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Everything posted by EdgeGod900

  1. Maybe 90%Straight and 10%Not-Straight. I thought Bisexual is 50% 50%
  2. But i'm the other way around tho?
  3. Does it count as being homo if I have sex with women, but fall in love with guys?
  4. @Yali True. Its just that I saw an old photo of him with a full head of hair, and it gave me a semi-chub (no homo tho).
  5. Honestly, you're face is kinda cute (no homo). Have you considered getting hair transplants?
  6. @evgn Any updates?? If you're still at a stalemate, maybe you should change your approach and really consider what people have been saying -- be patient and get your money up. Besides there's so many whores online that you're bound to find someone who looks just like your crush, from this degenerate-backwards-closeminded-wierdo galore(that is your small town), who you can jack off to. Unsolicited Advice: Always go for dumb/crazy girls, unless you're some beta cuck who likes to be manhandled by their girl. Also dumb girls are very gullible, so you can tell her that swallowing your cum has anti-aging properites and she'll believe it.
  7. Why did I make meditation, doing psychedelics,etc get me closer to GOD. But other activities like socializing, hobbies,etc, that I created, get me further away from him????
  8. We're good.I found the answer. Answer: Because also doing non-egoic activities means that you're expanding your lifestyle, therefore more holistic/Godlike. Proof: Assume activities ä and lifestyle ĺ, so ä ∈ ĺ. Suppose null Ø is God. Then Egoic lifestyle ℇ and Non-Egoic lifestyle Ŋ, such that ℇ ⊂ Ø & Ŋ ⊂ Ø by definition of null. And ℇ ⊂ Ŋᶜ and Ŋ ⊂ ℇᶜ, so ℇ ≠ Ŋ. Also, ℇ < ℇ + Ŋ . It follows that ℇ < ℇ + Ŋ < Ø. Therefore ℇ+ Ŋ is closer to God than just ℇ. PS: Not a strict proof format just having fun😋
  9. @Alexop 1st world countries are just "icing on the cake" for those who are wise and have a life purpose. I've experienced living many years between 1st world and 3rd world countries, and the amount of fools to wise is still 90% to 10% approx in both worlds. From my experience, I'd even argue that there are way more wiser people in the 3rd world countries, because they have to face hardships more often and at a younger age. They're also not as spoilt with the excess materialistic fruits of superior politics.
  10. I can verify that I can start to see the "border of the container" by doing these activities, but why do they make you realize such a thing?? I can verify it but I don't understand it. Is it just it is what it is??
  11. I mean Leo's video, "How to Study" was what got me some scholarship money so you might like it. Cal's Deep work is just for "optimization" IMO. I need videos like( some of) Leo's that give me the big picture, otherwise I can't function without reframing everything material in a spiritual context. Hell, even his Wage Slavery video is already bordering a materialistic goal. And therefore I see people in this forum feeling stressed and pressured for not accomplishing such goal.
  12. Likewise. I noticed that I would feel the state that I would feel when I meditate for 2hrs straight right before I go to bed. So I took 10mg of thc and was tripping as I was falling asleep. Legit saw infinity again. I think some advise that you shouldn't trip before bed, but the amplifying effect in consciousness made me try it. It was fun. Will try with lsd and 5 meo next.
  13. I wonder if having no expectations at all will inherently remove the emotional challenge of life purpose. I mean a lot of us here have seen the infinity, so it just makes sense for a lot of us here to have no expectations at all no? Like as a kid I would just do a thing regardless of how difficult or risky it is, without thinking about it being difficult nor risky, and most of the time I would actually end up acheiving the thing. Without the dreaded emotional labor no less.
  14. His older self was a lot more playful. He talked with a lot more energy. He's still somewhat positive, but now he sometimes does that Jordan Peterson-like crying/vibe, which feels really heavy, making his reframes less exciting and more "sad." Not disagreeing with the fact that his older videos are very grounded, and that 90% of people in this forum should master them first before implementing his more advanced stuff. But maybe an old-Leo type of rhetoric combined with the new-Leo type of insight is the "secret formula."
  15. Abso-fucking-lutely. The bureaucracy is insane. Although I can't recommend which areas of society to focus on instead(or maybe you should stay with the school system), I can say with absolute certainty that the 2 main issues that overshadow the mainstream idea of "iTs tHe SchOOl sysTeM," are the heavy internet use and over fixation on materialism. If you are able to not get distracted by the internet(which fucks up your dopamine system) and are spiritually developed enough to see the subtle beauty in appreciating the fact that you are learning about God's creations through schooling, you will enjoy learning the content so much that you'll brush off how bullshit the school system is. I've been contemplating about this and my recommendation for changing the school system is much more radical than all yalls. No more middleschool, highschool, or college. (This will probably cause a lot of unemployment, sorry but learning is more important than you're stupid dis-passionate ways of teaching) Starting at 4 yrs old until they're 9yrs old they'll only learn 3 subjects: (Computer Technology Usage) teach them proper internet usage; to learn self studying ways to not get distracted, i.e. having time limits on internet use, only using internet at the same time every day, etc.. (Psychology and Self-help) Meditation Observing themselves while doing an activity Psychological theories Some slight metaphysics maybe -- life purpose. (English or whatever native language they speak) Helps with using the internet Socialization/ Rhetorical communication After 9 yrs old, they'll just do self study, because Everything is literally on the internet. MIT Opencourseware(for example) has way better lectures than 80% of other Universities on the same topic. For rigorously tested careers like Doctors for example, theory is self studied, residency of course needs to be actual. But they only go on campus or hospital for the exam and residency.
