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Everything posted by Ash55

  1. @Sugarcoat Am curious to know does society see you weird ? do you feel up normal, are you the creative type ? do you preserve reality totally different than people around you, i really thought when i was child that people are like me and then realized that my mind is radically different to anyone i met basically and how people lived in radically different reality then me am really curious to know how your personal experience is like epically you are in a very developed country, in your family in your school, in your work life
  2. @Keryo Koffa LOOL How do you do these ?
  3. Many Pick up people dont see how much damage they are doing to other girls, you dont need to lie and manipulate to get gf or even sex which is what all pick up artist i saw irl do, and leo said something like you can find in the trash dump like pick up some valuable gems, and he means that you can be funny, social, well dressed well spoken to make women find you more attractive vs manipulate cheating justifying all sort of fucked up shit and call it manly LOL what red pill is
  4. Submarine Titans: Breaking Records in the Deep | Génie Français Submarines – Extreme Technology – Big Bigger Biggest The Men Who Built America Wild Wild Country New York: America's Busiest City trailer
  5. I though he will host both candidate in one show LOL
  6. I too i think Kamala will win just barely, I hope leo is wrong on his prediction lol
  7. Its insane how he had a vision that is now our reality now, being a unicorn as leo said lol in his blog on visionaries and honoring your art, its really hard work This is really inspiring for me to watch and this is the full video if you dont wanna watch the instgram clip
  8. I always been perceived as wired, right wing saw me to liberal and, left wing saw me as workaholic, i was born in a radically conservative society believing blue for men and red for women and i always loved the red color, I think think there is an average person lol i think you can get a too conformist person that doesn't give a clear cut stands just conforms to society, so many people believe they are normal or average but i see how watch person is extortionary in something, it was shocking to me realizing how people get sucked into a matrix of culture of some sort in my life experience i experienced life from the matrix of Islamic world Ramadan and how people believe the moon was split in half, now for me my family are crazy lol (i love my family and i have good relationship with them tho i dont live with them i left) for my family am crazy , its crazy how what normal seem up-normal from a radically different perspective, I kinda see how people lost in their mind defining their idea including me and see how from one person to another insane different in perspective and insane different on what is considered normal But if you want the "normal" experience you just plug your self in the matrix of culture and say Even if you did that you would see a huge world view difference between rich and poor, athlete and influential, gay and non gay people that are super open like me, and ultra closed people that hate talking to foreign people So practically the notion of normal is unrealistic but the idea of conforming to one culture which will make our brain sucked into it and make us feel things that normal and other are not normal exist which is crazy to think about it this way I used to wish that till i start loving my own uniqueness and weirdness + my unfair advantage or so called
  9. Mao is the best leader ever I love china i love the CCP and i love the messiah prophet karl marx i bet if marx is alive now he would be terrified of what communism have done LOL
  10. I love china the best country ever china is half under developed half developing the underdeveloped part ranks very low on spiral/ ego development on average china rank lower than America in the developed chines part but the under developed part are way worse and the US on average rank lower than many other western country on spiral dynamic the CCP is way way more corrupt than the west atm, quality of life for the most part are way better in the west than china Modern day china has so much unchecked/predatory capitalism This is caught on footage is wild everybody like to talk shit about the middle east and i talk shit too lol, but god damn china is 100 time more wild, i feel sorry for the people i hope they have better situation you probably gonna label Serpentza as propaganda but he lived and travel across china documenting life there, and he is not always right he is definitely biased
  11. Sanction was more cribbing than that on Syria i think, but the the regime did a great job elimination any competition or big private enterprise , and creating a state own business that literally inslave people financially "they have easy monopoly and no one can compete with what they do", and only allowing few actors that kiss the regime ass to grow a bit powerful, probably the regime did much more harm to the economy than sanction x d,
  12. lol remind me kim jong un, COVID healthcare solution, if test positive shot him
