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Everything posted by AleksM

  1. @egoless No. Bashar's videos get deleted from YouTube all the time. But do your own research on Bashar and you Will find some answers for sure. Here's a link to a page that summarizes some of his teachings.
  2. @egoless Bashar's reality generation matrix? No. Past and future exist now. Past and future are just a different parallel reality. From what I recall Bashar said that consciousness is shifting trough these parallel realities millions of times per second. Awareness is beyond existence and non-existence.
  3. @egoless Being what you truly are is a progressive realization of what you truly are, it never ends. This depends on how much DNA gets activated during the journey. You can activate more strands of the DNA and then super powers Will be available. I activated some super powers during my journey (I did some activations...). I did a thread about it here:
  4. @Joseph Maynor To recognize the being in another human body and in other animals (beings), it requires to activate your feelings not thinking. You can develop your feelings to a point where somebody can come to you and you can scan their energy and recognize their essence without them speaking a Word to you. If you suck at this then all human bodies only have ONE BEING. We are one, but we are also unique. So let's say you develop your intuitive and feeling aspect. Now if I put 10 people in a row and you have to scan their energy, would everybody have the same being essence? Let's say I would put criminals, spiritual masters, stoners, killers and hippies. Your job would be to recognize each one of those. Have you ever had a feeling when you met somebody that this person Will be/ Will not be a good friend before he even speaked to you? It sure happened to me a lot of times. Being = Spirit. Beings = Soul.
  5. A few links to check out:
  6. @Visionary The same applies to negative feelings. Also the following things according to this article That Gut Feeling Signs and Synchronicities Strong Urgings or Restlessness Dreams and Visions Strong Emotions Also: seeing the same number trough the day (1111, 333, 111, 222...), that means you're in alignment pure intuition Another interesting article:
  7. @Max_V What is the difference between an enlightened master walking to the next classroom and an ordinary man who is identified with the ego that walks to the next classroom? The choice Will happen in both cases. But what's the difference?
  8. Experience is localized in the body. The Soul attaches a string to the body and agrees to experience only this body for the time being. You don't have control over your experience but you always have a choice to exchange your experience in the now.
  9. @cetus56 The information in this video is so condensed it's easy to overlook something that's said. I have to watch this video 10 more times. I feel like this understanding of the mental spheres is important.
  10. @Thomas Razzeto BTW: thank you for your first comment, great analogy, I think that's Quite well connected with what I said in the first post. I Will read more of your work. Here's a Picture for you.
  11. @Leo Gura @Azrael Links from my research (didn't read everything - links to reliable scientific webistes that state DMT is in the body):,36&qsp=5&q=dimethyltryptamine+human+brain @herghly Soudium fluoride is a neurotoxin. It was first used in concentration camps by Hitler. This is just another way society keeps us in lower consciousness. Also look for more data on this link (you can also search it in Google).
  12. @Thomas Razzeto I don't know from what site exactly I would have to check my Google history. When I get an idea, I type it in Google and do an image search and there I find those pictures. I save them to my computer so I can view them more requently. When I entered in Google now true,true,truth I also got some similar images. What do you think about the Picture above the true,true,truth? It's similar to the one below. About your one more point. Watch this video from 8:55 on. It's interesting to correlate that information from the video with what we already know about beliefs. Beliefs are made out of meaning. I am in resonance with what you're saying. Also look at that Picture (I think it's from Bashar - an extraterrestrial being channeled trough Darilyn Anka that communicates information that's beneficial for the time we're in), found it on Google. According to this picture the personality components are beliefs /definitions, emotion/thoughts, behavior (actions/reactions). I think this components also form ones perspective.
  13. @Azrael @Leo Gura Third eye (sixth chacra) is linked to the pineal gland (like other chacras are linked to other glands). The pineal gland from what I've researched releases DMT. The pineal gland can calcify and when it happens it doesn't release as much DMT and other hormones. That's why decalcifying the pineal gland is so much talked about in spiritual communities. DMT links you to the higher dimensions. You calcify the pineal gland with Sodium Fluoride (that is in the tap water and most of tooth pastes).
  14. @Serotoninluv Experience in the now is real. So experience can be used as a guiding mechanism for self-alignment. Experiences are not all the same. Experiences have different vibrational levels. So depending on which emotion you experience you can evaluate yourself where you are. All experiences and all emotions are not it but they can be used as a self-alignment mechanism. Synchronize yourself with all that is by raising your vibrational level.
  15. @Serotoninluv I have nondual experiences all day, abiding in 99,9% silent mind with no mental sounds all the day. I am familiar with the nondual. Check out he topic on how I've become enlightened. Have you read the post I have linked above in the first comment?
  16. @Serotoninluv Singularity means everything stems from the same source. It doesn't mean that everything is the same. Everything is unique.
  17. @Serotoninluv Of course there is only one moment and that is now but experience in the now is real. Of course everything is. But that doesn't mean everything is the same. You are reality and you are in reality. Emotions are guiding mechanisms for self-alignment. "Good feelings are communications from your higher self that let you know you are in alignment with your True Self. " The more you raise your vibrational frequency of being, the more you raise your consciousness and the more you merge with awareness.
  18. @cetus56 I have seen this one a few times. I like it. Yes I agree, the video contains good topics to contemplate, especially on how those things fit into the larger Picture. When the video shows how light is being projected from the higher dimensions to the lower ones and when it reaches 4D it creates 2 shapes and to me that's like the dualistic paradigm of the mind. I have a clue for the pixelated reality but need to do more research. Consciousness and information as explained in the video is also a good topic to dive into. Maybe a past lifetime of your soul was in Egypt. You cannot consciously interpret those messages. Those messages come from your intuition. Intuition is subconscious. "God speaks trough the subconscious". Trust in your deep feelings. I have experienced this samadhi state a lot of times (this merging with reality as you're describing), I can create this state Quite easily but don't really understand what's the point of having it. I don't know. It's cool to experience it, but I'm not sure what are all of the implications of this samadhi, didn't read anything about it. The one thing I'm sure of is that switching perspectives becomes easier when in this state. Don't remember that many Deja Vu, but I have certainly had them. I had a lot of synchronicities though.
  19. @cetus56 Not sure if we mean the same thing but this is what comes to mind, If you are refering to my childhood. I had 2 invisible friends. I have seen them when I closed my eyes and was talking to them. I don't remember that at all, the only thing I remember is seeing them every day when I closed my eyes after going to bed for sleep. 3 years ago (22 now), I had a conversation with my father and he told me I had invisible friends when I was a kid and that they almost sent me to a psychiatrist. Until 3 years ago I didn't know that but I remembered that I was seeing 2 beings of light when I closed my eyes at night. I don't remember talking to them. @mathieu No. Arcturus RA (from YouTube, A spiritual jedi master) recommended to watch this video a few times and I just wanted to share it, because that knowledge is hard to find.
  20. This is the meaning of those two words according to Google. Also added another Picture to the first post.