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Everything posted by amanen

  1. Not a good idea I think, tripping is already intense on its own, so doing it when tired will probably not feel that great. The possibility of a bad trip is also increased, you should consider your set and setting. I once did LSD and DMT when I hadn't slept, and I got very deliriant-like visuals, the trip was very different from what I would usually have.
  2. Yeah I did not consider that ayahuasca is being used a lot there. I guess it could in some way become mainstream then. However I don't think psychedelics are going to be legalized in most countries, maybe in a few countries, maybe some countries will follow suit, but I think many countries will not just out right fully legalize psychedelics. I agree with everything you said.
  3. I'm not using them in a dualistic sense here. The Self, the I, the You, has no subject object relationship. If you don't see a reason to use that term, then perhaps you have not had an experience of seeing truly what I mean by the word. If you did, you would understand why the word is being used. Because it is there, you just have to become conscious of it.
  4. If you are implying their state of consciousness was already very high, and thus had no effect due to this, then you should consider that there is no ceiling level to your state of consciousness. It can always be higher. You can always take a higher dose, if there was a ceiling at which it stopped working, then no matter how large a dose you would consume it would have the same maximum effects. But this isn't the case. Even during a very high dose psychedelic trip you can add something like nitrous to it, when your consciousness level is already very high, and the intensity can grow almost tenfold of how it was previously. Most psychedelics also do a lot more than just raise your level of consciousness. No matter how high his state of consciousness was, if he took 5 million mcg of LSD, surely this would have an effect on them. It should also be noted that I have personally took around 2000mcg of LSD with no effects from it, and I had taken 300mcg from the same batch with noticeable effects before, and I had no tolerance for it. My state of consciousness was not in any way higher than my usual one. Also LSD just doesn't work for some people. The story also could just not be true, who knows.
  5. Well now we are just getting into word games. I never said experience has a purpose. The Self doesn't like to think anything, that isn't what the Self is. It isn't something with an opposite. We mean the same thing, when you say appearance I say experience. I don't see a single bit of difference with the words experience and appearance. You can have experience without an experiencer, and this experience (or appearance) is the Self. The appearance itself is it... Just replace experience with appearance in my post, and it still is the same. When you say experience, you seem to mean it in a dualistic way, but when I say experience, I mean it in the nondualistic way. The experience I'm talking about does not have non-experience as an opposite. Also, I have had many nondual experiences in which my consciousness was completely united, where I was not aware of any opposite, so to say experience is always separate is false. And nothing is ever actually truly separate in the first place, which makes all experience nondual.
  6. You say there is no owner, but who/what is it that is all these experiences? I am saying that the owner is the experiences itself. Again, it is not an added quality, the owner is in fact what you think is ownerless. Reality is self-owned. The experience owns itself, it is totally self-contained, because it completely singular. Since it is singular, you have to generate it yourself, because you can't offload it to anything else. Literally there is no opposite for you to do it. You cant wipe out the experience, that is the Self. It does not have an opposite because it must include everything, so that means it is self-generated. Saying it just arises with no owner, is identical to saying it generates itself. The no self is just the Self. Infinity is just you. There can't be an other to it. Appearance is you. It simply cannot be an other, because its singular as you said. For something to arise, it has to be generated by the Self, and the arising itself is the self-generation. When you say experience has no owner, you still don't recognize that the experience owns itself, it is its own source.
  7. Math isn't objective. God can just change the structure of logic or math itself, which would invalidate everything in it. It wouldn't work in this universe though, because we already have a specific system set up. We can't even think many of these different structures because our own logic does not allow for these possibilities. The construction is so deep that absolutely no structure is fundamental, which means that there are infinite ways of structuring logic. There could even be consciousness (and probably is) that does not operate on any kind of logic at all, that's how fundamentally powerful the self-construction ability of consciousness is, it does not require any logic but can create it if necessary. It can make any arrangement whatsoever, including all "impossible" ones.
  8. I think a lot of people into Buddhism or no self have a hard time with this notion of the Self, because they are too focused on the specific forms that arise. The Self isn't an added quality to any forms, the forms themselves are a part of the Self. They fixate on a specific quality and saying it's just that specific quality. Red is just red. But they don't see that red is an experience, that it is consciousness, only in the form of the color red. They don't see that the forms are actually formless, and that the formless is the unchanging quality in the experience. All the specific forms change, but something does not change, and that is the fact that everything that changes is consciousness, that everything is indeed experience. Experience just changes forms. But it is all still experience, still consciousness, but because consciousness is formless we only see the forms instead of the formless (simply because its formless).
  9. Are there any books that go deep on the infinite possibilities of consciousness? I'm talking about things like senses we do not have access to, colors beyond our color range, multidimensional time, things on the same order as time and space (a third thing), life, death, and a third completely different category, or multiple new categories, infinite fractals, sensations like temperature but that dont have 2 pole but function with 3 or 4 poles instead, the possibilities of how consciousness might be ordered in different dimensions, forms of existence not localized as bodies, mind over matter abilities, the infinite variety of possible experiential elements, different ways you can organize consciousness, and so on. It's really difficult to find anything on any of these subjects that are not grounded in science but rather on infinite consciousness, and science to me is just a system in this specific dream, but I want to see beyond what is happening in this dream. In essence I'm looking for things that talk about experiences we as humans are usually not capable of having (except maybe on psychedelics), but that are possible for consciousness itself. I've had many many dreams with so many different sensations, impossible music, visuals, that are not possible in our waking reality and don't have any names for them, so I'm extremely curious about these things.
