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Everything posted by AleksM

  1. To all those who want to learn more about this stuff I recommend you watch those movies. There are a lot more but those are a good starting point. Steven Greer is even teaching how to make a contact group for the purpose of making a peaceful contact with advanced extraterrestrial beings. He had more than 1000 contacts FILMED. It's happening. You can find a LOT of filmed light ships on YouTube. It's time to TRANSFORM.
  2. @blissofbeing The whole idea of nofap is based on freewill. Nofap community is telling it's followers that they Will recover once they reach 90 days without PMO. This is bullshit. The % of people who succed with this method is extremely small. Once your addicted to masturbation/porn/orgasm, your brain Will create a physical need for this. Once you get rid of this physical need, you didn't recover fully, your just kidding yourself. You need to get rid of the need and the DESIRE to do the act. Read everything mentioned on the link I Will provide, your view on this Will change for ever.
  3. Abstinence is different from recovery.
  4. Quotes are from this site (also the offical site for the new 13:20 calendar): Download the 13 moon calendar for free at Article resources: Very few people know about this, that's why I'm sharing it here.
  5. Have you done any research about sun gazing? Don't look directly into the sun, this could damage your eyes. Fix your attention away from the sun. Also don't start with long periods. Start with 5 seconds and work your way up until you reach 44minutes. That's not a fixed rule, but it should give you an idea about progressing. You Will know when it's enough, listen to your intuition. Also you can do various energy exercises with the sun hitting you. I had blurry vision but it didn't last long, around a minute I think, and that was mainly because I was looking directly into the sun. If you still have blurry vision after a few hours, you have probably stared for a while directly into the sun. If this continues, go see a doctor. I am not a doctor. Solfegio frequencies are totally different than binaural beats. To give you an idea. When Nikola Tesla said the key to the universe is hidden in the numbers 3,6,9 as far as I have researched he was reffering to the solfeggio tones. No.
  6. This is probably because of your brainwaves. I recommend listening to theta/delta brainwaves before falling asleep. I have listened to that almost every day before falling asleep for years, and it worked everytime. He also has a 30 minute version of it for 5$ but that 10 minutes Will be enough for you to fall asleep. A lot of times I have fallen asleep before finishing the 10 minutes. I have used only this one before sleep.
  7. I have messaged all interested members. I am posting this video from Arcturus RA now , the man who I have mentioned in my first post. I think most people are sceptical about him, because they judge too quickly. In this video he talks about his goals.
  8. @zazed I don't know really technically speaking why and how. I just have an inner knowing that it does. Meaning and language are limiting our expansion of consciousness in a sense so we have to be carefull here. It's consciousness. No. That stuff doesn't make sense to the ego because the ego is limited by the perception of that what is, and that perception can be easily arranged and dearanged by the words that enter your awarness. It is constanly changing. Relying on what you sense as true Will only create delusion. Nobody is doing anything. Nobody is imagining. Those are impressions that enter consciousness. Effortlessness IS. Ego is using effort. It is aware of the content of awarness and detached. I agree with your explanation about enlightenment. And It doesn't conflict with what I am saying. You are all of reality AND in reality itself. But the only thing that is important for enlightenment is the recognition of what you existentialy are (the first part). If you stay in an enlightened "perspective" you can waste a lot of time. You Will destroy all bounaries, because you Will be boundary less. And boundaries are necessary to be a psychologicaly developed individual normally functioning in this world. I'd rather be both. That only makes sense to your perception. You want a confirmation (yet everything is filtered trough your beliefs, perceptions, interpretations, past memories ... and that creates your unique perception ) so you can confirm that I am enlightened when it makes sense to you, yet there is no way to confirm that trough language. Everything that I have posted could be a lie. So stop that shit now. End of.
  9. @Toby @Shanmugam @nightrider1435 @Natasha @Joseph Maynor @Markus @Nahm @Barna @S33K3R @WelcometoReality @Prabhaker @Leo Gura @Space @Flicker_boy @krazzer @zazed @Timothy @OBEler @Harikrishnan @Dodo Is anybody interested in experimenting with those other methods that I have mentioned? I have created playlists with a lot of videos in 2014. I have a playlists with solfeggio frequencies and other frequencies (64 videos), DNA activation (6 videos), super powerful meditations, Ascension meditations (111 videos) and a playlist with nature sounds (11 videos). I have listened to all of those. If your interested I Will send you the links.
