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Everything posted by AleksM

  1. hahaha great video. I have to download it before it gets deleted (most of bashars videos on yt get deleted so better download them when you find them) Have you seen the 13th step? That one was one of my favorites.
  2. @Nahm On the mental level, everything is relative and separate. So even if I say I am a soul, that could be interpreted by the mental level as a belief and that is not what I'm pointing to. The soul I am speaking of doesn't have any properties to it. The soul / the true self / the real you it's something beyond explanation. It's like observing the body/mind/conscious self/subconscious self while the real you (soul) abides in this being realization that as a true self you are something beyond all these things, witnessing all that is. Like a flower has beauty and essence to it. This essence is the soul. You can't identify this essence, you can only realize what it's being in the now. meaning of essence(Google): the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, which determines its character. Edit: you could say that the beauty of the flower is relative but this is egoistic not spiritual. When the body is attuned to the universe (432Hz and grounded...) then the beauty of the flower is undeniable. You walk around noticing this embeded beauty which wasn't previously seen. Notice that this is very rare if not impossible with people who have big egos. They can't stop to smell the roses. Also, you could say that you are love, courage, joy, peace, desire, fear, shame, guilt, pride and obviosly consciousness. Those are just essences you can embody and than when you blossom out of that essence, properties of that essence become apparent. Ultimately the highest self is every essence at the same time but you're embodying these essences separately as a soul. Like for example, do you imagine embodying love and shame, fear, neutrality at the same time? How does that look? I don't think you can immagine that. That's why You (the highest self) separated itself from source to better experience itself. Does that help and make sense to you? It sure does for me.
  3. @Nahm first, there is a difference between believing you are a soul and actually being a soul. Yes you can believe in a soul, spirit and all that, but it doesn't change anything, it only changes something when you are being it. You can't identify the soul in any perceivable way, and you can't identify awarness, being, or nothingness. So that is the True reality, because you can only be that. After you "identify" as a soul (being) ), it's the same as being enlightened because you can't identify the soul in any imaginable way, it's impossible, so that doesn't conflict with enlightenment at all. It's a lot better to come to a realization that you are a soul than to a realization that you don't exist at all, because if you then start believing that nobody exists you can become apathetic, which lowers the vibration of your being by a lot.
  4. @Harikrishnan Interesting question. @Nahm The more you experience the things below, the more you can identify yourself with a certain stage. Questions from the lowest spiritual development to the highest: Am I experiencing shame? Am I experiencing guilt? Am I experiencing apathy? Am I experiencing grief? Am I experiencing fear? Am I experiencing desire? Am I experiencing anger? Am I experiencing pride? Am I experiencing courage? Am I experiencing neutrality? Am I experiencing willingness? Am I experiencing acceptance? Am I experiencing reason? Am I experiencing love? Am I experiencing Joy? Am I experiencing Peace? The final enlightenment phase qustion: Am I able to consciously annahilate myself(ego,mind)? What do you think? Would that be useful for determining your spiritual level? This is just an idea I had after reflecting on that question.
  5. The who is always relative, it's a non-eternal identity, it's made out of definitions, concepts, beliefs, thoughts, meanings... that change all the time.... and this question can point you in the wrong direction and you Will just waste time. So if your doing contemplation I think a better question to ask is "What am I?". another point I want to make is that All questions are really pointless when it comes to realizing your existential nature, Truth.... yes it's useful for beginners but after a while you have to drop all of the contemplation questions and just simply put your awarness on awarness without asking any question and be that. There Will be no need anymore to ask this type of questions once you realize what You are. The only thing that Will remain is being and that's the answer. A video I watched that gave me the download to share that, below "Enlightenment is just 4 seconds of the journey" ~Gabe Salomon (realize enlightenment in a few minutes)
  6. I too found that channel a few days ago and already downloaded one of the audiobooks that are on this channel. Great content indeed. I have downloaded "Mysticism: A Study of Spiritual Consciousness" which has 544 pages on amazon and 4.3/5 out of 72 reviews.
  7. @Arkandeus This is probably something you want to look into.
