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Everything posted by EdgeGod900

  1. @Juan The weddings that most people partake is definitely an old thinking mentality and very unconscious. My theory is that TRUE MARRIAGE will only happen between two enlightened individuals(even then, not all enlightened people will choose to get married). This means that real marriages are 1 in a billion. Again, just my theory.
  2. @Holykael It sometimes hurts my soul when Leo's teaching just go in one ear and out the other. It's very clear that you don't put Leo's teachings into PROPER practice. Honestly you shouldn't even follow him at this point. Watch the first 30 mins of this video. Implement it and never go on this site ever again, because it seems like mental masturbation(Not putting the work) might be the real reason why you don't put Leo's wisdom in to practice.
  3. I thought that what was said by this person seemed wise, do you agree? Do you have anything to add or refute? (Side Note: I'm not in the same situation as the OP, I just found the question and the answer intriguing) Here's a quote from a "therapist" on Quora answering the question, "How can I stop being jealous of my girlfriend’s past relationships? She is my first girlfriend, but I am her fifth boyfriend. I can’t stop imagining her with her past boyfriends."
  4. @NoSelfSelf Really!? Advising someone to contemplate about what bothering them about that situtation is surface level? Could it be that OP's influence is less about society, but more about biology? (ie. making sure your genes get passed on to survive?)
  5. I had "close" friendships in the past that I had to cut due to me finding out that they would gossip about me and make me look bad infront of others. My goal now is to meet new people, but now with extra caution -- I need help in finding better ways of observing people (their body language or vibes in general) so that I don't fall for fake relationships ever again. This might be imposing a strict parameter, but I really prefer certain techniques that I can use safely "from a distance." Here's a list of what I think are ways of screening trustworthy friends (please confirm OR debunk OR add more to it): If you hear him/her gossiping about other people right away. If they act/feel like a different person around different types of groups. Always looking around(being really nosy of what strangers are doing) Side Note: If you have some "psychic" techniques that you've implemented before, share them down below.
  6. @RebornConsciousness You don't want to see a potential heart attack on the ring? Or a broken ankle?
  7. @Carl-Richard My theory is that its because psychedelics gives us a "partial glimpse" of how a higher being sees "reality." ie. It allows us to see/sense different dimensions beyond 3D or 4D(time)
  8. Just curious because you've mentioned before that you like to take your time and slow down when learning. Coupling that with the heavy workload of Engineering, it seems kinda impossible to have full day offs. I was just curious because I was talking to an engineering professor at my university and he said during his undergrad that he only had Friday night off, was wondering if you can confirm that. I guess another thing to mention was how the hell did he not burn out? does slowing down to learn the topic automatically remove burn out?
  9. Is it even possible to have no bad trips in an entire lifetime? Has anyone in this forum ever had no bad trips? Would you say that having a life in order, meditating, eating healthy, and being in a positive emotional state, will have like a 1/100 chance of producing a bad trip? Sorry for the excessive statistics lingo, been on some betting sites for the past couple of days.
  10. Bro this is really strange. I assume you are a foreigner and you're trying to attract Americans. If this is the case, you really need to know the culture. There is this thing called "riffing," look it up and get good at that. It'll make you so much more fun and can help you pass shit tests. Dude make some white or black American guy friends(not the nerdy ones), and learn how to "riff" and that should honestly get you girls bro. If you don't even know how to riff with american guys, then good luck finding a girl that will date you lol.
  11. @halfknots Can you elaborate more on this? Do you mean like you cry, feel sad, depressed, etc??
  12. As a man goes about his life, he will encounter beautiful grills(a feeling like we've met in a previous life type of attraction), but the logistics/circumstances make it impossible to approach her. But, he still wants her to feel good about herself even if he can't have her. So another victim of my tendency is this cashier at my local neighbourhood. She knows that I like her, because she starting to show signs that she likes me when she starts to notice my "behaviour" around her. Its at a point where she's noticing that I'm starting to show mixed signals(smiling at her one day and then completely ignoring her in another) that could imply that im playing hard to get or that i'm uncertain about her. Though, I am infact certain that I won't be able to date her. My question is how would I go about interacting and behaving around her if my goal is to "show my appreciation of her beauty, but that it's impossible to create something out of it". I don't think saying that to her is appropriate and might make her feel uncomfortable. Also, would you maybe agree that this is an impossible goal? Thoughts? Side note: Can't ask her on a date because she's working Don't want to date someone in my neighbourhood(ie. seeing your ex all the time) Another objection is that, her eyes and hair look beautiful, but that MAYBE after work(after removing her mask) she actually looks ugly.
