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- Birthday 01/12/1995
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toasty7718 started following AleksM
AleksM replied to AleksM's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Not sure what you guys are talking about. And I'm not sure what is the post missing, i Have left two paragraphs but the bulk of the info is provided. -
I have created this post with the help of chatGPT, curious what you guys think of this. I have translated this text from slovenian with a tool without proofreading it yet, so there might be some typos. The "Us vs. Them" mentality is like a poison that is slowly but surely spreading through the veins of society. ☣️ At first sight it may seem harmless, even beneficial. After all, isn't it natural to connect more with those who are like us? 🤔 To trust people with whom we share values, beliefs or culture? But this apparent safety in our own group quickly becomes a trap. ⚠️ Once we start to perceive the world through the lens of "us" and "them", a series of negative consequences are triggered that can have a profound impact on society. ⛔ Examples of such mentalities: The Awakened versus the Un-awakened, The system versus the source, Darkness versus Light, Adherents of one religion against adherents of another religion, Human biorobots without consciousness against the original essences of consciousness, Materialists against Spiritual seekers, Sceptics against Believers, Ego-oriented against Soul-oriented, Religious vs. Spiritually Independent, Those who follow dogma against those who follow intuition, Those who seek external validation against those who seek inner truth, People who believe in karma versus those who believe in chance, Those who believe in reincarnation versus those who believe in a single life, Adherents of traditional rituals versus followers of new practices New Age spiritual teachers against traditional spiritual leaders. Once we begin to see the world through the lens of "us" and "them", a series of negative consequences are triggered that can have a profound impact on society. First, there is polarisation. Instead of looking for commonalities and building bridges, we start focusing on differences. Dialogue turns into argument, cooperation into competition. Society is divided into opposing camps that see each other as enemies, not fellow human beings. Imagine a group of people who feel threatened by the unknown. The group begins to coalesce and build an identity based on the distinction from "them". This "us versus them" thinking brings a sense of security, because we are part of something bigger that protects us from external threats. However, this sense of security is based on an illusion that blinds us and prevents us from seeing the commonalities between ourselves and others. This polarisation = fertile ground for conflict. Where once there might not have been a spark of disagreement, now there is a fire of hatred. Small differences become insurmountable barriers. Misunderstandings turn into battles ⚔️. And in this climate of tension ⚡ and mistrust ❌ violence is always just a step away. So, such division fosters hostility and distrust. People in the opposite group become less human, easier to demonise and blame for our problems. Hostility grows, conflicts deepen, and suddenly we are trapped in a spiral of violence and hatred. Perhaps the most worrying consequence of the "us versus them" mentality is the gradual dehumanisation of the "other". When we begin to see people outside our group as aliens, as someone "different", we slowly strip them of their humanity. They become an abstract enemy rather than living beings with their own stories, fears and hopes. It is this process of dehumanisation that has made possible the worst crimes against humanity in history. When we no longer see ourselves in our fellow human beings, everything becomes possible. When we begin to see others as less worthy, empathy is lost. Our perception of justice becomes distorted. Suddenly it becomes acceptable to deny others basic rights because we no longer see them as our equals. History is replete with examples where such thinking has led to atrocities and genocide. In addition to all this, the "us versus them" mentality also cripples our own growth and development. Instead of learning from difference, we close ourselves off in our own bubbles of beliefs. We dismiss new ideas and perspectives as a threat rather than an opportunity to learn and progress. Our horizons narrow, our world becomes smaller and poorer. Groups that focus on opposing others often neglect their own growth and development, spending their energy on conflict rather than on finding solutions and improvements. In addition to the above, this mentality can have serious negative consequences because: It promotes prejudice and stereotypes It reduces empathy towards people outside our group Can lead to discrimination and conflict Hinders cooperation between different groups Simplifies complex social issues These pitfalls can harm both individuals and society as a whole. They reduce mutual understanding and make it harder to solve common problems. But all is not lost. Awareness of these pitfalls is the first step towards overcoming them. Each of us has the power to change the way we perceive the world and the people around us. We can choose to actively seek commonalities rather than differences. To listen to the stories of those we perceive as different. To build bridges instead of walls. The path to a more cohesive and compassionate society starts with small steps. By deciding to open our hearts and minds. To see in every person a potential friend, not an enemy. To value diversity as a source of richness, not a threat. This is not an easy path. It requires courage, empathy and perseverance. But it is the only path that leads to a future where we can all live and thrive together. A future where "we" does not mean exclusion, but inclusion. Where our greatest strength lies in our diversity, not in uniformity. Overcoming the "us versus them" mentality is perhaps the greatest challenge of our time. But it is a challenge that we must take up if we want to create a world where our children can live in peace and harmony. A world in which "we" means all of us - all of humanity. ❤ When we start from an "us versus them" mentality, our life path often follows an interesting pattern, which is mirrored in different degrees of acceptance of personal responsibility. 