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Everything posted by BlueOak

  1. Not without a few hundred thousand troops to occupy it over 20 years. A military analyst stated it takes about 1 soldier for every 20 people in rebellion rotated out over time. *I think that's where the claim of many hundreds of thousands come from, to supply them and to rotate their deployment, but looking over it a few hundred thousand should be enough. There will be losses during that time to occupying force. Though honestly right now you could make that 5% of the population indefinitely from what this looks like. Unless Russia turns many more cities into rubble and removes the population. Otherwise whatever it puts in place will be removed a week after they leave. If they leave a token force the government won't function, and there will partisans operating indefinitely. Then we have if Russia keep rubbling cities there will be nothing for them to capture anyway, except the gas in the ground that nobodies going to pay them for 10 years from now as people slowly move off their supply. The entire strategy is to shoot themselves in the foot over and over to achieve the opposite result of what Russia want, until they meet a reality Russia can accept. Like most of us I suppose, i'm no different. I bang my head against the wall until there is no more wall, no more impetus to, and probably a very bruised head. NATO does this too of course, but overall their strategy has been somewhat better since this mess started. *This is all best case scenario for Russia, worst case is they keep losing ground or men until their own country collapses from economic sanctions, military expenditure, or monumental losses. That is until the two sides negotiate, but they are still far apart.
  2. There have been reports of Russians getting frostbite elsewhere. I just did a check and any temperature below -0.55C to exposed skin will give frostbite. It was part of the strategy to block off convoys, cut off their fuel supplies and food supplies. Without adequate food frostbite becomes a bigger problem as the body can't stay warm, and a lot of those soldiers were sleeping in their vehicles with little heat.
  3. Quoting myself to save time, what I wrote for someone else: BUT here is the thing. I am still wanting my result. I am still wanting mediation to happen between those differing perspectives. I am still wanting collective understanding. Its a want. Does that want ever go away? Will I ever just accept this is how it is, and everything that happens, happens exactly the way it was meant to, that its designed to do exactly that. I am reaching here, because I sat down in meditation today and just asked to be love. I saw the vortex we see in meditation, mine is always purple, and asked three times. I am asking myself, sounds very stupid but isn't that what we always do too. I don't always understand why its considered better to be receptive than ask, I always practiced receptivity in spiritual work. Maybe its because its more accepting of what is, so things move more easily. It also doesn't put you in a completely passive state of asking, or you in the controlling state of just acting for a set determined result. I let some purifying tears go. Which is always a good sign. I feel spirit more again now, full bodied smiles I used to call it. I want to stop playing around in green causes, to stop needing to understand everyone else in yellow and just begin to accept again the collective beauty of life. War makes that very difficult, but its what I want. I experienced pure love once for 5 minutes which lasted 2 days, and it changed my life, I want that again without the crash off the end of a conflict cliff I experienced last time. Good luck to us all, and gratitude to all.
  4. Its a very tough time. Good training then to stabilize your own body, mind, life, emotions, psyche, spirit, reality in the middle of all of it. Collectively it is good training to collectively stabalize our financial systems, our countries identity, their military alliances, how we treat our neighbors. Its definitely an opportunity to take on other's perspectives else yours will feel increasingly pressured and crushed by the weight of anger, hate and directed pressure. This also applies collectively. Democracy is declining yes, civil rights are being challenged everywhere. We are realising what they have in common with autocratic states and what is different. I had to yesterday/today realise and accept the part of myself that is authoritarian. That tells people what the world should be, what they should want, how they should live. I realise now when its accepted, that's in everyone, on every news network, in every speaker and every world leader. It is also the driving force of democracy, wanting our world to be how we want it. A difference is democracies have room to listen to other perspectives. Not all perspectives, clearly, but some. They collectively balance out societies will less brutally than an autocracy, but they are still heavily influenced by those in control. So i've learned that. I don't know if it helps anyone, I was going to put it in the diary here but maybe it'll help you.
