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Everything posted by AleksM

  1. @DEV @Nahm @JustinS @Natasha@Dodo@Max_V@Shin@Thinh@phoenix666@Gabriel Antonio@nightrider1435@Nexeternity @WelcometoReality @Shiva @Joseph Maynor @cirkussmile @Vitamine Water @Ilya @Leo Gura @pluto @Timotheus Just sharing some food for thoughts Being= experience in the now moment consciousness that is residing here/now fusion of the experiencer and the experienced which results simply as experience consciousness of the expansion and contraction of experience realization of existence of experience that can be experienced totality of the mind and body DNA = light body DNA turns inside out and you get a Soul True Self no-self essence that transcends time and space embodied realization that you are everything inside experience and outside experience fusion of the dual and the non-dual knowing Consciousness carries the accepted truths of the mind. Awareness= quality of consciousness = awareness of Self = awareness of the mind (a timeline, thought story, distinctions, illusions...) and awareness of the body (feelings of the body, hearing, tasting, touching, seeing, smelling) awareness of the content that makes up the totality that is experience awareness of experience = awareness of consciousness awareness of the dual or the non-dual experience (dual is not an experience) Awareness of the personal mind Awareness of the universal mind discernment awareness of relativity unknowing Awareness of the layers(fields) of consciousness: Preconscious Conscious Subconscious Continuing conscious Subliminal conscious Super conscious Radial Conscious @DEV When you don't have any thought at all, that is when the Being - True Self - Consciousness awakens and the ego goes to sleep. You are being it right now, but when you are lost in the thought streams (beta brain waves), you lose the connection with (consciousness about) your True Self and consciousness goes to sleep and ego operates. When you relax and activate the parasympathetic nervous system (by slowing the breathing down) consciousness awakens and the ego goes to sleep. You can be aware and lose the connection/ consciousness of experience, because you are aware of the mind that is not present now, the mind abides in time, time is separated from experience that is now.
  2. @Ether They reprogram your brain for it to function in a different mode of operation, a different mode of processing information. After a while of using these as your meditation tool, you will be able to sink faster and easier into a deeper state of relaxation allowing you to have less thoughts (mental sounds). Read the two infographics on the links below:
  3. @Ether I have already told you in previous topic. Start meditating using alfa and theta brain waves 3 times a week, I have a playlist to some of these meditations in my enlightened guide 2. Also The new research says it takes 66 days on average to form a habit. Depending on a habit it might take less or more. The trick is to do it every day, because that is how the subconscious mind is reprogrammed.
  4. @John Iverson You can read and watch videos. It's important to feed your mind with good information. Feeding your mind with too much information can be counter productive only when you are not taking enough action. Just do what you know you have to do, at the right time in the right order, with the right people and be at the right place at the right time. If you want me to be more specific, than let's say 1 hour of study per day but there is nothing wrong with 10 hours of study per day if you have a long term vision and you know that it's only short-term. Also there is nothing wrong with let's say 2 hours of study per week if your speed of implementation is fast. Just pick the perspective that you most resonate with right now. Active thinking is when you are hearing mental sounds, mental thought stories - these are associated with beta brain waves. For a more detailed description read the post I linked above. So when you are in a relaxed state, when you are not thinking that is the state when you access infinite intelligence.
