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Everything posted by AleksM

  1. @Cortex Here is an Easy technique to contact ETs and other inter dimensional life forms. A lot of people have a lot of fear about ETs... governments use manipulation, spreading lies and misinformation to keep the masses unaware of the truth...this goes very deep, if you want to learn more watch the documentary "Unacknowledged by Steven Greer" and Thrive (both on youtube)... so please be radically open minded before reading further. This technique does not require any meditation skills or other advanced methods of activating oneself. What you will see is light. Light ships in the sky. Forget about metallic discs. 99% of all the ETs that are observing earth and interacting with earth are non-physical beings that operate on very high levels of awareness, residing outside of space&time, always here and now residing on a higher electromagnetic spectrum of light, heavenly realms. They are all teachers, healers, and technologically advanced beyond any level of physicality. You need to bring up your emotional and mental state into higher vibration by thinking of peaceful contact, love, compassion... they will lower their vibration and then their ship will materialize in this dimension that we can perceive with our physical senses. They are using extremely advanced consciousness technologies, their light ships are like beings, conscious, the entire craft is acting like one being. They are telepathic, they are very aware of your mental and emotional state. So, you need to attune the physical body, which is like a biological antenna, biological receiver... to rise in frequency and perceive these other dimensions. The first component are thoughts. Thoughts radiate out into the unified field and if you have thoughts that are fearful, negative or anything that is kinda on a lower vibratory frequency like violent thoughts, survival based thoughts you will attract 3D survival based energies. But if you are thinking in your mind about love, healing, openness, knowledge, receiving that which is good and that which serves your higher self and everybody around you, then the existence, the unified field, source, God... is attuning to what you are thinking about and over time or ever instantaneously it will match you with a certain situation which your thoughts are manifesting into your external field of vision. So, in your mind you will manifest a vision and then that vision will get projected out into the world around you, into the situation, into the physical plane. So if you're thinking about ETs, about learning about them, about developing an understanding about yourself and how you relate to the universe and you start thinking about the bigger picture... these higher dimensional intelligences will pick that up because they are aware of your mental and emotional state, they are aware of everything that is happening in the universe, they are aware of every single form of life because they have this higher dimensional perspective.So when you will think about these thoughts, you will be scanned by these higher dimensions. The second component is intent. So you will think those thoughts, you will bring yourself into a peaceful, grateful state, feel the love for yourself and the universe and then you will look into a certain part of the sky and intend to see the crafts, they will pick up the vision that you are projecting out and you will start seeing the crafts. You can do this anywhere... looking outside your window, in the backyard, a forest, a field, with a couple of friends. You will mostly see it in your peripheral vision not directly at where you are looking at... look out for flashes of light, movements of energy. You might even see multiple crafts. I have used this technique and had more than 100 contacts. I had contacts where 4 crafts materialized for about 80 seconds. So be ready, it can get exciting, you might cry out of joy. Enjoy. I have learned this from this channel (original video deleted) “Since the initial publication of the chart of the electromagnetic spectrum, humans have learned that what they can touch, smell, see, and hear is less than one-millionth of reality.” — R. Buckminster Fuller
  3. FREE ONLINE EVENT 10-12 July! Discover Ancient Shamanic Practices freom Diverse Traditions to Apply to Your Daily Life & Our World!
  4. @John Iverson Watch the movie "The missing". It clearly portrays the stage purple, red and blue.
  5. "Consciousness sleeps in minerals, dreams in plants, wakes up in animals, and becomes self-aware in humans." ~ Rumi Study the 5 kingdoms.
