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Everything posted by AleksM

  1. I have writen in the past about a pendant that helped me in my spiritual journey. In this topic I Will post my experience and benefits with using the light technology in form of a pendant. Today Arcturus RA announced a new pendant that is much more powerful then the one I used. I Will also embed at the bottom a few videos from Arcturus RA in which he explains how his technology Works. I have bought a gammatron key and received it in October 2014. I definitely feel a big difference if I'm not wearing this pendant for a a few days. I have already written about some of the benefits in the past, so I Will just copy and paste it here. After I bought his pendant with photon emissions I was able to establish contact with extraterrestrial beings (it was not obvious in the begging that that was taking place but after a while it was obvious, probably it was not just because of the pendant but it obviously started to put things into motion). I was able to make telephatic contact after a few months and they showed up in the sky after the contact was established more than 100 times. My meditation skills went trough the roof. When I received the pendant I felt a strong energy field sorrounding it. After wearing it for 2 days my body started to feel different, I felt noticably better. I am more positive because of it, negativity can't even touch me. I am able to lift more weight in the gym and hike for longer periods of time because of it. I am able to gain more muscle mass faster and also retain it for longer periods when I don't train that much. My muscles recover faster from a workout. I am calmer and more relaxed and at ease with everyday life than before wearing the pendant I started receiving more amazing ideas, brainstorm like ideas. I started to become more creative. It brought me out of toxic friendships. My eating habits changed. I am able to clearly sense which foods are good for my body and which are not. The need for food decreased. I am able to eat less food and still be more energetic overall. More energy and focus. I am more rested when I wake up. I need less sleep. I feel like a flame of energy and when meditating I feel energies purging out from me. I am more grounded in my body. My skin became clearer. My intuition was enhanced by a lot. .... @Leo Gura I recommend you look into that, his technology just simply Works and it would help you a lot if you decided to experiment with it. Also the stuff Arcturus RA talks about on his Chanel on YouTube is extremely deep and powerful, I think it's really hard to find something that is as deep as that. RA is on another level. I'm quoting here what Arcturus RA explained on his website, about what that key does and also a video in which he says basicly the same. This is the new key Arcturus RA announced today. The video below is an older video about RA explaining the technology behind the key. He has a a lot of positive reviews on his etsy shop, I would say like 99% positive so there is more evidence of the positive effects that people are experiencing. Also if someone other here had a positive effect from using his technology, post a review under this thread. @pluto made a great point in this thread also. Have you anything more to add about this key?
  2. @Dodo Some thoughts on the video: We as beings have our personal consciousness that picks up signals from another plane of existence, like a radio you have to tune into a frequency that already exists. The range of frequencies we can tune in is limited to our genetic makeup. DNA is the blueprint of the physical organism. DNA emits light. We are beings of light. We can change DNA. We can also watch DNA on video that's contracting and expanding, search it on youtube. My personal consciousness is the truth of my reality, of my truthfullness, and this is confirmed by experience that is happening here and now. My personal truth, that is my mind can change, because it's subjective. The consciousness field picks up the signals from another plane of parallel possible future creation timeline/spaceline and when the radio is synchronized to receive the frequencies from the station, this starts the process of integration. The amount of consciousness that we have as beings is the same as the vibrational frequency that's present in our auric field. Consciousness brings the particles of the atom into vibration. The higher the consciousness the higher the vibrational frequency and thus the dimension of existence. If you accept/allow the truth of lower consciousness that is stuck in the lower self then you can't be experiencing the truth of higher consciousness. Everything is connected to everything else, you cannot skip class. Also I would say that awareness is prior to consciousness. Awareness is like light. After 60 secs he speaks about super powers. But looks like he doesn't know there are thousands of super powers that can be integrated into the being and carried out. If I get super power X then this doesn't mean I can do the stuff that is the conseqence of super power L.
