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Everything posted by AleksM

  1. I am just playing, it's not like I am looking to gain something from that discussion. How am I wasting my time? I don't care about opinions, opinions are irrelevant to me. I want to see where this thought takes me while I am in this eternal presence of no-mind. I am like riding a wave. I am the DJ of my own creation, shifting trought realities. My point was that you do your own research if your interested in this subject, this is very deep. The first post was just a starting point for you guys to go do your own research if you want to experiment with the way I became enlightened fast. If you fully researched the stuff I have mentioned in the first post and tried everything, you would see it first hand. If you are fast jumping to conclusions than your stuck in mind. Just prove it to yourself. Your doing it all the time. You have a lifetime to try new things. I have done it and words cannot even desribe the true transformation that took place. And I am pretty sure nobody has researched this stuff deep enought because every body that commented is so fast jumping to conclusions without putting in hours to do the work. I have posted this topic today, and It's not possible to study everything I'm talking about in this topic so fast. If you would study all of it, by putting it a whole week at least of solid research and than experimentation the following weeks and months you would came to different conclusions. You would find how this ways are indeed fast ways of accelerationg the awareness evolution of an individual.
  2. Yes your right. But this pendant is not just an illusory thought, this is physical. It's not like Arcturus RA is only preaching, he ha PHYSICAL PROOF of his inventions. He has literally made a device filled with that same substance from the pendant and attached to the car. The car went into a zero field and the emission dropped and you could use less fuel. HE HAS PROOF OF THAT. This guy is inventing stuff that is on the same level as Nikola Tesla.
  3. @Joseph Maynor @Natasha Yes I know that. I still fall into those traps it's not like I've became immune to imperfection, I have just become aware of existence. In fact I have realized, how imperfect I am and also at the same time, how perfect I am already now. I know the paradox between spirituality and personal development. It's important to navigate trought that paradox. And that's what I'm doing, I am doing A LOT of personal development. I realize that I am perfect as I am now but also that I can be better so I am constantly improving myself. I have spend thousands of $$ on personal development and Will start an internet business in the niche of personal development, It's really something that I'm passionate about. But consciousness work is like my number 1 priority, nothing can shake that.
  4. @Toby I don't understand your question. What intermediate realms? Are you thinking of realms as dimensions or what? If your looking at realms as dimensions than they are just a different electromagnetic frequency (sound and vibration are geometric) and you see trough that when your consciousness expands. That happens with psychadelics, meditation and other methods. Yes I see them all as illusory. It's pretty simple to see that when your reality accelerates. You can even envision that in a sense. Look at the Picture of the reality NOW(have a samadhi experience). Than immagine all that went away the next second. What remained the same? When your accelerating faster and faster it becomes pretty obvious what's not changing. It's consciousness, it never fluctuates. Being aware of those subtle realities, in my opinion quickly detaches you from your normal identified self (the perceived self) and that makes you enlightened faster. Image if your reality changed 1 million times faster than it does now, like if it went from 60fps to 1 000 000 fps and you perceived all of that. Your sense of self would not be that strong, but because everything in this electromagnetic spectrum is happening so slow, it is hard to be consciouss of all of that and so you lose yourself in the content of it. I hope that answered your question.
  5. @Toby Yes. But I see reality as expanding and contracting. Study sacred geomety, flower of life, phi spiral if you still didn't and you Will understand more of what I'm talking about. There is meaning and that is expansion, this is the first one from that everything arises. But you can only witness it within time. YES reality is static existentialy. It's basicaly just a Picture, a moment. But that Picture is shifting millions of times per second and creates the illusion of linearity. Within illusion there is that expansion and contraction. Illusion still exists, and as you are reality you are ALSO IN REALITY. That Means you are an illusion, you cannot escape it. So use illusion to fight illusion. To function in this world you need to deal with those illusions. If you are just awarness than you meditate in a sitting meditation till your body dies, that's not really serving a higher purpose and for me it's important to embrace paradox. I am not saying I am perfect and have all the perfect answers. Also I'm still improving my english and I have found that writing stuff on this forum would greatly help me to improve it. I would better articulate everything I'm talking about if I wrote this in 2022, but what's the point of waiting. Btw. The mind has no answer and the heart has no questions.
  6. @Natasha Consciousness is an expanding fractal, you can connect to some far out fractal that canno't be perceived by sense and directly channel it into the present moment. His future self is existing now. Past, future are existing now. They are just a different parallel reality and you can connect to that parallel reality now.