  6. When doing consciousness work and a lot of meditation, one tends to become ungrounded. I think that's an important topic to discuss. What is grounding Why grounding is important Technieus for grounding 7.83Hz Schuman resonance and our relationship to earth protection against electromagnetic radiations 432Hz
  7. We are a self-aware field of consciousness All these things connect to the first statement. #Aura #Kirlian photography #beings of light #Vibrational Frequency of being #Raise the vibrational frequency of your being #Sacred Geometry #Dimensions #Cymatics #DNA emits light #DNA can be activated and reprogramed #Holographic universe (consciousness as a reference point trough which the ligh of awareness shines trough, find out how holograms work) #Connection to the heart (it emits 5000x more powerful electromagnetic field) #Heart=oneness, Brain - two split hemisferes=duality #3D=left brain, 4D=the corridor between the left and right ->nanobacteria between left and right hemisfere that manipulates electrical impulses..., 5D=right brain #Synchronization of the heart and mind #Synchronizatioin of the two brain hemisferes #13Hz #432Hz music to harmonize the aura and connect you to the universe I see more and more patterns connecting. The puzzle pieces are assembling. It took me 4 years of study.
  8. I will write about how everything above connects together in more detail in the future, thanks for reminding me. Until then, one needs to study all of the topics mentioned above, to see how patterns connect together.
  9. @Martin123 I have experienced all of the symptoms mentioned above. @Quanty I didn't open the kundalini. I had periods of time (weeks) when it was fully open but I was not able to maintain that state for more than 2-3 weeks. I have stagnant energy in my body that was there for more than a decade and I have a hard time purging it out, I need to stabilize the sexual energy. I have a plan to focus more on that in the summer. When It was on, I was immersed in a HOT aura, the energy in the body was very stable, nothing from the outside had the possibility to trigger a reaction in my body, very light body like you're flying, no limit state - could focus on whatever for however long I wanted from the second I woke up to the end of the day - 100% discipline, very consistent with habits, productive... When I was in that state I felt like a god, pure bliss, not only piece of mind. There is nothing that I want more than that hot aura but what I'm coming back to everytime is that it's necessary to immerse myself in an environment that allows the completion of the process because there cannot be interruptions and the logistics of my environment are bad. Probably it can be done without switching the environment but it's much harder and every mistake can cost time, I have tried for 4 years to maintain that hot aura without switching my environment .. so I think the logistics play a role.
  10. @How to be wise I don't know how to channel higher beings. We all do channeling from time to time unconsciously. You need to learn how to read energy and recognize different energies. They are consciousness just as you are, but they are a less physicalized consciousness, with a low density through which data can pass easier, so then they can data stream knowledge that is not found anywhere else in books. You need to match your brain frequency to the frequency that they are emitting and then you channel. @Violina You can use the following mantras: When I become conscious of wandering in the past or future thoughts, I Will redirect my focus on the present moment by taking a deep breath. When I notice emotional friction coming to the surface, I Will redirect my focus on the present moment by taking a deep breath. @Truth Yes, but only mushrooms. I have taken mushrooms around 4 times 5 years ago, the dosage was 1-2g, the strongest one was 3g. Then again 6 months ago I have taken 2g.
  11. Persistence. It must be the highest priority. The focus might shift from the present to the past or the future, but the persistence to REfocus on the present moment every time one becomes conscious of wandering elsewhere must be acted upon every single time so that higher consciousness can be embodied. The present moment must be the only option. Awareness of the most obvious things like sounds, light, feelings in the body and breath. Awareness of the breath being the most important, but not limited to it. @Outer I have blocked until 10 July on my computer, it was becoming a distraction. I have used this forum to develop more confidence in my english writing so that I can start writing and maybe speaking via video on my blog, the purpose was fullfilled, I will start it in the summer after I finish school. I am using a different PC this time only to respond to the messages I received (got an email). @Truth @Joseph Maynor I am studying for school and was becoming a distraction. I am spending a lot of time in nature. Like moving rocks and trunks 100m up a steep hill, doing wild trails and cleaning the forest. I was also coming up with a lot of stuff for my enlightenment guide #3, but there's soo much that it would be better to write a huge book. Maybe both, will see.
  12. Image source:
  13. @Joseph Maynor To be held back is to allow the escaping particle to be clinging to the spaceline/timeline which does not serve us anymore. To keep resisting during the downloading process of the new blueprint of existence resulting in the maintenance of the old OS.