  3. @Toby Does Rupert Spira talk about different fields of consciousness? The experience of reality is the experience of consciousness. You can't deny your experience. This is your truth. The truth that is your mind (spaceline and timeline) is your field of consciousness. If I don't understand the fields of consciousness than I don't understand the function of the mind. When I'm talking about consciousness, I like to to keep in mind the following fields of consciousness: preconscious subconscious conscious continuing conscious super conscious subliminal conscious radial conscios Also consider the terms individual personal subconscious and collective universal subconscious. What about the personal mind and universal mind? I am experiencing my own personal mind, you're experiencing your personal mind. The mind is a construct. I have a different construct of the mind then you do. The mind is stored in the vacuum. I am experiencing and not experiencing the mind. I am experiencing my personal mind which is stored in the universal mind of all personal minds. My personal field of consciousness carries the accepted truths of the mind. I am experiencing this mind in right here, right now, like you do and everybody else. Everything is happening right here right now, we're just experiencing different parallel realities. The here and now is the "location" of consciousness. Since you can experience everything only in the here and now, this is the experience of consciousness. I am consciousness. But I have a different experience of consciousness then you do, because awareness is aware of a different field of consciousness. Everything comes out of nothing. Everything is nothing. Nothing is the absolute. The absolute is pure oneness. Everything comes out of my being -from my essence. I am experiencing this essence right here, right now. I am my own universe, you are your own universe. You are experiencing your own universe, your own reality. @Dodo
  4. I became enlightened 4 years ago but after this long, the embodiment process is still in progress. In the last few months I have came to some major realizations that Will accelerate my embodiment of higher consciousness. Everything is still assimilating and connecting to itself but I need to materialize my current thoughts so I can see more clearly where am I at. Awareness is aware of non-existence, of the non-physical, of the eternal, this allows awareness to shine on all of the existence (be aware of the screen). Everything already exists. Consciousness is being conscious about reality. Awareness is like light. With awareness the being navigates trough the infinite spacelines and timelines that can be brought into personal existence. Everything already exists, the being just needs to tune in that reality. Then this reality comes from the universal mind that is located in non-existence of personal experience to the focalized self awareness point of the personal mind, of the personal experience that's happening in ones being, that translates into existence, into reality and matter. The being becomes aware of the consciousness field that is inside the universe. Then the being trough the process of being, trought the process of synchronization, receives the truth of that construct of consciousness. The construct is the mind. There is an universal mind and a personal mind that's located in the personal consciuosness of the being. This truth becomes a personal truth. This personal truth is carried in the consciousness field (aura- Google: kirlian photography) of the being. What do you think about my insights? What do you think is the function of awareness and consciousness?
  5. An article worth checking out.
  6. @Dodo You cannot take the "object" as the subject unconsciously because the "object" is unattainable by the thinking subject. You don't mistake yourself as being a chair because you have enough awareness that you know that you are not that chair. But why do you identify with the body is the question. And the answer is the same, lack of awareness. The same applies for the mind. The problem is that the ego perceives boundaries and in reality we cannot even prove the existence of a single independent object, because everything is connected. So all the perceived objects = one big "object". We perceive different objects because that one "object" vibrates at different rates. This one "object" has infinite possible vibrational states. I know what you mean, but that's just another assumption. You cannot see the other side of objects, you can only be directly conscious of the True Reality. You cannot comprehend it with senses because all the senses are just translation devices and the message can be misinterpreted by the thinking subject. There is a conscious thinking subject, that you identify as yourself, it is just not located and physical as the body. It is located on the mental dimension of the mind (4D). The mind has one dimension of time and three of space. Thoughts can only happen in time. Thoughts are a construction and so is time. The more thoughts you have, the more time your creating. Time is an illusion, but the experience of it is real. The thinking subject is an illusion, but the experience of it is real. The subject deals with the information which the senses collected (sight, sound, touch, taste, smell). All the information is there in the universe (universal mind), our personal mind is just collecting it. It is creating a conceptual self, our sense of self. Then we can allow this constructed self to run our lives (if it's healthy ego then it's good). But the problem here is that this process happens pretty much unconsciously for most people, and so we are experiencing an inauthentic self, a separated self that is constructed pretty much by society not our True Self, using conscious "effort". You cannot get rid of the subject. You cannot annahilate yourself forever. You can only annahilate your current version of yourself, so that a new version of yourself can be reborn. Better align yourself with your True Self, by redefining yourself. Redefining yourself in such a way, so that it feels amazing.
  7. There is an "object" and a subject which deals with that unattainable "object". We cannot prove the existence of an object (chair, TV...) (we don't take this seriously enough). The object is just a reflection and projection of the field of consciousness. We cannot know the object with our subjective filter that was constructed by the senses. So, no matter the building blocks from which the subjective filter is made out of, Reality is not attainable with it. It is only trough direct contact /merging with being that Reality can be known. The problem is that we identify with the subject which is a construction of the mind. We are lazy beings and allow the constructed self to run our life. When you consciously construct yourself, then it's good. When you unconsciously construct yourself, your True Self is asleep and so, it turns out badly. All the words are just pointers. They are not to be taken literally. Words are there for you to discover something that is not possible to point at. Words are symbolic representations of an "object". The map Will never be like the territory, the map Will keep changing, while the territory Will remain the same.
  8. @cetus56 "the ultimate truth is that all truths are true" ~Bashar
  9. @Dodo Found them on Facebook and it's funny, simple as that.
  10. @egoless
  11. @Vitamine Water Right here, right now.
  12. @egoless Yesterday I had a conversation with a friend about this topic. Here's what he said.
