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Everything posted by Ash55

  1. Maybe leo if you focused on, self depiction, true spirituality, Indra's net model of the universe, spiral dynamics and more digestible content for the average joe, tho tbh leo the more famous you work will be the more corrupted like other religion will be, but maybe that what the world need actualizeism LOL jk
  2. My intuition is nudging me to do retreat for a while now for more than a year, but am not in a first world country am currently in Egypt moving to Syria I wanted to do it in a desert in Egypt but now Am thinking about the lush northern Syrian mountains, i would love to hear your experience if you had one even if its a different type of retreat, what i have in mind now is eating only one time a day something super simple like dates and fruits, silence no talking, Meditating several hours a day for 11 days or so, I hope to hear your thoughts, I also thinking about 2-3 months Beast next years not sure about that, Am wondering how many people I should do it with too, I met someone that did a vipassana retreat in dahab but i didn't have enough time to ask him for details, and never met an expert on this topic very difficult to do so for me, my business didn't take off yet tho i had small wins I really really feel like doing that retreat tho
  3. that is a bit crazy done any retreat longer than 10 days ?? Can you tell me more about timetable
  4. We don't have a formal ones in Syria i think, and organizing it my self with few friends should be possible i think @Leo Gura I hope you don't mind answering this, I believe you have blogs about retreat I haven't seen them yet but i would love to ask you, what are the most effective ones you have done Or to frame the question better way if you would to go back in time what retreat would do to achieve full awakening Love to hear out from you @Tistepiste Goenka what is that a new fruit ? lol jk Was the retreat just meditation and silence mostly ? was the place super quit ? I wanna get better and better idea on what i should expect and do I been meditating everyday almost everyday for the past 6 years Cool idea to do a dopamine detox 1 week before
  5. Its amazing if humans would be selfless and help the environment there is so much life in small place
  6. Social media indeed serve trash to people, but also it is an infrastructure that helped tons of businesses, insane amount of educational content is on YouTube people that seek education are getting so much amazing content too, in one hand if you served people (in the context of food businesses) no sugar and no white floor no body will buy the food, I think its a systemic problem and a cultural one people are actively seeking juiced food and the biggest social media binge, I have seen people here they would deliberately never eat food that is healthy at all (they also binge on Facebook trash reels for hours) I make only healthy food most of the time, once I made rice and I make it with olive oil and someone I knew he refused to eat because I didn't use low quality vegetable oil that has no taste LOL the rice taste was not perfect but it was good, that was crazy to me to see that unfathomable, olive oil costed 5 times as much as vegetable oil So we can blame social media of corruption all day long and the fast food Industry but all these businesses are doing serving people what they want to be served lol African geography related video:
  7. We Have Jesus Christ on the forum
  8. I had to make it
  11. Hi This thread is for me to share the Documentary i have seen, So i can keep track of them and you can also see cool content being shared here, Feel free to share yours too here
  12. So would you agree that it is possible for systematic change to be achieved by a benevolent/ enlightened monarch, akin to Socrates’ “philosopher-king”? having a democratic system in a society where everyone is well educated and spirituality is encouraged + all the self deception introspection aspect, is more sustainable The ideal of Socrates, works best only on paper you need flexibility and dedication of authority in the system to make it sustainable other wise the upper class get easily corrupted and they considerate power in a way that shift the system to totalitarianism and it becomes a very bloody struggle to change the rulers Democratic system are self correcting on the long term, and when the system is self correcting it fixes and sustain it self
  13. If you selected hardcore mode, You get Syria in 2010 before the civil war, North Korea, or saudi Arabia harem as female LOL
  14. Not in the past leo all rural places in the middle east has that phenomena, few weeks ago i was walking next to a mosque and i witness that horror i also seen from my own childhood a child been beaten to memorize the Quran, i was smart when i was a kid i didn't let anyone beat me but seeing other children been beaten i guess is traumatizing To answer your question trying to teach anything with force/violence is pretty low consciousness, the last thing you need to do to a child is to force him to do thing in a certain way or live in a certain way it fracture his psyche he might come up as discipline relative to that culture but he/she will lose any hope of following their own path or they would be radicalized to revenge About james cameron and his work, i was actually digging yesterday into his career it's insane, its crazy that they didn't pay him for the titanic for arguing he want to make the vision right
  15. memoir of a geisha - I want to find similar movies that sell the same vibes the movie has great visual, story, and orchestral I love destiny classic movies: Mulan, aladin, tarazan Klaus - was better than i thought very cool Doctor Strange in the Multiverse and that other one Doctor Strange + spider man