  14. There are many worlds and dimensions to explore, the main one is the 3D we are residing in right now with our physical bodies. When one fully explores and masters this plane of existence, then one can focus on the higher planes of existence. One cannot skip class. When you go to sleep in this dimension, you wake up in another dimension. But you don't remember, because it's not relevant for the evolution of your state of consciousness. One can consciously travel to other dimensions after the body goes to sleep. #astralProjection Going beyond the 4D projections of the mind in dreamstate and passing the threshold to the next dimension....where you can meet ascended masters, angels, ETs...this is from my perspective the ultimate goal. You can do this during your lifetime, every day.
  15. @NoSelfSelf @Jamie Universe
  16. @Psyche_92 Your tittle reminded me of this video that I found today.
  17. @Joseph Maynor I see what you mean there but from my perspective that's not as effective in the long term as it is in the short term. Beliefs are interconnected in a web of beliefs. Beliefs have a frequency of vibration and attract beliefs and thoughts that are similar in vibration. If you strenghten a thought that is RELATED to the original thought of a belief; that you tried to look at as an emerging thought, then you strenghten the original belief. So, the whole process of changing beliefs requires identifying all of the related beliefs and then changing them step-by-step. Also, read this post to find out which beliefs are good to hold on to, and which beliefs you better let go as fast as possible.
  18. @Leo Gura I don't like it at all for the reasons I already mentioned here: It's a big waste of time, to read all the threads from the first post to the last one and fill myself with the uninformed opinions from newbies, I want to quickly scan the page to identify any great insights, identify the insights from highly reputable members and to see if there is a productive discussion. I had a great idea, It is a very simple and yet revolutionary if you contemplate a bit about it. Rename the UPVOTE to THANK YOU. This Will put things into perspective.
  19. @Shroomdoctor What you find concerning on the forum is only a threat to your ego. Yes, there are many low quality posts on this forum, but you have to understand that people have different backgrounds, different life experiences, different points of view, different beliefs, were influenced by different cultures, have different needs, different intentions, different levels of development. When you come across debates and comments that you don't fully understand that does not mean those debates are not useful, they are just not useful for your perspective and self-agenda needs. Use those threads as a way to embody more open mindedness by not judging the stuff, you don't understand and as a way to expand your horizon of possible perspectives. After a while you Will develop better discernment because you were open to all possible perspectives. That is the reward of being radically open minded and rejecting nothing. Then find the advice that resonates with you and ignore the rest. One message is not suited for everybody. What is valuable to someone, might not be valuable for you. Cultivate the art of knowing what to ignore. Avoid useless debates and personal opinions and find the ones that are productive and help you to rise up in your development. Understand that people on this forum are at different spiral Dynamic stages. Someone who is at the stage orange, Will see the guy at the stage green as a hippie and there is nothing wrong with that. How someone sees a situation is a direct reflection of his development. People can fall into the trap of spiritual bypassing but what's important is that, you don't fall into that trap, don't worry about others. Keep a daily spiritual practice, this is where you Will get the most spiritual growth. Theory from the forum Will help you with different aspects, it Will build your theoretical foundation, not your spiritual foundation. Use theory to fuel your practice, and your practice to fuel your theory. The thread you mentioned was a joke.
  20. @Joseph Maynor Based on my experience and from what I have heard and researched, meditating in a lying position is not recommended. There is a reason that a lot of people say meditate upright. with the spine erect. The energy system is more aligned and you can be more present. I did both for more than a year, there are benefits to both, but I wouldn't stick to only lying meditation. @bslpiontds Create a Schedule and meditate using different methods on different days/weeks. Experiment with different schedules. Stick to 1 technique per meditation session. Instead of expanding sitting meditation to 90minutes, I would expand the state of presence after finishing sitting meditation trough the day as much as possible. Additional tips:
  21. You have to know what to act on and what to ignore. You don't have to force things to happen, you have to just allow things to happen. Don't get stuck in the observer ego trap, see this post:
  22. Still accepting more accountability partners! I have a very specific process and list of habits that produce the most impact. For anybody who wants to make serious progress, this is a great opportunity.
  23. This is for those who don't know how to change notification settings.