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Everything posted by AleksM

  1. Being is neutral. It's not positive nor negative. Positve and negative are subjective. Meaning is created by observation. Something that's in alignment with the higher self is interpreted by the lower self as something negative. Something that's in alignment with the lower self is interpreted by the higher self as something negative. Notice from the above two lines that negative is subjective to the aspect trough which it's interpreted. And something that's negative can be actually interpreted as if it's positive and that's basicly what the ego does. When one realizes the neutral state it has total freedom to change definitions that are imposed on it so that it can dissolve the interpretation by the lower self aspect and amplify the interpretation by the higher self aspect or "do" the reverse. But if one doesn't then one becomes lost in the subjective meaning because the ego is not able to surrender. Definitions are placed on the neutral state regardless if you're Self-Realized or not but if you are Self-Realized then you can easily shift perspectives without being lost in them. Experience in the now is real. So experience can be used as a guiding mechanism for self-alignment. "Positive feelings are communications from the higher self that let you know you are in alignment with your True Self.~from the photo" If a guiding and self-aligning mechanism didn't exist then nobody could even be enlightened or wealthy or poor or anything else.
  2. Great article! "It's time to leave the thinking paradigm and enter into the feeling paradigm. "~ Arcturus RA Integrate the thinking paradigm into the feeling paradigm and rely on the feeling paradigm. I am not sure how this Works but this is how I explain it to myself now. Thought is located inside time. Body is located inside space. This research shows that emotion is located outside space-time. Words and thoughts also affect the DNA. (didn't read it yet, just found it using Google search) I think a consciouss creation process would be like this. Thought -> emotion and not emotion ->thought (Start the process in the brain and amplify it with the heart, which emits 5000x stronger electromagnetic frequencies then the brain) When one meditates for a while, it become clear that there is only one moment and that is the Now moment viewed from a different angle. It sure looks convincing that there is a past and future, but those are just illusions. So the body changes inside the now moment. This now moment is undeniably affected by thoughts. All thoughts are stored in time, but some are closer to the now moment then others. For example: when I'm reading something and simultaneosly repeating those words in my mind, these thoughts are closer to the now moment compared to if I was thinking about what happened a few days ago. So I think the secret of conscious creation is really aligning oneself to this now moment, with thoughts and emotions. Consciousness ( a conscious creator) measures and perceives meaning that is subjective. Let's say I'm at the crossroads of decision making. Emotions pull me in the way of my past programming, but intuitions pull me in another way. Intuitions are subconsicouss. So now in order for it to become a conscious creation process I need to bring this intuition to the surface in a form of a sentence. At that moment I spell out a sentence that's aligned with the direction of my intuition. The next moment, I focus on that thought and amplify it with emotion. The next moment after that I'm set on my True path. Interesting thoughts came up.
  3. @DoubleYou I am subscribed to that channel but didn't hear that one. It's amazing! Thank you. Here's another from me. @momo In the begining I was better able to meditate with some background meditation music, so I recommend it if you're a beginner.
  4. @Blissout Realizing enlightenment means realizing your True nature (being). At this stage you disidentify with thoughts, your mind becomes still (thoughtless mind), you recognize the center from which everything comes into existence, you transcend the sense world....but the behaviour is still not fully aligned with the center and so you then start the process of embodyment( so your entire body reprograms itself to be in perfect alignment with this realization and center). Embodyment cannot happen if you don't use super powers. With the realization some super powers Will become activated but still one is in ignorance about those and so one needs to learn how to apply those to reality, which requires observation (to fully grasp what those super powers even do) trough long periods of time and a lot of time to fully process and integrate. Realization = mind becomes still (99,9% silent mind with no mental sounds), emotions can still fluctuate, addictions can still be present (depending on how much personal development one did prior to the realization), behavior is not yet aligned to bring one into center (from which the True Self can manifest everything by Devine Will), the breathing rhythm is automatically slow but can get out of sync. Embodyment = no addictions, centered, being able to manifest whatever, emotions are so good, it's better than orgasming 24/7, feels like you're a God, breathing is automatically very very slow and nothing brings it out of this rhythm in comparison with the realization when something can distort it's rhythm. Kundalini is fully awakened and it stays that way. Highest Creativity is active and nothing can stop it. This is what came to mind. This comes from first hand experience, nobody told me this. I have experienced periods that lasted for a few weeks that were like this full embodyment and It was God like, like literally, I was feeling and acting like a God. Hopefully I Will come to full embodyment by age 30. I'm 22 now.
