just a bank seeking to make as much money as possible. I've seen both the extremes now in my lifetime after living with a family in crippling debt, and the distortion in either messaging is not helpful for the average person living their life.
  20. @captainamerica People have difficulty speaking to you without getting angry because of wording like this: foolishness strawman fairytales manipulation evil people Naive people Progressives brainwash innocent people Watch: You are a foolish person who makes constant strawmans, lives in fairytales, manipulates others, is very naive and an evil person. You brainwash innocent people prone to listening to you. That's from the first two pages. If you genuinely want honest discourse not discussion of personality or emotional retort, remove this from your arguments. If anything doing that and taking the step back will help your arguments, because its very easy and natural for someone to dismiss what you are saying when talking to them in this manner. By the way we can all fall into this, I do. I am no saint but if I ever look back, I realise I undermined myself. Because I would never convince you of anything, i'd just be saying words to feel good.
  21. I had a repeating thought. Seek out real life guardian angels if you feel you need support. There are people that are extremely giving and that spend much of their lives to support us at our lowest. Despite what some say, there is nothing wrong with healthy support through our entire life, in fact its extremely beneficial to get people that support you in your life around us. I don't know if this will help. Her videos used to help me when it was videos on individual emotion. It doesn't go far enough, but it touches on a couple of things that might help.
  22. Not fate but spirit and/or the subconscious depending on your belief. I want to say they are one and the same. It all comes from you. Every sign, every signal. Nothing outside of what you are. You have the power there right now and can choose how you want to not only use it but perceive it. Small clues that give a gut feeling. So much information is held by what I will call the subconscious, that I get warnings ahead of time sometimes. It can't know everything that is going to happen and even if I do, I usually ignore the feeling anyway in favor of what I personally want to do consciously. For what to believe in. Believe in whatever gives you strength. If believing in something works for you then use it until or unless it doesn't. Been in despair, I used to call it that to. I used to grade my depression based on how bad it was that day, and despair was just above powerlessness or lingering in powerlessness too long. A bit like anger coming out of fear. If you ever want to talk about what it is making you depressed, with someone that went through that for a few decades feel free. I am sure I'm not the only one that can help but I do have a lot experience with it, if not here then locally find someone worth your time to speak to. It sounds like to me you are reaching for things to give you some hope or power, you can give those to yourself right now, you really can. No matter how bad it is. I hope you find them inside yourself and wish you the best.
  23. Not so sure this is universal. If I want to focus on healing muscle pains, removing tension etc , I find it easier to do in the evening. In the morning the state of mind is as you describe and I agree. I also don't think there is anything wrong of meditating just to relax yourself before bed, same with yoga or any exercise. Focusing on the breath is very helpful though to wake up,and perhaps more at times, I agree fully on that.
  24. The benefit to slowing it down as much as possible was so that hospitals could deal with infections in a steady stream, acquire extra respirators and extra beds, get used to operating in these conditions. Without these things death rates were much higher than with, staff were overwhelmed etc. Initially it was also to understand what we were dealing with and buy time to find a cure, put emergancy measures in place etc. Now as we reach the hopeful end, we've had all the time we are going to get to prepare for any large influx. It didn't save my uncle or millions of others but I am still glad we in england fought this as long as possible, sometimes resistance helps and in this case saved lives here at least.