🛤️ Due to the overwhelming response to the first post "The Us vs Them mentality and its pitfalls", I have decided to compile a second part that will explore even more deeply the different degrees of acceptance of responsibility in the context of this mentality. In this follow-up, we will examine how individuals move from the role of victim, through the role of fighter and creator, to the final stage of being at peace, and how each step along the way can contribute to transcending divisions and building a more cohesive and harmonious society. Thank you all for your comments and sharing your experiences - this is just the beginning of a deeper exploration of these important topics! 🙏 In the context of the "us versus them" mentality, the "us" group is usually defined as the group with which an individual or a particular social group identifies. It is people who share similar beliefs, values, culture or social status. "We" are those we perceive as "ours", as part of a community to which we belong and with whom we share common interests. 🤝 On the other hand, the group "them" is often perceived as an opposite or different group. "Them" are those who have different beliefs, values, culture or social status. ⚖️ These are the people we perceive as opponents, competitors or even as a threat to our way of life and values. ⚔️ This mentality creates strong divisions between groups and often leads to feelings of isolation, inequality and conflict. 🚧 VICTIMHOOD - TRAPPED IN A POLARISATION OF "US" AND "THEM" At this stage we feel powerless, convinced that external factors beyond our control are to blame for our problems. As passive bystanders who fail to act, we become trapped in an "us versus them" polarisation, where we see the world as divided into two opposing groups. Examples: Social Inequality: "We, the members of our community, always find ourselves on the sidelines, while they, the privileged groups, are always favoured by the system." Political Exclusion: "Politicians/government hide information and conspire against us, the common people." "We, the ordinary people, are completely ignored in political decisions because they, the politicians and their elite supporters, do not care about our needs." "Politicians only respond to the needs of big donors and corporations. Ordinary people like me are just statistics, with no real influence or power." "Foreigners coming to our country are getting advantages that are not available to us locals. Why is the government helping them so much and ignoring us?" "Those privileged individuals/elites in our society will never allow us to progress. We have no chance." "The world is totally unfair to us. What can we possibly do when we have no control over our own destiny?" Media Bias: "We who represent a different opinion are always ignored in the media because they, those with power and influence, are always supported by the editors." The media always present one side of the story that suits their interests. Our problems and perspectives are rarely heard or taken into account." The Economic Divide: "The economy is set up so that the rich get richer while we, the ordinary workers, barely survive. The system clearly favours those at the top." Occupational Constraint: "We hard-working individuals never get the chance to advance because the system always opens the door to those with the 'right' connections." Cultural Isolation: "We, who belong to our traditional culture, are always despised, while those with modern trends are given all the credit by society." Geographical Discrimination: "We, the inhabitants of rural areas, are forgotten and treated as second-class citizens, while they, the inhabitants of cities, are always given all the attention and resources by the State." THE DEGREE OF THE FIGHTER - ACTIVE RESISTANCE AGAINST "THEM" IN THE NAME OF "US" When an individual moves from the victim stage to the fighter stage, he or she begins to take greater responsibility for his or her own life and circumstances. 🛡️ At this stage, the person recognises that he or she has the power to influence his or her environment, but still often sees the world as an arena where one must constantly be prepared to fight. ⚔️ In the context of an "us versus them" mentality, the fighter often perceives his or her group as the one that must constantly fight for its rights and space, often in opposition to "them". Examples: Active Political Participation: 'We, ordinary people, will stand up against the elites who have oppressed us for too long. We will set up initiatives, we will be vocal in demanding change and active in elections to finally move things in our favour." Fight for Workers' Rights: "Our trade unions will fight for better working conditions, wages and rights. We will no longer allow ourselves to be exploited by management and corporations. We will use strikes