  7. That event was just a triggering point for myself to get serious about getting enlightened. Nothing more. I was just describing that you need a serious intent for becoming enlightened and for me it was the full integration of this subtle realities that I cannot perceive with sight. Without that experience I probly still wouldn't be enlightened. You need some experiences first to stack on each other to then drop all of the experiences and BE fully conscious in reality. Later, after I got enlightened and was getting deeper into the rabbit hole, paranormal events became a side effect and I was okay with that. In reality paranormal is just normal, but with the mind we cannot realy fully grasp it and so we naturally reject it, because we still operate in this mental illusion. Yes all is present on the internet but you have to develop discernenment between illusion and consciousness and the only way to do that is to raise conciousness. When you do that you Will naturally start filtering shit from what's real. I have experienced and proved to myself paranormal is just normal, I have nothing to prove to you. I am suggesting you do the same and don't believe a Word I'm saying here. When you do, your consciousness Will naturally rise. @nightrider1435 Not at all. I am not here to demonstrate anything. I am just sharing. If it Works for you it's great, if it doesn't I don't give a shit.
  8. That is just your mind protecting itself. When your being fully conscious you can allow everything without resistance. So that means you could watch all his videos without resistance. And I recommend watching a lot of his videos, you Will be blown away. Yea, This is not for everbody but that worked for me to become more conscious. In that video he's channeling directly from his future self, how can you articulate that? You can't, you have to be conscious enough to recognize that. A lot of stuff I have listed in this topic is just an intro. That intro should lead you in you doing your own research. He charges around 95$ for the pendant but you can also get a house unit which I don't have but even the pendant is extremely powerful it has completely transformed my life. He has an etsy shop look it up. This is counter-intuitive, it's paradox at it's finest. The serious ones Will naturally reject it out of ignorance, but I tell you, why not play with those ideas for a while to see if they work for yourself. You have to experiment in life, and massively fail, it's the only way, and that it's not bad at all. What I'm talking here is not for the serious ones. Sometimes he wears strange customs, just so serious people go away from his channel, ego is maintained by being serious. I am suggesting that you play with those ideas and see it for yourself trough observation. Most minds Will reject him.
  9. I am not attached to pride at all. Sometimes I enjoy illusion as I see trough it. I can let go of illusion now, it's not a problem at all. Don't be so serious, it's a game. When we're communicating we're trapped in meaning, which is illusion so... Take it easy.
  10. You have to be wise enought to recognize the light source. I knew from the start 99% of people Will dismiss that out of ignorance
  11. @Shanmugam All thoughts have stopped but it's not like I can't think anymore, I just have to force myself to hear mental sounds(thoughts). I can think whenever I want to think otherwise I abide in this awarness of no-mind all of the time. Sometimes thoughts appear without me consciously wanting them, but when they do I can stop them by not asigning them any meaning, not paying attention to them and then they disapear into nothingness pretty quickly. BTW. I am sure that I'm enlightened. Emotions stills arise when I am in this awarness without thoughts, sometimes they are very painful but overall I don't suffer from them because I don't identify with them and by being in this awarness they lose all the power(the power for suffering). Negative emotions are just a constructed meaning an interpretation, positive and negative are constructed meanings from the mind and I can let go of that meaning now, emotions just are, existentialy they don't have an asigned meaning to them. I can be happy NOW, I don't have to wait to be happy, I don't need a thing to be happy. I don't need people, situations, things, achievements, thoughts, emotional stimulations, interpretations, good and bad, a position, meaning, control, approval, past or future, comparing, gossip, seriousness, a purpose, communication, inspiration or insight to be happy. I can be happy even if my body feels like shit. I am detached from all of that. Emotional hights are not times when I am happiest. I am happiest when I have piece of mind. This is pure bliss to me. Don't ask yourself if the cup is half full or half empty, just realize there is no cup. The mind state is a fantasy. You maintain it with illusions. Illusion of meaning (existentially there is no meaning), identification (existentialy you can't identify yourself as a thing), control (there is no free wil), with comparing yourself with others (that makes sense only to egos), with attachment, judgement, gossip, seriousness, proudness, with a sense of you (the big You - consciousness can not be perceived with senses).
