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Everything posted by Abstraction

  1. Let's all separate the wheat from the chaff, to weed out the good from the bad This may be a differing view that may change your mind. Use your own wisdom.
  2. Hey! TL;DR: Let's make a list together of tests that will help with developing yourself. I was thinking about the concept of taking on multiple different lenses to look from. This made me wonder what tests are good to take for personal development. Understanding the map is not the territory, I would like to go through a list once in a while of personality tests to get my "coordinates". Maybe this could be one of the ways to get a picture of how you develop over time. To list some tests that are on top of my mind right now: Enneagram Big 5 MBTI You name it. A few quick notes: if you share a link to a site, preferably something without a paywall for "more" on your results. It does not have to be extremely practical in the direct sense as it could be a map that acts as a social medium. While writing this, I found this site which looks good. Haven't taken it yet but it's open source: https://bigfive-test.com/. I am curious about what will develop from this.
  3. @Husseinisdoingfine I'm in no way an expert but this is how I would go about it. First, the best tool to use is always the one you already have. (The one you are using right now to figure out what I meant by that) From the way you are asking, you are describing a vaporizer. The instructions on how to use one are all over the internet. Be careful because vaporizers aren't accurate. Here are some pointers to start your research: - At what age is a human brain fully developed? - What substance do I want to use and why? - Is inhaling that substance X my only option, or are there healthier ways? (Yes, I made an assumption) - Do I need a measuring device for X substance? (Volumetric for accuracy) - How can I verify that the substance X isn't something else? (The same for the non refillable cartridge) Note: If you have a refillable cartridge, you also have to think about what solvent to use for substance X and how to prepare it for vaping.