  13. @Lauritz @vizual @Girzo @Leo Gura @electroBeam @AlwaysBeNice @zunnyman @Geromekevin @HII It's already happening. Check out the The new Earth project
  14. @How to be wise Neutral = you don't react in a certain circumstance or to a thought that pops up. When you react, forgive yourself, the best is to put it into writing, analyze your reaction by writing about it. Where have you been when you reacted, what people were around, how you felt, what you did (start with, I forgive myself).... Then write a commitment for self-correction. (" start with I commit to...") You release dopamine by for example: going for a walk, doing some push-ups, gym, exercise, preparing a good meal, hiking... This article has a good list of ways to release dopamine.
  15. @How to be wise I don't know what addiction you have but I have found that a linear process of awareness does not solve anything. When you're addicted you get physical urges. You don't get these urges for 5 hours every day. You get them at certain times during the day and the week. You might get an urge that lasts for 10 minutes every 3 days. and in this 10 minute period you have to apply and amplify your awareness or the addiction Will be maintained. Stay in neutrality mode. Nothing in reality is inherently positive or negative. Only when you start constructing meaning out of something as being more or less valuable, you'll fall into the trap. If you stay in neutrality mode for long enough, the urge Will pass. When it passes find an alternative way to realease dopamine in your brain so it gets rewired.
  16. 7 november 2011 - at 5:40AM I was walking outside and saw a light floating in the air. I didn't know what was this light or from what things this light reflects from. I was looking at it while I was walking by and was contemplating what it is. As I was walking by that light, I was starting to notice that that light was like a head of a ghost, I started to notice that that head was moving as I was walking by. Like somebody staying still and moving their head as I was walking by. I saw a face and two fists. Then I had a though. "What if it's a ghost?". And that instant, the being moved for 20 cm down. Then I had this fear reaction and didn't know what to do. I grabbed a stone and threw it at the ghost. When the stone was in the air I thought that with this it Will disappear, the being disappeared down into the ground. I was terrified. The being knew what I was thinking (discovered that after a few years and it made a lot of sense). After that I have researched a bit on the internet about ghosts and came to some strange conclusions. I have told myself that I am not ready yet to accept that reality and that it Will come a time, when I Will understand. Then I leaved all this behind me. After 18 months I went to a birthday party. There I met a girl that recently added me on Facebook. We didn't know each other personally until then, but the same day she invited me to a private forum about spirituality, meditation, cosnciousness. After a while she told me that she was seeing me in her dreams and so she had to add me on fb and invite me to the forum. After I was invited to the forum, I have spend a few months reading a lot of posts on that forum. Finally the time that I told myself would come, came and I was excited. I have found other sources, watched videos and read articles obsessively, started a meditation practice... After a few months I was enlightened. Now I hope I see this being again. I Will get excited.
  17. @Preetom Yea, It's Quite funny. I don't know exactly how because I was practicing this stuff 4 years ago and it was most probably a combination of things, a morphing process of evolution and transfiguration. That's why I have mentioned all the techniques I have used, but I still don't know for sure what is the exact formula (need to do more contemplation of my past). That's also why I have mentioned some things that don't seem directly related but from my point of view they are. But to answer your question I would say both. Be aware of as much content as possible that's happening in the now moment and don't see yourself as a part of it. Then once the purification process is over you can also see yourself as a part in it and act more paradoxical. Find who authentically you are as fast as possible and boil it down to the essence. Check out this site also find your goal, mode of operation, attitude... (all on this site) + enneagram type and your path of stress and growth. The thing I know for sure is that it was extremely effective. It was not like some great teacher told me some secrets in the beggining. I was having a conversation on a forum and the thread I posted there was about the stages of meditation. And then this guy (that was my inspiration at the time, and later became a friend) told me that there are no stages and something just clicked for me. I don't know what he said exactly (he deleted the forum), but from what I remember I interpreted it like I need to pay attention to all perceived light and all perceived sound and to maintain a state of inner silence. To not indulge in the content of those two, to just become aware of those. And to do this you have to maintain a detached attitude. I was walking down the street and was aware of the sounds that were hitting my body ("okay, there is a dog barking on the right side of the road, there is a couple walking behind me, I can hear the automobile sounds.... I didn't repeat these thoughts in my mind but I simply acknowledged that that was happening in that moment ) I was not a part of it but the totality of it. I had an obsession to find Truth, I had to because the happenings of my past would not be resolved if I wouldn't and I said in the past that it Will come a time when I Will understand and know (note the story about the ghost I mentioned in the first post). So when I realized the totality of it all, that all is being projected onto the now moment, I somehow realized that everything that comes into existence, comes from that silence, So I have started to be this silence more and more by returning all thoughts that popped up to this silence via breath and awareness which transmuted all into silence. After like 3 weeks of "doing" this I was starting to see light orbs all around me, multiple times per