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Everything posted by AleksM

  1. @faith @How to be wise Watch the documentaries I have posted. Everything you mention is answered in those movies. There is a big difference between an opinion and an informed opinion. Everybody has opinions, very few have really good informed opinions. Do you think you Will have a good informed opinion about a topic after watching a 5 minute video or by following the mainstream media and watching TV? This is ridiculous. You have to put in 1000 of hours of studying quality sources to develop a proper perspective. Do you think that national TV Will announce that they're here and say something like "here they are, say hello". This is very old paradigm way of thinking. I am not here to brag but I have made contact with extraterrestrials after a telephatic exchange more than 100 times when fully sober (no joke). I am super healthy and mentaly stable. I have developed and trained myself to this level, it doesn't just happen, it's a skill. And everybody can develop it. Steven Greer from those two documentaries I have posted above has a video training of 16 hours on how to make contact. Also he has more than 10 000 footages of extraterrestrial vehicles that materialized after a peaceful contact intitiative was established. Here is another great documentary to watch.
  2. @WaterfallMachine I was also hypersensitive for a period, it was overwhelming. I have bought some crystals and it helped me.Moldavite especially helped me during that period. It does get better after a while though. I recommend you visit more nature and walk barefoot on the earth, it Will help you a lot. This energies need to be grounded.
  3. I have seen spirit entities, ghosts, extraterestrial light ships, auras... with my physical eyes when I was fully sober, normaly functioning, super healthy, mentaly stable. Rejecting is denial. Would you rather fill your life with denial or acceptance? Why? Denial limits you, denial maintains ego. Martin Ball is a perspective. You are a perfective. I am a perspective. Perspective. His perspective is based on his perception. What is perspective? What shapes the perspective? What are the components that form a perspective? What perpetuates the perspective? What expands the perspective? What maintains the perspective? What contracts the perspective? What if perspective is a hologram? What changes the perspective? What does not change the perspective? Is perspective subjective? Which perspective is truer than other perspectives? How can you be sure about that? Which perspectives are more easily integrated and why? Which perspectives are harder to integrate? Is it possible to dissolve a perspective? What dissolves the perspective?
  4. Here are the pictures of water crystals that were exposed to certain words/music/emotions, and you are 85% water. Notice the shape of the water that is exposed to heavy metal. The higher the vibration (harmony) to which water is exposed the more complex geometric shapes appear. Less harmony ->shapes are not geometric. This experiments were done by Massaro Emoto.
  5. Just for fun. Supposedly the interview took place at this place.,-21.931693,17z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x3a33220fc361ac3!8m2!3d64.1453247!4d-21.9295043 The lichens are supposedly from the Collema family. I think it's totally possible for trolls to exist. All kinds of beings exist but a lot of them we're unable to perceive. There are a lot of different electromagnetic spectrums. When the pineal gland releases DMT, higher electromagnetic light spectrums are sticking to it and so we can see other dimensions of light with our pineal gland which is our third eye . Beings can exists on different light spectrums that are different from ours. When you decalcify the pineal gland and get super healthy the body naturaly produces more DMT and so you become able to perceive more subtle realms.
  6. @Joseph Maynor Yes, this is normal. When the monkey mind gets calmer as you are describing, you start to embody more of alpha and theta brainwaves(a calmer state) and less beta brainwave activity (mental sounds). After a while, almost no mental sounds are present. This means that you embodied a calmer state of mind. This does not mean you ridded yourself of the mind or that you transcended the mind, it just became less obvious that the mind is still in operation, because you cannot hear internal thoughts. However this is far from transcending the mind so be careful, the mind can still play tricks with you in fact after you embody a state of perfect mental calmness (no mental sounds) the mind can still play tricks with you almost 24/7. The mind uses projections from the past/future and those projections project themselves onto the now moment. Monkey mind, the mind that's not present = hearing mental sounds, past and future thoughts... The present mind = no mental sounds because it is present, still has a grip on you and controls you, still attached and still identified with the mind... No mind = no mental sounds, ability to detach from the mind on demand, ability to act arational, you can use the mind like a servant and not let the mind use you, discernment, identified with nothingness - consciousness - God - awarness, no self.... This is not some theory I have heard somewhere this is actually a timeline I have gone trough and experienced. People who think that being present with no monkey mind is the answer to end suffering and identification with the mind are dead wrong, it is funny.
