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Everything posted by BlueOak

  1. Any nutritionist worth a damn. As long as you are getting what your body needs and not overcooking your food to a crisp, then you are getting what your body needs. That link is one I used to use when I was in the industry to suggest foods as supplements, it breaks down what each food has in detail.
  2. No. Trust is very important to me, and I respect myself too much. I do think you need to discuss what you both want in any relationship, and what you expect. I understand some people prefer open or casual relationships and if that was agreed that would be okay. I'd also like to make sure someone could be secure in our relationship so they can talk to me. If they needed something else emotionally, sexually or physically from me we could discuss that for example, every so often make sure they know you are thinking of them and ask. If you are making sure your partner and you are both satisfied and happy in the relationship, and then they still can't keep their pants on, I wouldn't be with that person. I would feel a strong sense of betrayal and I don't handle betrayal well. I wouldn't even discuss it with them, I'd be out the door. I would not stay with her either for the kids, that'd be a toxic hellhole and I've lived through enough of that.
  3. Yes. We often judge the immediate stage outside of our own development, because we are moving out of it, finding reasons why its no longer complete. Without that opposing drive, we'd just stay in that state of mind/body. Judgment is necessary but its useless without yellows individual solutions following it, and yellow doesn't give a complete picture, without understanding the complete picture is everything in Turquoise, or the pure selfless intent of love in stages after that. Further, we tend to be in different stages depending on who we are interacting with, and in different areas of our lives. For example, in interaction with orange, green will display its conflict with the individualist drive, in interacting with purple it will reconsider aspects of harmony found in nature it's left behind till now. Imagine though you are in stage orange fully. You would see others below you as lesser, perhaps of less 'value', and so entering green you will be carrying that with you until you see how all the stages are important, and (eventually) all perspectives carry their own value to the whole. You'll believe you know better than anyone else because you see/feel things they don't. You won't necessarily see how without orange the wheels of life would not turn, and without the drive inherent in orange you'll be left drifting. Many of us need to be humbled. I feel greens rebel against orange somewhat and create a shadow or absence of it, I've seen that so often in others and myself I think it's a natural reaction to mend. Picture the man or woman who is socially conscious, but has no security in his/her life, I don't mean someone who is self-sufficient, but someone who has to live off others to survive.
  4. I think you were harsh on violet there, she was giving you the path that most materialist countries need to take to adjust. By alienating those who would try to help you'll get nowhere. A step to be free of overt materialism where it exists is recycling and using second-hand goods. Minimalism and using less or being self-sufficient where possible is the step after that. Another way is to address the need people have to fill loneliness or a lack of driving purpose with items/stimuli. Taking the premise that most are of average consciousness. People grow up in the society they are born in and take on the values they are presented with. They are that group consciousness. Occasionally making small changes along the way from experience. To take the great leap you want from a materialist lifestyle doesn't happen often, and I honestly doubt your country would be all that different in the same place. Sure there are contrarian individuals like me that will agree, that the only way to achieve what you want is to fight yourself and your own need to consume, or the animal instinct present in all people, which is how you become more spiritual over lifetimes. In spiritual texts it would be called the beast or animal, the only failing in some texts is they look outside of themselves for it. All the so-called second-world countries that develop into first-world countries are the same because they follow the same pattern. The more they get the more they want. Because that's who those people are. It all comes from their own body. I would love to be out there now in a mass protest against materialism and corporate greed. But protest and organizing as groups were suppressed and the population diverted or programmed away from them decades ago. Protest itself is a dirty word, and rendered largely ineffectual by law, because it doesn't target the billionaires in positions of power, it targets their middle-management politicians. Whereas gatherings of social change are considered radical fringe elements at best and cults at worst. If you want effective social change start looking at where the efforts of that change are capped or stopped. The great effort put into labelling people outside of normal social structure as bad, wrong or ill in some form. Looking at online surveillance, censoring, laws on protest or social reform, and the many societal structures that prevent you from actually influencing people of power. The ones with the actual power, those with vast amounts of money. Billionaires - With actual power. Law - Protecting them Politicians - Taking all the credit/blame. Giving you leaders to root for or hate. Political Delusion - Splitting the populace into two or more groups to argue with each other. Its so bad at this point, not only do we have a layer of focus away from people with wealth and power towards politicians, but we have a great illusion going on that people are arguing with themselves below that. They've been divided up, and to hold that division two entirely separate sets of facts are released, that are contrary to each other, it's a brilliant and sadistic manipulation that is three layers deep. You'll see it on this very forum on all manner of important topics.