  10. @Harikrishnan 24/7 awarness with a morning meditation practice. No meditation with labeling. @Dodo Yes. Getting rid of thoughts is not the ultimate goal. But I have found that once you get rid of the mind, and start being in the no-mind, you can see more clearly what thoughts really are. It's not necesarry. But it's very effective for enlightenment. You don't have to do this for the rest of your life. Just for a period of a few months to deconstruct the mind and see it more clearly for what it really is. Enlightenment was always there but now, you don't get lost in thought and more clearly recognize what doesn't change ever from what constantly changes. Then it "becomes" permanent. You cannot get rid of it. When you have 50 000 thoughts it's easier to get sucked into them than if you have only 100. Yes, when your enlightened it doesn't really matter how many you have, your still detached. But with that you get rid of the most pervasive mechanism of illusion and that is monkey mind. After that enlightenment is much easier. And after enlightenment you can start to think your 50 000 thoughts again if you want (you'll recognize however it's not really necesarry anymore). The code writes itself, there is no do-er. I think you can write good code, without too much thinkining. You have to let go the need for control first . I am definitely more productive now than before when I had more thoughts in my mind. How do you meta-examine yourself during meetings and work?
  11. @zazed LoL. You don't have to do the other stuff I have mentioned, but if you do, it Will accelerate the expansion of consciousness. I have mentioned techniques that are out of the mainstream and very few people know about them. You have to destroy the limits of imagination. Your consciousness Will expand beyond what you perceive as yourself. It's impossible to describe that in words. I have done enough research on those topics and experimented if those techniques really work. I have followed my intuition to find and research those topics. And it was extremely effective once I started applying those. Are you open enough to experiment with them? When you experience physical proof there, and more people experience physical proof, not just imagination, than you have to be open enough that there's something worth exploring. And also ... don't believe anything more than 50%. "You" can do a lot less, and increase the output of what "you" do. Your body is an insrument, trough which a lot of streams pass. Once there are no energy blockages, the energy flows better, and that way the output of energy increases. Since everything is energy, everything "you" did increases. Without a doer. Can you grasp this? If your illusional you will egoistically atribute everything perceived as yourself as something that "you" did because you identify yourself with the perception of that what is. Well my journey was magical words realy cannot describe it... You can become enlightened by staring at a white wall for 3 years like Ken Wilber (if I remember correctly), you Will just stare every day into a blank white wall for 3 years. It's the simplest thing ever. I want to make the most difficult things I can imagine to do, effortlessly without effort because I recognize growth as myself. And I recognize effortlessness as the big me. And I recognize that the growth that I can see all around me is a reflection of consciousness, because everything is a mirror. I am not maintaining my attention now like when I started, only on breathing. And I still maintain the permament awarness and the absolute. Everything can change now and at the same time nothing Will change at the same time. I'm recommending a phase trough which yourself can pass trough. Every assumption "you" make about "myself", it's just a delusion from realizing that it's only you here. I have not stopped at all. This is peanuts compared to what is yet to come.
  12. @krazzer I was attending school for a computer programmer. So I had a lot of programming to do in various languages. I was still in this awarness all of the time. Being hyper aware, observant, and focused on breathing. Not controlling breathing, just observant of the breathing mechanism, sometimes slowing my breathing down but generally focused on maintaining the awarness of the breathing mechanism. I was not paying any attention to thoughts at all, and I have still made it. It's possible.
  13. I was going to school 5 times a week 7:45 - 14:00. No girlfriend. I have isolated myself from all of my friends at that time (was hanging out with them ocassionaly maybe once in 2-3weeks, I don't know for sure, and it varied, at the start I think I had meetings once in 2-3 weeks, after a few months, I have Isolated myself for 4months completely, than again hanged out a little more, sometimes more than once a week (when the summer started)). After 1 year of being in this awarness and generally super aware, I have almost completely isolated myself for 1 year and a half. I was hanging out with just 1 friend but not frequently, and those meetings were to talk about spirituality. I think it's important to Note that a few months prior I was hanging out with them every day. So it's not like I'm not social. This year I have returned to the social matrix. The hardest times were when the teacher talked the theory and I had to write it down without repeating the thoughts in my mind that the teacher said. Just do it.
  14. No. Thank you for the resource. I Will add it to my list of books to read/listen, Will look into it down the road.
  15. Yes. The first women is less consciouss. ("Everybody is eating at McDonals. -> I Will go to eat at McDonalds. -> Mmm, the Burger was tasty. I like it. ") ... After a few hours she will feel bad from eating that food, but she Will not notice it because she's lost in thought and because she is not sensitive enough. OR, she is sensitive enough and feels that something is off, but due to lack of consciousness Will than rationalize that feeling and get lost in monkey mind. The second person is more conscious. She followed her intuition(most probably, If she didn't know anything about the effects of McDonalds. If she knew something than she followed her rational thoughts). As a result that expanded her consciousness and than she stopped eating at McDonalds. Forget the Word initiative. The right Word is intuition. The initiative can come both from monkey mind and intuition. Following intuition is what expands consciousness faster. Thoughts come from nothing. All people have the ability to follow their intuition but not everybody is able to because they are not sensitive and receptive enough.
