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Everything posted by MovForward

  1. will be reporting on my productivity before: want to sleep all day on bed and think about doing stuff or starting a lesson that will change me or make progress for me won't work on python project or start documentation or lpmath or or journal my day to improve writing and communication After:
  2. doing nofap 7 day
  3. i wonder if the constant need to check social web will go away
  4. i dont feel strong or competent in this state or that i would be able to handle things i think thats when my life will truly begins
  5. cause you don't feel like you are enough on the inside you look for outside things to fulfill you
  6. becoming desensitized to hot girls its actually depressing now i'll help me in the future but now i feel like i dont see the beauty in nature
  7. the day i said i'll reach out
  8. do you understand numbers are symbols or that they are made up?
  9. i might actually be able to heal this if cancer can be cured why not this
  10. used to bel that opening a can of bottle with teeth may make my teeth fall but now its d/nt
  11. today i felt that i can start it today watch one or two videos and continue it tomorrow like LP courses
  12. i actually want to socialize and not hu
  13. been taught i should hate myself to the point kill myself by my parents
  14. it's almost like fucking a chick you jam it in and you pull it out
  15. looking for social p but when i got it its just another p its not going to change my life
  16. all those times i made people uncomfortable by being around and making people dislike me
  17. i believe guys will gang up on me and hurt me if i start talking to girls and start hooking up
  18. i believe guys will gang up on me and hurt me if i start talking to girls and start hooking up
  19. realized i was wrong all my life i thought the world was a negative place everyone trying to win and crush others but its not people want to socialize make friends and work together to be successful its that simple
  20. i believe sub that big k's girls hates me
  21. got cut lets see how long it takes to heal
  22. what a lonely life i am living with no-one by my side and the worst feeling is that you won't be accepted even if you tried to put yourself out there the thought of them reacting and saying why are you talking , why is he so quiet to feel that at the end of the day nothing will workout
  23. sometimes i think why don't i just give up and why keep trying why keep hoping that things are going to change i know i am going to die alone
  24. Restart after kiss
  25. thought poppin that god consciousness can't be reached just by meditating or it may take a long time