  5. I AM Light. I AM Infinite. I AM The Channel. I AM Expanding. I AM Psychedelic. I AM Vibration. I AM Timeless. I AM Unity. I AM Activating. I AM Resonant. I AM Galactic. I AM Radiant. I AM Defined. I AM Electric. I AM Lunar. I AM Magnetic. I AM Planetary. I AM Balanced. I AM Organized. I AM Connected. I AM Inspired. I AM In Harmony. I AM Integrity. I AM Perfect. I AM Manifestation. I AM Dissolving. I AM Releasing. I AM Liberated. I AM Dedicated. I AM Universalized and Divine and Transcending Mantra. I AM Being. I AM Communicating. I AM Spirit. I AM Breathing. I AM Cosmic. I AM Essence. I AM Power. I AM Action. I AM Dreaming. I AM Abundance. I AM Intuition. I AM God. I AM Extreme. I AM Internal and External. I AM Flowering. I AM The Clocking. I AM Aware. I AM Lifeforce. I AM Surviving. I AM DMT. I AM Spiraling. I AM Arc. I AM Accomplishing. I AM Healing. I AM Beauty. I AM Elegance. I AM Pure. I AM Flowing. I AM Love. I AM Chakras. I AM Co-inciding. I AM Playing. I AM Magic. I AM Elusive. I AM Free Will. I AM Wise. I AM Exploring. I AM Space and Time. I AM Waking Life. I AM Vivid. I AM Enchanting. I AM Timelessness and Complete, Infinite Design. I AM Alien. I AM Human. I AM Receptive. I AM Vision. I AM Energy. I AM Mindful. I AM Questioning. I AM Answering. I AM Intelligent. I AM Fearless. I AM Evolving. I AM Opening My Third Eye to the Unseen Vision, Translating. I AM Synchronicity. I AM Reflecting. I AM Endlessness. I AM Order and Chaos. I AM The Tao. I AM Crystalized. I AM Self-generation. I AM Affirming. I AM Enlightened. I AM Blind. I AM The Tone. I AM The Color. I AM Electronic. I AM Lunar and Solar, Opposite and Polar. I AM Language. I AM Radial. I AM Particles of Plasma. I AM Endurance. I AM Cosmic. I AM Releasing. I AM Liberating. I AM Perfect. I AM Pulsing. I AM Realizing. I AM The One Because The One Are All. I AM Form. I AM The Infinite, Nothing That Becomes The Everything. I AM Symbolic. I AM Relative. I AM The Divine Spirit that Harmonizes with Laws projecting the digital loom the tool of experiencing DESIRE and finding ECSTASY in process I AM Me. We Are You.
  6. With enlightenment you Will gain super powers, knowing what those are is exstremely important. Without proper awarness of those, it's much harder to embody those. I have gained many super powers but didn't know how to articulate those and didn't have much awarness of those, didn't even know those are super powers . This brings things to a whole new level. In short I have found a wiki site that has over 8000 super power pages articulated. Those are mostly taken from animes and movies but a lot of them also apply to real life. Don't take everything too seriously, take what is usefull and discard the rest. I Will list my super powers (experienced all (or almost, I don't know) of these), with greater awarness of super powers one can better embody them. This is super usefull for me so I'm just gonna share it. Let's act as True Devine Beings that we all are. I Will copy and paste the description and the capabilities of the super powers, all of them have certain limitations I think, to find those click on the link to find more. Devine will Illusion Awareness True-Self Recognition Dimensional Awareness Omnilock Freedom Enlightenment Definition Manipulation Destruction Cosmic Awareness Divine Sight Divine Protection Divine Aura Aspect Expulsion Precognition Clairvoyance State of Mind Extrasensory Perception Self Transcendence Clear Mind Spiritual Awareness Spiritual Symbiosis Divine Vessel Empowered State What super power do you want to embody?
  7. @Key Elements That question was already addressed in the first reply. Read it lol.
  8. @Dodo Awareness doesn't have any power. Only consciousness has power. You are experiencing what is relevant to your state of consciousness. Consciousness is experience that is happening here/now. You can't deny your experience. You have to move awareness from the illusion of time in which every thought story is happening to the present moment in which no thought story is present. After a while, you will be so aware of your True Self - Being- Consciousness- Soul, that it will switch on. The ego will go to sleep and the True Self will awaken. This will enable the light codes to integrate into your DNA and the junk DNA will switch on. This is will activate the super powers. The integration process happens only when in a relaxed state. Read more of my older posts if you want to find more insights. But if what you told is true, than I recommend you also start practicing some basic personal development like affirmations coupled with positive feelings, to reprogram your subconscious mind. Write your goals on paper and read them every day (financial goals in this case). There is no reason to be broke, when you are fully conscious.
  9. Just a quick insight I had recently moving from enlightenment to embodiment. The mind is the software. The entire universe is the hardware. The body is the CPU. (central processing unit) I used to think the body was the hardware and I had no notion of CPU. Without the CPU, decisions would not be able to take place. So I am here, now. For the entire universe, I just need to be present. The entire universe will do what needs to be done trough this body.