  13. @Roy @SonataAllegro It might have been a mistake to add the reasons why i'm not pursuing her. I just want a to know if its even possible to act in a way as to not egg her on. She has coworkers/managers there, I'm 90% sure she'll get in trouble if she did. At the very least, she'll look easy/slut for hitting on her infront of coworkers and customers. And yeah. She has very feminine mannerisms and a sexy ass voice. @SonataAllegro Haha, maybe i'm not clear. Ok to be more detailed. (I often catch her glancing at me from a far, she copies my mannerisms, we would sometimes make prolonged/ intense eye contact) So I know god damn well she's into me. I'm very good at noticing body language as I grew in a extremely dangerous country. Again, I fucked up adding details as it seems like my question is not being answered. To anyone reading, how can I make my question the priority when people are reading my posts?
  14. @Ulax ❤ Is that DiCaprio in your pfp btw? Man's a really good scout... if you catch my drift.
  15. Ok, I don't think the reason some people resonate with Leo's style is because of their low consciousness parts lol. Its probably because it just feels authentic. When there's little filter in communication, the message feels more personal. Also, Leo's approach feels authentic -- not just because of his vernacular, but how original/novel his ideas are. People like tate (for example) have that unapologetic style as well, but that motherfucker gets his ideas from the Quran and other redpill sources. (Side Note: Also, to anyone who don't see that Andrew Tate is playing a character is either gullible or just plain retarded) I think this is a bad/exaggerated take. Leo's previous contents(2014-2023) are unapologetic. If people absorbed those videos and they're still vulnerable, especially as small as changing his speaking style, then I'm sorry but no one can help those types of people.
  16. @Adam M There's no use bro. Leo doesn't love our kind of people anymore. Honestly, just snort his videos about contemplation, power of not knowing, and insight , like cocaine and then you probably won't need him anymore.
  17. Your "purple cow" was the reason why you resonated with me. I guess I can't stop you from turning it brown... Too bad.
  18. @StarStruck Agreed. Tried vegan diet for 3 months. It wasn't bad but I'm always hungry after an hour of eating lol. I tried carnivore. Eating lots of meat in the morning makes me extremely sharp and productive for the rest of the day. It also seems like beef/lamb/moose/dear/bison are the only one that really makes me feel good. Chicken, fish, and pork don't do anything to me. BTW, the fact that @dualnon said that about what you said shows that he doesn't get the importance of direct exp. And that phrase that he specifically used is common in alot of redditors, youtube, and twitch nerds, so it really pissed me the fuck off by how cringey it is.
  19. @dualnon I think you meant, "essentially 'direct experience bro.' " Besides, lots of studies on this topic are conflicted. This is just one example of many ( https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8305097/ ). There's quote on this study that struck me a bit, "The grading of the evidence for red meat was decreased from sufficient in 2007 to probable in 2018. This may have been caused by published meta-analyses failing to show a significant overall effect and geographical differences with significant effects observed in Europe but not in the Americas or Asia." Just a side note, your use of "trust me bro" is cringe. It legit got me triggered.
  20. I'm blind as a bat without glasses or contact lenses. Anyone tripped while wearing contact lenses? I am a little bit scared of accidentally sleeping in them and have my eyes hurt like shit for the next few days. When I wear glasses while tripping, I always end up removing them because I tend to lay on the floor in different positions and they get bent and uncomfortable. Does the visual aspect of psychedelics even contribute to an effective trip, por not? I'm taking LSD, so its gonna be long.
  21. @Bruins8000 There are other possibilities, but I mean you did say mortality. Mortality is inherently limiting.
  22. @Bruins8000 If you can do what ever you want? Why not entertain yourself? creation and destruction are both fun.
  23. Jumping from 100ug to 240ug on my next trip. Any tips on how to integrate as much as I can? or refer me to some vid of leo talking about better integration?
  24. @Chives99 The shit I wrote from my previous trip doesn't resonate with me. And that was months ago. Like it made sense during my high consciousness state, but once I sobered up, the answers were mundane. Could you maybe give a more specific ways on how to "... work with it"?