  16. I want to do this too in the future, but I thought of it more like being alone in nature, no talking to anybody. Isolating myself for a long period of time. Getting rid of all those things you mentioned would be also a great test, thank you, great idea. But first, I need to become financialy independent. Then I Will buy a house in the Woods isolated from civilization and practice all those things.
  17. If you still think Bashar is not legit. Read the page on this link . Most of his teachings are distilled there.
  18. @Timothy Yes, I have used breathing as the main object of my meditation practice. When you drive your car you can still be focused on breathing, it's just mind blowing when you realize what your body can do when the mind gets silent. Don't try to control thoughts. When interacting with others, you can still be observing the breathing (when others are talking and your listening) and even if your about to reply, you can reply in a mindful way. The mindful way of replying to a person, is a bit slower, but not necesarrily. This is because you are not thinking anything ( your not thinking about what you'll say), communication just spontaneously happens at the right moment. For solving external problems at work or at home, you can still be mindful of your breathing. For solving such problems I recommend writing all thoughts down on paper or in Evernote. When that's not possible, talk to yourself (aloud speaking) and be mindful of the wholeness in which all content is happening. (see all of what you see as a Picture(like on a phone, when your detached from the content of the photo) all of the time - deep witnessing) Yes you can think (hear mental sounds) to fix problems, but if your serious about what I'm suggesting here, I suggest that you do as little as possible of that for a few months until a big shift in awarness is easily recognizable. I was not practicing any meditation practice when asleep. What I meant by 24/7 is that you have to be aware all of your awake hours. Yes, you can be even aware in sleep (lucid dreaming, astral projection) but that's not what I'm suggesting here. Well, I am 22 years old and became enlightened when I was 19 lol. Yes, a serious intention to undergo this process is the first step, everything follows after that. Without that intention your consciousness expansion Will be slower. Only the mind is afraid of dying. When you destroy the mind with what I'm suggesting here, you Will lose the fear of dying. For me the fear of living is greater than the fear of dying. The fear of living is worse than the fear of dying @zazed When I say that I'm enlightened. I am not talking about any state, experience, imagination, belief, this things just come and go. Since I became enlightened all those things changed a lot, but this awarness of awarness is still present. It doesn't go away. Whatever I do, it doesn't go away.
  19. Just found this book and from the table of contents looks very interesting. Is here anybody that has read that? Btw. It has 748 pages, so it's a long read. Map of awakening that is described in the book aside from other topics:
  20. It depends on what you want. Do you want enlightenment fast? Than just focus on your breathing 24/7. If you focus on breathing all the time, the mind Will be destroyed fast, but it's not necesarry if your comfortable with the idea of it taking a little longer by making the evolution of consciousness more organic. By organic I mean by not forcing anything, by just being more observant of all the thoughts. Being this observant (awarness) Will naturally distill thoughts over time. At the start of the meditation practice all thoughts should be accepted fully. You need to be in constant acceptance, rejecting nothing, let the thoughs form meaning, it's not really that important at the beggining, just train to be more observant. After a while (you Will know when it's the right time), you can start rejecting thoughts by focusing on breathing. You still accept the externals of the thought but you reject the meaning formation which follows after that. If you allow everything in your experience and reject nothing than you Will end up as an underdeveloped individual in my opinion. Yes you Will be happy, but you'll not be as much psychologically developed. You can be happy and successful, and by being successful you Will naturally start rejecting some thoughts, balance is key here. When to reject meaning creation of thoughts? For example when thoughts that are correlated with addictions start forming meaning, don't allow those thoughts to continue with their creation, if your aware enough you just know what will happen (reinforcement of the cicle that is leading nowhere. Consciousness is an expanding fractal, so align yourself with that. Reinforcement of a cycle is not consciousness expansion), so reject them. When those thoughts enter your awarness, redirect your focus to your breathing and stay focused on your breathing for 90 secs to 20 minutes. Other thoughts you should reject: unempowering stories self betrayal stories thoughts about harming others /yourself thoughts about stealing rationalizations of the mind that create meaning that Will lead you to a dead end ( already mentioned addictions, traps laid out by society...) There are probably many more but that's all I can think of right now.