and protests to force management to take our demands into account." Cultural Resistance: "We, the members of our traditional culture, will organise events and movements to promote and protect our traditions. We will no longer allow ourselves to be pushed into the background by the followers of modern trends." Serious Activism: "We, environmental activists, will speak out against the corporations that are destroying our planet. We won't back down until we bring about change, even if it means confronting powerful opponents." Media Counterbalance: "We, who represent alternative voices, will set up our own media channels to spread our message and fight the bias of the mainstream media. We will no longer allow the corporate media to shape public opinion." Geographical Self-Organisation: "We, the inhabitants of rural areas, will join together to organise local projects and put pressure on the authorities to invest in our development. We will no longer allow ourselves to be excluded and neglected by the inhabitants of the cities." Social Justice: "We, the social justice campaigners, will be vocal in demanding equality and rights for all. Our struggle will not stop until we eliminate discrimination and injustice caused by those with power and privilege." THE CREATOR STAGE - BUILDING BRIDGES BETWEEN "US" AND "THEM" When an individual moves into the Creator stage 🎨, they begin to see the world from a different perspective. The Creator no longer sees life as a constant struggle between "us" and "them", but as an opportunity to create a new reality. 🌟 At this stage, a person recognises their power 💪 and responsibility in shaping their own life and the wider community. 🌍 The Creator focuses on connecting, collaborating 🤝 and creating solutions that transcend divisions and conflicts. Examples: Collaboration instead of Confrontation: 'Instead of fighting against them, we will create joint projects where we combine the strengths and talents of both sides. By working together, we can create a better future for all." Building Bridges between Communities: "We will organise cultural and social events that bring different groups together and transcend divisions. In this way we will create a space for dialogue where everyone can feel included and heard." Innovative Projects for All: "Instead of criticising the system, we will create social enterprises and initiatives that offer solutions to common challenges. Through innovation and creativity, we will improve the quality of life for all, no matter which group they come from." Creating Peer Support: "We will create platforms where people of different views and backgrounds can connect and help each other. This will show that we can overcome differences and solve problems together." Educational Initiatives: "We will develop educational programmes that promote critical thinking and empathy. They will equip people with the tools to better understand and work together, reducing divisions and increasing mutual respect." Ecological and Social Resilience: "Instead of fighting harmful practices, we will create sustainable communities based on regenerative practices. These communities will inspire others and show that we can work in harmony with nature and other people." Media Connection Projects: "We will create media platforms that present stories of successful cooperation and integration of different groups. Instead of focusing on conflicts, we will share inspiring examples of how we can create something positive together." Transforming Conflict into Opportunity: "Instead of focusing on conflict points between different groups, we will identify common goals and focus on win-win solutions. We can transform conflict into an opportunity for growth and cooperation." Creating a Shared Vision: "We will develop a shared vision of the future, where there is no room for divisions between 'us' and 'them', but for an inclusive community where everyone contributes to the common good. This vision will be based on inclusion, cooperation and equality." Support for Local Initiatives: "We will promote local initiatives that bring together different groups and create benefits for the whole community. Instead of competing with each other, we will build communities based on mutual trust and cooperation." Creating Ethical Guidelines: "As creators, we will work together to develop ethical guidelines for organisations and communities based on respect and understanding of diversity. In this way, we will ensure that decision-making is no longer driven by divisions, but by integrity and the common good." Innovation in Social Support: 'We will create innovative solutions to support the most vulnerable groups, involving contributions from all sides. Instead of waiting for systemic changes from above, we will design initiatives ourselves that will have an immediate impact on the quality of life of all involved." Connecting Through Arts and Culture: "Arts and culture will become a tool to connect different groups. We will organise events that bring together different cultural expressions to show how diversity can contribute to a richer and more harmonious society." Promoting Intercultural Dialogue: "Initiatives that promote intercultural dialogue will be key to bridging divisions. By creating spaces for open and respectful conversation between different groups, we will facilitate deeper understanding and cooperation." Promoting Social Impact Entrepreneurship: "Instead of criticising existing economic models, we will create social impact businesses that promote sustainability and equality. These businesses will provide employment opportunities for all communities, with a focus on the inclusion