  5. Of course it is my own bias. That was the point of that ending comment to highlight it, if you speak to thousands of people at once with whom you have no connection or relation you will get a wide variety of responses for a wide variety of reasons, of which you have no idea about or why. People who work for a newspaper that shapes their entire public perception via words should know this, I'm sure there are even professional guidelines about how they should act on their public twitter accounts. People can post whatever they want. Then they see the consequence. Specifically, if we make a joke about mental disorders like bipolar, BPD or maniac depression etc, over an audience of thousands, it's likely to trigger people in a wide enough group size. I realize this was a tame joke but the point still stands.
  6. I think it is useful for a business to reach customers. Just treat it like that.
  7. Always two identities being used to argue over. Whether it's collective or individual. It's human nature to seek the division out and give it meaning. After the meaning is found out, the quicker it reintegrates into normality the better. We have our two sides, so we can have our battle and people can take a stand. That's what's important to some, the argument itself, or winning or losing. Feeling good that they got to speak their minds, or connect to others that think like them. People can recycle something as long as there is any friction there. It does a fraction of the damage cable TV does, while allowing communities to form connections more easily. It still has the inherent problem(s) like He/she who speaks loudest gets seen the most. Things stay up or around longer than they should, because it's a wider audience than it naturally would be, someone is always available for comment. Manipulation is easy to an audience of thousands, you get so much feedback that it just takes one idea to run with from the feedback. Text words are flat, they have no context or emotion, you are usually replying to half the story or a stranger thousands of miles away, with a history or community you know nothing about. Mob mentality happens in collective communication like this. That's just off the top of my head. I don't use it because I don't have a business or group identity I belong to, and I think personal communication is better in person. But I also cannot name many places where social orientated discussion or change happens so *shrug*, in that respect, it's a necessity.
  8. Take the events that drag you down into animal behavior the most and eliminate them from your life, or reform them to be more mindful/conscious. That'll eliminate the lowest points of your day. The densest and most unsubtle where you are aware of very little. Work on integrating the pieces of your emotions/psyche that are hurting, or in pain. Spend time in the emotions that hurt the most, so you are not pushing them away and welcome those parts of you back to yourself. To stretch the higher states: Find teachers that are in higher conscious states and listen to them. This might be enough on its own. Visit them if you can. These are the ones I am currently watching: Acharya Prashant, Mooji, Mantak Chia, Innerstanding (Sevan), Leo, Teal Swan. If you are more mathematically orientated, Daniel Winter was a nice man. If you want a very loving shaman, Almine. Understand they are not perfect interpretations of your reality bubble, none of them, be aware of their flaws in the wider context of your life, but listen now and again because they all have wisdom to share. Have a want to see more than one side of something, and understand everything is you (so there are no sides). Realise that you perceive, interpret and assign meaning to everything in life. Once you've got that understand that you are always reacting to the meaning you've assigned to that thing. So you are reacting to yourself, always. Find out what will neutralise something not just add to it, develop that as a skill. Love. Value existence. Love all you can whenever you can. Show gratitude, Joy. Learn to put your hands together and generate gratitude, joy, and love. Tell people you love and are grateful for them. This raises you out of the base states of consciousness by itself. Because you are loving yourself and experiencing the benefits of that love/joy or gratitude. Work with the body's energy. It's universal, anyone can do it. For me that's kundalini yoga and Taoist energy practices. This will raise your awareness of yourself. Detox. Remove all the dense metals and toxins interfering with your body/mind. Do this often, and understand that each organ passes on the waste to the next one in the body. There are some detox's that take this into account, or just do it yourself, taking a week for each organ with herbs and supplements for it. This sounds more dramatic than it is. Remove death from your life. Ask yourself if what you are doing is life or if its death. You can do this with almost anything, even mundane things like your daily routine or working. Are you feeling like it's draining you or others around you of life, or enriching and giving it? Eat more raw foods that are whole and uncut. You are energy if you want more awareness you need more energy. Its spent all its life growing into that perfect form for a reason. The second you cut, or cook it, you miss the energy release, and it starts to bleed out or diminish. The longer something is cooked the less it is. You could also go for supplements like etherium black, etherium gold, or alpha brain. I don't recommend relying on these, but using them for short periods to achieve something like dream recall worked wonders for me. Dream recall, practice listening to your subconscious. There is the waking state and the dream one, they are sometimes in chaos trying to communicate with each other sometimes. Try to bridge any gap that exists before things have to hit you head on in the real world to see them. People have a gut feeling, and instinct, sometimes a nagging thought about act. This is the same thing. Don't take dreams at face value, look for meanings and patterns. Do this in everyday life start to look for subtle rather than the obvious. Start to realise how things interconnect or relate. Realise that its all being shown to you for a reason and there are clues in every experience as to larger patterns and messages you are sending yourself subconsciously. Remove all electrical appliances from your bedroom and where you meditate. Keep the space as clear energetically as you can, burn some white sage now and again, or use a tibetan bell. We are all frequency, and we influence ourselves by influencing that frequency, sound healing is incredibly powerful to stabilize our body's fields, get rid of music that has no harmony to it, try solfeggio music, or music retruned at 528hz. Clear your spaces, and organize your rooms. Make the out like you want the in to be. Everything is based on the body so what you are outside comes from what you are inside. This is why we and everything around us lives in cycles of the same thing over and over, because we don't fundamentally change who we are. I used to think this was only mind or emotion but no it's body too, because body/mind/emotion are all the same thing. Love and Gratitude to you all. Hope it helps!