  10. People think they can somehow use the "power of their mind" to overcome any state, as if they did not matter, but clearly these people have not realized that being able to 'not care' about your state is itself a state. You already need to be in a special state for states not to matter. But no matter how much you meditate your meditation will not be able to dispel the effects of a high dose deliriant. How deeply your ego is functioning is also a matter of your state, so if you were in such a deluded and selfish state where you would not be able to do anything other than superficial survival, how could you still claim that your state doesn't matter? Your state determines what feelings you can feel, what thoughts you can think, what actions you can take.
  11. When people say the fear of death is the ultimate fear, it is not just physical death that is meant there, but more like the death of your identity. This identity might include your self-image, your family, your worldview, your physical body, your freedom, your life situation, your sanity, and so on. Anything that you prefer over anything else is a part of your identity. The fear of death is completely a survival identity thing, because if you did not have an ego, you would not reject suffering over bliss, you would not fear anything because you would have no identity to hold on to, there would essentially be nothing to protect. You would not consider any state as lesser or worse than any other state. It is only survival and the ego that makes us prefer certain things over others. Pain is only 'bad' because it affects our survival, it isn't actually a bad state. Even physical death is just basically due to us fearing the change or loss of our identity. When we fear anything then we are holding to some identity that is incompatible with the possible scenario of our fear. We have a bias, we want a certain outcome, but we fear we might not get our desired outcome, or we might fear that our undesired outcome will become true instead. This is bias towards something. We might fear suffering (in any form), but this fear is simply because we have an identity that is incompatible with suffering. But with no survival, there would be no reason to have a bias towards anything. All of our actions are basically biased due to survival.
  12. I don't think they will ever become completely mainstream. Because psychedelics dissolve the ego, people who have very active egos, which is most people, would not want to dissolve their ego. Most people are seeking to reinforce their ego, not to dissolve it.
  13. One of the realizations I have had with the orgasm is that it is actually equivalent at the deepest level to the original state of consciousness, which is completely unified and nondual. It's like a drop from the ocean of infinite bliss, a little glimpse into what consciousness fundamentally is. Sometimes during an orgasm I become aware that everything is this same bliss, but we just can't feel it in our normal state of consciousness. Actually, even our normal consciousness is this bliss, as it is always actually one, but because we are not aware of the oneness we do not feel this. Everything in essence is this orgasmic bliss, it is the essence of love itself. I think that is also the reason why expanding consciousness also generates this same feeling, in proportion to the level of consciousness, because you become aware of consciousness itself which is actually just bliss and love.
  14. Sorry, typo, I meant that I'm not him. Wrote while doing other stuff.
  15. Thanks. I started some months ago, so I haven't been around for too long. I'm not @Michael Jackson, I'm from Finland.
  16. There isn't an I in red. The red is the I. They are the same thing. The red is you. I'm not talking about someone watching the color red but about the color red itself. The I isn't a quality different from the color red, it is the same thing. Well since even making it this clear you are not seeing it, I give up.
  17. Nothing I said has anything to do with thoughts or ideas. All of it can be experienced in a higher state of consciousness. Awakening to God has nothing to do with thoughts. In all of my awakenings to God, there were no thoughts or ideas, there was only consciousness becoming conscious of itself.
  18. I AM is Being. This is I. Everything you see is I. There very clearly is identity in this. Self is Other, so everything you see is Self, which is synonymous with I. You can have an awakening where you directly see that I AM = self identity = God. You can literally feel the deep I AM in everything. You are an infinite mind.
  19. Let's take it a step further and move onto only shorts. Then we can truly watch the videos, it will be so accessible since everyone has the energy to watch them. Explaining God Consciousness in 10 seconds.
  20. This is actually such a beautiful thing. It is literally self-identity appearing as other, only a love that is infinite in depth can make an act like this... Think about all the love that went into assuming all these different characters... Oneness is truly beautiful
  21. Trying to communicate about it already is going away from it... because it creates the illusion of other. All of this forum is engagement with illusions, which is fine of course.
  22. There is no reality aside from direct experience, the moon can not exist when not in direct experience, because direct experience is the only thing that exists. You don't see the world that is beyond the senses, there is not some objective reality that you do not see. What you see is literally what is. Existence is equivalent to direct experience, there is nothing behind it. There is no relative finite mind, only infinite mind fooling itself into believing it is finite. The mind of God is not out there... its here. The notion that the moon exists when you dont look is not a direct experience, it is an abstract notion, a belief. It does not actually exist, you hold the belief that it does. Because what exists is direct experience, and nothing but direct experience.
  23. They work directly with your state of consciousness, and reality is consciousness. So changing your state of consciousness, regardless of the method, would be useful for work relating to consciousness. Of course they are imaginary, but that does not mean they are not more effective for achieving the results. As for why these things specifically, it's just what the dream rules are.
  24. Midjourney is not very good with high level concepts from my experimenting. Here's what I got with "infinite consciousness, multidimensional fractal, psychedelic::0.6, colorful" (It doesn't work at all with fractals)