Khan 0

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Everything posted by Khan 0

  1. Hello everyone, Many people suicede these days who are in path of spirituality. However, you must Let Go everything till to edge that you must so called live every second as your last second, every second is ego death. That’s only way to enlightenment and freedom. Than no more life, you are freeee. Having no expectations till there is no more you /including expecting yourself and no more wants, no more being slave. Let Go Everything.
  2. Long hours of sitting and being witness or watching the voice in your so called head is the key. The voice is the ego, let anger or stress doesn’t control you, you control it. Every second you must be aware of it. Do not get attached with the voice. Your biggest enemy is yourself.
  3. Definitely. It is. But so called happening of it seems as magnificent.
  4. What do you think about knowing or existence? Isnt is crazy that learning or knowing? It literally doesn’t ground on anything, however we %100 believe them without questining. Or so called mind, always silence but just a so called voice we get attached with it.
  5. Are you sure that these are sentences? Because you learned?
  6. What is existence? Word, feeling, experiencing, learning, knowledge or thought?
  7. It doesn’t matter. For sleep, imo balance is the key. However, long sitting in darkness and silence is the key. When your mind gets quite as deep sleep, than you get it what is the ego, if you comprehend what is the ego you get what enlightenment is. Silence is language of God all else is poor translation. Rumi.
  8. It depends on you. How much do you love yourself or how important you are for you? And try to get enlightened is more hard, however not doing is easy. you (the one who projects) must drop every feeling, expectations, just be as witness. Good and bad must dropped and after the enlightenment they will be identical. Therefore, the path you say is completely opposite way of the enlightenment. It does matter. Freedom is incomprehensible and incredible. Ego is to small, the moment is the source. Beyond even imagination. The one who is getting 30 years in prison or the one who is alive is ego itself. You are the source, You are the now. So after enlightenment, ego still stays there however You behave from the source, you watch the ego, control the ego. Life becomes (whatever happens) is a lottery for you. Because you are literally nothing, and having a life is a magic. Whatever happens if you suffer that’s because of your ignorance.
  9. Now is the mahasamadhi, now is the source and being. Where are you when so called body dies? Nowhere, because there is aint a body nor you inside of the body. Just being.
  10. Definitely. What is even I? Learning, thinking or knowledge is a joke.
  11. That's what that matrix is. Now is the source. Just as a suggestion contemplate on how can you be sure there is a you, who can learn what learning is or world is.
  12. How are you exactly sure that you are in the world? You believe so called humans? How do they know?
  13. Be careful to ego, because The one who is saying or arising thoughts is every morning i wake up and wear my little mask is the ego itself.
  14. Humans are emotional robots. Where are you located in the body? Or when so called body dies where are you? Body is here, so you?
  15. Whatever you say to others, you are actually telling yourself. Because they are you. Behave everyone the way that you behave yourself. Key point of the breaking the ego.
  16. Consciousness is can not be given or taken. It is already there.
  17. So if word of infinite, finite, not knowing is identical, enlightenment has nothing to do with infinite, creation, god or finite.
  18. If i am already enlightened with not knowing, saying that i am infinite or god is identical. Because i am already what i am.