Phil King

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Everything posted by Phil King

  1. Its almost like your biologically conditioned to only find members of the same species attractive lol. In the same way that you dont find other animals on earth attractive, youre probably not going to find alien species from lightyears away very sexually appealing. I bet that alien is considered sexy as fuck on his home planet lawlz
  2. Good thread. I have been heavily considering van life or living in a class C RV after I graduate and save up some money. After watching that video and from previous research, I think I would definitely go for van life because of the better mpg and the unreliability of RV's. I really want to road trip across the USA for a year or 2. What are your monthly expenses for your van life setup? How do you make money while on the road? I feel like I would either need to save up like a years worth of expenses or develop some sort of location independent income before I embark on this journey
  3. Is it bad that I would probably do it if I got 1 million dollars?
  4. Waking Life. This movie will blow your fuckin mind on psychedelics
  5. @Sabth Your mind is playing tricks on you, creating these limiting beliefs and excuses and keeping you stuck. You can get in incredible shape with pushups, sit ups, mountain climbers, jumping jacks, planks, and a bunch of other exercises that require no equipment and no need to even leave your room.
  6. Start off with something super small. Do 10 pushups. Do 10 jumping jacks. Make it so you dont have to rely on others for you to workout and stay healthy
  7. @Squeekytoy Thankyou my friend 🙏
  8. Lmao just download the video. Who tf is gonna read a transcript with ums and ahhs in it.
  9. I went to a free tour in miami and i met quite a few people who went on the bootcamps. They all had positive reviews and one guy said he went on like 5 bootcamps with owen and said they were all worth it. I think the main thing they do is just force you to do like 100+ approaches over the weekend and then analyze everything your doing wrong + give you personalized feedback. You could probably get a similar result if you brute forced yourself to do 100+ approaches with someone recording you and then comparing to real infield videos.
  10. Its very close. While Messi's world cup win was incredibly impressive, Argentina has always had a better team than portugal and some players get especially screwed in the national games just because of their nationality. (Like poor Welsh Gareth Bale). I think Ronaldos 5 champions league titles are the most impressive since Barca and Madrid had comparable teams throughout their career. I would give the slight edge to Ronaldo as the goat
  11. Free food + drinks and lots of women will usually motivate me to go somewhere. Also a cool meetup spot helps
  12. Hes never won a popular vote. My grandparents who are die hard conservatives have even turned their back on trump. Any rational citizen will not vote for an insurrectionist with 90+ criminal charges against him. Sadly at least 20% of americans are immature and irrational MAGA idiots. Should be interesting for sure, but I am pretty confident in Biden winning
  13. Lol Ive been playing the new GTA V online DLC while listening to Daniel Schmactenberger interviews. I guess that counts as some sort of productive procrastination
  14. He learned from direct experience and then used historical examples to show the laws in action. This is more than "pulling out of his ass." This is the process of model making Which is why the last law is to "Assume Formlessness" and realize that the 48 Laws are a model and is not meant to be strictly followed like some sort of 10 commandments. He also offers reversals of the law to show that no law is set in stone Lol
  15. I think they just said there would be more added in the coming months. No concrete dates. This is the link to the hotseat at home. Im pretty sure it comes with Blueprint decoded
  16. Yes lol. Hes new live videos are similar to the type of content in the course
  17. I bought it for $250 on black friday. I havent finished it yet. Its solid but hotseat at home is way better. Currently theres only like 8 hrs of content with not as much infield. He says it will be updated throughout the year but he said the same thing about endless motivation and that never happened so we'll see.
  18. He also has 3 very young children. I honestly feel it would be irresponsible for him to go down the psychedelic route at this point in his life with kids and employees to look after. Obviously in the grand scheme of things you could say those are distractions from him waking up but I think theyre legit reasons for not wanting to destabilize your mind when you have a family to look after
  19. Vote 221-212. Every republican voted in favor while every democrat voted against. Thoughts? Joe Biden says "Instead of doing anything to help make Americans’ lives better, they are focused on attacking me with lies. Instead of doing their job on the urgent work that needs to be done, they are choosing to waste time on this baseless political stunt that even Republicans in Congress admit is not supported by facts" This is obviously a smear campaign and the right grasping at straws to turn the public against biden for the upcoming election. Will it work? Is the average American dumb enough to vote for Donald Trump after seeing this? What are the actual chances of Donald Trump being voted in again? Whats the next move for the Democrats?
  20. youre 27 years old. Grown ups dont get allowances
  21. Yes lmao, thats also one of my all time favs. Ive heard of falling down but ive never watched it. May give it a go. ^^^ funniest scene of all time