  5. @Blissout You can realize enlightenment without changing anything regarding your behavior. (a meditation practice is needed in the beginning though, but that's all that's needed). I'm speaking from first hand experience, I have realized enlightenment 3 years ago. But when it comes to embodyment, I would say that not masturbating or having sex frequently is a must. Probably not celibacy, but like an ejaculation once a month would be an optimum (heard that from a zen master, that allowed his students to have an ejacualtion once a month). The low end would be once every 14 days.
  6. This would be an extremely long post, but I Will try to just post little insights with meaningful pictures of the correlation process that I'm experiencing now. Know thyself That which you are not (lower self aspect) That which you are (higher self aspect) That which you actually are (highest self) You are reality(highest self, a What), but you are also in reality (a who). Know what you are Being=essence (every essence in existence) Beings= essence (one essence out of an infinite number of essences) Being and beings = one This is the definition of essence according to Google: the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, which determines its character. body - mind- soul- spirit You are a soul, this is the true Self, to discover it it's important to leave the old paradigm of thinking and adopt a new paradigm of feeling. Move from your mind (separation) to the heart (oneness). The heart emits 5000x more powerful magnetic waves then the brain(do your research). You don't have a Soul, you are a Soul. Look at the Picture below on the right where it says "personal themes & Expressions", these are the essences being expressed by the soul. "Don't confuse the world of becoming with the world that is. " "The ego dies only to be reborn again." Look at the picture below, at the column titled "Level". The labels under that column are what I attribute the meaning of an essence. This essences are what the Soul Embodyies from Spirit in my opinion. That manifests in the world as an experiece. After you awaken you wil come more and more in tune with your core personality. Knowing this is extremely important. Check this page to discover your Souly type. Also on that site look on the right column and find the pages that covers discovering: 7 Goals, 7 Soul types, 7 Modes, 7 Attitudes, 7 personality dark traits. Powerful information. Also find your ennegram type and discover your way of stress and growth. Powerful information. Take mayer brigs personality test (16personalities) to find if there's some correlation there with the ennegram. Look for patterns on how these pictures correlate between them. Some of my recent posts...
  7. @Danda You are a perspective. I am a perspective. Your perspective is based on your perception. A few questions to ponder: What is perspective? What shapes the perspective? What are the components that form a perspective? What perpetuates the perspective? What expands the perspective? What maintains the perspective? What contracts the perspective? What if perspective is a holographic projection? What changes the perspective? What does not change the perspective? Is perspective subjective? Which perspective is truer than other perspectives? How can you be sure about that? Which perspectives are more easily integrated and why? Which perspectives are harder to integrate? Is it possible to dissolve a perspective? What dissolves the perspective? What is perception? How does perception collect data? Is perspective fixed or does it change? When I look at a situation, things, experiences, information, my perspective on the same thing can change. I can adopt the same perspective as other people. I can look at the same thing that I was looking at 5 years ago and see it differently. This means perspective is not fixed. If perspective is in a state of fluctuation and not always the same, this means it is separated from that which never changes. If it's separated from that which never changes that means it is divided. If it's divided than this means duality, and that means the other perspective is available. Look around and you Will see. Everything was made by a perspective. A perspective created a computer screen, my current perspective doesn't know anything about computer screens. You can only know who you are(higher self) and who you're not (lower self) and not what you are in reality(highest self). Reality is a projection. The projection goes from the higher dimensions to the lower ones. When it hits the 4D (4th dimension), that creates 2 polar oposites. And from one pole of those two, the projection continues to 3D. When you're identified with the body that's 3D, when your identified with thoughts that's 4D and when you surrender to 5D, you can bring into form something new, something original from the source without recycling the 4D illusions of duality or hitting the wall of 4D. 4D is divided, duality, mind illusions ... - mental dimension. When I identify with a certain perspective that is not based on my 3D human body but on my 4D mental dimension. Because the mind is divided, I can identify with a perspective that was channeled trough the human body of another being.