day, and I somehow knew I was on the right track. (some say these light orbs are angels from higher dimensions). I didn't know what these are at the time but I knew that something magical was taking place and trusted the process. Yes I have persisted and tryied to maintain the inner silence in amidst all circumstances. The hardest times are also the best times for growth. The school part was the hardest part for me, I Will just quote what I mean from the first post. Whatever you do, do it mindfully, I don't care what it is. You can use critical thinking, contemplation and practice mindfullness at the same time. (be wary of the observer ego trap though, but you don't need to worry about this in the first few years). When you're on ther computer/mobile, usually most people go on autopilot mode, because you are not moving your body, you're just clicking and so it's easier to fall in low consciousness using technology. After 5 minutes of watching TV you go in zombie mode, your alfa brain waves increase and thinking beta waves diminish. You have to become comfortable moving your body without thinking in this case. I think something very similar happens when you're on the computer/mobile to some extent, even if you're just reading stuff on your mobile/computer. I remember a long time ago, I was trying to read a book and simultaneously think about something else, it was not really effective and it was like a nightmare, I had to reread the same sentence multiple times. I don't think now when I read and that boosted my reading speed. So mindfullness practice Will help your reading. So where ever you have a difficulty maintaining a mindfull state, that is an indication of a awarness growth potential. That's not bad, that is good. I don't know. I can dis-identify from thoughts, when thoughts come up, I can return thoughts to pure silence, my mind is 99,9% silent all the time. I annahilated my self-image on purpose, radically transfigured it and in the following year I Will do it again. The practices I did leaved a permanent state for me but with that I have also realized there is an even deeper and more majectic permanent state of embodiment, and I'm working on it now, but it Will take me a few more years to be completelly embodied. I still have some problems with an addiction to fapping, to which I was addicted for like 8 years prior to enlightenment, it's a deeply ingrained behavior. Prior to enlightenment I didn't even know I was addicted, then slowly after months and months of observing my awareness about it increased. It doesn't have any power when I'm in neutral mode but it's hard for me to not react a few times a month, and a few times is enough to amplify it's habit rhythm and to maintain it. The ideal for me would be once every 2-3 weeks. I also have some destructive sabotaging personality traits on which I need to work on more. So my behavior is not all perfect, I have said that in my first post, when I realized I need to do more personal development and enlightenment simultaneously. I am improving and also I am done. No research done but Will do in the future for sure. I had a lot of experiences with it though, like feeling energy blasts from my body and around my body, feeling my auric field and other more energetic aspects of reality. I think it's an important component of enlightenment. I had a minor one but I don't think it's important to mention because that was not responsible at all for all the spiritual progress. What made me make such a commitment was the obsession to know Truth. And that obsession was triggered by a memory of me seeing a ghost, which I mentioned in the first post, I didn't mention that story just randomly, It was an important component of my awakening. If I didn't had that radical experience with a ghost, probably I wouldn't have made such a commitment. I simply had to know the Truth, all was pointless compared to that. I didn't even know what I was looking for in the beggining, I didn't have a notion of Truth, but I knew I am going to do whatever it takes to know and to get more in tune with the subtle aspects of reality that are not directly perceivable by the human eyes. @Blissout No but I had periods that ranged for a few weeks that were extremely blissful but I am not able to maintain it for more than a few weeks for now. This is the difference between realizing enlightenment and embodying it. Embodiment requires time for integration. Realization is accesible directly in the now moment without changing the behavior and external circumstances. Yes I can but It's kinda funny because I can dis-identify with that mental suffering on a dime, in one breath the suffering is gone. When it happens it happens without my conscious awareness so I need to bring some light to it and then it's gone. "Pain is unavoidable, suffering is optional." Also most of the suffering we experience is mental suffering not physical suffering. Not totally sure what you mean here so it would be cool if you explain this question a bit more. I think I understood your question but better clarify. Of course, I perceive the content of the universe but I became more aware of the context in which it's happening. And that awareness of the context transmuted most of the dualistic patterns, brought greater piece and alignment/synchronization with the universal harmony of existence.
  18. Decalcifying the pineal gland is extremely important. The pineal gland releases DMT, which links you to higher dimensions. It is also reffered to as the third eye in many ancient scriptures. I have provided evidence that the pineal gland releases DMT in this posts. Also look into more videos on YouTube ... there is a lot of information Also somewhere I have read that fluoride is also used for spraying on vegetables and fruit and it's up to 180x more concentrated, so peel the skin of the fruit if it's not organic. Use a fluoride free toothpaste and install a fluoride water filter in your home. @The Monk @LaucherJunge Lemon juice doesn't remove fluoride from water. Most of the bottled water also has fluoride. @Ricky Walt I don't think that fluoride is also stored in the meat, but regardless it's better to conscume vegetable protein, and you can satisfy your protein need pretty easily and it's healthier. Search on Google: vegan protein sources.