  9. Just make sure you get a wide selection of vegetables and don't overcook them. Steam them so more of what you need still exists. If you can eat the occasional raw vegetable do it, if not get some salads too. If you are going to fry all your veg, grill or overcook them then yes I imagine that is where people get into problems.
  10. I am a vegan bodybuilder that finds it hard to keep his weight down when I am not doing three or four days of exercise a week. I am living proof you can be both a bodybuilder, or fat, and a vegan. Its mostly down to how many carbs you have and portion size. I have been extremely thin when I was detoxing and on a raw diet, back to the weight I was as a teen training for my blackbelt, but I was in good health. My aim is to go back to my raw diet at some point, with the usual vegan protein supplement and maybe some tweaking to it. However I can also guarantee I get much less sick than I did as a meat-eater, and my overall appearance makes me look about 10 years younger than I am, more when I am on raw foods. I should add I've been a vegan, with a wide vegetable intake, since 2011 ish. So plenty of experiential evidence from my own life.
  11. If you are going to put stupid statements like that into a message and send it to thousands of people that often have no connection to you, you have to accept you are going to trigger emotions and responses. They may be having a bad day, had bad experiences which would trigger that, they don't know you well enough to know you are joking, or what your intent was, etc. Its not like you are sitting at home with friends or at a bar, joking around with people that know you well. He's working for a newspaper that's entire business and image are created through words, and he's just cost the paper some money. So his boss suspended him for being dumb. Outside of that it's all he said she said identity politics. Yes she's obviously had an emotional response to this, maybe some guy treated her like dirt and this has brought up some emotion related to it, we don't know. That's the point on internet platforms, you are reaching many eyes in so many different walks of life and states of mind, you have to expect all kinds of responses and consider what you type in public roles. It just so happened it was someone he worked with, and perhaps for all we know has a history with, responded which made the situation more difficult for him. As to what I thought, it was a stupid joke and bipolar disorder or sexuality is not a fun thing to joke about, neither needs to be in comedy to make yourselves feel good.
  12. I want to counter my own point above to you give both sides of it: Should you talk about obvious frivolous lies and give them energy, or leave them. I used to always say leave them. Leaving them doesn't waste your time/focus which could be used on something productive, but it does isolate people into their own reality bubbles more, so when you do interact with them there is more division and friction. I suppose there has to be a middle ground where it's worth a word, then to be left alone.
  13. There was a time spirituality was more loving certainly and in the race for authenticity we've changed what spirituality is. Being more loving is in part being more open-minded. Not agreement, people mix this up, but open to listen. If you want to see that reflected in your own reality start being more loving yourself. I love how authentic Leo and modern spirituality have become because I can practically use more conscious knowledge in my everyday life. I want spiritually to reflect more love (open-mindedness) back as well. Leo has recently done a few videos on love which I am grateful for, I've yet to watch the latest one but I plan to soon. I tried to generate the feeling of gratitude now which is easy, love is harder but I got a few seconds of it. Which now means that reflects in the reality around me from this conversation.