  7. @Little Plant When you have an out of body experience you experience something that is very different than your daily perception and that expands consciousness. I think that's the video I mentioned earlier. Watch it. Also Rion is an advanced spiritual teacher and I have learned a lot from him. I recommend watching his videos.
  8. @Edvard Enlightenment is realizing Truth,no self, consciousness, absolute infinity (just different labels pointing to the same "thing"). Then after the realization accurs (when you get a glimpse of consciousness) you have to start to embody more of that realization in your daily experience of life and this is where the real hard work is, realization is easy, embodyment is hard. When you embody/anchor consciousness in the now moment suffering stops and this is the point of spirituality.
  9. I think that when an individual recognizes source consciousness, he can go there and be conscious while he's there. In the moment of reconnection with source consciousness that manifests in the brain as more delta brain waves. If an individual can't recognize source consciousness he can't go there and no delta brainwaves become present. I think that every enlightened master if he's really enlightened he can go there and I think that if somebody would attach EEG electrodes to his skull while he does that delta brainwaves would increase which indicates a merging with God consciousness. So being enlightenment means to be able to stop all brainwave activity while awake. I have just had an insight of a video I was watching a while ago while writing this comment and this really proves my point. @Leo Gura What is your opinion about that?
  10. After the mind gets 99,9% quiet, the real deep work starts. Can a thought "appear" without hearing it? YES Past, future both exist now. Linearity doesn't exist, everything exists now. (Parallel dimensions existing in the now) A past attachment, judgement can project itself into the future. Than in this future now moment, let's say you don't have any perceived thoughts, you abide in this no-mind state of pure silence. Your in this awarness without thoughts but that doesn't mean ego is not affecting you in the now or that your not trapped anymore by ego. It's totally possible for the ego to hide, it can also transform into an observer ego. "The subconscious mind only thinks in the present." -cited from a Picture. That means that it's possible for the mind(ego) to get you trapped EVEN if your abiding in the silenced mind without hearing mental sounds at all. Concious awarness(beta brainwaves) = thinking mind, past and future thoughts, critical thinking, intellectualism, planning, hearning mental sounds, monkey mind.... Subconscious awarness(alpha&theta brainwaves) = accessed by meditation. All thoughts, feelings, experiences stored here. Programmed by your thoughts. Always in the "now". Deep thought. Allows you to break mental barriers. Unconscious mind (delta brainwaves) = the core of who You are Some even reference the concious (lower self), the subconscious(higher self) and unconscious mind (the highest self). In yogis, monks and experienced meditators a lot of delta brainwaves are present. "Delta brain waves are traditionally associated with deep sleep and are the slowest of the brain waves, occurring from 0-3.5 Hertz. Usually, only the most advanced meditators can remain wakeful while producing delta brain waves" from: Both citations from: What do you think about that insight of going beyond silence?
  11. @egoless Nobody decides to get enlightened. You are awarness and once awarness becomes aware of something more than itself (more aware of itself- aware of more awarness) than awarness expands. The ego is just playing a game that this Will somehow benefit it without knowing that it Will not benefit it at all, it Will destroy it. Ego does something for a benefit for itself but enlightenment ultimatelly Will destroy the ego but the ego doesn't want to know that and so it keeps doing the work. The ego can see only his boundaries of perception, when something goes beyond the perception of ego, awarness expands. The ego thinks it Will get something for itself initialy and that allows us to pursue the perceived benefits of enlightenment, that keeps you doing the work. The ego Will not get the perceived benefits of enlightenment by maintaining itself, ego thinks it Will get the benefit by being more ego, but the process ultimatelly is not to help it be more of itself but to transcend it. This is how ego tricks itself into being enlightened - by somehow expecting that it Will benefit his current perception and not realizing that awarness Will dissolve it. Enlightenment is for the ego the biggest disappointment.
  12. @Max_V This is a purification process, it's normal. If you want to accelerate the transmutation you must raise your frequency, there are a lot of ways. Meditate more, maintain mindfullness trough the day, eat more raw foods, exercise, stay more in nature, laugh more, put a smile on your face without a reason, gratitude for things that happen, feeling gratitude before eating, sun light, sun gazing at sun sets and in the morning when the sun rises, ...
