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Everything posted by AleksM

  1. @cirkussmile I already have a 99,99% silent mind all the time for the last 4 years. It's awesome
  2. @mrhognuts Correcting myself here first. I said : Now I would say it like that. The mind and body is inside consciousness. Consciousness is conscious only of it's experience, it is not conscious of the content of experience. . Consciousness is only conscious of it's experience, it knows only consciousness, that is knowing. Awareness is aware of the content of consciousness and the totality of it which is experience. Content of consciousness being the mind, which is a spaceline and a timeline. So only awareness is aware of the content - mind, body. Self-awareness is the quality of consciousness. Self-awareness = mind-awareness + body-awareness. Here is the post I mentioned above.
  3. @dude Meditation initiates the purification process. When you start you have a lot of thought stories going on automatically, the thought stories just won't stop. After a while of meditating, thoughts diminish. You start being more relaxed. You become more aware of consciousness that is residing in the present moment. When you are fully present, no thoughts are present. As awareness increases the True Self - Being- Consciousness - Soul that is residing in the now moment starts to activate and you start having a more expansive experience of life. You experience more. The more purified the mind and body, the less resistance there is for the integration and embodiment of the True Self. So yes, meditation makes you more conscious.
  4. @Faceless Consciousness is simply experience. Awareness is the observation of that experience. You are the experience, you are consciousness. This experience is happening right here, right now. A thought story can happen only in time. The only moment in existence is the now moment. Experience happens only in the now moment. Experience is not happening in time, because time is illusory. Time is a byproduct of consciousness reflecting back on its own existence. The quality of the experience depends on the vibrational frequency of the mind and body. The higher the frequency, the more expansive the experience of life becomes. The lower the frequency, the more limited of an experience you have. The mind and body is the content of experience, content of consciousness. Changing the content of mind and body, changes the experience.(#purification) Awareness is aware of the content. Consciousness is only conscious of the totality of it which is experience. Higher frequency = more experiences Lower frequency = less experiences The line from the left to right being the same amount of time.
  5. @ZX_man LoL, so what? You are an extraterrestrial too to an outside species of beings. It's just a matter of perspective. You can find some of the teachings of Bashar on this page: I recommend you read it all. @Alex K An extraterrestrial being that is being channeled by Darilyn Anka for the last 30 years. He is communicating important knowledge for the time we are being in right now. You can find videos from him on youtube, they are being deleted however, but still, you can find a lot of great info. @ZX_man As an example. You said: "Enlightenment is hard living with the paradoxes", that is a subjective truth that has an opposite (relative) side which says "Enlightenment is easy living with the paradoxes". So this is the other side of the same coin. The paradox is that both are True.
  6. @Leo Gura Interested in what you have to say about this.
  7. @ZX_man No. This is beyond the physical mind, the job of the physical mind is only to receive not to conceive. (as Bashar calls it). I can only perceive the subjective truth, which is relative to something else. The mind is not able to deal with paradox.
  8. @Anirban657 Martin outlined some great points. I would add meditation with alfa and theta brainwaves, because neuroticism and psychosis I think is related to too much beta brainwaves in the brain which amplify the sense of ego. I have a playlist in my guide if you want to experiment. (link below).
  9. I love paradox. Paradox is power to direct your personal experience and give it whatever meaning You wish to give it beyond the subjective relativity.
  10. @Marco_the_Ape How do you define the increase in awareness? Awareness is always the same, but the perception changes, perception contracts and expands. Thoughts are like clouds that, awareness is like the sun above the clouds. My recommendation: Be aware in a non-judgemental way, without labeling, without constructing meaning out of arising thoughts (focus on breathing), aware of as much content as possible in a detached way (being the sun, not the one below attaching to temporary phenomena of the senses). Awareness of as much body sensations as possible, awareness of the breath ( slowing it down after a dualistic pattern shows up), awareness of all of the sounds in the environment (acknowledge the source of the sound without labeling), awareness of the light that is present. All of this combined, all the time, for ever. Remember: it is extremelly easy but when you use thinking a simple truth becomes complex and hard to grasp.
  11. @Nahm Ok. So spacetime is illusory and the experience of it is real. Experience is consciousness and awareness is aware of experience, the experience is constantly changing. I had this hidden assumption that spacelines are real and timelines are illusory. This definition is better. Thank you, I think I have to change my definitions. Consciousness is only conscious of it's experience, it knows only consciousness, that is knowing. Awareness is aware of the content of consciousness and the totality of it which is experience. Content of consciousness being the mind, which is a spaceline and a timeline. This is what reality means in my language.