  14. Every interaction changes society, even this one. So don't think anything is completely hopeless. I listed a few methods like minimalism moving us away from materialism slowly, and I would add the various websites trying to offer news as a summary of all channels to prevent division as well to that. There is a helpful website that rates media bias for example, these things are in their infancy still but they weren't there at all last decade. A more positive way to look at it might be, that change isn't easy, and if you are a progressive your job isn't meant to be easy. You are pushing a tide or ahead of the wave as it were. At the moment the pendulum of liberal to authoritarian is still swinging to authoritarian, though Russia's authoritarian vs democratic war, and the backlash to the abortion laws in America have thankfully halted that a bit. For large-scale change, I would say Oeaohoo sums it up well. If you can work out how to get people to care as much about a large issue like the environment as they do personality politics, what someone is wearing, what words they used, etc. Then you've gone a long way to facilitating what you want. Politics is entirely focused on anything that doesn't cost billionaires money. Any issue can be debated that doesn't cost a cent/penny. It can be serious like racism/abortion or it can be frivolous like clothing/wordplay, because none of that matters to a billionaire's bottom line. A favorite of the system is to build politicians up and rip them down, because again none of that matters to a billionaire, and if you are engaged in that drama outside of an immediate election you are completely wasting your time. Power is where power is, and protesting politicians is like appealing to middle management for a change, when it's in the hands of the billionaires calling the shots. Though the second you actually begin to protest billionaires or their interests, you find yourself shut down quicker than you can blink, banned off youtube/google etc. Laws are specifically in place to shield them. When I was making too many waves, I got some attention like that and plenty of people have been banned or harassed for the same. The power they wield over the population is only growing as the wealth gap does, because money is power for the most part in western societies. Funnily, there are many people who want to defend billionaires and defend this power gap. You have to get past that wall before you can even address the issue itself of getting people to care about something other than instant gratification.
  15. The figurehead has to reflect what society expects or accepts else there is civil unrest. So while I could say a country's leadership is inverted from my perspective, if the people there accept that governance then I would be giving myself fully to my own bias. By changing what people accept or expect you change what leadership they will have. There is always a greater perspective to have, and I will always expand mine. I assign meaning to what you say and then react to myself. Everything is contained within the mind, and the mind itself is a concept of consciousness. So there is only consciousness that is shaped and changed by every interaction by every person on earth. When it is time and I've learned what I need to, that definition will improve again. Gratitude for the discussion and your time/energy it was interesting to interact with a different and conscious perspective. All the best. @Oeaohoo
  16. Here: Daily interactions can initiate social change, just two people speaking or interacting refines it. Many movements are entirely benign, they just tend to be slower and so harder to spot or see the contrast. Material reasons are not necessarily bad either, if people miss all the more subtle reasons, material reasons are then brought into focus. Pyramids imply status over others to me and maybe that's my bias. When governance is separated from financial wealth or benefits aside from just doing their best for the people they are governing, it's no different from any job. Whereas with kings you had wealth power, titles, land etc. Money was the same thing in a more accessible form. It was accessible until the wealth gap became pronounced to separate people from power so completely. On an ideal council, you would get a job to do, that should be entirely divorced from any excess material benefit for doing it. Regular pay like everyone gets, and that's it. In the modern-day they are suppressed far beyond what they ever were before. They are also very comfortable and comfort is enough for most people. The value systems of materialism are geared toward things, as long as people have things they have happiness. What can be done? The minimalist movement helps, things are no longer the basis for existence. So do people trying to build small housing or live simpler lifestyles. Conversely expanding us to be a multi-planetary species, because it would give us collectively something other than materialism to focus on. Raising consciousness awareness helps. Deprogramming words like cult or extremist to be something more meaningful rather than merely reactionary wards/words to stop change. We could deprogram forever but we'd be here forever. People tried bitcoin to make wealth more universal or accessible for example, but it's still based on materialism and still prone to the same wealth gap as everything else was. If you have more you get more. The only system of power that would be universally balanced is entirely nonmaterial in nature, which can't compound the rate at which you gain it by simply having more. If you work that out let me know, we'll save the world together :D, but more seriously it would form the basis of a better world. You might say consciousness and my instinct is to say we'd need a bridge