  8. @MiracleMan The meditation practice starts the process of transfiguration. But after a while of meditating, this meditation practice becomes futile. You realize that you have to see the whole day as a meditation practice. The distinction that the sitting meditation is somehow superior to the rest of the day when you're not meditating is false and keeps you in illusion. Reality is neutral but the mind separates itself from Reality and makes an illusion out of something as if it's more or less valuable than what in Reality is. This creates conflict between Reality and the mind and this keeps you in illusion. Everything is equal to everything else when it comes to realizing the True nature. Yes some behaviors are more conductive than others when it comes to embodyment, but the realization of enlightenment (or your True nature) doesn't require you to change anything. I too agree that meditation can be a huge waste of time but with that I'm not saying it's not necessary, in the beginning it is, to get yourself familiar with being. After you get familiar with being, you can drop this sitting meditation and do it once in a while if you wish to, but it's not necessary anymore. Realization is different than embodyment.
  9. @electroBeam So many people on this forum confuse the world of becoming with the world that IS. You are reality but you are also in reality. The aspect of you that is in reality can be a different version from me. The aspect of you that is reality is the same as me. When I'm talking to you, I'm speaking to a different version of myself not the same version of myself. I am unique and so are you.
  10. @Toby You can get lost in the powers realm but also on the path to enlightenment, because you are enlightened all the time, you just don't recognize it yet because all those mental constructs cloak the source. Enlightenment never ends, as you progress on the enlightenment path, you come to greater and greater realizations of what you are. As you embody more and more of that realization, more super powers become activated (that's probably correlated to the "junk" DNA activation process, DNA emits light and when you meditate (connecting to your highest self) you channel electromagnetic light frequencies into your 3D vessel, and that changes the DNA light emmisions that in turn transfigure the physical manifestation), and so it's necessary to gain a greater awarness of those to embody them properly because if you don't gain more awarness of those then embodyment comes to a halt. I am not talking about realization here, this is embodyment.
  11. Essence definition from the the characteristic or intrinsic feature of a thing, which determines its identity; fundamental nature definition by Google: the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, which determines its character.
  12. @Ilya The less you know, the less time you spend constructing a conceptual self ("or ‘self-concept’ draws its meaning from the network of assumptions and theories in which it is embedded, just as all other concepts do"). This is not to say that theory is not important but that theory is not necessary for enlightenment. It's possible to get to enlightenment with a few lines of words and then just discover what those words are pointing to. It's not necessary to process 1million words to get to a point that points at that which cannot be pointed at. You are a what, not a who. You are not that which you can sense with vision and hearing. Stay aware of the process in which everything comes and goes from your sight and hearing. That's enought theory.
  13. Interesting, visual and fun video. Nice golden nuggets in it. random thoughts about projections: 3D-the world in which the body resides 4D-dualistic illusions, mental constructs, relativity... (thoughts. meanings, beliefs....) 5D - oneness, non-duality Higher dimensions... oneness inside oneness... The projection goes from higher dimensions to lower dimensions. 4D is the barrier to enlightenment.
  14. @Leo Gura This is how I look at it. Being=essence (every essence in existence) Beings= essence (one essence out of an infinite number of essences) Being and beings = one
  15. @General 2 That time when I woke up at 5AM was around 10 seconds I think. The other time was around 3 secs I think. It happened more than 2 times but I recall only 2 experiences ATM, those stood out to me the most. The second one was when I was fully awake walking near an abandoned house (also saw a ghost near that house a few years prior to that that was observing me, so it could be the same being, I don't know) .