  8. @Nahm I had telephatic communication with them and It's not like a discussion that I'm having with et's. It's about re-membering who you are. Now is the time to get out of the thinking paradigm and into the feeling paradigm. I was in deep states for longer perioids of time and as a result more truth was integrating into me. In the beginning I didn't even know what I was doing, I was just following my intuition, a feeling. And it lead me to mind blowing realizations. Et's sensed the avatar state. Slowly they started showing themselves to me (light ship blinks in the sky in my peripheral vision). In the begginig I was like this is normal, I didn't get excited, I was at peace with it but also I was not fully conscious that contact was taking place. They continued to appear in my peripheral vision several times, sometimes multiple times per day. As time passed, it was becoming more and more obvious that something was happening. Than I started to get more in tune with my telephaty and started to make contact with them and they started responding. After that I had a lot of conscious telephatic contacts with them and they materialized in the sky after those telephatic exchanges. I had many downloads of information from them, but it takes some time to uncompress those files and this is mostly happening subconsciously. Contact is not something out there. You are contact. You can also take part in this adventure. Everybody is extraterrestrial, they just don't know it yet. Once You download yourself into yourself, more of the "junk" DNA Will be activated. More information Will be accesible and so on... DNA is activating because of the time that we are in right now, but you can get more in tune with that and do it consciously. Find methods to unlock DNA.
  9. Bashar soul blueprint diagram Bashar: The 9 Levels Of Consciousness Reality generation circuit You can find the core concepts of Bashar on this page:
  10. When you're trapped(identified) by thoughts (mental sounds, monkey mind) the breathing is faster and it's harder to remain conscious of it. It's easier to be conscious of a slow breath. When the breathing is slow, the body is relaxed, the parasymphatetic nervous system is activated, and more healing energy is received. This means a relaxed state is more conductive for being conscious. Let's say you came to the stage where you have no thoughts the whole day. If you have absolutely no thoughts the whole day and your breathing is pretty fast(slower than an active monkey mind, but still fast), than you can get lost in the projections of the mind pretty quickly, so it doesn't matter at all if you don't have any mental sounds present for long periods of time. Thoughts (mental sounds) are just surface phenomena... the mind can still operate in the teritory that is not directly perceivable. So being truly conscious is much deeper than just not having any thougths. The best indicator of consciousness that is directly accesible in the now moment is the speed of breathing. Rapid breathing leads to disease. Slow breathing leads to healing. When you embody higher states of consciousness, the slow breathing becomes a part of you. The body gets synchronized with devine bliss(that which you actually is). Now, realize you cannot rid yourself of the mind. So the only thing that makes sense is synchronizing your mind(you) which is inherently dualistic with You that doesn't know any duality. You can do this in many ways but the basic principle is that you disidentify with your mind. The less resistance is present the more you are synchronized. Okey, now let's say the mind projects a dualistic pattern onto the now moment that amplifies duality... after that the body starts to perceive that duality. How do you recognize that this pattern is not synchronized with devine bliss? You recognize that by the fact that You lose the connection with yourself. You fall in consciousness and you start to act non consciously. The breathing loses it's rhythm and you find yourself in a downward spiral if you allow that to continue. The mind is reprogramed by repetition. So let's say you consciouly recognize the out of sync pattern for the first time and use awarness to correct it. You did great. However that is only the realization. The mind Will not surrender to a greater Truth after "doing" this only once. The mind Will project this pattern for many times, depending on how much of that dualistic pattern you embodied in the past. This is only to test You. If you still didn't embody the slow breathing (most of you didn't), than use the slow breathing when you recognize a totally misaligned pattern to be able to switch the channel. When you slow your breathing down you get that ability to switch and use more of your awarness healing power to correct unwanted behavior. The mind is like a vampire. It sucks your life energy and Will keep doing that if you keep allowing it. When you follow the thoughts presented and the deeper projections than it's like inviting that vampire in your home. You prevent that by your CONSCIOUS slow breathing. This is like garlic that keeps away the vampire.