  13. Memory is basically the battery for the ego to even exist. Memory is a battery that powers up the 3D matrix. We need to leave this 3D matrix. Knowing is the stage at which you want to arrive. The journey goes from memory to knowing. Why? Because when You know then you can go trough life and You just know that which needs to be known at that particular moment. You can gain Access to knowledge instantly by tapping into the infinte knowledge of the universe. You can then stop the seeking process and just know. This is inner-knowing. Everything is inside You. Memory needs to be recollected. True Knowledge does not need recollection because it is the collection. However you can assemble the memory from the collection and than recollect it from memory. Memory is a tool but this tool needs to be transcended into knowing.
  14. @sweater Yes. You are basically a program. This program projects itself onto the now. Your living in this projection. Most people do the same thing every single day because they are unaware that they are a program. When you start becoming more aware of the program than you can change the program, but ultimately you Will never rid yourself of this program.
  15. Insights,interpretations, states, experiences, ideas come and go, they appear and disapper back into consciousness(God, highest self, nothing...). Life is a game. Taking appearences as something real is what creates seriousness and that prevents you from playing the game by being playful. If your serious about taking appearances for real you can never be really playful. Point of life is to live it, that's why your alive, to play the game of life. You can trick yourself into being serious about being playful, but that is ultimately seriousness at it's play and it can backfire. Funny enough this seriousness can use seriousness to kill itself and transform itself into playfullness which is a paradox and in conflict with the previous statement. You can be serious about your intent of maintaining the focus on the breathing and in turn the monkey mind Will disapper after a while, this Will allow you to be better syncronized with that which already is (consciousness) because you will be more present, not yet fully but definitely more present. This Will allow you to gain the ability to recognize consciousness. The more frequently you recognize consciousness, the more consciousness you start to embody. You can come to a point where you see every experience, experience of any kind as a tool that is here to help me by Me, to be more aware of Me which means to be more of Me.
  16. @Extreme Z7 This is a purging process. Keep on meditating and this too shall pass. This emotions can get stuck in the body. Muscles get tense by fear. When you meditate you are releasing this tension and fear comes to the surface.
  17. @Geog The trick is to not manipulate breathing (but yes you can do this and at the right moment it's very beneficial - for example when a stressful situation comes, you can manipulate breathing by slowing it down). As far as I have understood your trying to manipulate breathing. Being aware of breathing is great for deepening your meditation practice because your breathing all the time, so basicly by being aware of breathing it's totally possible to meditate all the time. Being aware of breathing does not mean to control it. It just means to observe your breathing as it's happening. When your aware of breathing, you can also at the same time focus on something else.
  18. @Leo Gura @Chrissy j Raising your consciousness means raising the vibrational frequency of your being. This improves the quality of consciousness. This raises the level of consciousness. This expands consciousness. God is a frequency.
  19. Of course it can, because You are not the body/mind. Consciousness is formlessness, it's transparent, present everywhere. In the future we Will develop machines to travel trough space/time and so we'll become time travelers. This technology Will be consciousness based technology. But consciousness is extremely low on this planet so I don't know when this Will happen. I wish I knew how, creating a space/time machine would be great.
  20. I see. What is your nutrition like? Do you exercise?
  21. @PetarKa Linear time is an illusion BUT past and future exist now. Past and future are a different parallel reality and You are shifting trough realities. So You (consciousness) is shifting trough the future and past moments that exist now. Everything is projected into the now moment. This is difficult to explain.
  22. Everybody has an opinion. But only a few have really good informed opinions. . Debates are not worth getting into. It's a total waste of time.
  23. It's not enought to make a plan in your head. Commit to writing it all down! If it is not written down, it doesn't matter. Your current default setting is not being productive, it's playing games, watching movies and relaxing after work. Become aware of this and then you can change. If you have problems with watching movies and playing video games consider buying a software for program restriction and website blocking. I use qustudio and cold turkey.
  24. Trough that tunnel you can enter into the astral plane and leave your body. I have watched a video about astral projection a few years back and in this video a man was talking about a method that was almost similar to what your describing (a tunnel, stars...). Not sure about the clear pink or red square but it could be something very very interesting. Keep exploring this!!! My intuition tells me that your up to something great. Don't be afraid because fear can not enter trough the tunnel. Also you can ask for protection from your higher guidance before entering this tunnel. If something new happens, give an update.