of vulnerable groups." Creating Environmental Initiatives: "We will not wait for government or corporations to act on the environment. We will organise community gardens, clean-up campaigns and educational programmes on sustainable living to show how we can all care for the planet together." Developing Personal Growth Programmes: "Changing the world starts with changing ourselves. We will develop personal and spiritual growth programmes that encourage people to move beyond old patterns and create a new, more connected reality." Building Smart Communities: "Instead of relying on outdated city plans, we will develop smart communities where technology, sustainability and human connectedness come together. These communities will be models of collaboration and innovation that transcend divisions." Linking Education to Real Needs: "We will create education programmes that are directly linked to the real needs of our communities. This will provide young people with the knowledge and skills to help them tackle the challenges of the day, while fostering intergenerational cooperation." Bridging Generations: "Instead of generations being separated and not understanding each other, we will create programmes that promote intergenerational cooperation. In this way, we will build bridges between the old and the young and promote mutual learning and understanding." Intergenerational Co-operatives: "Instead of keeping the elderly and younger generations apart, we will create intergenerational co-operatives where the experience of the elderly is combined with the energy of the young to create projects that benefit the whole community." Using Artificial Intelligence for the Common Good: "Instead of fearing the advances in technology, we will develop AI solutions that benefit everyone - from improving healthcare to more efficient education and environmental protection." Creating Local Supply Chains: "Instead of relying on global supply chains, we will develop local supply chains based on collaboration between local growers, producers and consumers. This will strengthen local economies and reduce dependence on external resources." Strengthening Local Economic Chains: "We will create local economic chains that support local growers and producers, reducing dependence on global corporations while strengthening the community economy." Creating Public Discussion Forums: "We will organise forums where people from different backgrounds can talk openly about their challenges and work together to find solutions. This will be a place where different opinions are respected and taken into account in finding a way forward together." Promoting Cultural Exchange: "Instead of focusing on cultural differences as barriers, we will create cultural exchange programmes where different groups can share their traditions, arts and stories. In this way, we will build bridges between cultures and foster mutual understanding." Participatory decision-making: "We will establish participatory decision-making models where all members of the community have a voice in important decisions. This will encourage a sense of ownership and responsibility and create communities based on real equality." Supporting Marginalised Groups: "Instead of waiting for the system to right wrongs, we will create support networks for marginalised groups where they can access resources, education and opportunities to improve their situation." Interfaith Dialogue Organisation: "In a world where religious divisions often cause conflict, we will create spaces for interfaith dialogue where people of different faiths can meet, learn from each other and work together to create solutions to common challenges." Integration in International Projects: 'Instead of looking at other nations as competitors, we will develop international projects that promote global cooperation to tackle problems such as climate change, poverty and education. In this way, we will create global partnerships and strengthen international solidarity." Leading by example: "Instead of waiting for others to change, we will start implementing the values we want to see in the world ourselves. By our example, we will inspire others to join us in creating a more just and compassionate world." Innovation in Health: "Instead of criticising the shortcomings of the health system, we will develop and support innovative health solutions that are accessible to all. In this way, we will reduce health inequalities and enable better care for all communities." Promoting Economic Democracy: "We will promote models of economic democracy where employees and local communities have a greater say in business decisions. This will reduce the sense of 'us versus them' between employers and workers and promote cooperation for the common good." Supporting Alternative Education Systems: "Instead of criticising the traditional education system, we will create and support alternative education practices that encourage critical thinking, creativity and inclusion of all learners." Creating Solidarity Economies: "We will develop solidarity economies where financial resources and profits are directed towards the common good rather than private hands. In this way, we will create economic systems based on justice and equality." Sustainable Mobility: "Instead of complaining about traffic problems and pollution, we will develop sustainable mobility solutions such as shared transport, cycle lanes and public transport that link different parts of cities and communities." Introducing a Solutions Approach: "Instead of focusing on problems, we will use a solutions approach, where we identify solutions to existing challenges and actively