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Everything posted by Ash55

  1. appreciate your intention but i take it lightly and its funny for me to hear leo saying imagine being syria when i was in syria, life is also generous and kind with me a lots of time and, i survived the war and left the country tho i might have some PTSD lol, but mostly am okay
  2. i was watching leo video how survival shape how you are and few times "not in that video" mentioned leo ow fortunate you are not to live in syria but that video he mentioned how if you are born in war survival can shape you, and that so true part of my character was shaped by war and how ruthless am with my self sometime for example for me the idea of either victory or death is totally normal i dont really see my self unfortunate to be born in a war zone in Syria but it shaped me into a much tougher person, my life has been radically painful too i always find it funny when leo talks about middle east Syria etc how hard survival here, its almost want to pause him to tell him indeed it is lol but its my reality and experience
  3. thanks, and i will but ill do it over time because a have a lot to share Standard American Diet is shit but so is every standard diet now almost, sugar, white bread, processed food, junk fast food, industrialized food its crazy how much fried food people eat here its just not good lol and how much sugar there is talking of sugar i love how teal talks how body handle food from her vision, i wish i can be totally vegan but personally i can function well if i eat some meat and some others animal protein
  4. i dont know my mind went too far, didn't know that tiger nut is a thing lol
  5. you really like middle eastern food aren't you, no worries i wanna share a lot more here it is my fav thread now lol
  6. we call it msbaha in Syria and hummus means chickpeas but yeah VEGAN
  7. yeah i do agree with you on that its a struggle of mine to do a gluten free bread too like flat bread
  8. i asked my mom and she told me how semolina taste good with it so maybe try semolina instead of white rice and brown rice, i never tried it tho
  9. be mindful that changing white rice can change the taste a lot but you can play with the ratio like you can have less rice or more rice and if you come up with something good let me know, and if you made it share pictures here and show me your take
  10. Sure @Princess Arabia here you go: the original recipe 1 cup Caraway 1 cup sugar 1 cup Ground white rice "not super soft like flour do it with blender" (some use semolina instead of rice but i never tried it ) additional (optional) Ground fennel Seeds only 1 tbls, also ground anise 1 tbls and for that you need 10 cups of water then you need to heat it and satire it till it solidify and you need to mix everything super well before you add water i dont use sugar so i do the same recipe a bit less water and i layer it with honey once i scoop it in so i do layer of Caraway then small layer of honey and coconut then layer of Caraway and so on you can add Pistachio on top its too expensive here i added Almond and coconut that is about it its super simple and i really love it in the winter here is a video: they are speaking arabic "hint your name is Princess Arabia lol" but it will give you a better idea am not the best at baking but i loved it i got it wrong many times ill come later to this thread "i love the idea of it" to read and share a link i followed on barely bread, and maybe talk about my baking experience
  11. Caraway super healthy desert but i dont do it with sugar but with honey
  12. barely bread, i really loved it if you wanna know my recipe let me know lol
  13. We had Mulan on the forum before i came
  14. am as desperate as you to see new videos but his old content rocks too, and i feel like he have done so much that we should stop begging him for more, tho am excited for his new courses
  15. so you came from straight down from haven lol Caribbean is kinda a piece of heaven Great thank you ^^
  16. Am really curious to know if there is a great website or books or some yogic system go to place for that, i never saw a great website about that so i need reference materials to search into, what subject well general health really.
  17. appreciate your suggestion prince Jasmine are you from the arab world actually ? @Princess Arabia really cool books thanks ill definitely have them to search on them
  18. you seem have done a lots of research, well recipes for if you have cold or for skin care or for shambo. for treating specific element that can be treated i know a doctor he literally was an encyclopedia on food herbs and not using western medicine as much as possible it like impossible for me to talk to him now he taught me about boiling olive leaf for example this is literally the most effective recipe for a fever or a cold for me i told me about a book Olive Leaf Extract: Nature's Antibiotic i wished to find some site or forum or any place to have an alternative to that doctor when i have a question Lol most of what i find in the internet is shit tbh
  19. i would say herbs and natural remedies alternative for taking pills for me alternative medicine is taking herbs remedies that is what i mean with medicine
  20. i made gluten free sugar free cookies dates + orange juice oat as white flour alternative milk and raw chocolate
  21. Am very surprised how do you live in a parallel universe to me , its the exact opposite to where i came from lol
  22. well, i took me like 8 years to cut sugar 99.5% of the time but white flour is almost as bad too, tho you can eat small dosage of sugar i choice to cut it almost completely (there is a tiny quantities i took from buying a snakes small quantity from raw chocolate and Vanilla for cooking and tiny bit of it in a hot chocolate drink i consumed several time) you need to be very mindful about your body, replace sugar with fruits and sugar healthy alternatives like pure honey etc, you need to know exactly what you are eating read products descriptions ingredients very carefully, read books like atomic habit and the power of habits, you can't just unwise the habit easily at first, it takes some time you might need to replace it with different habit learn to make food that you enjoy and it feels great to eat and that takes a LOT of effort to wire new habit and to get used to it sugar is super addictive and its quite hard to quite but possible edit adding: avoid any soda like completely that drink contains insane amount of unhealthy sugar do more fasting maybe once a week or fast for a month try different fasting try different diet like keto too, maybe invest more money into buying more expensive raw ingredient and spend sometime making that perfect fish dish once you try to eat well for a while you dont wanna go back practice things like kryia yoga it can flow you naturally into a more healthy holistic diet you can run away from sugar or invest a lot more love into your eating habit diet and food by preparing quality expensive food at home