Khan 0

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Everything posted by Khan 0

  1. Be witness of your emotions when you realize why does it come and where does it come, than slowly react. Don’t forget your dad is you, behave how to behave for yourself.
  2. This is the ego too. Balance, nice talking, loving is the key. If the other person doesn’t understand you, just say i am sorry but i can not talk to you in this way. But be nice and gentle. Dont scream, yell etc. your mom , dad, wife whoever does that it dont matter. Thats what i do for myself.
  3. That i the one that gets frustrated is the ego. You have to control it now. Than ride it. It is not real you. When you start to control it you will realize whatever the situation will be is only left as love. Your eyes dont see anything, whatever is in front of you is just a movie. Dont take it seriously, take your popcorn and eat it. Have fun watch the game. It is all you.
  4. It wasnt scary for me however, i was shocked. I was like wtf. ??‍♂️ i felt like i hit the wall with 500 miles no seatbelt on Truth slapped me ??? but now it is super funny. Ego gets used to it but where is the ego, what is the ego ? Lol ??? i am gonna find it now ???
  5. What a joke right? ? I really dont know anything anymore. I have no idea what i am doing lol ? or what is an i? ??
  6. They are your imagination too. People are emotional robots nothing is insid of them. They don't exist either. If you don't think nothing never happens. When you sleep is your family exist?
  7. Not knowing makes the puzzle complete. Because, as before birth, deep sleep and so called thoughtlesness. Because there is no such a thing as thinking. Nothing has never happened. we are always where we are and what we are. Not knowing ıncludıng the word of not knowıng or truth defines the truth. For example if we say silence there is no such a thing as silence or voice. but ıf we do not know anything thats what the truth is because as ı saıd, before birth, now and after so called death get completed. and thats enlighTment. Game is over. Knowing is the biggest illisiun.
  8. Definetely. İf the realization of Truth happened, we can talk the truth as truth or Truth as Truth. Because everythin is it. A and B is identical and only way to be identical is there is no such a thing as A and B. All there is just the Truth.
  9. Definitely. That's the reason why I said the above. What I said is just the Truth. However for so called people death is exist for them therefore there is such a thing as right or wrong for them. However not. The funny thing is even ı say these stuff, drink water or sleep, or be silence everything is nothing. Therefore, question can come up why do talk to people if everyone is already enlightened? İt is because, is identical with not to talk to people too.
  10. If you say L-i-f-e it is duality my friend. Non duality is everything is it, therefore there is no everything (car, life etc). Just it. Which is the source Now. You guys are conceptualizing the truth. Specially, if you think krishanamurti is wrong you guys are stuck in life which is duality. Thats how complicated ego is. Therefore you guys are still goes back between belief and ideas. It is super funny that when you say life (you name and label ) you talk about it is non duality. It is not. Non duality is everything is nothing, therefore there is no such a thing as everything just nothing. Therefore now is the source and before birth. But it is totally normal. You guys are still trying to catch the ox. It will take some time. Empty your cup.
  11. How you know you are in life, you are human, because you learned from your family, or these are sentences? Anything you have learned is not it. Dont trust so called people. Now is the source. But if you are happy of course stay in the illisuon, sooner or later “you” drops and get it. You are already what you are. Peace!
  12. But it is not the Truth. And life is an illusion just matrix.
  13. There is no such a thing as life. Life is for ego, the one who lives is the devil itself. These stuff is not even close to enlightenment. Just want to let you guys know. Thats all.
  14. None of books can provide the truth to you. Do not trust anything that you have learned. Only silence. Even W-o-r-d is illiuson and duality itself. Only silence is oneness. Throw out all the books you have. Silence is the only answer.
  15. Thoughts are like hungry animal I you feed them they get bigger, if you don't they die.
  16. There is no such a thing as thought. So called Think and try to find where is it.
  17. No self is enlightenment. Because there is no such as thinker, experienced, knower etc. all is an illusion. And realization of that is realization is now is before birth. And that’s enlightenment.
  18. I is the ego, "you" can't be aware it because you are the ego itself. You must be dropped
  19. Everything is different when the knowledge, experience, etc comes in. Oneness comes from silence. Silence is identical for everything and everyone.