implement them. This approach will encourage positive thinking and action." Creating Peaceful Processes: "Instead of trying to resolve conflicts through violence or coercion, we will create peaceful processes, such as mediation, dialogue and negotiation, which will allow for just and sustainable conflict resolution." Promoting Global Citizenship: "Instead of limiting ourselves to national or regional identities, we will promote the concept of global citizenship, where people see themselves as part of a global community and work towards solving global challenges." Strengthening Safety Nets: "Instead of focusing on differences and divisions, we will develop safety nets that support all members of a community in times of crisis or need, strengthening collective resilience and mutual aid." Creating Community Gardens: "Instead of criticising the lack of access to healthy food, we will create community gardens where people grow food together and share their produce. This will strengthen local self-sufficiency and bring people together." Promoting Sustainable Energy: "Instead of waiting for big energy changes from above, we will promote local sustainable energy projects such as solar farms and wind turbines that will benefit all members of the community." A DEGREE OF BEING AT PEACE - A HARMONIOUS COEXISTENCE OF "US" AND "THEM" When an individual reaches the "Being at Peace" stage 🕊️, the "us versus them" mentality is completely dismantled. At this stage, the person reaches a deep understanding 🌱 that all people, whatever their differences, come from the same source and are part of the same whole system. Conflicts that were previously seen as insurmountable barriers between groups are now seen as a natural part of human existence that can be accepted and overcome with compassion 💖, empathy 🤗 and wisdom. 🧠 Examples: Letting Go of the Need for Control: "Instead of trying to control others or situations, we will accept that each individual is responsible for his or her own choices. Our inner balance will come from the peace within ourselves, not from external circumstances." Acceptance and Understanding: "I accept that differences between people are natural and inevitable. Rather than trying to change others or prove myself right, I choose peace and understanding as the foundation for my relationships with everyone, even those with whom I disagree." Connectedness with All: "I have come to see that we are all part of the same big whole system. All divisions are an illusion; at a deeper level we are all connected. This realisation brings me inner peace and a deep respect for all people, whatever their differences." Compassion as a Basic Guiding Principle: "Compassion is not just a feeling, but a way of life. When I look at others, even those who were previously considered 'adversaries', I see their humanity and their suffering. My action is now directed towards bringing peace and well-being to all, whatever their background or beliefs." Living in Harmony with Natural Law: "I am aware that everything in nature is in balance and harmony. Rather than fighting against the flow of life, I am learning to swim with it, accepting challenges and change as part of the natural order, which allows me to live in peace with myself and others." Deep Gratitude for Diversity: "Diversity is not something to fear or to try to eradicate. Instead, I gratefully embrace the richness of different perspectives, cultures and ways of life that enrich my world and allow for growth." Serving as an Expression of Peace: "I channel my energy into serving the community and the wider society. I no longer seek victories or proving my rights, but work from inner peace and the desire to create good for all." Detachment: "I no longer concern myself with the outcomes of my actions, as I trust that every action that comes from peace and love contributes to greater harmony. I live in the moment, accept things as they come, and find peace in knowing that it's all part of a bigger plan." Forgiveness: "Instead of holding grudges against those who have hurt us, we will practice forgiveness. This will allow us to release negative emotions and create space for positive relationships." Living in the Moment: "We will no longer burden ourselves with past conflicts or future fears. We will focus on the present moment and find peace in the everyday experiences we share with others." Acceptance Without Pressure: "We will no longer pressure others to change according to our standards. Instead, we will accept others as they are and allow relationships to develop naturally and without coercion." Understanding and Compassion: "Instead of judging others or feeling threatened, we will try to understand their experiences and motivation. Compassion will become a central value in our relationships." Connecting with Self and Others: "Instead of seeking validation outside of ourselves, we will establish a deep connection with our inner wisdom and use this connection to build harmonious relationships with others." Abandoning Competition: "Instead of constantly comparing ourselves to others or competitors, we will recognize the value of our own contribution and rejoice in the successes of others as if we were our own." Cultivating Inner Peace: "Instead of allowing external conflicts to throw us off balance, we will cultivate inner peace through meditation, reflection and healthy living habits. This peace will become our foundation in all situations." Practicing Non-Resentment: "When faced with conflict or disagreement, we will choose a response based on peace rather than anger or hatred. Instead of resentment, we will choose understanding and acceptance."
