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About EnlightenMentHimSelf

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  • Birthday 04/10/1993

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  1. I just wanted to share a guy with you. This guy is obviously enlightened and make video's aswell. Try take a look!
  2. I got a question. Now, i know there are many meditation techniques out there you can use. Now, in this video 'Enlightenment - Part 3 - Creating An Experience Of No-Self' i am wondering, if the technique or (guide) he uses in the video, is the same as the third technique of meditating in this video 'How To Meditate Deeper' as explained in this website http://meditation.radiantdolphinpress.com/clearmind.htm if they are the same? I know, that Leo has said that, by expanding your awareness is how you get enlightened but i'd like to know what practise to take, in order to get there the quickest? I have a hard time figuring out if what i should practise on 'is going with the flow' or if practising 'being centered in the dark', because, i have been with the flow ... but it is really hard as shit to stay there for more than a few secs at a time, so personally i wonder if just doing the 'being centered in the dark' if it will create results before too many years? Let me hear your opinions and let me know what works the best for you. Personally for me i have become this development junkie, but i have become unclear what the fastest possible way of getting enlightened is. Please do give your opinions on the various techniques and which one is the best for becoming enlightened faster than others.:)
  3. Here is a good website that i found, on how to clearing your mind and accept space and nothingness... When Leo talks about clearing the mind, that it takes work is because of the (monkey mind) which is explained on this website below. http://meditation.radiantdolphinpress.com/clearmind.htm When you learn to clear your mind of thoughts, the easier with time it get's, to be able to focus the dark without thinking, which is described to be natural and effortless. Of Course, the beginning is always hard, but it get's easier. Man up and become the actualized self with time! This state if perhaps, so important to me, that i take off at least 4 hours of practise every day and i only just began ... It is still hard but it has certainly gotten easier. Enjoy (y)
  4. Perhaps you are too closeminded, but one thing is for show ... You wont be having any difficulties shooting video's for the next 10 years!
  5. @StonerLord I rewatched Leo's enlightenment video and was oblivious to the fact, that this is a technique, which works if practised with for very many hours. Apparently i cannot delete my own topic now but just look away from it ...
  6. I have been making many topics lately but i am running out of stuff to make topic's. In the self-actualization video, that Leo has. He explains, how you can practise self-actualization, through a guided technique of his. He explains, that you have to be aware of the 'nothingness' and go along with the ride, which some people refer to as the (Gate-tunnel) I am going to explain my own insights, from what difference, i have discovered, when doing (Transcendental meditation and Leo's technique = 'be aware of the nothingness) Now, i cannot tell, if this is the case but i can only explain what i have witnessed from doing each practise. Firstly... Let's start out with Leo's technique, which is to dig deep into your subconscious mind and practise the emptiness and if possible, go along with it. I have sometimes but only very briefly been able to go with the ride and that usually lasts a second or two. When i open my eyes by then, i see everything from a 360 degree view. The thing is, when i practised this technique and were able to succeed, then i experienced more love and openness to everyone around me. Unfortunately the feeling would only last = 6 hours perhaps, in a non alcoholic or 'weird feeling' way. The next one; Transcendental meditation. When i practised this one 2x20 min a day, i feel as if i smoked hash... just different thing. The thing about this technique is that, i find this one here to be the more powerful technique toward attaining 'self actualization' Now, i cannot say this for sure. I just have a feeling ... The thing is that, the first one i described 'Leo's technique', is the more difficult technique to master and become enlightened with, but i find it that, it is less damaging than Tm because of the different aftermaths of the two. I am just a beginner but i cannot hide the fact, that i feel the butterflies in my chest 'the bad ones', when i practise Tm. I have been reading about this whole thing of 'chakra energies' and how they can make a man go neurotic. I find Leo's technique to be the most unharmful technique of them all. Is it true? I dont expect a good answer, but if anyone has a clue, i will welcome them . I will hopefully get the answer, that the 'Leo technique' is the safest and slowest option toward attaining enlightenment but i expect nothing in the world of spirituality. Now, i mindful meditate half an hour a day, regardless of the first two techniques mentioned above, to make sure that my progress get's saved ...
  7. Hey. I am sorry about my misguided title. I am simply relating the title to hash because, i am wondering if it is an alternative, to become relaxed, let's say 'if the ego' gets frightened, would it work smoking hash? I am not advising people to smoke hash but it was a thing, that i went through with my 'friends' ... I know i can take it and i know i get calm from it. We all know that drawing on paper, that is a good way of distracting the ego from what's going on when doing Tm. I am just wondering, if having something to lay at my home and inhale like once or twice, if that is a good substitute instead of pills in my case, if we assume that i should get an anxiety attack. Another question is if ordinary meditation, which makes you think less, if it also has an impact on how you take Tm in the long run?