  16. I don't wanna sound ironic, I wish her true happiness, and ill have empathy for her if she is deeply unhappy but anyway this is a documentary to show what happened when you try to 100 any% glichless in 24h speedrun If she slept with 1000 man i wonder if she would still be functioning
  17. This is really delicious except i made it with olive oil spinach salad i tried few different ones the stable is spinach olive oil and vinegar and salt I can add Feta, Walnuts, parmigiana sauce I can add tomato and cucumber too
  18. what happened to Joe Rogan that made him support trump he used to said i dont support trump now says vote trump
  19. Charley covered him a long time ago Its so much afford to pull that out Jesus he could have spent time socializing and met a girl in NYC where he lives and lived a happy life
  20. This one is fast paced most people don't like it I like it, Pavlovich channel is comprehensive to Zbrush from the technical standpoint There is so many contents and courses, you need to be exact to know which one is right for you now, I suggest playing with free video before you invest in any course so you know if the subject is right for you You can try blender first too if you feel you like it you can do modeling sculpting rigging animation rendering in blender, even compositing, you don't really need to learn 10 different tools, I keep the 3D program number to a minimum Maya/Blender/3dsmax/C4D do the same thing fundamentally you don't need to learn each one only one of them You can Learn or not learn Zbrush it's up to you, Blender now is really good at sculpting now There is no need for Maya if you leaned blender for now unless you get haired in a studio and they want you to use Maya then they will teach you Maya You don't need to be all over the place, just pick one tool "3d program" and one goal and work on that, You probably only gonna need 2/3 software only, And you can start with blender only doing everything there maybe with some help of Photoshop/krita just for texturing So that is 2 tools
  21. I use blender I tried blender geo node its really bad compared to Houdini and my philosophy when it comes to my career never take shortcut because in this instance trying to learn Houdini yes Houdini is not easy to learn and you need to understand so many aspect about 3d programing math art but once you can use it, it will save you SO MUCH TIME, if you didn't learn Houdini and you went with the easy options, you will start hitting roadblock after you invest the time to learn what you leaned You need to think long term if you wanna do animation, thinking short term and taking shortcut will end up making you having made no real progress If I would wanna create a character and animate it i would personally use Zbrush "am used to sculpting in Zbrush and really comfortable in it but blender is fine " then blender i can stay in blender after modeling in Zbrush or move to Unreal Engine since am really good rendering with it, there is no perfect pipeline or workflow it all depends on what you need what is best, how much money it will cost etc I highly advise you not to waste so much time in uni or art school and set clear goal buy some high quality course/s and start digging building skills getting a job or freelance work right after that don't waste time and energy in university or art school, you need to but so much effort your self, and no body gonna care if you have a degree or not if you can make the best character or environment and read "Mastery George Leonard" At the end of the day doesn't matter what tool you use as long as you are really effective and efficient using it
  22. I do 3d game art and building my self up to do my own animation I dream to make my own full featured 3d animation. Its definitely a really hard path but i love every step of it, am super grateful and super happy in my life I wanna make 2 points here pursuing trying to study so many things is not the best strategy I have done that, Focus on one aspect only one field only master it and then move on you could focus on character art only for 2 or more years get really good at it then move to a different thing, keep things as simple as possible and try to be very focused lets say now you spent 2-3 years doing character and you can do a really good character now you can study other thing maybe game vfx, you can spend 90% of your time focused on character and 10% on music. For art school, i should highly advise you not to go to art school but rather buy courses online, attend events for game development art animation etc, why its too much time investment and you can simply learn much more but getting a basic job for 2 years after 2 years of studding from online materials, You can relay on books YouTube course online groups forums meeting and talking to other people much better than sinking 4 years of your life in university or getting a really expensive art school Now if you want something like this i recommend learning Houdini, Funny am actually working on a Houdini course but not about that about game art , you can create it in many other ways but Houdini particles and DOPs are kind here I have several years of expiration as 3d artist since 2015, and i put effort on 3 animation projects they didn't see the light yet but soon the world will see my animation, if you need further guidance i can offer my discord to help you out with your journey, I don't have my studio yet but i have enough experience to point out any potential traps and best practices and best way to learn.