  12. Great post! I am enlightened, being at stage 10 most of the time. I really don't see a difference between sitting meditation and the rest of the waking hours, it's the same, so I see every second as a meditation practice. I don't know how much practice I have put in hours but I have started meditating almost 4 years ago. I had meditated between 20 - 60 minutes a day. That was the starting point, but the biggest gains were not gained trough that sitting period but by practicing being in awarness all of the time. Once you master being in this awarness it becomes automatic and you have to force yourself to think (to hear mental noise) if you want to. You think when you want to think otherwise you're just abiding in this eternal presence. If you want to be at stage 8 - 10, the best advice I could tell you is to be aware of your breath every second, don't even make a distinction between sitting meditation and the rest. Meditate for 40 minutes in the morning and after you finish the sitting, maintain the meditative state trough the day as long as possible by not even making a distinction between that sitting meditation and the rest of the day.
  13. Why Would I Even Want To Exist??? because: it creates the illusion of free Will and gives you a sense of control (in reality there is no free Will) it keeps you from purging all the shit from your mind which is not pleasent (which is inevitable when you become conscious) it is comfortable with maintaining status quo and that keeps you from expanding your consciousness, that which you are in reality it gives you the illusion of comparing yourself to others (that makes sense only for the ego) it creates the illusion of gossip being worthwile (gossip makes sense only to the ego) because it creates the illusion of linearity (reality is not linear) it creates the illusion of past and future (there is only the eternal now) it keeps the drama alive, you are hardwired negatively and when you exist you get comfortable with that drama and seek it, because you identify with it (non-identification is not comfortable, but when you expand your consciousness you can get comfortable with the uncomfortable) to experience separation (in reality you are never separate from source consciousness, that which you existentialy really are - everything) it creates the illusion of striving for achievement (there is nothing to be achieved at all at the existential level) it amplifies perceived threats trough identification(there are no threats because you don't exist.) it keeps you serious (instead of playful) it creates the illusion of good and bad (there is no such thing as good and bad) it gives you meaning for existence (meaning is an illusion except expansion and contraction in my opinion- that you can directly experience in reality but that is more of an existential meaning than an ego based meaning) it gives you a sense of purpose (there is really no purpose at all, you are already everything) it makes communication worthwile (communication is based on symbols which are interpreted as if they mean something but in reality they don't mean anything at all) it creates meaning (meaning creation is an illusion) you can be proud of everything "you" did (accept the fact you didn't do any of that) it creates the illusion of momentum being done by ego (in reality it is not you who has done all of that but consciousness) it gives thoughts meaning (but in reality they are meaningless) it keeps you stuck in a comfortable position (when you're expanding consciousness you are never stuck) it gives you the illusion of an outside reality (there is really no outside reality, everything is happening inside You - consciousness) it creates the illusion of you creating outside reality (when really it's consciousness that is creating you) it gives you the illusion of inspiration, talent, courageousness, intelligence... in short, it gives you a sense of you (the big You - consciousness can not be perceived with senses) it gives you the ability to defend a position (when your expanding consicousness you stop caring about defending positions) Reality is an illusion, but that illusion exists, so all you can do is to deal with it and the only way to do that is to expand consciousness, when you are higly conscious you are more discerning and that enables you to discern illusion from consciousness and as a consequence all suffering ends. "I am so fucking enlightened right now, yeaa"
  14. Open-Mindedness High scorers tend to be original, creative, curious, complex; Low scorers tend to be conventional, down to earth, narrow interests, uncreative. You typically don't seek out new experiences. (Your percentile: 58) Conscientiousness High scorers tend to be reliable, well-organized, self-disciplined, careful; Low scorers tend to be disorganized, undependable, negligent. You probably have a messy desk! (Your percentile: 3) Extraversion High scorers tend to be sociable, friendly, fun loving, talkative; Low scorers tend to be introverted, reserved, inhibited, quiet. You are neither particularly social or reserved. (Your percentile: 44) Agreeableness High scorers tend to be good natured, sympathetic, forgiving, courteous; Low scorers tend to be critical, rude, harsh, callous. You are neither extremely forgiving nor irritable. (Your percentile: 55) Negative Emotionality High scorers tend to be nervous, high-strung, insecure, worrying; Low scorers tend to be calm, relaxed, secure, hardy. You aren't particularly nervous, nor calm. (Your percentile: 55)
  15. A few core questions I would like help on. What are the biggest traps, especially in youth in persuing this path? Watch the video of Leo: Advice to hight school and college students (or something like that). How do I know if I am doing something wrong? If you find yourself on the same path or side as the crowd (the 99% of population), than it's time to switch directions. Health is also an indicator, if your health suffers, something is not working properly. Should I "team" up with other people with a similar life purpose or is this a trap? What kind of people should I look out for, and what kind of people should I avoid? If you want to have a huge impact on the world I would recommend you isolate yourself from society not matter how you percieve it to be. Extremely successful people live in their own reality. Than after a few years of being by yourself (no socializing), you Will become comfortable with your own company and if you get sucked into some cult or toxic relationships/friendships than you can switch on a dime to being alone because you Will not fear being