from that to here and a way to avoid replacing figureheads with figureheads. If you want something else radical that you won't like, stop people giving up their power to figureheads. Which forms the foundation of this discussion from my perspective. That's why you (and most others) don't give proper credit to the mass change that happens daily within society and consciousness. Why we have this debate, because I see the same value in all people and you have it weighted toward figureheads. Leo does too from what I can see, and so do most people, so you are not alone, and that's why we have this problem where no change is happening. People give up their power to other people who have no motivation to change anything because they already have what they want. My bias is obviously that I can't stand figureheads, and the more set someone becomes in a position of stagnant authority the more I tend to dislike them. For the soul/body/mind, any distinction you like to make can be created, or can be collapsed, its all the same. @Oeaohoo
  17. @Oeaohoo *For your benefit entirely, you are creating a duality between the soul/mind/body where none exists. I often fight with the soul, but then that fight is reflected in the environment quickly enough. Its more that I create resistance to myself or what exists, rather than a separate part of me is somewhere making life difficult. That would be far too easy to avoid responsibility for my own manifestations You are confusing ability with awareness. You can be very able and very unwise. Which leads to tremendous self arrogance and usually a fall. You could be a man in a very simple job, who was incredibly wise, I've met many simple people who I learned wisdom from. So to think these people day to day are not leading to change in others and they all need guidance to do so is simply untrue. Society wasn't always a pyramid at all. At one time it was run by councils or a gathering of village elders, among other systems. I think you mean money is a pyramid, which it is, but that isn't the source of all or even where the majority of societal change originates. New systems of governance form when there is no leader as well. The old model is far from guaranteed to return. Precisely because there is no leader guiding it toward a model at all. The most successful and indeed destructive revolutions often had no clear leader, destruction is often a requisite of change so something new is built in its place. Of course, eventually, someone leads and yes backing helps, but the change itself doesn't need to be initiated by any single individual, it's the people themselves that often initiate mass change by the weight of their will, fear of what they will do otherwise, or in times gone by physical act. The very fact they are so well manipulated now is why we have no significant change happening. You can absolutely rouse the rabble to overturn the global world order, or you could until about 1980 perhaps, that's the point. Then eventually a leader might result from doing so. Historically there is no guarantee that the new system is better than the old one. Whether a leader exists or not. Let's talk about something less dramatic though, and while anything can fail, assume these efforts are successful below for the sake of the discussion. Example: 1, 6 people get together to form a group dedicated to cleaning up their community. They have no leader, they go picking up trash, the place looks better and they succeed in showing others to look after their local area by example. 2, 20 people start a workers cooperative at their local supermarket, it has no leader it has shareholders. Sure there is a manager and it has supervisors but there is no single voice greater than the rest. Let's assume they succeed, which a company literally called the COOP in the UK ran a business model not dissimilar to this, here is its first form: 3, 12 Therapists work at a clinic. The manager only comes in on the weekends to make sure everything is running well. I sit there at a desk and diagnose which therapists might be best for the client. This was my old job and I was not the leader of the place, I was on the front desk. Yet I was every day helping people and changing their lives, which in turn changed that small town. At least more than one person told me so at the time. 4, People get together on a forum and talk about life, they help each other improve and from time to time amongst all the many messages, inspire small but meaningful changes in others. Like right here. Sure Leo runs this place, and he is responsible for getting people here. Makes lots of changes in others too, and I'm sure sometimes in Leo himself. So do a lot of other people here, in conversations he's not present in. Finally, on your democracy breeds tyrants, it can, it or can give rise to a very humble intelligent politician. Identities or figureheads with too much power are always troublesome. Either way, I'd prefer a democratically elected council, with guess what, no single leader that's asked to carry the entire weight of every individual's whim on his/her shoulders. Teams elected and overseeing different areas of society, which are re-elected when they need to be, rather than throwing out others that are doing a good job because one man's time is up at an arbitrary number of years, or another unrelated council member was caught in a scandal.
  18. Yes i've no illusions they will be anyone pleasant to deal with, but just a different name and face will mean it's possible for people to more easily begin to cease hostilities and mend the rifts. I get the feeling countries like Germany are really holding out hope for this possibility. As long as its nobody with dreams of a new USSR or Russian Empire that will be enough to mean we won't have a repeat of this again.