  12. @Nahm BTW: existence to me is consciousness and nonexistence to me is awareness. Awareness is aware of the thought stories. Thought stories are what we call illusory. But this does not mean they do not exist. Thought stories can happen only inside time. Time is illusory because the only moment in existence is NOW. Time is a byproduct of consciousness reflecting back on its own existence, so this means illusion is real because illusion is a byproduct of consciousness.
  13. @Toby @How to be wise Mental suffering is different from physical pain. You can have physical issues and no mental suffering about those happenings.
  14. @Wyatt @Leo Gura @cetus56 Existentially speaking, every situation, environment you find yourself in is meaningless. This doesn't mean you have to live a meaningless life, it means you have total freedom to define this meaningless however you wish, because meaning is subjective, the same thing can mean different things to different people. The greatest gift Creation has given you is that you can assign the meaning to the situation and environment you find yourself in. You felt depressed and afraid of the insight because this is a threat to your ego. Ego wants to maintain it's rhythm by sticking to something that is positive for it's reinforcement. The good thing is that your True Self is not the ego, and You can redefine what is good and what is bad, however you want, because to your True Self everything is equal. Only to the ego it is not. Your True Self is what's redefining the good and bad based on personal experience. The ego lives in a different reality that has no contact with this reality ( it is interconnected and it affects this reality, but the ego does not know what actually happening right here and now), it just wants to maintain it's self. Beliefs are self-reinforcing, proof finding mechanisms but after they become strong and established, it doesn't mean you are not able to change them. Changing the definition will be a threat to your current established ego, but the True Self will stay still and indifferent.
  15. @shahryar Watching porn is an over stimulating activity that produces too much dopamine. There is a big difference between watching a naked woman on a screen or in real life. When you are on the internet you have infinite possibilities to choose - this releases dopamine, you switching between tabs, releases dopamine. Now on the internet you can also jump from one women to another on a daily basis, this releases more dopamine because in real life you are not able to jump from partner to partner on a daily basis. Everything you watch on the screen is a play not real, real life is not like that and so this releases additional dopamine. Novelty releases dopamine, you have too much novelty on the internet. So, porn is bad, porn is extremely bad. What you are talking is exposure therapy to cure addictions, it has benefits only for those who are addicted. And exposure therapy is not even effective to cure porn BTW, you need to step away from it and only then use exposure therapy to imagine and not watch the scenarios.
  16. @egoless There is no why existence exists. Existence simply exists. It always existed and it always will exist, because it is existing right now. Without appearance, you wouldn't be able to differentiate between good and bad, and so the preservation of life, would not be possible. Simple as that. Questions like why and how only take place inside the mind. The only important existential question is WHAT?
  17. I only consume fish meat. Most of the time, I don't eat any meat but I when I do, I enjoy it. A lot of meat has toxins in it so it needs to be eaten in moderation. I think that your blood type plays a vital role in the decision if you should go with meat or not.
  18. @blazed @Shanmugam @Dragallur I had only 1 question for you and you didn't answer it. I have posted links and videos and you watched none. If you would like to change your perspective, then it is not coming easy, you have to put in the research. I am not saying you have to trust in me or in whatever I believe. I am saying you have to do your own experiments, to test it on your personal experience, to do your own research and collect the missing pieces by yourself. Nobody will assemble the life puzzles for you, you have to do it by yourself. I will answer my question for you. Cymatics is the study of visible sound vibrations. You are talking about like thoughts are internal and the world is external, but I really don't see a difference, so it doesn't make sense to speak about thoughts having effect on the outside world, it's just silly. I sensed hundreds of times what others were thinking and they were not near me at all, so this notion that thought are only internal is false based on my personal experience. The problem here is not the lack of evidence, but your need to rely on scientific consensus to prove something to you. Why? Because if your personal experience doesn't prove what the science talks about, then this will become just another belief for you, and this means you will become a thief of beliefs. Not good. If something is proven by your personal experience, than that means it's true for you. You don't need 1000 of people to give you some thoughts about a thing to accept it as reality. Beliefs need to be based on personal experience to be truly yours and this is done by confirming it trough personal experience. Every belief comes from the personal experience and this is where it must return to. There is no outside reality. I am living in my own universe and you are living in your own universe, and we are co-creating a third shared consensus reality. You are taking this third shared consensus reality as more True than personal experience which is the ultimate Truth to base proof on. If something is not relevant to your personal experience, than don't waste your time on the topic. If you need to cook dinner, don't go out and hang out with your friends. The same is true for this