alone. After that period you will develop confidence, than you can start socializing with hight level people (hang out where they hang out) and find common ground. If somebody EVER lies to you, disrespects you, puts you down than just walk away and never return. Look for people who are doing what the mojority of society at that age is doing, if they are walk away. What actions will cause the most likely hood of failure? This is a very broad question because it's all inter connected. If you fail at maintaining perfect mental clarity and health than all other areas Will suffer, so focus on perfecting your nutrition and exercising first. If something is not working it Will affect your routine and you Will know that because you Will fall out of integrity. So focus on maintaing a rithym and the best rythm I can think of is nutrition and exercise (or some habits like a morning routine, waking up at the same time every day...) if somehow you fall out of integrity with that, you need to document that in your journal. What part of "Me" is the most important to master for the purpose of being a revolutionry or revolutionary leader. (Leo said to me in a thread before in response to my question regarding how I am supposed to know if my life purpose is authentic or not. I saw I could almost cry thinking about it, it would take a bit of effot. He said to me that my life purpose probably wasnt powerful enough. I was taken aback by this and I thought to myself this possibly could not be the case. I REALLY want to cry thinking about it. He said it is that or I need to learn to shed tears of joy/master my emotions which is something I would have to Self-Actualize on. Master your emotions. Become emotionaly stable. Develop your emotional intelligence. Do I need a college degree to be a respected revolutionary leader. (I was having a discussion with a friend yesterday and he told me that if you do not have a college degree, why would people listent to you. He said I would get slagged off and ridiculed for not having a 3rd level education.) You don't need it, find examples of people who have succeded and have been college drop outs. However I would not drop out if your in school, just do the bare minimum to have a decent lifestyle (people who are rich are not employed, they own a business). You need to calculate everything. Hoiw mutch you Will need for food, shelter... and how mutch money Will be enough so you can invest it (as part of your salary). Work for 2 years at a job, get enought capital and start a business. Learn to scale it. What is the best way to live the next 5 years of my life? ( I have two more years of compulsory schooling) Isolate yourself as much as possible. Study personal development as much as possible (forget about business). You need to first master yourself and than you can master others, you can't master others by not being a master of yourself.
  16. What secondary system? Focus on me as a system? Yes that's exactly what I'm doing. Mind = ego = system. Eating is a system. Exercising is a system. Thinking is a system. I want to find answers to all those questions that Leo provided by studying the systems I have listed in the first post.
  17. Expanding our perspective about various systems is important so I thought it would be great if we have a big list of systems to understand so we can evolve faster. ...Than from that list if you have an insight from the questions below, share, post it as a comment below. So we can gain wisdom, balance, discernment, a more meta perspective to see the interconnectedness of things , be more reflective (conscious), humble and evolve. This stuff can get very deep, we can think of systems that created other systems. So... 1.What is the system that created____________? (insert the system that you would like to better understand (-a pragmatic one-)) 2. What is the system that fixed that problem? (answer with what you think would solve the problem (challenge) that you have or somebody else had mentioned in the list) 3. What's the purpose of this system ("A system also has purpose, it servers a function and is very important to understand what the function is, the function is even more important aspect of the system beyond the elements and the relationships, so as important as the relationships are in the system the purpose of the system is even more important, because that determines the general behavior of what the system is doing and the most important function of systems is to protect themselves, to maintain homestasis and to expand themselves and to grow...see systems as living organisms" ~Leo) 4. How does the system maintain itself? 5. How does this system affect other systems? I Will start with what I can think of right now but Will add more to it in the future. What is the system that created____________? The ego Subtle addictions: gossip... mediocrity/ the top 1% in terms of wealth achivemenet/under achievement poor relationships (friends, relatives, family ) /great relationships a healthy individual /an unhealthy individual an evolving human being /an devolving human being success oriented mindset / failure a hippy a narcisist naive realism the illusion of freewill the illusion of time the ego illusion the tempation to exist (:D) instant gratification rather than long term vision a healthy human cell / an unhealthy human cell a ripped body a detoxified/ calcified pineal gland a meditation habit an early riser abundant energy / lack of energy focus / lack of focus other systems a fullfiled human being / unfullfiled human being a creative an icon an example (for yourself, for others) a new perspective / the same perspective a good memory / lack of memory a productive person / unproductive one the result that I would like to accomplish revolutionary new inventions belief in yourself /dis belief in yourself fear anger good habits /bad habits emotional maturity / emotional immaturity evolution of consciousness master /dabbler a strong immune system a great feedback loop consistency /inconsistency ignorance procrastination avoidance overwhelm transformation Below are some examples of systems Leo has mentioned in his intro to systems thinking. Poverty Shrinking Middle Class Global Warming and the Environment Drug Addiction War Obesity Crime Low-Quality Marketing Education Unemployment Terrorism Corruption Depression Endangered Species Runaway Materialism Video summary: Video: Feedback in this topic would be very beneficial. If somebody doesn't understand a system that created the problem and you have gained the insight of what solves the problem than please post it).
