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About Wizardking

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  1. Any update on this @Leo Gura?
  2. THE ”GREAT” 5 years ago I started my personal development journey. The first two years were amazing. I meditated and journaled daily. I started a company that went pretty well. I was in peak physical shape. Elite level strength and my diet was flawless. I started making music during my spare time and loved it. I quit porn and practiced sexual discipline with women and never failed. Women were obsessed with me. My friends used to say I was a machine. I did whatever I set my mind to without fail. They looked up to me and always went to me for advice and support. One thing tho, I wasn’t really in contact with my emotions. Maybe this is why I was able to act like a machine. I had never really consciously experienced anxiety for example. Back then I barely understood the emotion when people talked about it. Everything was going great but then… THE DESCENT INTO CHAOS One day I made the stupid decision of going on a date with my ex from before I started doing this my personal development work. We got back together and I slowly fell apart. I’m not blaming her. I was not good either. But it really broke me in some sense. We stayed together for one and a half years and during that time I slowly descended into chaos. She introduced me to some new friends and we started partying all the time. I started abusing drugs. Mostly LSD and MDMA which were drugs that had previously helped me immensely but now I was using them to party, not heal. Had some really bad trips that awakened a lot of negative emotions in me. During one DMT trip I encountered a really mean entity that just bombarded me with hate. Since that experience I haven’t been able to get the voice out of my head. Goes in periods tho. Also, the police arrested me once and it was really traumatising. They forced me to get naked in the middle of a parking lot and then put me in a cell for 12 hours. More to it but long story. THE (ATTEMPTED) CLIMB BACK I finally broke it off with her. It was bad. And after the break up I was lost and stupid. I have empathy and understanding towards myself but I hate looking back at how I was acting. I was a mess. This was one and half years ago. Since then I’ve tried to get back into my old ways. I try every day but never seem to be able to. Can’t get into good habits, can’t get rid of bad habits. I don’t understand what the blockage is. I’ve been going to therapy but it doesn’t really help. I try and try and try but nothing I do seems to work out. It’s gotten to the point where I’m burnt out because of it (diagnosed by doctor). MY QUESTION Does anyone have any idea what I might be doing wrong? What I might be missing? I’m worried that I’ve broken myself.. Any help would be really appreciated. Thank you for reading
  3. Where did you get that Michael Saylor is a coke addict?
  4. Amazing song. Kendrick speak on his past lives and then speaks with God in second half.
  5. I read books about other topics than politics but don’t see how that is a better way of learning than watching YouTube videos and listening to podcasts/audiobooks, which is what I mostly do for politics nowadays. I only read to wind down before bed and practice attention. Do you believe reading is better? If so, why? And the issue of knowing if the author(s) can be trusted is still there. How do you navigate that?
  6. Please note that I know I might be very naive and gullible but these are just my thoughts. I want to understand. Please help me come to a deeper understanding as I am in constant internal conflict on what to believe. Politically, I’ve always been quite center. I see both sides of most issues and may lean just slightly toward one or the other. This makes it hard to form strong opinions about what’s right or wrong. Growing up, I was surrounded by hatred of the right, whether from family, friends or teachers. Even though I tend to more often lean a bit left, I’ve always had a lot of understanding for the right. The hatred towards them has always rubbed me the wrong way. Especially when expressed by parents and teachers to impressionable kids. In school I would always question other students beliefs because I couldn’t understand how they could be so sure. To me they often just sounded brainwashed. They could never really back up their claims and it just sounded like they were parroting. I was a straight A student even though I only had a 40% attendance rate due to recurring periods of depression, so I used to believe that I was intellectually gifted, but in the past 3-4 years I’ve really been struggling with self-doubt. I see people with such strong opinions that I wonder if I’m missing something. It’s destroyed my trust not just in myself but in others too. I’ve tried to understand those who hold strong stances but I’m rarely convinced that they are justified. Regarding the election, I find it hard to understand the hatred towards Trump. I don’t see how people are so certain that he is “evil.” He and his supporters claim that the Democrats manipulate public opinion with propaganda and censorship and from what Ive seen this often seems to be true. Like Hunter Bidens laptop, censoring Covid vaccine discussions on Meta, shadow banning the Joe Rogan x Trump podcast. In general whenever I go online I only see left wing takes. Even though I may agree more with Kamala on most issues, I’m completely put off by what feels like attempts to manipulate public perception and I believe this is why she lost. Similarly, I struggle to understand the hatred towards Joe Rogan and Elon Musk. To me, they both seem rational, wise and well intentioned. But I’m aware I could be wrong. I know I tend to see the best in people and I’m open to the possibility of me having been fooled. In this age of polarized media, how do I find what’s true? Both sides present evidence for their perspectives and both seem to manipulate information to fit their agenda. Do you just go based on character? And wouldn’t the censorship and propaganda from the democrats then be a huge red flag in their character? I’d appreciate any insights that could help me sort through this conflict and make sense of it all. Thanks
  7. I enjoy helping people, playing with ideas and creating things. I have made synopses for a couple books that I would like to slowly work on throughout my life.
  8. @Leo Gura The reason is mainly that I would like to publish a book in the future and it would probably make a bigger impact on the world if people take the author more seriously. So I wouldn't say the reason is shallow. I want to help make the world better.
  9. Great then I can continue stealing candy from my kids. Change of topic but I'd like to hear your thoughts on this, I want to help people with mental health and I'm going to have my own private clinic. I could do this without doing the masters degree in psychology but I would be taken more seriously if I was a licensed psychologist. Do you think the 5 years of study + 1 year of postgraduate practical training is worth it just so be taken more seriously? I think it's really stupid that people don't take people without degrees seriously but they obviously do
  10. @Ero Isn't the issue that those conscious people would have to play unfair to compete with the corrupt? And that this would then make them corrupt?
  11. And I suspect that "the ends justify the means" is the mentality that causes this and therefore whatever low level of that mentality we ourselves use will perpetuate that mentality in the world, correct? Meaning we need to try to avoid resonating like that no matter how small the "means" is if we want corruption to end?
  12. Just the freedom to spend most of my time with my partner and my dog and my future children. I want to work a maximum of 4 hours per day but still be able to live nicely and travel while not having to worry about money. My main value is freedom. So I guess that is possible but it is growing harder over time due to the growing wealth gap.
  13. But if we play fair in an attempt to break the cycle, won't we just get run over by those who don't? And if we speak up about this and try to change it, won't we be the nail that gets the hammer? What is the right line of action?