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Everything posted by D2sage

  1. Romania has low income tax compared to to other EU countries. Its common for people who are bloggers or have some sort of online income to live in Romania. To stockpile more money. Speaking of Romania, it is a beautiful country in some parts. Here is a picture I took in Transylvania:
  2. Probably misunderstandings. It's so common over text. This is what I meant and not excusing Tates shit. I rarely saw someone bring up other far greater human trafficking scandals. Now people are talking about it like Tate invented it. Feels like people are humanitarians and human rights activists only when it fits their ego. This is my POV mostly. I've seen it live.
  3. @Starlight321 So child labor/trafficking is ok when it is for your own comfort. Your reasoning is the worst. Get of your high-horses. I don't support Tate. My first comment on Tate on this website was that he is nothing special but a copy of other money-worshippers like Tai Lopez. And this was even before the accusation and nobody knew about the stuff he is accused for. My point is that people are pretending to care about human rights. Yet they masturbate to porn to women who are drugged and exploited. Men are hating on other men who get laid and having kids. Its best to let the Romanian court decide what is true and what is not.
  4. Onlyfans is also the safest places for women to work for Andrew Tate, basically, women just film themselves from Andrew Tates camera lens. This don't look safe tho. She filmed from her home:
  5. Tate going to prison is not going to solve human trafficking or sexism. R. Kelly is in prison now but that wont end celebrities' from raping children. Amber Heards' public shame wont end women from falsely accusing men. 'Dont matter if they are famous, people who are unknown who indulge in these activities' are the same level of assholes. Human right activists who focus on women and want to make a difference can start a witch hunt on the founder of Onlyfans, the platform that makes the money flow to these bastards to begin with.
  6. @LSD-Rumi I know what he is accused for. He is a bastard and the court will decide his fate when proven guilty. In a perfect world, all the people who were associated with Epstein's human trafficking club would rot in hell. Right now its hard to see who really cares about human rights. Or who is just hating because it is Andrew Tate.
  7. @LSD-Rumi Don't subscribe to onlyfans then. Stop watching porn if you care so much about women. These women knew what they was getting into. Did he kidnap these people? Instagram models travels to Dubai to get fucked by camels and get pissed on. People whoring for money is not a shocker. Let the judge handle Tate and you do your part for human rights. Hating on Tate online will not solve anything.
  8. Child labor is used to mine cobalt for your smartphones and laptops. Apple, Microsoft, and Sony has been accused for this to name a few. Start by making your own smartphones if you care about human rights. Nobody is forcing you to support Andrew Tate. Let the judge take care of his fate.
  9. Avoid MDMA. Once in a lifetime substance. Some people can get psychosis from it.
  10. People who justify their addictions will always try to normalize their behavior. Even if there is a decade worth of science, some will refuse to see it so they can continue their addiction. "Bro science" is a way to dismiss or downplay the negative concerns. This is why these people will never leave stage green.
  11. This is legit assuming Pornhub and similar websites is not the art gallery. However, people who are addicted to video games say they consume video game as art. Nofap/Semen retention is not new age stuff but has been in cultures like: Taoism Ancient Greece Ancient Egypt and esoteric practices Done for spiritual reasons. How to Tell Your Porn Consumption is Harmful You need to watch many Vidoes and have to open multiple tabs before you can cum. This is where the problem resides. If you are going to jerk of to porn you can only watch 1 video and ejaculate. Having many tabs and searching for the next hit constantly is fucking up your dopamine receptors. Many men start watching porn early and abnormal tab-switching is doing harm on the parts of the brain that handles pleasure and reward.
  12. 1 link wont hurt. You got nothing. You have time to spit out garbage without support on your goofy claims. You must educate yourself first.
  13. Don't derail now. Show me the research you found that proves the vaccines are safe. Send the research to Pfizer as well because they know their own shit has caused health problems for people. Show them the power of Recursoinominado's intellect. I legit want to see what you found, thought.