  13. the mind is plastic, if you dont use it to develop skills its wasted, the paradox of intelligence makes it stupid if you wanna quantify intelligence because you can develop intelligence and it can increase or desecrate based on your aging life style learning habit mental habit workout or lack of it I was born in county where there is not much electricity yet i worked for the US, am i smart in some field yes and others not really i have so much limitations and i always try to work around them or try to decease them, relative to my strategic intent I field so many time trying to learn programming till i get it tho last time only took me 4 days to pick up python and a week to learn some of the unreal api to write automation scripts, before that i tried so many books and courses and yet didn't mange to write any useful program You live in the USA i was in Syria from poor family bruh you really need to take responsibility for your life USA gave any one the opportunity to be a millionaire if he capitalize on the opportunity i know its really hard but so many people did it commenting back on low iq, first i suggest this book its phenomenal "Mastery by Robert Greene" its really long too if you wanna archive success you dont need high iq infect having high iq can be an obstacle why because high iq people are not the highest achievers, i had to reprogram my mind from highly thinker to a high achiever still working on that What you really need to achieve the success you want is: massive action, reading, focus, management skills, sells skills "selling your self or your product", how to mange your finance, mental toughness, powerful habits, resilience, and high threshold of pain tolerance, decision making, strategy, overcoming fear the idea that you can quantify intelligence is really foolish idea because you set your own limitation if you beloved you are not smart that will be self fulfilling lol but if you know what you are good and not very good at you can work around, you dont have to restrict your self to programming btw you can be successful in million different way, i love art and programming because i love that i can pour insane amount of time failing and learning how to be better at them first think you need is to remove these idiots from your life, its really foolish to judge other people like that, and people like that are like crabs in a bucket you try to work and escape they bull you down read "Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman" learning any real skills takes 10 years of hard work and insane amount of failure I met few girls that are much smarter than me but they wasted their potentials in social game and manipulation intelligence is a double edge sward again you can be smarter by developing your self and i need to add one thing to the list that you need to succeed making good decisions is not about iq its about massive experience and wisdom You can have a really high IQ and used that IQ lol to destroy your life its almost the High IQ concept doesn't mean anything its just a belief or idea in your mind So many people waste their potential with traps like foolish ideology that faild drama, laziness, living for comfort there is a billion thing other than iq will determine if you are successful or not dont let it be a limiting belief academia has a very rigid structure that actually does not support creativity and innovation, dont let your mind comforts to bullshit ideas, the business world almost totally separate from academia lol
  14. In Android i used to use newpipe its an opensource YouTube client allows you to download any video, not sure if it still working, it was add free too and i used to disable recommendation and feed to unhook from YouTube, you can find clients like that but why dont you use a cheap laptop much better to store information
  15. Any way if you guys want me to make you a short video tutorial on how to use it ill elaborate on, usage, conversion options error handing even scripting and video tagging
  16. You can Download any video you want and make it any format you want I can make you short tutorial on how to convert to any format you want with ffmpeg I can easily have a library of any channel on YouTube i want using this tool and it takes no time to download likw how i have half leo channel LOL
  17. This IS THE BEST TOOL TO DOWNLOAD ANY VIDEO Get your hand dirty Comrade, I used youtube_dl now its called yt_dlp its a command line utility works on wiondows or linux i use it on linux it can download almost any video from the internet, it works on carious site like the phub i only used it with youtube since its 95% of where videos are found but i also tested it with few other sites The advantage of it that you can select any format you want or resolution unless its behind paywall Now usage is super simple you have To list Formats yt-dlp -F <videolink> To select desired audio video format yt-dlp -f 609+139 <videolink> This tool include futures like downloading entire YouTube channels, downloading entire playlist, Resuming download, downloading only thumbnails or only transcript, its feature rich utility Edit: No ads no fishiness free and opensource Edit part 2: This tool has a Gui or graphical interface, but since am a CLI fanatic i dont use it LOL Command line is much much more efficient
  18. I feel sick each time i eat cookies unless i made them, So i developed a recipe to make home made sugar free gluten free cookies, These are not the chocolate variant but i also made chocolate ones, They taste good and i dont feel shit when i eat them, So win win win
  19. Trump gonna score really high taking this test, He is more enlightened and humble than we understand If my partner cheated on me, i would communicate that and break up, i can lose my temper but probably i would know that gonna happened before it happens.
  20. Commenting on North K: Since i was born in Syria i noticed how Foolish socialism is and how Syrian government doesn't allow business to thrive only government controlled one, which led to a major stagnation and decline of the Syrian economy while Syrian business (not in syria and non government) are earning tons of money in different countries all around the glob now, i somehow understood intuitively how that doesn't work just from observing government and society
  21. Actually counterintuitively being valuable to love makes women loves you more and at a deeper level
  22. Looool I would wanna say there is no such thing as too much profit but its pointless to much more money that i would actually use Its a trap i think