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Everything posted by Asayake

  1. Love to see it!
  2. I don't think so, maybe a little. I don't really have many urges right now though. But it feels different than when I started in November. But around the start of week 2 I started experiencing a certain 'dullness' or mild depression if you will. I think that was the flatline, basically the brain wanting dopamine, I'm guessing. I think I'm neither at square one nor at a flatline. Just a lot less sexual thoughts & urges than I had in the beginning, but feeling better than during the week 2-3 flatline I experienced.
  3. I failed on the 19th. I experienced some discomfort down there and I figured my body was not adapted to go further without negative health impact yet so I stopped it there. But it was going well until then, I think I was experiencing the flatline the last week or so. I am going to try to rejoin the challenge til the end of the month now, so while I didn't succeed NNN atleast it'll be only one occasion in a month which is far less than my usual habit, and I didn't turn to porn. Psychologically I liked the effect of especially abstaining for 1 - 2 weeks. The flatline is not as pleasent psychologically. I think I'm going to aim for about once every 1 1/2 to every 2 weeks from december onwards and see how that works for a while. I'm still abstaining from porn entirely and not planning to return to porn for a few months.
  4. I see, too bad. I loved Cinema Paradiso but: I have not seen any of Lars von Trier's works as of yet. But I have been interested in watching Dancer in the Dark for over a year so I'm going to start with that one. I'm aware he mostly makes dark movies, which I'm a fan of in general. I'm a big fan of David Lynch for example.
  5. Did you make a thread on Dancer in the Dark? I'm gonna watch that one next as I love Björk, curious to hear your thoughts on it. And also, when are you gonna get real and watch Cinema Paradiso
  6. Love this one, I can recommend his album The Rainbow Goblins if you haven't checked that one out yet!
  7. I'm not sure where to place this topic but I was wondering if there's any possibility of implementing a spoiler tag function on the forums. This could be useful in several situations. Now that the Off-Topic subforum is added more threads are being created about movies, games, books, music and other media. I think it would be useful to have a spoiler tag function to be able to reference and discuss specific things in said mediums without spoiling them for people who don't want to be spoiled. This would be very useful for movie reviews, book reviews, etc. so that the content in movies & books can be discussed properly. If you don't want this function to be available on the entire forum maybe it could be possible to make the function exist only in the Off-Topic and Book Review subforums. What are your thoughts on this?
  8. Keep belitteling people trying to challenge and improve themselves, it's an admirable trait.
  9. What do you mean? We're not even 36 weeks in yet...
  10. That is a very very good book. That book helped me being able to quit weed easily with barely any cravings at all, just some physical withdrawal.
  11. There seems to be a few people on here still going. There's a thread in Off topic about it. I'm still going.
  12. Are you excercising regularly, cardio/weight training/yoga/swimming, something like this? Regular excercise will teach your mind how to better control urges. Or are you just doing excercises when an urge is arising to try and get rid off that urge? That seems to work for some people but not for me. I can't focus on preforming the excercise if I'm horny all the time when I'm excercising. Especially if it's at home indoors. If you go for a short run 4-5 times per week you will be outdoors where you can't fap and you'll be in the presence of nature and with your breath and thoughts and urges in a space where you're pushed to deal with it all. That setting can make it easier to gain control over urges than being at home close to a computer and phone. The trick for me is to have regular activities in my life where I can't fap. I can't fap when I'm talking with my mom on the phone. I can't fap when I'm talking with my friend. I can't fap when I'm at the gym or out running in the forest. The urges are like a mental habit and if you're giving yourself space and not doing much stuff boredom will kick in and horny thoughts will become a habit. When you have many activites in your life where it takes your mind off it naturally the compulsive urges will stop because it is an habitual pathway the brain is going down. On the top of said activites distracting you from fapping they're also healthy activities that will contribute to your mental well being. When you feel mentally satisfied boredom won't kick in as often etc.