  16. So, the hero's first journey was challenging, but his calling, the mentor, and his impeccable ability to go inside the belly of the whale provided him with so much quality fuel. He was able to defeat the threshold guardians and the dragon, with a lot of effort no less, but was entirely stoic in the process due to the three sources of fuel mentioned. He discarded the false Holy Grail and basked in and appreciated the real Holy Grail. But then, one day, something/someone stole the Holy Grail from him. He doesn't know whether it was one of the threshold guardians who survived, or a woman as a temptress. In any case, the general path and Holy Grail are still the same as his previous journey, but the threshold guardians came back much stronger and with newer members. There are more women as temptresses, and the dragon is also stronger. However, he feels that once he gets a hold of the Holy Grail once more, this will be his definitive grasp of it, and it will no longer slip from his hands ever again (fingers crossed lmao). Once again, the journey is much more intense: the threshold guardians are on steroids, the women as temptresses have enhanced their makeup and undergone butt and boob implants, and the dragon has grown thicker scales. On the other side, the calling is less powerful, the mentor is leaving him, and the belly of the whale is much bigger and thicker to get into. Questions: 1.) Is it a hero's journey if the hero lost the holy grail and have to retireve it again? 2.) Does this scenario still make sense as a hero's journey, in general? If not, do you think I mislabeled certain parts of the journey?
  17. That's the question, if its possible. Idk if i'm retarded or not, but from my knowledge a hero can embark on multiple journeys. I'm prolly just retarded Just lock this post. Its useless.
  18. @Zigzag Idiot Nope hated it. This is just the GIST of what the hero's journey is. It doesn't answer my specific questions.
  19. Leo and those who did the life purpose course will know.
  20. @SeaMonster They won't understand. The skill to be able to read your opponents and your teammates in a split second to find the optimal decision is rare and beautiful. This is the type of question that someone who doesn't play sports/ compete at a high level will ask. Also the type of question that doesn't understand human psychology as well. Anyways, OP, think of it this way: imagine if most people were naturally into spirituality, and they were watching 10-20 Leo Guras on TV discussing their different insights with one another.
  21. Obviously you should almost always verify every advice that's given to you. Even Leo advocates for his followers to look for other gurus to "cross-referencing" his ideas. But the best boxers in the world usually only stuck with one coach for most of their career, without much cross-referencing with other coaches. Gervonta Davis had Calvin Ford for 20 years, Mike Tyson had Cus for almost a decade, Mayweather Jr. had his father for almost all of his career, etc... Even tho boxing and self development are two different things, I feel like there's a continuity between them, especially with the people supporting you. So the question is how would you balance between non consensus view from cross-referencing vs loyalty, because I feel like there's a benefit to being loyal that Leo doesn't seem to emphasize?
  22. @Carl-Richard @SeaMonster I kinda had it in the back of my head that Leo's videos aren't specific to one person, but I thought there's still some chance that there's a direct correlation between his videos and an actual coach. Thinking about it now, my very first video of his related to my current situation at the time, like every string of sentences he was saying was directly connected to my situation -- so it felt like a 1-to-1 advice, that the ideas from that video stuck with me for 1-2 years, and I actually didn't even consume any other content of his during that time. Literally every single day I kept hearing all the cool paradigm shifts he said, in my head, subconsciouly. Like I wasn't doing no affirmations or visualizations or none of that, the concepts just stuck that it even gives me goosebumps right now just thinking about that moment. So the second best thing, it seems, if he can't coach me 1-to-1, is to only watch the videos that genuinely relates to my situation(to the tee) in that moment. @CARDOZZO I'm currently watching it. I wish Leo's site had a better search system where I don't need to type the exact word of the title -- maybe he could embed the search results from youtube when searching for his videos there. Probably would have seen it sooner then.
  23. @Thought Art The first two events are pure internal, but the 3rd one is a mix of both. But I finally got the common essence between the 3. It took me close to a week to find the "root" commonality. Its surprising because I got the answer while I was doing an unrelated activity.
  24. The 1st & 2nd events have an essence of "Being/Appreciation." The 3rd is coming from a low consciousness essence ie. "Validation." Do I just try to find a different event that relates to the 1st and 2nd even tho the 3rd event is up there in terms of inspiring me??