  11. @Wes Thoughts Thoughts = mental sounds = monkey mind Decisions happen even if no mental sounds are present but when you're identified with thoughts you somehow think that's needed for making a decision and so you get lost in unnecessary monkey mind. The best decisions are made with intuition and when you use intuition there are not as many mental sounds present. Intuition is like a flesh of insight and not a story line of mental sounds, it's quick, you just know what to do and it's not neccesarry to prove the point of intuition with mental sounds. That's how you make quality decisions with no thoughts. The purity of intuition is also important. You can have low purity intuitions that are mixed with thoughts, emotions, fears and wishes and those are only partly correct and a lot of times completely wrong. So... don't assume intuition is perfect. Learn to discern between high quality intuition and low quality intuition. Don't even try to explain your intuition, that's a trap and it Will backfire. When you try to explain, you basicly don't trust your intuition. However sometimes it's necessary to be sceptical which is a paradox. Why? Because intuition and fear are easily confused. You can have no thoughts at all and still act out of fear. Learn to tell the difference between fear and intuition. Read the following article: You can find a lot more by searching on Google: fear or intuition Also sometimes intuition can backfire, intuition is not always good. Read the following article: So basing your whole life on intuition is bullshit in my opinion. Intuition is a shortcut, you use it when too much information is present and you can't assebly this information fast enough or when the problem is unstructured and when you already know something about something. A man that never heard about higher spiritual truths Will never receive intuitions about higher spiritual truths. A man that is addicted to drugs Will have intuitions about where to find drugs. Intuition can be used to kill someone. So use intuition wisely and be warry about the dangers of it. You don't want to get in trouble because of your intuition. Intuition is a part of the intuition is not always right! Here is a book that talks about the deceptions and dangers of intuition(have not read it yet). When you are on the spiritual path you Will go trough a period with no thoughts and you Will rely a lot on intuition, but this too shall pass, and you Will find that always following your intuition can be destructive.
  12. The act of forgiving yourself out loud, speaking has a physical effect on the body. It actually alters your DNA. When you notice a reaction coming to the surface, forgive yourself out loud like mentioned above. Also Put everything into writing. This is how you do proper self-forgiveness. @MiracleMan You can learn how to do self-forgiveness properly with this free course They also have forums, blogs and other advanced courses to go deeper. Valentin Rozman studied personal development and spirituality for 20 years and he told in one of his videos that those tools triggered the biggest transformation in his self. @ajasatya When you get in touch with the emotional pain it's too late. This emotional pain already had a physical effect on your body. Yes, when you get in touch with it, You can stop it for the time being but it Will resurface in the future if you don't change the program from which you are operating.
  13. @ajasatya A calm state of mind is a stage of healing, it is a neccesary step to progress on the spiritual path. The mind creates conflict because it is dualistic. When one is identified with ego (and at the start of the spiritual journey everybody is) the body is reacting to those thoughts and that creates emotions, and bad emotions make your body tense. This tension gets stuck in the physical body. When one is tense for a lot of time without releasing this tension, this tension spirals out of control. To prevent this, one has to realize this calm state of mind. If one doesn't realize this state he cannot prevent this and tension starts to build, build and build to the point of disease. The lower the brainwaves the more healing power channels into the body. If you don't experience any lower brainwaves for a few days, you would be dead. So with EEG one can start to better recognize his brain waves and that helps one to get into healing mode when that's needed. Recognizing patterns is important, that's basicly what spiral Dynamics stage torquoise is about. I still think it's better to think of this as stages of progression. One can never free oneself from a state of mind without experiencing it first. Calmness is healing. Parasympathetic nervous system is activated. The breath is slower, and when you get really deep, it's like you need very little air to function, the breath is slow automatically. The overactive sympathetic nervous system causes stress and 90% of doctor visits. Stress is the main cause of disease and the main cause of death. The sympathetic nervous system is active when brainwaves are high and the Parasympathetic is active when there are more lower brainwaves. When tension is present in the body, one cannot shift between brainwaves effectively. So it's neccesarry to first realese all this tension, go trough the side effects of meditation (the purging process) and than once that is done, one can easily shift between states without getting attached and do the thing that you said - to liberate oneself from any state of mind. But then again one can become attached to a state of mind that is not attached to any state of mind and there is too much fluctuation. There is no more calmness. So... it's really all about alignment and synchronization. So you stay synchronized with that which is. The synchronization of the aura with the "state" of bliss, that which you actually is. That's also I think why it's better to think of one as existing and not existing at the same time. There is a fluctuation between matter and anti-matter, you are a particle but also a wave. If you think that you don't exist and get attached to this than synchronization falls away and your selling yourself so short you can't even imagine really. Yes you can be enlightened and not synchronized, But when your enlightened and not synchronized with that which is, your experiencing far far far far far far less bliss than from being enlightened and synchronized. This requeries embracing a greater paradox and also leads to experiencing more of what one is. The perfect alignment is when you can maintain 13Hz in your brain as far as my research goes. @TJ Reeves I looked it up and muse actually has a rating of 4.1/5 based on 538 reviews and I think that's pretty good. I don't think you Will ever get a 5/5 review based on 538 reviews for a tool that can help you. What do you think about the data that muse provided you with? Have you gained anything from using that device after you stopped using it? I have written something about this calmness above, I think that also applyies to what your Zen master said (I have not read his article yet). I don't know if you really need an EEG that costs a few thousands to get accurate data. The more expensive the EEG the more precise the data Will be but that doesn't mean you cannot get beneficial data from the cheaper one.
