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Everything posted by AleksM

  1. @Principium Nexus Why are you asking me??? Ask youtube and google.
  2. @Serotoninluv When I use the word You, with the capital letter, I mean the True Self, Being, Soul, Consciousness - all the same. When I use the lower case letter you, I am pointing to the ego, to the self, you believe yourself to be. You have to be wise to discern between the two, if you are still low in consciousness and awareness then you can't properly understand what I'm talking about. I do my best to not cause confusion and use the words You and you properly. These two words are the same, but point to different things. What those two words are pointing to you have to find out for yourself. Words are just pointers. @Ascend Read the 2 threads below: @mp22 Of course the brain exists lol. We can call it whatever, but it is our collective agreement that we call it the brain. So why not use the word brain. We are doing it all the time for all the things so it doesn't matter. Map and the territory are not the same. The brain is not the mind. The brain is just the grounding platform for the mind. @Psyche_92 I am in what most people would consider automatic meditation mode all the time, so yea, it doesn't matter if I meditate or not, I don't notice any difference between sitting meditation and the rest of the day. Most days I don't do sitting meditation, I am meditating all the time, it doesn't matter. But telling you this will not help you at all. Only after you get enlightened you will understand what I mean by this. @Principium Nexus The environment shapes the ego. This is true. But acting in an enlightened way is beyond what most would consider learned behavior. It is direct communion with a rhythm that is not perceivable, and cannot be shaped into a perception, it is beyond perception. All the things from the environment shape the perception, but consciousness is beyond perception. When I became enlightened I started acting in way that my mind had no clue how to articulate, I was doing things like I knew stuff not like I needed to shape the perception first before I acted. I was doing stuff and I didn't understand why but looking back I know that I did the best thing possible. It takes a lot of time to shape the perception, and now after a few years I can better articulate what I was doing after enlightenment. Very hard to put it into words. It's like a higher intelligence channels into the body and just knows what to do. That is beyond intellect. It took me a lot of time for my intellect to fully grasp what I was doing. That's why I have mentioned in the first few lines of the first post that I still need to create a good map for the territory. The ego has no free will. Most people identify with the ego and so they are trapped in the illusion of free will. Only after you become enlightened you truly know what free will is. So yea, You have free will, and you don't. @Monkey-man Thanks for mentioned what Sadhguru said. It is true. What this means is that after you realize what you are, you also realize what free will is. Ego has no free will. Most people identify with the ego, and so they THINK they have free will. But free will has them, haha.
  3. @Leo Gura Great news! Btw: I will expand on the topic tomorrow anyways. This discussion cleared up this paradox but still I want to better articulate and expand the side of Devine will. Did 7 hours of walking meditation today so I need some rest.
  4. @Nahm Steven has 2 superb documentaries. One is named Sirius and the newer one is Unacknowledged. You can find them on youtube. Steven is kind of a big deal. I think he shows contact in his new one but not sure. In his course he shows a lot of footage and pictures so if you want to go deeper check the link I sent you in the message box to purchase his course.
  5. @Principium Nexus Thanks for posting, will watch it on the weekend. Meanwhile is the video talking about sacred geometry?
  6. @Leo Gura @KieranWicklow Steven Greer has an online training course of 16 hours that teaches all contact protocols. He made contact and documented it and filmed it with his CSETI5 team more than 10000 times. There is no single time when he didnt establish contact. I also made contact but prior to purchasing this training more then 100 times. Edit: Here is the new documentary from Steven Greer.
  7. @Shin LoL that was funny, thank you @Leo Gura That reminds me of something Bashar said. "It is not this or that, it is this AND that!" That makes a lot more sense now since I am all that is. If all must come full circle then that means at some point you will need to cover the other side that makes this paradox. I know your message is meant for your target audience but there will come a time to address these paradoxes.
  8. @mrhognuts Being=consciousness. Awareness is beyond consciousness. Witness=awareness. So it is simply awareness of consciousness. Consciousness has different layers, for example subconscious, preconscious, subliminal conscious, super conscious. I have made a post about it in the past about it, will post it here after I get on the PC. Awareness permeates all dimensions of existence.
  9. @John Iverson Your inter dimensional support team gave you some upgrades and you were conscious and aware of it. Lucky you. Allow some time to pass to aclimate to those upgrades. That happens only for your benefit.
  10. @Anton Rogachevski You have the ability to respond in the now moment, but you don't have the control over the natural laws which are governing the universe.
  11. @Ether If it would be a lie, then probably a lot of people on the internet are lying. I did a google search for you and found a lot of tutorials and posts about sensing energy fields. Enter in google: sensing energy fields @JustinS After enlightenment I have left the majority behind, but some of them I have returned to hang out with. I have found that developing deep relationships with people is important to me but I don't crave them at all and letting go of the superficial ones is also important. Find the ones that you can develop something deep with and stay in touch. Leave the superficial ones without regret.
  12. Looks like the playlist videos I embedded didn't work, so I have made a link out of them. Now you can check my meditation playlists that helped me a lot on my journey. Enjoy! btw: Also added a few more insights.