topic here, I think you are just wasting time. Music is a sound, words are sounds, thoughts are sounds... they have a certain vibrational frequency associated to them. When we look at the atoms and the smallest particles that we can, we find atoms, those atoms are vibrating and those vibrations form a certain vibrational frequency. Atoms are everywhere, so everything is vibrating and everything is affecting everything else. Like when you throw a stone into a pond, the waves will reach out far outer. You can watch a ton of cymatics experiments on youtube, watch documentaries, videos, articles... and the results are clear. The higher the frequency the more complex patterns form. The experiments were done with multiple substances. And they show more complex patterns as frequency increases. So countless cymatic experiments prove what Masaro Emoto did, maybe there is some truth to what you said about being pictures being random and other stuff, but the funny thing is, that those pictures don't contradict other cymatics experiments, because masaro emotos pictures show more complex patterns in higher vibrational words and feelings and low complexity and disharmony in low vibrating thoughts. The higher the vibration, the better the feelings and thoughts. Low vibrations are associated with bad feelings and bad thoughts. Now this shows to me that the patterns obtained in other experiments were in alignment with Masaro Emoto's work. Now I agree that cymatics doesn't prove that water has memory, but it clearly demonstrates that the patterns are similar to other cymatics experiments so, it makes perfect sense. I am less sure about water memory compared to the point made above, but my experience confirmed that the water tasted different after programming it with 432Hz and positive words. If I programmed it 5 minutes before drinking it, and it still tastes different than that proves to me that water has memory. Simple as that, I don't need 1000 of people to confirm this to me. Because their observation will be based on their personal experience and their personal experience is not more valid than my personal experience, not even 0,0001%. Concepts such as comparisons of something being more or less true are happening inside personal experience.
  19. Edit: It is not this or that, it is this and that. So You have 100% free will and also 0% free will. I have decided I will comment on all of Leos enlightenment videos in the next few weeks. I think that would be valuable for everybody since I became enlightened 4 years ago and also interesting. Of course that is also valuable for me, to create a better map for the territory, my mind still needs to create a good map for the territory.... I will address this no free will video first. Watched the video until 40 minutes, will watch the second part tomorrow. Here are the notes from the first part. Comment: You mentioned that most people that became enlightened realized that there is no free will. I am one of those rare instances that would disagree. You can be fully aware and it will seem like you have no free will, I know that, I have experienced this for a lot of time, that's why you have to become fully conscious to step into free will. That's why knowing the difference between awareness and consciousness is so critical. You have 100% free will. But I would not call this free will, I would call it Devine Will. I liked the point you made that is in bold font. The non-physical aspect of you is making the decisions. The totality of your Being is making the decision trough you and as you. The ego is a story. A story can only exist in time. Time is illusory because, the only moment in existence is now. The ego thinks it has control over the future but actually, the future is just another instance of the now moment, so it is illusory. We have the neo cortex in the brain which grounds the ability of the mind to see into the future, but we have to realize that that future is not real, it is just a projected picture of what happened and of what is happening now. Most people have an over active neo cortex and that is why most people think they have free will. Change can happen only in the present moment, in the now moment, in an instance of the now moment, because that is the only moment in existence. Time is an appearance, a phenomena inside consciousness, but reality and appearance is not the same, it's radically different. When you are fully conscious in the present moment then You can make a decision. But You can't make a decision in the future. Awareness is aware of the illusory timeline of the mind, but it needs to ground itself into the now, that means it needs to be conscious. You can step into full power only when in the present moment. The problem is most people are separated from that now moment. Separation means being in the mind, being immersed in the thought stream and that happens when a lot of beta brain waves are present. Yes You can be aware of the thought stream, but that doesn't change anything, awareness has no free will. Don't allow the mind to make it seem like it is running your life. Shut down the gateways of the sense world, become conscious of the present moment, fully grounded in the experience of this moment and then you can use Devine will to change everything. 