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About EdgeGod900

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  1. The words and the tone themselves can have a big impact on whether or not you will fully grasp a concept. After reminiscing about my past and the people who I look up to, I found a connection with Leo's "Just let it go" vs my uncle's "Just ignore them." Leo's version is very bland/boring prolly why it took him a while to attract women(I dont mean this as an attack). My uncle(whos a fuckboy), his version is kind of narcissistic, but you can reframe it positively by thinking "I am God, so of course I should be way better than this." I notice this reframe is very very powerful especially when dealing with petty matters concerning other people. Anyways, I just wanted to share this because it baffles me how the messenger and the way something is worded can make us decide whether we would actually listen or not, and some of you guys might find it more impactful than "jUsT lEt gO" One last thing, I guess it also helps that when my uncle used to take me to places, and he would noticed that I was bothered by other kids, he was right there at that moment to remind me to "just ignore them" -- not just a reminder, but also providing me with emotional support.
  2. I was a bit apprehensive posting this, but yeah... If being wants you to be ambitious then surrender to it, if not, then so be it as well. I guess he don't really gotta make a vid about it.
  3. Your video titled "How To Fall In Love With Life" is a more general way of regaining zest for life after psychedelic use. I think it would be cool if you have another video that specifically focuses on how to regain ambition, or become even more ambitious, after psychedelic/spirituality.
  4. It did, but you have to pair it with sleeping properly and exercising regularly. You have to approach health holistically( including things like digital health) in order to see the difference. But yeah, I significantly reduced dairy, carbs, sugar(except fructose), I steam my meats, and regularly eat vegtable soup(see Leo's video for recipe). My skin is glowing, reduced acne by a lot(rarely get them anymore), stable energy, and slightly better concentration. Again, you have to see health holistically, in order to see noticeable changes. For example, if you want to reduce acne, eat low GI foods, sleep well, exercise, weekly/bi-weekly cleaning of bed sheets, etc.. Another example, if you want to improve concentration, eat low GI foods, sleep well, exercise, meditate, etc.. I suggest watching this podcast(funny, but informative), , and here's a link from his website on the stuff that Bryan Eats to get a heuristic on what you can do to your lifestyle: https://blueprint.bryanjohnson.com/pages/blueprint-protocol Don't need to buy his products, you can order them elsewhere.
  5. Ok, how do you know if what Leo is saying is correct? You're new to pick up, so how do fuck do you know if what Leo said is correct? You gotta validate for yourself whether it works or not, isn't that what Leo has been fucking teaching ever fucking since? I'm so fucking done with this forum bro. 90% of yall are plain retarded straight up -- and this is coming from a retard.
  6. Abso-fucking-lutely. You first need to create a vibe/action(s) where your target isn't a hundred percent sure whether you like her or just being friendly. I'm not going to tell you how to do this specifically, but there are many ways of establishing such vibe -- I like to call it "uncertainty sexual tension" btw-- then go hit on the girl's friend, and then, you can get really creative from there. Warning: You might activate her dormant craziness... knives getting thrown at you and shit. If you can handle the resulting craziness, omfg, bro its like a fucken movie. Tarantino, Scorsese, etc.. got nothing on the movie that you'll create if you can play off of her craziness.
  7. Please help me with some sanity check. So my life purpose doesn't have to be for impacting human beings. It can be for animals, enivronment, etc., BUT can it be for Being/God? If it can be for impacting GOD, wouldn't this contradict the concept in the "Lifestyle minimalist" video -- where Being and Life purpose were two seperate things? Also, doesn't the impact statement have to create something of value to the world? If I'm doing it for being/God, it wouldn't be impacting humanity?
  8. Fuck the heard. Kill me heard. I'm going to be very very very very very very very fucking fucking fucking fucking fuckidity fucky fuck fucking careful when interacting with those who can't be open and honest. It's baffling that these people from underdeveloped stages will gaslight you into bending over backwards to accept their fear-based values as the truth. I don't give a fuck who you are, you can be my wife, my mom, or who the fuck ever, I'm going to cut you out of my life... maybe give you a piece of thread of my time and attention, but that's about it. I'm accepting my death, from the perspective of these unconscious people.... I no longer give a fuck. Thank you Leo for being a tool in liberating me. On one hand I keep "dying," but then on the other I keep "living." A gradual purification of my self... I can't wait for the next year... maybe just months... to have a way better Operating System to interface life with From the absolute, I love all of you under developed degenerates, but this character no longer fuckswithyall. Now I get it... Experiencing it... now I get it... So many insights from your videos clicked in me simultaneously, and its a beautiful experience -- I'm kinda getting bricked up by it ngl... Thank you me. Hahaha it's all me. Why did I even write this? Oh thats right, to keep playing, but now I remember... ahaha wtf this shit is nuts... Let it go, its all in your head anyways. Alright chill, Imma stop, lets get back to playing, but play it better now. Leo be like, " 3.... your beggining to wrap up your visualizations.... 2....your getting more attuned to your surroundings.... and 1.... open your eyes, feeling alert and refershed" head ahh.
  9. Such a condescending remark. I can already tell your spiral dynamics from yout comment, and viewing your profile validated this assumption even more. I don't think you will understand her motives bro... You need to climb up atleast 2 more spiral dynamics stages to begin to understand her. And I don't know if Leo's content can slingshot you to higher spiral dynamics level. I feel like his content better suits those who are Stage Green and above... maybe some exceptional Orange.
  10. Aside from the fact that Americans will fucking shooting you in your head for threatening them, MENA immigrants seem to not be agressive in America as they do in Canada or Scandinavia. What is in American culture that seem to handle the toxic stage red/blue behaviours that permeate many MENA immigrants well? I am asking because I've interacted with a handful of MENA immigrants here in Canada, from co-workers, class mates, cashier, etc.. and 9/10, they'll dominate you in conversations or in their vibes, if you try to challenge the status quo, or show slight feminine traits(like patience, humility, modesty, etc..) I noticed its typically only them, I've interacted eith many Latinos, East asians, and South east asians immigrants, and my interactions with them don't rub me the wrong way. There's something with the way many MENA immigrants act that makes my spiritual gut wrench. So how the fuck should stage Green/ stage Yellow Canadians handle this?
  11. By restricting your ability to use the internet as much as possible; You wouldn't know much about the frequent murders and negativity in the world without a one-click away access to the internet. Even this forum is a big distraction --ngl I love to sprinkle some of my fucked-up humor on this forum to remind people to not be so serious. Anyways, I'm so close to finalizing not paying my internet bill and just going to a public library for the internet, if I need it. Apps and websites are designed to manipulate our human psychology and tendencies to keep us distracted, because this is what these unconscious tech people need to get our attention, therefore to fund their luxurious lifestyles. Cal Newport goes in-depth about this in his book, "Digital Minimalism." Notable things discussed: 1st) the infinite information provided by the internet is inherently distracting, and 2nd) Tech companies hire "attention engineers"(people who find ways to make gambling in Casinos more addicting) to design their apps and websites. Leo also talked about this issue in his "How to stop watching TV" video.
  12. Ngl his big ass nose covers 90% of his face, but them high cheeck bones and shirtless photo... My lordπŸ₯΅πŸ₯΅πŸ₯΅πŸ₯΅πŸ₯΅
  13. You a hater bro. Guy is such a snack, so you can't be mad at them.
  14. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  15. First of all, I think you can have more than one twin flame btw, anyways... Is it the eyes, the face, the body language, the overall vibe, etc..? What are your spiritual practices? Any life experiences that you think may have contributed to having this ability/intuition?