  13. @iTommy The authentic self, your authentic personality starts to shine. You know yourself better. You know what you are and who you are and this creates a perfect union which results in amazing positive feelings.
  14. @mrhognuts Great question. I would say yes. But the two clearly have some different definitions associated to them. I would say it like that: Awareness is aware of consciousness inside it. Witness to consciousness = awareness of consciousness. The mind is inside consciousness, so consciousness is conscious of the mind inside it. Thank you.
  15. @Max_V The ego, is located in the mind. It comes and it goes. The ego passes trough the here/now. Spacetime happens inside the here/now. The picture you saw was a representation of space inside time. Here/now is where your consciousness exists. Check these articles out.
  16. @2000 At the fundamental level everything is serving the being, this goes beyond belief. Being is not a belief. Being is beyond belief. Beliefs are self-serving, self-enforcing systems, without this mechanism the being wouldn't have the experience of physical reality that it is having right now. That doesn't mean that the body is immune to hurt. When you experience hurt that is just an indication or an alarm that you have a belief that is not in alignment with your Being- True Self, Soul. Most people believe that experiencing what they don't prefer is somehow not serving them, but this is actually serving them so that they may realize what they do prefer more. This is a simple re-frame mentioned by Bashar (a channeled extraterrestrial being), it makes a huge difference in the way you see things. There is a natural self-aligning mechanism in the universe working all the time. Well-being is the natural flow of the universe, when you allow it to flow trough you without resistance then hurt will not manifest. Hurt manifests because of a resistance to a belief that is in alignment with well-being. Transform resistance into acceptance of well-being. See the way you want to see. You can have a belief about it or not, this mechanism will work all the time. When You realize what you prefer more, integrate the knowing about that into your being, you will need to process the mental resistance if identified with the old belief, you could say in that instance that change is painful but nothing is as painful as being stuck where you don't prefer to be. Mental resistance is a choice, physical pain is inevitable.
  17. @egoless LoL. No I was not depressed or had social anxiety.
  18. @LaucherJunge @How to be wise @egoless Before enlightement I hanged out with my friends every day. After I became enlightened I have became also hyper sensitive, I could perceive energy fields of people around me and much much much more, it was overwhelming to put it into one word. That's the main reason I had started to isolate myself more and more. After 1 year I have isolated myself for 18 months. I needed time to process and people were hindering the decoding process.I hanged out only with one friend and the meetings were specificaly about spiritual topics, and the frequency of meetings was in months. After that period I have came back to society to hang out a few times per week, sometimes every day.
  19. @Ether The more you connect to the inner silence of your True Self, the more your mind Will surrender to it, but you need to become more and more familiar with this inner silence. Then after you get more familiar with it, increase the amount of time you hold this inner silence. After you finish meditating, keep on expanding this inner silence that you got familiar with in sitting meditation trought the whole day. Listen to alfa and theta brainwaves a few times per week to dive deeper and connect more easily with this silence. The True Self works trough you and as you only in pure silence.
  20. @electroBeam I don't recommend following a rational paradigm when choosing a guru. Use the feeling paradigm. You can find a lot of good spiritual teachers online. I think it's better to find them online, that's basicly the future of finding a spiritual guru. Do you feel like this guru is the real deal? Not think but feel. Do you feel a deep unexplainable resonance and connection with what the guru is saying? Does the guru inspire you? Does the guru teach you to practice some form of spiritual practice or just talking theory? Does the guru promote a practical spiritual approach to life? (not practice but more of an approach for every life situation) Do you feel like the quality of the experience of life would improve a lot by following this guru? I am not talking about the thinking pattern that would be installed in your mind by consuming his information but rather your personal experience of life regardless of how much of his info you consume. (content of thoughts is not an experience) Is the guru promoting an ideal of life or a deep understanding of the actuality that is present in the now moment? Is the guru promoting a transformational process rather then consuming an endless stream of information? Does the guru promote knowing or believing? Is the guru focused too much on the end goal of enlightenment vs. actually telling you how to attain it? Does the guru overly focus on fullfilling selfish ego desires? (status, power, sex, success, ...) Has the guru adopted a spiritual materialistic paradigm? ("“Spiritual materialism is that process by which the ego grasps at the accomplishments and progress of the self upon the spiritual path; an act by which its very nature denies the Self." ) Do you feel peacefull when listening to this guru, does he look peaceful? Does the guru "slap you in the face" with some deep insights that inspire you to leave your old paradigm?
  21. Foundational. God is a frequency, tune in. This is a famous quote from Nikola Tesla. And yet in this community there is very little talk about energy, frequency and vibration. That is a topic we need to understand better and become more familiar with.
  22. @BobbyLowell Take the free introductory course on: Also check this thread.
  23. @Dodo Understanding sacred geometry is foundational, I hope @Leo Gura Will make a video about it in the future, it's really important. It helps a lot to understand the big picture. You can find a lot of information and documentaries about it on YouTube.
  24. This is a foundational topic to cover. What is sacred geometry sound geometry sacred geometry and it's relation to vibration, frequency and matter There is a lot of information on youtube An article about it was posted in this thread