  13. I started getting this probably 1 1/2 to 2 years ago. If you want to go there voluntarily and make it more persistent Shambhavi Mudra practice is one way to quickly become aware of that sensation. In the beginning it was an annoyance to me too, and the more annoyed I was by it the more it seemed to stick around. Every appearance in consciousness is temporary so keep that in mind. Your breath comes and goes and so does every other sensation so you will not be forced to be with that sensation for all eternity. It's temporary so that might bring you some relief. When the sensation appears, just be aware of it and how you feel/your reaction to it, also bringing your breath into awareness can be good too like tuku747 said. When you learn to come to terms with and accept the sensation it will stop becoming a problem and it will not be there as often. För me now it happens maybe once a month or something if I don't make it happen voluntarily but it's not a problem at all anymore. It became progressively less of a problem over time and now I've come to enjoy it, just like the breath or some pleasurable sensation it can become a place in your body where you're comfortable to be if you need to, you'll learn to welcome it once it happens. Now I feel I get a bit more clarity in my mind once the sensation happens, it's a focusing of the mind and can help you let go of thoughts and increase body awareness. Other sensations like being acutely aware of one's heart beating or of the itchiness of the skin or lump feeling in throat are some of many other examples of weird sensory stuff that can arise from yoga/meditation/psychedelics. Once one annoyance has stopped becoming annoying, another one will arise sooner or later. It's all a part of the purification of the body and the journey of learning to accept(love) what is. The annoying sensation is your teacher!
  14. It's interesting how there are so many good looking explanations/seemingly solid solutions to so called problems that seem so fool proof/are so convincing that they become entirely entrancing to us. Leading humans down God knows how many different paths and rabbitholes in the name of trying to solve our countless problems, or achieving whatever it is we think we want. Yet when a problem is solved a new one pops up and when we got what we desired we suddenly desire something else It's as if the problem was there temporarily as an illusion just to lead us, guide us along whichever path we were supposed to go down at the time, disappearing when it's no longer needed. Without the problem we don't know the way forward and so the problem is not really a problem at all, it's an appearance just as any other, just posing as a problem for us so we can get to experience life getting better through the path of solving problems. I can't help trying to solve problems or coming up with explanations for appearances because it's too beautiful the way it ends up unfolding. Me first thinking an appearance is a problem, feeling anxious about it or coming up with a rationalizaton for why it's a problem that needs to be solved, researching and going through the possible reasons for the problem and its potential solutions in my mind like I'm a detective tracking down the Zodiac killer. It engages me in the play of life and fills me up with energy, figuring out the puzzle feels meaningful, because it was designed that way.
  15. Why do you have naughty videos in your recommended
  16. 1 in the basket and 3 left to go I'm feeling pretty good, I also just changed up my diet bigtime though so I'm haivng some compounding effects I think. Right now I feel like I have more energy, I feel more grounded and a bit more confident.
  17. It's ok to be scared, it's a big change. But this is the only way you can start your next phase of life and grow into a more independent and developed person. Don't let the feeling of being scared control your behaviour too much, walk into the fire. I can relate in some way. I moved from home when I was 22 and I was very spoiled by my mom so I struggled a lot in the beginning. Not only did I enjoy the freedom too much and clean too little at first, but quite quickly I went from having done no drugs to becoming the stereotypical 24/7 stoner who's apartment is a complete mess with snacks and dirty clothes decorating the floor. I also had to learn a lot of things that I didn't do much while I lived with my parents like cooking and chores around the house was exhausting in the beginning and I was quite sloppy with my nutrition and sleep schedule and caused myself unnecessary suffering by decaying my health. But on the other side of pain is growth, I'm 26 now and now I find chores mostly relaxing and I enjoy the feeling of self respect that arises knowing I'm taking care of myself. It is likely going to be a bit turbulent and stressful at first. But you'll shed your skin and grow into a stronger more beautiful person with more depth. I didn't know how to put up curtains or how to put up a shelf on the wall or how to use a drill machine or a stud finder and I had never even put up a lightbulb. Thank God for Google or learning the handyman stuff would have been like inventing fire for the first time. My advice to you would be to put up a painting or a few posters or a plant or something decorative early on when you move in. It will give your place something that you become familiar with and will it make your place feel like home quicker. When your place finally feels like home it makes it easier to relax and feel safe, and then you can start connecting with yourself more easily on a deep level when you're alone. I always put up a painting on the wall as one of the first things I do when I move to a new place(I'm living at my 5th place right now). You can do it!
  18. What got you into music? What kind of music do you listen to? Do you listen to a lot of music? Is piano your first instrument or have you played some other instrument before? What does your practice look like? If you only focus on technical stuff like voicings, finger positioning, chord names, scales etc. you might get bored, especially if you're a beginner.
