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About PacoLeone

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  1. Yes, you are right. I tried to expand in the reply.
  2. Yeah I partly agree, maybe it depends on my idea of bravery. I make a simple example, if I decide to settle down in a city and not travel around the world, I don't think I am a fearful person. Maybe I was sensitive to the desire of having a family. In this context you are brave because you have to bravery to look into yourself, feel what is important to you and going through it. I am using this definition since I usually don't do this. You are right, it was too semplicistic my description. Maybe if you have conflicting feeling on a certain topic, in order to make a decision you have to check your top values. Suppose you have to choose between a job in your hometown or abroad. Maybe you find more interesting the job in the other country but it's been an emotionally tough year, so you'd rather to stay close to your family and not be challenged in your social life. In this case you choose the job in your hometown beacause you want to heal, you need the closeness of your family. I see that choice as a love choice towards yourself, you recognize that you have to heal . But you have to dedicate time and energy to this decision, so you can clearly feel that you have to heal otherwise you could easily deceive yourself.
  3. I was watching one of the latest Leo's video "How To Become Decisive" and it was really inspiring. I am a really indecisive person, from the micro to the macro, this video trigger my motivation to study better the details of the decision process and what blocks me from deciding. So, I was recalling some memories in order to find some situation in which I was very indecisive. Just to take a simple example, last year I went on holiday with my usual friends and got really bored. Every year it's the same holiday, we get up late, go to the beach and drink until late night. This routine is repeated almost every day. As far as I remember, before I decided to go with them I was wondering if I should go on a solo trip but the idea rapidly dissolved. I have never engaged in a research of possible solo trip or what was my deepest desire, so I waited until all the other organized the holiday and I joined them. The moral to me looks like as Leo said, even not choosing is a choice. But from my point of view there is no indecision, we are just not sensitive or brave to sense our deepest desire and we don't want to spend time or energy in taking a deep decision. So I think there are just two decision: lazy and scared type ( what we usually call indecision) energetic, brave and sensitive type (deep decision). What do you think about? Did you notice other features that characterize indecision?
  4. Hello to everyone, I'm 24 years old and I have just graduated in Physics some months ago Sometimes spiritual work can modify so drastically the way you look to your life, that is destabilizing and lead you to redifine almost completely your goals. Before starting to work I took a break , in order to integrate in my life some insights that I had from meditation, study spiritual topics and introspection. For example , I want to redifine my long term goals. At the beginning of university I was interested only in theory. Learn theory for the purpose of learning theory, now I see words as means to comunicate and pointer to enhance your experience. Watching Leo's videos or reading meditation's books I realized how some words can impact your life and induce new conscious experiences. The most important thing is that I realized that I don't like to quantify everything. I would like to do a work in which feeling is important, not only reason. Do you have any suggestion on career that have an impact on other lives in which reason doesn't prevail over feeling? I was thinking to study psychology to become a psychologist and teach also meditation, spiritual topics in addition but I'm a little bit hesitant to work and study simultaneously. Before doing such a big step, I want to evaluate if there is a work that is aligned to my new ideas in which I don't have to study again 5 or more years, even something closely related to Physics. Do you have any ideas?
  5. Thanks for your great answer. Yes, you centered the point I would like to match my needs/skills and the impact that can have in the world, put these two channels in comunication. The video was very helpful, I'm going to check information on the Santa Barbara Institute. Anyway you are totally right I was deceiving my self, it's challange. Infact, it probabily scares me to work in a field that it's not still widely socially accepted and where it's not clear what is the best approach to explore conscioussness, p.e. can objective approach be helpful in this field? I'm saying that for example It would be more easy to work in researching complex fluid, where there are a lot of Phd or research funds for its industrial application. Going in that direction require me to be conscious of a lot of difficulties that will come along the way.
  6. @AdroseAkise I totally understand you, I chose it probably because it looked to me the more meaningful subject in the world, like there is an "objective" ladder of importance and science was at its top. For the first time in my work, I'm taking into account of how I feel and what I'd like to do and feels liberating.
  7. Hello to everyone, I'm new to the forum but I watched Leo's videos and they changed deeply the way I think about myself and the world around. Anyway I want to ask some advises about the connection of pragmatic aspect of life and spirituality, since I don't have any friends who meditate and they can't fully understand me. My story is the following, right now I'm finishing my master in Physics and I'm having some trouble in planning or imagining my life after the master will be over in few months. This is particularly due to an experience that happen two weeks ago, in which I experienced that had while I was meditating that had positive effect in my daily life. After that experience I feel to have less control over myself and more spontaneous in the social domain, it's the first time that I speak without thinking too much if what I'm saying it's ok or not and it feels good. I'm enjoying for the first time soft talks, I know it seems silly but it's a world to me. Moreover, since that experience meditation has become more enjoyable. Anyway, the point are two: - for the first time I realized that I want just to be peaceful and I don't need to be the best researcher in the world to be like that, so my 'obsession' with career is reduced but I'm sure it's not disappeared. -Before starting meditating I was fully convinced that science was the most important subject that can be studied and the most useful to the man kind. Right now, I realized that this is not true and I have to pursue science only if I like it. I don't think knowing something through the mean of the science is still meaningful to me, i.e. calculating a function, creating a model that predict a certain behaviour. Even if I move to neuroscience I think that I change the subject of study but I always study this stuff through mathematics that I don't think I like anymore. I don't know if I want to spend most of my time this way. I want to know your opinion to have different prospective, my questions are: - After a spiritual experience, someone has ever thought to change his career? - How do you balance the sense that everything is meaningless beside perception from meditation and the more pragmatic aspect of life? - How do you include the wisdom got from your spiritual practice in your work? I don't feel that I want to separate those two aspect of life. Thank you very much if you get up to this point