  14. That's a lie and you made it up. This thread was about covid and not your deepest desires.
  15. @Recursoinominado You have to do your own research man. Use this as a starter ---> https://scholar.google.com/
  16. @RecursoinominadoYou don't even know how research journals works. You cite that thing only prove you have no clue whatsoever how health journals works. Most fact deniers dont. Pfizer, the maker of the vaccine, have admit to heart issues. And here you are denying facts, still.? That statement serve as a call to action to further research. Such statement can also serve as a form of legal protection for the researchers and institutions involved. Probably the reason here. When a person dies 12h after a covid vax, of course they will use the common practice to protect themselves. The fact that all died shortly after is concerning. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00392-022-02129-5#Sec3
  17. The statement you provided is a common feature in many scientific studies, especially those related to medical or health-related research. This type of statement have several important purposes like legal protection and to encourage further research. You cited the only thing that is standard practice in many health studies. Hilariously stupid.
  18. @Recursoinominado What proof do you need Einstein? All persons died within the first week following vaccination.
  19. @zurew Here is a better study. From April 25 2023. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00392-022-02129-5#Sec3 Among the 35 cases of the University of Heidelberg, autopsies revealed other causes of death (due to pre-existing illnesses) in 10 patients (Supplementary Table 1). Hence, these were excluded from further analysis. Cardiac autopsy findings consistent with (epi-)myocarditis were found in five cases of the remaining 25 bodies found unexpectedly dead at home within 20 days following SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. Main characteristics of the five cases are presented in Table 2, while further autopsy findings are shown in Supplementary Table 2. Three of the deceased persons were women, two men. Median age at death was 58 years (range 46–75 years). Four persons died after the first vaccine jab, the remaining case after the second dose. All persons died within the first week following vaccination (mean 2.5 days, median 2 days). Clinical findings, blood tests, ECGs or imaging data were not available as deceased persons did not seek medical attention prior to death. Person 1 was found dead 12 h after the vaccination. A witness described a rattling breath shortly before discovering circulatory failure. Person 2 complained about nausea and was found dead soon thereafter. Resuscitation was started immediately but without success, respectively. The other persons were found dead at home without available information about terminal symptoms. According to the available information provided at the time of autopsies, none of the deceased persons had SARS-CoV-2 infection prior to vaccination and nasopharyngeal swabs were negative in all cases.
  20. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00392-022-02129-5#Sec3 Here is a better one.
  21. @zurew I can buy that you don't trust any conspiracy theorist. But when a countries public health agency post the harm you must think. I had a positive covid test. The effects was a headache and some mild pain in my shoulders, which went away after 1 paracetamol. This was a 3 day phase and then everything was normal. That's nothing compared with all the effects the vaccine can cause. I take covid anytime instead of a vaccine. The funny thing is how idiots can shrug this off, but at the same time think that all the hysteria vaccination against a harmless virus (for young people) was completely justified. Even that the vaccination would reduce the spread of infection was a lie. Given that the people took gene therapy for a disease that people thought would kill them, but they already found out in 2021 that it's about 0.001-1% of the population depending on your age and history of the disease. so that we have a 3-4% increase is very serious considering that they all took something they had too little information about. Then also that pfizer, which was the largest company in this, claimed that their gene therapy stops the spread and hospital visits when it turned out both were lies. Here are the ones who scream the most and want to force everyone to wear a mouth-diaper and get vaxxed.
  22. @zurew @zurew Seems like you cant understand. The links proves that the vaccine has caused many health issues. The point was that the vaccine is not 100% legit. It proves that Pfizer are slimy cockroaches. This is a Norwegian study -- https://www.fhi.no/nyheter/2022/menstruasjonsforstyrrelser-12-15-ar/ It says: Increased incidence of menstrual disorders after corona vaccination in girls aged 12-15 You can find much more here ---> https://phmpt.org/
  23. @Recursoinominado @hoodrow trillson