Spiritedness started following AleksM
I see, so, growing in one area requires lots of energy in the start because we're adapting to it, then once we have adapted / integrated the habit, changed our belief, then we don't have to focus our attention as much on that anymore which frees us to focus on growing on other areas. Once a critical mass of changes has been integrated, then the curve of growth shoots up exponentially. At that point we'll be better able to recognize patterns and be more wise to see the consequences of our actions. This is such a fascinating topic. What is growing exponentially? Understanding? Clarity? Pattern recognition? Knowledge? Ourselves? Is that a specific thing or all of it.
Leo talked a lot about finding meaning and having a life purpose. But this article poses an interesting point to ponder. Would a meaningful life, be a happy life? What do you guys think about this? Note, that I didn't read the full article since it's 50€
@Leo Gura mentioned in one of his early videos that personal growth is exponential. I have forgot in which video it was. Can you guys help me understand this concept more? Do you believe that personal growth can truly be exponential in various aspects of life, such as relationships, health, physical strength, intellectual growth, awareness, and decision making? Why or why not? Share your thoughts and experiences on whether consistent effort and dedication in these areas have led to compounding results over time.
If Im the only one inviting people out and initiating conversations over text is this a one-sided friendships? I have noticed that a lot of people are friendly towards me when I initiate things but I'm getting tired of always being the one to hold things together.
Which things are better to talk about with my male friends rather than girls I am attracted to?
I tend to overanalyze stuff in relationship and it really bothers me and others. I have become better at spotting myself doing it, but sometimes still do it. Have you guys deal with that? What are all the manifestations of this? Is talking about the relationship overanalyzing stuff? Where is the line?
Great article I wanted to share since a lot of people here are intelectual types. I Definitelly made themistakes that are pointed out in the article. It's so funny when I think about it. https://www.succeedsocially.com/intellectual
The whole nofap movement is something that does more damage than good. The problem is not masturbation, masturbation is normal and natural. The problem is masturbating to porn and wasting time looking at that. That's what does the real damage. Learn to separate masturbation from watching porn and then you will naturally masturbate less. When you watch porn it's normal to masturbate like 5-10x times more than if you don't. The whole idea that something amazing will happen after 90 days is stage orange thinking. And suppressing your natural masturbation urges is stage blue at work. Develop a life purpose and you will not even think about engaging in such nonsense. There are of course benefits to abstaining, but the problem is that if you go to far, you will backslide in a way that you will conpenaste for the lost time of masturbating and watching porn. When you don't watch porn and masturbate naturally when it feels good, that will not happen. Even some monks are allowed to masturbate once every 3 weeks.
If everybody acted out of love and truth, woud such a future be possible? I think not. What do you think? I know there are twisted versions of love out there and whatever manifests, manifests out of truth already. Laws enable survival so we don't have to fight for it and everybody needs to stay accountable to some laws for the collective to function.
I think it would be really insightful to see which challenges/frustrations people are facing here. Mine is staying consistent with my morning routine. What about you?
Sometimes I wish that I would desire to read more books, but I don't. Maybe I just feel resistance toward it. How do I contemplate my desires and motivations? How can I desire something more than I do right now?
AleksM replied to Wilhelm44's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
More consciousness=more free-will. Less consciousness=less free-will. By raising the level of consciousness, you (as the field of awareness-looking) can notice more interconnections taking place. It appears as one is swimming in a larger pool of water and there are more streams that one can enter. In lower level of consciousness, you're immersed in a smaller pool, less streams are present, and consequently you have less access to reality. This access is direct, not just observational. The one who appears to observe is still a subject. -
Instead of looking outside at what other people think, look within and feel your feelings. You don't have to know everything. Feel your next step. How does a decision make you feel compared to other ones. Does it feel like truth? If it does, it is true for you and you can trust yourself enough then to take that step. When you establish this trust in yourself, you don't have to keep searching. You will find what is true in that moment and that will be the end.