  16. @General 2 I don't know anything about this pressure you mentioned. I experienced this high pitch sound a lot of times but not always the same. Sometimes it was a different experience than just hearing it, I felt like this hight pitch sound was coming from a certain direction and I got a feeling like somebody was on the other end and was observing me. I think one is able to hear this sound more frequently after the pineal gland gets decalcified.
  17. @cle103 Something similar happened to me too. I woke up in the middle of the night, and a high pitch sound was near my bed and I felt like somebody is observing me, I felt a presence. ... It's just a being in a different dimension wanting to interact with you. Next time, get excited and tell this thing to show itself haha.
  18. Old stuff has to leave so it creates space for the new stuff to enter. It's an unavoidable process. By old stuff I mean thought patterns, paradigms, beliefs, behaviors, perspectives, interpretations, meanings etc.... that reinforce a loop that doesn't bring anything new into form. All is light, darkness is just a deficiency of light.
  19. @Monkey-man After ego-death, you get to enlightenment but the ego starts to rebuild itself and so even if you experience ego-death you can slide back if your identification with the mental constructs is still there. That's basicly what an enlightenment glimpse is. Ego death is just a starting point, it's not enough to experience ego death once or once in a while, You have to come to a point where you can consciously annahilate the ego(yourself) again and again and again, whenever the True Self wants it with the use of Devine Will. This means that even if you experienced ego death 1000 times and you're not able to annahilate yourself NOW you're not enlightened. @Monkey-man You are not your body. Self-survival is based on fear. Fear was programmed in the brain a few 1000 years ago and that enabled the body to survive. Now it is more of an obstacle because we live in a society where most people are well taken care of. This a mechanism for survival of the body not for the survival of the self. The fear of losing the self is what comes after the self is created. This is a harware of the body and You cannot get rid of it, however it's true that You can diminish it's effects so it's not that active. It takes a few years for the baby to get a self and a sense of identity, prior to that the identity is not yet formed and identified with.
  20. spending time in nature hiking camping walking barefoot on earth dancing reading books listening to music/audiobooks/podcasts drawing writing songs and poems playing musical instruments blogging taking photos creative writing learning new skills immersing yourself in new experiences traveling building something with your hands drinking tea going to a library assembling puzzles yoga breathing exercises stretching running weight training playing sports / weight training / exercising studying spending time with loved ones spending time with consciousness expanding friends looking at the stars
  21. @Serotoninluv This is the observer ego trap. When one is in the observers ego trap, it is passively observing everything. One can fall in this trap when one does mindfullness practice for a lot of time and can stay stuck in it forever. You can be in a state where no thoughts (mental sounds) are present and still be in this ego observation trap, you can watch the thoughts, emotions and not identify with them and still stay stuck in the observer trap. When You becomes able to consciosly annahilate the ego (by devine Will, not free Will), this shows you a better sign that your enlightened. Being the observer ego is childs play compared to that. For the observing to happen, there must be an observer. Observing -> observer. Everything has already been observed. Be an active "observer" not a passive one by using Devine Will. This is what gives you True freedom. When you can do this, this manifests in the physical as you being able to effectively switch brainwaves and not get stuck in one particular brainwave range (study brainwaves). When one is being awareness, there is not a question of change but of exchange. Thank you for the question.