  8. That is a very good post. Thank You so much for sharing. I have been reading mass about the Tm and found that, the Tm movement is trying to suppress the fact, that studies have shown, that at least 40% of people, who practise Tm, they develop adverse effects. Your post is definitely going to help some of us on our path. I do have a question to serve though. Do you have any idea of, how long after, from you started your practising of Tm, that these emotions come and when will they go? Now let's say that, there are people who propose, that 20 min each day, that should be the current limit for the practice, in order for your emotions, not to be too powerful, depending on your background. My question will be, if you practise Tm 20 min a day and do it right, then how long a stretch, will we experience these emotions pouring out? Can anyone just pinpoint a period like 5 - 12 months or even longer, that you have to fight again those feelings? I am also interested in knowing, how they will influence our daily lives, if we can work properly, even if we do manage to keep our shit together?
  9. http://caic.org.au/eastern/sydda/free-tm.htm Be careful with Tm. The Tm organisation tries to suppress the fact, that studies report approximately '40% of people', that practise tm, they develop adverse effects. I have been reading mass about it lately. Do like 15 min of practise every day and if you do develop symptoms, then stop. I am also eager to see, if i get banned for saying this, but it is necessary. People are right to know and nor do they need to pay thousands of dollars for a mantra, when they are shown on websites.
  10. I have recently been talking to my family about learning Tm into self-actualization. They were not comfortable with me doing it because, there have been people, who got even more neurotic, which means, that they got psychoses like 'chronic dissociation'. I did some research like 'psychological issues on Tm', that can come, depending on the person. I want to link to this article, that explains some of the Tm side effects. http://www.suggestibility.org/surprise.php I am not going to try and scare away people from reaching the top of the chain, but i would highly consider using a professional, to guide you and what you need specifically, since we are all different people with different pasts. Personally, i am not going to stop doing my growth but from all this reading, that i have been doing these last few days, i will probably want to have a professional helping me in my pursuit of obtaining self-actualization. I hope it reach out to Leo, that he takes this with him and make a separate video about the dangers if not aware what either 'too much practise' or 'the beginning of bad signs' can mean for you individually and what it can mean for you, if you dont have a professional to help you, as a 'start-up' at the least. I remain positive toward self-actualization of course but as my own advice, DONT do more than '20 min of practise two times a day, every day', as many articles from everywhere on the web suggests.
  11. I find that a good question. At the moment i am looking for such myself. I cant give a clear answer on that unfortunately. Let's hope some person, with good insights on this topic, can give a better answer.
  12. I have been in a similar state and i developed nothing, like yourself. I find it that, if you go do the actualization practice, which Leo has on youtube, it will help everyone, to get more energy over the course of 'not that long'. Being in the 'now' presence or the 'actualized presence' will help you on your motivation and go through every experience with joy and your sleepy problems, they will be fixed eventually, when you realize, how much asleep you actually are. I am definitely not joking. I have suffered from Crohn's. The tricky thing, which i can't explain is, when i had my energy tapped off from losing weight, and 'i am a thin' , i got so tired and laid back, that somehow my relation to the world, it changed and my perspective widened. I have never ever experienced such a thing befor and it only lasted a day or two, before i was gaining back my weight, because the energy i got back, it has probably put me back to this 'unconscious state' which was my original state, again i cannot prove this in any way. I have experienced how powerful it is and i can only recommend Self-actualization in contradiction to your 'sleepy probs'. Only thing you can do and it takes time, that is to be convinced of the long term benefits and you will just have to hang on, if you want to succeed in future. Best regards.
  13. In this video she explains how to activate your third eye and with that comes consciousness and so forth ... It would definitely be cool, to see you make a video or an insight depth, explained in better detail. The problem is not, that she cannot explain it but i find it that, you explain the different topics, with a little more 'groundly words' if you will...
  14. I dont ^^. I know that there's only one master on the field and that is you. Thankyou for your response.
  15. Let's say, that i have got my practise toward actualization right 'a few times' since i began my journey. Not every time is perfect but i still do feel a bit of awareness increase every day. My question however is, how many times, will you need to succeed a week in order to keep maintaining the progress without the awareness slipping away. Will i have to get 360 degree view every time i practice or is it enough to have practised it and still feel, that you made just the slightest progress?