  19. The body does change the soul and the spirit because they are the same thing. We are doing work that changes soul/spirit every day we are alive. Let's get the context: So there were a thousand or so major ones and an uncountable amount of smaller movements that made smaller changes. Putting aside you are factually incorrect that every revolution has a leader, there are demonstrations in the middle east right now that are leaderless for example. Nowhere in my post did I mention leadership. Leaders get nowhere without popular support, or money/title enough to artificially create it. Power is where power is. If it's top-down that's where the power is. If it's in the hands of people that's where the power is. You can only imagine it one way because you've only known it one way. In modern-day, the state has more power than it ever has had. Right down to whatever information you are allowed to see at all day to day, what food you can eat, what entertainment is acceptable, language you can use etc. In era's gone by communities were ruled much more at the local level, so things were more organically governed, and power was decentralized significantly more. Kings for example feared their peasants, for good reason, they didn't laugh when a few of them got together and held up signs, they didn't have all the tools of state suppression governments now enjoy. When it comes to governance, no matter how benign someone's motives are, we live in a dystopian nightmare when it comes to social order.
  20. @Oeaohoo There have been uncountable social changes and developments that happen through mass movements and revolutions. You are cherry-picking history.
  21. One way for Russia to exit from the war or hostile stance, and end-all of this, is for Putin to step down from ill-health. Poison, Illness, true or not I really don't care. People could negotiate much easier with a Russian that wasn't Putin. It is one way that we all go back to some kind of normality after this.
  22. Genes can be activated or deactivated depending on individual circumstances and environmental factors. This is still being understood and cutting-edge research. That's why some people with a gene for an illness will get it and not others. It's not much help, other than to say live life the best way you can and read up on what material has been discovered on the subject. There's no guarantee The more you get spiritual experiences the fewer guarantees there will be Let go of the need for a guarantee, of anything, or any expectations whatsoever. Spiritual teachers used to advise cultivating a receptive state. That's not passively pulling back or closing down, and it's not actively seeking a specific thing. It's keeping an open door for life to come to you on its terms, while actively pursuing spirituality as a whole. If you meditate a lot you might reach this state often. Other than that you can work on specific things like astral travel, dream recall, third eye work, kundalini, self-inquiry, past life regression, breathing, or Taoist energy work. There are a lot of books or websites out there on all of these things. It requires dedicated practice. It requires removing toxins from your system (detox). Living life in a loving, joyful or at least grateful state. It requires the reintegration of all the parts of you that you are resisting, or are feeling disconnected and hurt from. Otherwise, you are splintered and fractured. Incense, sound healing, or visual healing is also beneficial to reach you on deeper levels. Hope it helps. If you have an area of spirituality you are looking at specifically maybe someone can better advise where to start. If you want further help beyond that, when you dream tonight, set the intent for your dream body to bring it to you. All about the intent, you shape events around it.
  23. As has been said. Throw out the chart if you do bodybuilding, it's only going to make you depressed. I used to torment myself with it. Now I would just go for a run and make sure I can do the miles.
  24. Couldn't agree more. In the higher grades, we used to raise ourselves with our knuckles for example on the wood floor when we stood, and do small exercises like that to toughen the hands. Nothing extreme but week in week out it's all conditioning. A bit like how free weights are better than a gym machine because you get all the benefits of moving them about, and stabilizing the weights yourself during the exercise.
  25. Yes. It's been dead for a few decades. Laws have been passed to cripple protests, and take the teeth out of any popular movement. People see how ineffectual gatherings are and give up on them. Governments have become adept at disinformation and media suppression, so much so regular people hate the protestors more than they do what's being protested. We are heading toward environmental collapse which means the gradual death of everyone and everything. Day by day. Year by Year. In a sane world that operated in a healthy way, there would be worldwide protests every day until this was corrected. People have always been self-interested. Things on a gradual decline are easily knocked aside for immediate gratification, even if that gratification is a feel-good media illusion. Human's ability to adapt to slow change is part of their downfall. The sense of being able to operate in a group for social change gets labeled as a cult, or attacked from all quarters as extremist quicker than you can blink. Such obvious programming that people should be able to see it on mass. This applies to things like the environmental decline over decades or centuries. Also things like the gradual erosion of any home/work balance which in recent years has skewed so much toward work, that it's long facilitated a breakdown of families and so society as a whole. I wish I could adequately describe how much more of a robot I feel at work than I did twenty years ago. It's one of the reasons I am doom and gloom about where life is headed because the force of popular change has been bound to the point it's almost completely ineffective. Worse, people are taught to be happy with that outcome. As I see it this is because of the rise of authoritarianism from the east, which people have been slowly acclimatizing to, at the expense of any force that could drive change for the better. Vilification of anything that is different or outside of the structure those in power decide.