  22. @Ryan_047 100 Ways To Become More Conscious: How To Raise Your Consciousness
  23. @Preetom Everything expresses itself from a being essence. There are an infinte number of being essences but you embody them separately. Beings than Express oneself from this being essence. You change the being essence by inhaling it (breath in - turning inward), then as you exhale (breath out-turning outward) this being essence expresses itself and becomes visible. This happens trough a manifestation process. One gains control over the manifestation process by a conscious breath cycle. There are different ways of manifestation but for this example let's say it Works like that Thought -> Feeling -> emotion -> action -> habit -> character -> destiny. So one deals effectively with the states by disidentifying from the mind (thought). This is a process of rising awareness and consciousness. The more awarness and consciousness is embodied in the 3D vehicle (body) the more centered with the True self one is. The challenge is that the body can store identifications with the mind. The more awarness and consciousness is embodied in the body the more identifications with the mind come to the surface as a challenge for your True self to deal with. The more your being your True self the more centered you become in the process. This is a process of purification. As a result of this purification process your True self is embodied in the body and then you can switch between states without any resistance. This is downloading your True self into yourself. Reality generation circuit by Bashar. Then once the experience is collected, the True Self, if One is being it, can re-adjust to bring into creation higher essences of being which have a higher electromagnetic frequency associated with them into physical existence. As a result of these higher electromagnetic frequencies the physical matter starts to vibrate higher, the body becomes less dense (less resistance is stuck in the body). "All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent "mind". This "mind" is the matrix of all matter. ~ Max Planck" Funny how you put it into words. The disidentification process is not a miserable process. It's a process of being your True Self. This is the most magnificient and devine process. At the end of it your True Self is embodied and you become centered with the source. This means Synchronized with source. Synchronizing yourself with what you truly are. The left and right brain hemisfere become synchronized and than can act as one brain, not as a left and right brain. Yes. Get rid of addictions. Release energy blockages (different techniques). Activate energy centers and meridians with Light Language Activation. Eat healthy with a lot of fresh organic vegetables, fruits, seeds and nuts. Use ascension tools such as the Gammatron key from Arcturus Ra and the alchemy Holy Grail (watch the videos from Arcturus RA on YouTube). When the thoughts come to the surface SLOW down their manifestation (the process which I mentioned above). Slow the manifestation with awarness. Once thoughts go by, you're free to act. After a while this same thoughts Will test You again and You Will have to stay in the center and not go off balance. After a while these thoughts Will not present themselves again and you Will be truly free. This is a process.
  24. YouTube channels: Arcturus RA Gabe Salomon TEAMLIGHT UNITETHECOLLECTIVE Bridget Nielsen Krista Raisa NewRealities Brad Johnson AMBASSiDOR EHANi Interview with E.D. (Extra Dimensionals) rysa5 Higher Self Channel Higher Self Rupert Spira cosmiccontinuum Maharishi Mahesh Yogi OSHO International Moojiji 777ALAJE True Divine Nature Lilou Mace rainbowabundance Higher Balance Institute Charis Melina Brown SolaraAnRa Teal Swan Krishnamurti's Teachings Bentinho Massaro Isha Foundation Sadhguru rhoda shapiro Spiritual Mind Spirit Science Ryan Cropper 13signsastrology Felipe Alexander David Wilcock | Divine Cosmos (OFFICIAL) Nurture Your Soul Steve Hutchinson CuttingEdgeConscious THRIVE Movement Ma Nithya Swarupapriyananda Anrita Melchizedek SubscriptionFreeTV UFOTV® The Disclosure Network MASTER OF EARTH Akasha & Asun Koi Fresco Collective Awakening Nithyananda Path To Ascension LotusLinkIntl KyronaUnityHope AscendedRelationship New Earth Project Audiobooks: The Modern Hermeticist Remote sound healing masters, LLA: sadhaka nehanek Divine Light Being Sun-Ra-Child Vanessa Lamorte, M.A. Meditation music, brainwaves: YellowBrickCinema - Relaxing Music Meditation Relax Music The Brainwave Hub Binaural Beats PRO
  25. If you don't understand that linear time is an illusion, you Will NEVER be enlightened so I think that's an important topic to cover! How linear time is created What is linear time How to get rid of the time illusion Understanding that the only moment in existence is the NOW moment How dissolving the time illusion translates into practical application How to get stuck in linear time again after an enlightenment glimpse and how to get out of it again