  18. A mental fear becomes a physical one in my opinion. You first identify with thoughts or emotions or belieff, sound, touch, smell or other sensory data and than that identification which is mental becomes physical. Thoughts become things. This is how our brain formed itself. Reverse engineer it. Truth is the ultimate system I can agree with that but only partialy. Being conscious of consciousness and accepting Truth in the now makes everything effortless without a mental resistance. But this is not the end of the equation in my opinion. You need that effortlessness but you also need to conciously design mental, emotional, physical systems so you can PENETRATE with that effortlessness into that.
  19. The mind and ego is a mental system, yes fear is also a mental system but it's not only that it's biological. Why not create a mental system for understanding fear now? I think having a mental system for dealing with fear is important. That would be cool. 2. What is the system that fixed that problem? Understanding fear Definition of fear from the distionary: noun: fear; plural noun: fears 1. an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm. 2. be afraid of (someone or something) as likely to be dangerous, painful, or harmful. Amygdala determines emotional significance of sensory input. Self-awarness is key to dealing with fear. I have found a great article that explains fear. 3. What's the purpose of this system This system became biological thousands of years ago and now it's no longer serving us as it was back then, it's limiting us most of the time. It served a purpose to keep us alive, it's one of the earliest survival mechanisms. 4. How does the system maintain itself? Identification with emotions. Letting emotions stop you. 5. How does this system affect other systems? If you are identified with emotions than you Will always stay in the comfort zone, and that is not the safe zone anymore, it baceme a danger zone that leads to mediocrity.
  20. Ego is a system. We are talking about systems here not about Truth. Fear is biological (a biological system ). It stems from the brain. And we are not the brain, so it's False Evidence Appearing Real. But I'm not that interested in biological systems or the Truth in this thread more in mental systems.
  21. lol yea but what your talking about is not practical. We still need a strong ego to self-actualize otherwise your just a witness. Polarity is an illusion but hey that illusion still exists and you need to learn to integrate both truth (oneness) and polarity (separation/ego) not just oneness. We need to balance being and doing not just being. I can agree that what you told is still beneficial for a higher understanding so thank you. You can be enlightened and still have a strong ego, you just see trought it and not get attached to it.
  22. This is just too simplistic. Explain if you really understand the system that created fear. It's not enough to know, we need to understand
  23. Which habits impacted your life the most? Are you still building new habits? If yes, which habits are you currently working on? Which habits do you plan to implement in the future? How important are habits on the self-actualization journey and why? What habits are the most important to master in your opinion?
  24. Meditate 1 hour per day (more than enough...) AND BE AWARE EVERY SECOND OF EVERY DAY (maintain that meditative state trough the day). It's fucking easy to be aware while your sitting and doing nothing, try to be aware every second trough the day, that will make all the difference. Empty your mind and BE aware, don't try to be aware of something, just be aware. This is so fucking simple, it can't be more simple than that. The trap begins when you think that you think, because YOU can never think that you think. Every thought that you identify with will make it more complex. People are exchanging reality for a combination of symbols wich meaning is illusory. Just be and everything will fall into place.