  14. @Wouter No. But looks legit, I Will definitely buy it in the future. I found a better review of this device.
  15. @Wouter I don't understant people who want to do this enlightenment thing the old school way. I think it's a HUGE waste of time. You can end suffering and become enlightened 1000x faster now, then 2000 years ago.
  16. @John Iverson This is just a perspective and I like that perspective. Everybody has a perspective. Your perspective is based on your perception. We are just sharing perspectives here. Soul is a spiritual essence. How can you identify that? Notice that It's impossible. You can only be aware of this spiritual essence. You as awarness, can be aware of this spiritual essence and can recognize that this spiritual essence is attached to this body, and utilizes that body as an interdimensional prop for collecting data for it's own evolution. I recognize source with no problem and I am embodying more of that in my 3D vessel.
  17. The body belongs to the being (soul). Being -> Beings All beings come from one being and all beings are ultimatelly this one being. The body is a vehicle. A costume. When you're identified with the costume you're identified with the character that your playing. When you're identified with the character this can cause suffering. It's a game. You can try to escape the game but you Will fail. You are not going anywhere, the mission is here. You can only play the game. The trick is to never identify yourself as the character that your playing in the game. When you are identified; you limit yourself, limit your experience and limit your growth. The whole reality is a simulation of a program ...You are not that program. You can also think of the body as hardware and the mind as software. Both are not You. You are the programmer. Not the programmer of the programmer.
  18. This is an important topic, especially when doing enlightenment work because on the spiritual path, you tend to take judgements less seriously and so good/bad tends to transforms into neutral. Existentialy everything is neutral but if I eat food with a lot of unhealthy fats this has physical consequences on my body, energy level and mental clarity, it's the same with information, people and places, so it's better to align with what I perceive as good.... If I perceive both good/bad as equal than there is no need to defend the good and bad becomes tolerable. The importance of self-care The paradox of self-care and enlightenment? Defending a position for the purpose of maintaining a healthy boundary vs. not defending a position paradox? How to set healthy boundaries What to allow/not allow signs of healthy/unhealthy boundaries how to recognize weak or too strong boundaries how to develop healthy ego boundaries with awarness
  19. The UV index is low in the first 45 minutes of the sun rise and before sunset. This is the perfect time to do sun gazing. The practice is called sun gazing but as far as I know looking directly at the sun is not what this practice is about. I don't gaze at the sun at all, maybe that's why I don't get side effects. I fix my eyes on a point away from the sun and concentrate on the peripheral vision of the sun rays. A method for sungazing is described in this article.
  20. I practice this although not every day. No side effects if you're doing it right. Do your research before starting.
  21. She talks about starseeds. Extraterrestrials in human form. I know that because I have immersed myself in this topic a few years back. We are all hybrids between different extraterrestrial species that were part of the hybridization program but starseeds are new souls that were not trapped in this old game, old paradigm, fear matrix for thousands of years. Because of that, a lot of starseeds are alienated from society and feel like this is not their home. They want to go back because they still feel their cosmic connection with their cosmic family. They know they are not from this planet. I am not going to write a lot about this topic because I wanted to make a separate topic about this. This requires extensive research and radical openmindedness. This is advanced spirituality. However I'm going to post a few videos and articles about this topic as an intro. is.htm search on Google and YouTube: starseeds, starseeds childs, starseed waves, starseed characteristics, starseed souls, indigos, rainbow children.... Those two Pictures below are from a starseed from arcturus - (I have Learned a lot from him, but he deleted most of his videos I have watched a few years back.) He was 14 and 15 when he made those videos, and he was talking about spiritual topics that were extremely advanced compared to most spiritual gurus. This is an old interview of him when he was 16.
  22. @WaterfallMachine You can ground yourself in different ways. Physical exercise, hiking, nature walks, barefoot walking on the earth, crystals, gardening, deep breathing. When you meditate a lot, practice mindfullness and all this spiritual stuff it tends to unground you, that's why it's so important to stay connected to the body and earth. Some articles with more information: (a symptom of being ungrounded is being sensitive to light and sound)
  23. It would be great if you made a video on ego defense mechanisms. I think that's a very important topic. I want to know more on: how mature defense mechanisms fit into consciousness development how immature defense mechanisms hinder consciousness work why it's so important to develop a healthy ego when doing consciousness work how to use mature ego defense mechanisms
  24. Sounds like an ego defense mechanism.