  21. Yes. Masaro Emoto conducted a few thought experiments that showed how thoughts affect matter. The rice experiment: The water experiment:
  22. @Outer Your idea about causality and correlation clarified a few things to me. The first post after rereading again was poorly structured, I have made some changes, read it again. This are my results after completing my ocean personality test. I don't know what they were back than when I enlightened though. Open-Mindedness High scorers tend to be original, creative, curious, complex; Low scorers tend to be conventional, down to earth, narrow interests, uncreative. You typically don't seek out new experiences. (Your percentile: 58) Conscientiousness High scorers tend to be reliable, well-organized, self-disciplined, careful; Low scorers tend to be disorganized, undependable, negligent. You probably have a messy desk! (Your percentile: 3) Extraversion High scorers tend to be sociable, friendly, fun loving, talkative; Low scorers tend to be introverted, reserved, inhibited, quiet. You are neither particularly social or reserved. (Your percentile: 44) Agreeableness High scorers tend to be good natured, sympathetic, forgiving, courteous; Low scorers tend to be critical, rude, harsh, callous. You are neither extremely forgiving nor irritable. (Your percentile: 55) Negative Emotionality High scorers tend to be nervous, high-strung, insecure, worrying; Low scorers tend to be calm, relaxed, secure, hardy. You aren't particularly nervous, nor calm. (Your percentile: 55) @WelcometoReality I am aware of awarness, whatever changes in my experience this awarness is still present. It doesn't go away. I am now grounded in this consciousness I don't have to force myself to be that. @Flicker_boy What do you mean by literature? No literature really helped me in being enlightened. Yes a lot of it shaped my worldview but I don't know what your refering to, there are a lot of different literatures and I didn't read books at that time. I have read only articles and watched videos from masterful teachers. You can find a lot of information on the internet. At that time, I have actually read only ONE book aside from all of the articles and watched videos. It was from David Lynch - Catching the big fish. Listen to this talk of him talking about consciousness. It's also on YouTube.
  23. @Shanmugam If your interested in discovering more about actually real people who have been reported to have psychic abilities, find the book "China superphysics" it's realy expensive though. I think 130$.
  24. @Outer I recommend you do your own research, experiment and see it for yourself by observation. Also I recommend that you read everything already posted. I have listed most of the methods I was doing in that period I am doing nothing like that anymore and I still maintain and don't get lost again in thought and monkey mind, my mind surrendered, so for me it's legit enough. But the technique that got me trough the most is being aware every second, mantining a serious intent about raising consciousness constantly and being focused only on breath, when your focused on breathing you cannot think at the same time, this grounds you and if you maintain that for a few months you become grounded in reality and that is enlightenment. This is basically the tecnique that you can use, yes it's deceivingly simple but if you trick yourself into believing that you'll be somehow better by using that simple technique it Will work. The key thing here is to TRICK yourself. But in reality you Will disapper in the process, this is total anihilation of the mind.When I have started using this technique I became enlightened fast mostly because I was in this awarness all of the time. I had nothing to hold on to anymore and completely imersed myself in this practice, it was everything. I don't have monkey mind at all, nothing. Absulte silence for more months. I think when I want to think, and when thoughts arise without me conciously wanting them I can stop them quickly by not assigning meaning to them. A lot of the things mentioned are actually scientifically proven, you just need to do your research. I have become enlightened more than 3 years ago. @Nahm I am not trying to convert anybody here so it's not an issue. But thank you for the thoughts, looks interesting. @Shanmugam The point about skepticism is resonating, I fully agree with that, I need to embody more skepticism myself. Leo has also mentioned to apply skepticism to your skepticism. At the start I was not that skeptical becuase I had nothing to lose. I was fully open. And that lead me to this. I have experimented and it somehow worked. I don't know all the workings of how, I just know it did. How can existence not exist?? How can you be conscious of non-existence? Notice it's not possible. Everything is happening inside you. I was not constructing any meaning, in fact I was doing the exact opposite. When thoughts arised, they started forming meaning, this was automatic, but I have stopped them from continuing creating meaning. And that happened trought an extended period of time. After that the abbility to drop all meaning is effortless. I have not practiced remote viewing, what your talking about requires serious practice, remote viewing is also a very deep topic. Remote viewing was used even in war... It's something you can do because you are non-local consciousness. And that means you can be everywhere at the same time. @Joseph Maynor Thank you for that analogy it's great. "Don't get paradigm-locked against thinking, theorizing, or philosophizing." Yes I fully agree with that, it's important to integrate both ... oneness and duality. But I would like to know if you have any specific things or examples in mind as regarding to when it's appropriate to think, conceptualize and philosophise. This remembered me of the video in which Leo talks about balancing theory vs practice. I agree with your point, it's really important to do that. That's why I have written at the start of the first post - "You are reality, you are in reality". To get enlightened you need to be reality, dropping all indentifications, step by step, as they keep arising. After a while of doing that you gain the ability of discerment and that allows you to see more clearly what is illusion and what is consciousness. Once you do, you can still get lost, but you can now also always return to nothingness and that is the final liberation. That's the whole point.