95% of of all the things you do is subconscious, so that means you are running on autopilot most of the time. When you are running on autopilot, you are not fully present in consciousness and this means manifesting what the consciousness (Soul, True Self, Being) has created in the past, so you are experiencing the past in the now. I know that sounds crazy but whatever. That is not bad, but when the reflection (outside) is showing you something that is out of alignment with your True Self, that means you'll be experiencing negative feelings and that means it's to to change it, to act aratinal, to ground yourself in the present moment to change it. You have to ground the energies in the present moment first to make a change of energies, to use free will. Yes change is happening all the time, but You can manifest the same thing over and over again, without bringing You a new experience. This is done by shutting down the sense world. The senses will collide with the True Self (Being, Soul, consciousness) if you don't close the gates of the sense world. The change will not be able to take place, you will only be able to stay aware of it like a witness but not fully grounded in the present moment. When you are fully grounded in the present moment, no thoughts are present, like ZERO and so the God, that is all that is, can work trough you and as you. The True Self uses a program, this is the ego to ground itself into the experience of this physical reality, the program is not making choices, the user that is using the program is making the choices. A WHAT uses and works trough a WHO. The mind is the WHO, the mind is a projector, You are the projectionist. When you are fully present, then you don't need anything from the outside to fulfill you. When you are stuck in the mind you think you have control over the future.You can't make choices inside the illusion of continuity. When you are stuck inside the mind, whether it be the conscious mind or subconscious mind then you can't make choices. You must first ground yourself into the present moment. That is not being aware, that is being conscious. So after you close the gateways of the sense world you can use Willingness and act in the present moment, that activates the universal law of cause and effect and so the thing you were willing to act on manifests. What you focus on manifests. Observer effect. Collapse the wave function. You have to be aware of a new construct of the mind that's inside consciousness. If the mind is not yet formed, it will, trough the use of Devine imagination. First you imagine it, then beliefs form, and after that the thing materializes. Mind over matter. You don't know how the thing will manifest, you just have to know that it will, and when the previous version of the program manifest (a hidden program from the unconscious come to the surface=) act arationaly and know what you are, stay self-aware and the reflection will change. A habit becomes a choice once it becomes conscious. - Bashar You are creator, that means you have power to create. You have to find out how to access this power, not just to find knowledge about how to access it, but to actually prove it to yourself that you have the ability to manifest, The body is running unconsciously, the vessel is asleep. You have to bring consciousness back into the vessel so you can step back into full power. full power = fully conscious You can be aware even if you are unconscious. To be conscious means to know your Truth. You are always in control of how you view a situation. So you have to deconstruct the subjective construct by bring yourself back into the now, to become fully conscious. When you are fully conscious you are in neutral zone and then you can redefine your experience by looking at it differently. How you look at things is ALWAYS in your control. @Leo Gura @Nahm Edit: This is not the full finished post. Better things came along. But I will describe a big epiphany I had after reading the comments and fully integrating this paradox. Just find the comment in this thread that will go into that. I will write about this in the following days.
  20. @John Iverson You are using 100% of your brain to make it appear as if you're using only 20%.
  21. @Pebble You are basing your purchasing decisions based on temporary emotions. That's why you can't live frugaly. Simple as that. So the solution is to think before investing your money, not just invest when a temporary feeling comes up. You need to have a plan. If you don't have a plan, then you plan to fail. If you know what's your plan then you know where to invest money. You know your vision and you work towards that vision. Cut down expenses, don't buy stuff that you don't need, prepare meals at home and don't eat in restaurants or shop unnecessary stuff. Take the bus to work or better a bike. Don't rent houses or apartments with high rent cost. Live below your means. Stop reacting to the stuff you see in your envirnoment and develop a vision of how your best self would spend that money. Ask yourself: Will this investment help me live frugaly? Do I really need this? Can I lower the cost of the investment? What stuff do I own that I don't need and can I sell it? How can I lower the living expenses?
  22. @Ilya Stop eating after 7:00PM. Drink only liquid juices and smoothies from 4AM - 12 noon and a lot of water. Solid food only after 12PM. Report results.
  23. @blazed @Dragallur What is your intention and purpose with your replies?? I reality don't get it.. You are just reacting to what I say without actually watching all of the stuff I mentioned and so I can't take you seriously. It is obvious to me that your monkey mind is reacting because if it didn't than you would be patient enough to watch all of the documentaries and videos mentioned without continuining to confirm your beliefs. I spend many months a few years back studying this stuff and it made the biggest influence in my understanding of reality, also I have put thousand of hours meditating with soleggio frequencies, 432Hz and other vibrational frequencies and I noticed superb benefits. Here is even more stuff. If you don't want to watch it, then talk with your hand.
  24. A great article worth sharing twice.
  25. @Noah At the beggining the most important thing is extensive research. While your doing your extensive research, build empowering habits and get rid of addictions. Good habits being like exercise (gym), healthy eating ( a lot of raw fruits and vegetables), meditation, morning routine and nofap. Find YouTube channels to subscribe to, read articles, if your on Facebook find sites that share consciousness related articles and good quotes, find email newsletters to subscribe to.