  5. Why do I have such a problem with aspects of self in the dream, portraying a perception as reality. When that is what I do in my dream every day all day. It can't be any other way because I created that experience for myself when I interpreted the meaning of it. As I realised this earlier again, I hope this duality is closed now. That it won't cause adverse reaction from me anymore. Everything is a interpretation we ourselves create to be as we want it to be. Most of the inner minds voice has collapsed but I am still dealing with emotional memory. I still get faint suggestions but much less again. There is almost permanent pressured stillness around my body especially my head right now. I painted a fence today and pictured that for this moment it was all reality was experiencing. I thought how devoid of meaning that would be. Then I wrestle with whether reality/source/god/life is all, at once, or me at once. The concept of all bothers me. I want to consider that all minds are experiencing reality and I am all of them, but that implies a separation/duplication of experience that doesn't exist. Every day I see it more, that what I put out comes back. The more I accept it does, then it does. I used to try to bargain with myself to just make something happen or work :D. I've seen that in people many times but the dream only reflects me to myself, I can send out some of what I want to see but what comes back is what is. I have not been able to make the mechanism of the dream work differently than that, although i've bent it time to time, and ignored it plenty. I also wondered if I had been less of a loner, and more of a social mind, that I might have imagined a more social philosophy to reference reality. Maybe that is something for me/reality/the referenced world, to develop.
  6. What has just occurred above in the exchange is 1 factor of why the war is happening. The others are the fear I described and finally China and Russia's desire to dominate Eurasia, and thus to replace the US as the world's superpower.
  7. I am split on this. I understand why spiritual people separate. Its simply more difficult to not isolate yourself and remain in those states of body/mind. It takes a lot of work to go up and down the different states of consciousness or aspects of yourself. I also understand how that creates a spiritual bubble around yourself, that can lead to some very painful drops into reality from conflict for example, and I am sure other sources, for me it was unresolved conflict. It can hurt like hell and I hope if any of them are experiencing that its more gradual and level.
  8. Finally I found the full link India is 76th
  9. For the UK perspective at least where I am. Both perspectives are true. Men do think about their partners about what they can provide for or support, and men do marry single mothers. When you get into the age where most women have families and the man might do himself, there isn't a stigma here that you describe. There is always consideration of what someone can afford or what responsibilities they want in their life however. Its a big deal taking on a kid, and something anyone should consider if they are ready for the responsibility. Whether that's a newborn or starting a relationship with a mother. As for social mobility yeah we do okay with that in the UK, quite high but not the highest. Here is a 2020 link:
  10. Do you travel much around India? Is it the same everywhere in India? The place I am in myself is socially conservative. I do know there are many places around the UK which are not, that have different attitudes.
  11. People can deploy WMD to Russia from anywhere on earth. I think the concern was shorter range ballistic missiles, which are obviously more abundant. I understand Russia's position, i've had a huge education on it. The fear that Russia has of NATO getting closer. What I don't see reflected in many Russian's is them seeing Eastern Europe's position. I understand they have demonized the US and we in Europe are in the process of demonizing Russia. To look past that demonization you'll see the fear driving a lot of decisions from everyone, and why Russia caused this to itself. - Just as much as why NATO caused this to itself. People want to join NATO because they fear Russia, Russia pulls back because it fears NATO. So these two fears are what causes the problem for both. When I spoke about this previously I didn't clearly state that you can have fear and also a strategic mind. Its not just one or the other. I also understand and to be frank really appreciated until very recently how direct Russians were. To me they were strength, they were honest, blunt. I value those things. To see the complete opposite a denial of reality in things like losses, like armies fighting each other being a war to achieve a dream. It reminds me of the things I hate most about western society and in myself. The creation of a reality people want to see rather than what is there. We want it to be this way so we'll say it is. I hate that so much to my core. With how autocratic Russia has become that completely depends on one man alone. You are very top heavy as a country and many of the minds that would make that democracy happen are leaving. Its going in the opposite direction and in part this is because that's what happens in wartime. I see people complaining about Ukraine cracking down on political opposition in a war, but it's what happens, people become more nationalist. Outside of war that one man's autocracy is a problem. No leader can be everything to all people and is always going to be flawed as an individual trying to run 100 million people. The Americans have the same problem by the way but at least they have a lot of voices balancing that single individual out. There are not yes men fearing for their lives as much, although people still lie to save their careers publicly. People can speak more freely to their president and he can use that feedback, so can the supporting bodies around him. Also for example at least in China personal corruption is removed the higher that leader goes, in Russia (and in the west) its often the opposite. As you can see there are many problems with Russia as with all countries. The biggest though is you've given up your biggest strength, a cold hard reality for a dream. An ideology of what used to be.