  19. I'm now trying out Durianriders diet advice for a couple of weeks just to see how it feels/works for me. I think it can be an interesting experiment to get a better understanding of the effect of carbs/sugar. I think I might have underestimated the impact of carbohydrates on energy and health before. Yesterday was day 1 and it went surprisingly well. For breakfast I had 3 bananas, 1 orange, 1 cantaloupe melon, some strawberries and about 8 tablespoons of sugar on top. For lunch I ate a black rice salad and for dinner a big bowl of white rice. My energy levels were stable and good, I went for a run, went to meet up with an old friend and watched a movie with another friend in the evening. I struggled a bit to fall asleep as I've usually been doing lately, but my muscle spasms were noticeably less and I had almost no heartburn for the first time in many days, and my ingestion seems to be improving too. I think I might be suffering from low stomach acid and the faster digestion time of super low fat & protein meals are easier to digest. My dad and sister also has big problems with heartburn, my dad has been on Omeprazol for many years and he's gotten my sister on it as well, they both have many health issues. I'm praying for this to work well for me so perhaps it could help them too. Perhaps I've been suffering from a combination of low stomach acid, high cortisol, and some food sensitivities, is my current hypothesis. Today, day 2 I ate the same breakfast as day 1. Fruits with sugar on top. I feel really good, a bit tired/sleepy/very relaxed today though. I'm thinking right now that maybe I had high cortisol levels before and the sugar is really helping to lower those levels. I think consistent exercise might be a must on the Durianrider diet because if you just eat tons of carbs without moving, maybe the cortisol levels get too low. And it's the combination of excercise and big carb intake that creates a balance. So I'm probably going for a run or walk today again. My potentially high cortisol levels could have been the cause of my muscles twitching and stressed out body. It could also have been a trigger for my heartburn and indigestion because I did notice before that I could really calm the heartburn down going deep with meditation. I'm likely going to start a journal to track this wild diet experiment.
  20. I thought this roast pretty funny, anyways... I don't know if any of you are familiar with Durianrider, he's a vegan cyclist that I used to follow back when I was a vegan. His diet consists of very high carb(fruit, rice, sugar, veggies, occasional beans/avocado but for the most part extremly high carb and low protein/fats). He's a controversal character in the fitness community because he claims sugar is not bad but that it's fat eaten with sugar that causes insulin resistance and makes sugar bad. He's of the opinion that diets low in carbohydrates deplete serotonin & dopamine and that people eating too many fats or shying away from sugars/carbs is the main cause of poor health, both physical and mental and that for example drug addiction can be solved with increased carb/reduced fat intake, as drugs are a replacement for the dopamine & serotonine he claims sugar would otherwise provide. He seems to think complex carbs are overrated, although he seems to think they are healthy he believe it's just better to eat something that contains more sugar. His main point is eat sugar & carbs, they're brain fuel. Don't eat fats, they lower the bodys capacity of utilizing sugar healthily. He was overweight and addicted to drugs when he was younger but now he is undeniably one of the most fit vegan people on Youtube and one of the few of the OG vegan Youtubers to be still vegan and healthy. Those of us who were involved in the vegan Youtube community a few years ago might remember Youtubers such as Jon Venus, Tim Shieff or Vegan Gains. Many of the vegan Youtubers didn't make their vegan diets work in the end and either quit veganism entirely like Jon Venus or declined mentally like Vegan Gains. It's quite funny to me that the guy with the seemingly most stupid diet(fruits with sugar on top, corn syrup, white rice) is the seemingly longest standing vegan on the platform and still preforming well athletically despite being 45 years old. I never tried Durianriders diet advice, and I did fail my vegan diet. I've been struggling lately with heartburn, indigestion, muscle twitching and just stress in the body for no apparent reason, I'm not stressed mentally, but my body is telling me something is wrong and it's sending me down rabbitholes of researching health. And since most of my issues seem to be related to my digestion I'm thinking about trying Durianriders diet advice for a couple of weeks to see how it feels. What are your thoughts on his diet advice, would it be wise to try it out despite the fact that it goes against all of the mainstream diet advice I've found?
  21. Wtf! You're a hero. I've never seen anyone use this on here before.
  22. I masturbate 1-2 times per week but haven't abstained from it for a month or more for a good while. Anyways, what's your point? Is it not a beautiful thing that people try to better themselves, even if they fail?