  10. @Dodo You are performing miracles all day, you have to just become aware of it. As you become more aware of it, more super powers will be activated. But you can't experience something that is not relevant for you to experience. I have used very unconventional methods... With awareness you can avoid danger. When you do it properly, you are always at the right place, at the right time, with the right people, doing the right things, in the right order. Everything else is just monkey mind. @blazed Haters gonna hate and I don't care. My life is awesome and the life of haters sucks in 100% of cases. I have never meet a successful hater.
  11. @Nahm One fully conscious is everything. It's just a matter of perspective. Choose an empowering one.
  12. @Dodo Sorry bro, you are not living in my universe. I have changed my location too recently, not on the street though haha, just a different city. I have realized that Disrupting and changing the environment boosts consciousness levels. Thanks, remember that you are a God too, and you can play the game however you wish. It's just a matter of choice and perspective.
  13. @Nahm They have decided to experience limitation. They always have a choice but when someone chooses to experience this degree of limitation it happens unconsciously and that is the problem. They just don't know their true creative power and so they are victims. Victim mindset is based on separation. Realization gives you the power to move from one side to the other, but when identified with one side, one is attached to it. They are ONE CHOICE away from living a better life. When one is fully conscious, there are no more excuses left. But when one is unconscious, there are plenty of excuses. You and them are connected and one, but that does not mean you are the same as them. You are unique, and so are they. Your subjective perception that You choose to experience makes you unique.
  14. @sweater Yeeees The experience of here/now is the goal.
  15. @phoenix666 It gets easier with practice. Also read the post I linked above, because it has some additional tips I didn't mention in my first guide. Nothing wrong with forgetting. Most humans are in a state of forgetfulness, the journey is to remember. So after you notice you forgot, remember to be present. The journey is the goal.
  16. @John Iverson Also when your brain waves get super low (Delta level), you can tap into infinite intelligence. You can't tap into infinite intelligence when you are actively thinking (beta brainwaves). Only when the mind gets silent, God can operate.
  17. @Ether It was not just breath, but breath was an important component.
  18. @phoenix666 Well, this is what my recent guide on How to become enlightened is all about I didn't mention the words "limiting beliefs" but if you read between the lines that's it.
  19. @Harms727 I have no idea, what those words even mean, probably everything is on the internet but one needs time to do the complete research on those. Comment: From the point of view of your Higher Self there is no linearity, Your past and future incarnations are happening NOW. It is only trough your physical perception that the idea of past and future make sense, you perceive linearity. In the higher realms, this illusion is dissolved into the NOW moment, because the now moment is the only moment in existence. It always was and it always will be. Also you have multiple simultaneous incarnations on this earth NOW. After the body dies, the pineal gland in the brain will release a lot of DMT. Death will be the best experience of your life. After you die, you will return to the light of your Higher Self. Your Higher Self, can see all of the future timelines, all future probabilities, all simultaneously and so what it chooses to incarnate into "next" is totally dependent on how it can further evolve, where your Soul feels it wants to move into that will further its theme. All of the past timelines in this 25000 year cycle were a training for the time we are being in right now. This is the end of the cycle. Also, from my perspective there more then 22 Chakras, 22 being relevant, not only 6. Also you might want to check these pictures, probably related to the ones you posted above.
  20. @DEV Yes. Reality is different for different beings because the perception of reality is always relative to something else. I am my own universe, and you are your own universe and we are co-creating a shared consensus reality. Most people confuse the consensus reality with what is actual.
  21. @Swagala Of course. This is a great meditation practice.
  22. @CGeo Check my guide on How to become enlightened (link below). I have posted a few playlists with a lot of meditation material. You can meditate for years using those meditations. Also, recently I have posted a few sites to make your own meditation music for free. Find them here:
  23. @Nahm LoL yes of course is relative. Everything you read is relative, everything you write is relative, everything you hear is relative, everything you touch is relative, everything you see is relative, everything you think is relative, everything you smell is relative, everything you taste is relative. Get used to it. So if all of the subjective perception is relative, what does that mean? That means it's all about the side of the relativity you want to experience. The moment you change your perception, is the moment you change the chemistry of your body. I would rather experience the GoD operating system, than the weak, neurotic, poor man operating system.