  12. It is an important question he asks because other people are asking it now. How the identity will change after this war. Same with the EU for example. Will it be more a defensive organization than deterrent. I think that answer is obviously yes, there have been a lot of changes being made right now. How much the EU will support it as its own organization has been discussed just a couple of days ago for example, and is changing. It had become largely dormant and was actually in decline, same with the EU. Its purpose was to ensure democratic countries are not overrun by Autocratic regimes. He understands, but here doesn't mention that those in Eastern Europe joined NATO out of fear of Russia. Because Russia is a scary county that has a stupidly large military that arms dictatorships around itself, topples governments around itself and sometimes invades its neighbors. The more Putin goes towards what Stalin was the more that democratic countries will want to cooperate against Russia. Putin has made steps in that direction, but he's still a way to go. He is certainly an autocrat at this point. *But I just noticed I wrote one of the possible changes which has already occurred, - 'to cooperate against Russia' - rather than to defend against Russia. So you see how the identity is already shifting. **And by the way Eastern Europe not America, are the ones pushing for further interventionist policies for example. I think the closer to the refugee crisis we are, the more we have that opinion.
  13. The picture is a call for help. Distancing is likely to worsen the condition. Suicide often but certainly not exclusively, comes from loneliness. So i'd personally want to do my best to get them help but also tell them they can't send pictures of that anymore, they can't do that to themselves anymore, as its horrific and they REALLY NEED HELP RIGHT NOW. I'd go and find a few specialists or counselors, get a few numbers and even make a call myself telling a professional about the picture I was just sent. Maybe even the police if it was advised. If you want to be with them through the process that's a different thing, it sounds like you are not comfortable with that, and so you've got to respect yourself too. Your boundaries, what you will and won't do. I once had a friend with Asperger's, some aspects of that friendship I loved but I had to set strict limits on how much time I would spend with them, as they tended to draw me in to their life more than I wanted. Its about finding a balance, but definitely make a couple of calls and tell someone about that photo.
  14. Your womanhood, your strengths?
  15. Again this is false. There was constant coverage of civilian deaths during Iraq, Afghanistan I had tuned out to politics when Syria came around.
  16. The root cause of suffering is to be that which we are not. But so is the root cause of everything. Thanks for this.
  17. Its an identity. How you perceive yourself. In this case to put someone ahead of others in a social context in their own mind.
  18. Uncertainty is okay. Its normal. It doesn't have the trauma that it used to have. We are all going through shit, you are not alone in that. Forgive yourself. The last comment. Yes. That. Always that.
  19. @Razard86 Thank you
  20. So a behavior trait I am disliking in myself and so will now begin to create/reflect that dislike in those around me. The need to convince myself of something. I was rewarded as a young kid for this, it was seen as a beneficial thing to do. If I am talking to myself, reflecting the aspects of myself, back to myself when conversing with an imagined other. Then convincing myself that one aspect is better than an imagined other I have always felt a bad feeling from. Now that feeling forms resistance to splintering right from left, or yes from no. Doesn't mean I can't assign meaning to different aspects of reality but I want to separate out trying to piece together understanding through sharing conversation, from trying to achieve a result with a conversation. They've always felt different and at the moment that feeling of disliking it is magnified, resistance in the body itself. I feel it in the solar plexus. I see people stuck in loops, stuck with the same meaning reflected, consistently saying it. It bothers me, perhaps the consistency is bothering me and its something I need to try and address again. My feelings of apathy are still there, which makes consistency toward a particular goal that isn't survival based unappealing.
  21. From the perspective given. Of everything being self. Unless you want a difference there is no difference.
  22. The stupidest thing the Taliban did was not rename themselves. Half the world wouldn't even know who they were.
  23. Try it, you'll be suprised how unaware most people are of what Russia does and has done around the globe. Like training, arming and support Iraq for example, Which is no small reason why Iraq was able to invade Kuwait, providing them equipment and what led to the US response.–Russia_relations - Referenced at the bottom. In the west they don't have much of a clue either. It helps fill in the gaps as to why things are as they are. Two sides of a story that most people only want one side of. By giving them the other it normalizes the distance or polarity of the opinions people have. At first you might get well NATO is bad for X,Y,Z reasons and I say yes or maybe expand as to why they happened, and then tell them how Russia has done A,B,C. After that the conversation usually concludes. A completion of self, or two sides of something.