Phil King

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Everything posted by Phil King

  1. @Reciprocality lol i think im retarded cause I still have no idea what youre trying to say Are you saying that you should be in a state of fear when your in the middle of a big city? I used to live in NYC and always felt relatively safe and carefree even at like 2AM in somewhat sketchy parts of the city. Why would being overly civilized evoke disgust/repulsion in you?
  2. WHat in the hell does this long ass run on sentence mean.
  3. You need another "addiction" to replace the weed. Try to redirect all impulses to smoke into something productive. Like whenever you get the urge to smoke, do 10 pushups, or read 10 pages of a book, or journal, or stretch, or meditate, or do anything that isnt weed. You can be addicted to anything so may as well be addicted to personal growth. In my experience the first week is the hardest, you probably wont sleep at all. After a month, you wont have any cravings and after 90+ days, your full cognitive faculties should be back to normal. Trust me you dont even know what youre missing when you have constant brainfog from smoking
  4. Why all the hate for JP? I feel for the most part he offers good advice, has helped thousands of young men, and is overall coming from a good place. Just set aside the toxic/unhealthy stage blue aspects. Many people on this forum could benefit greatly from implementing Petersons practical advice. Eat the grapes, spit out the seeds
  5. @Erol I just looked up that book on amazon because I was unfamiliar with it and looked through the table of contents. It looks good, I might pick it up. I bet there will be a lot of overlap/similarities. Reviews seem positive as well Just reading the synopsis, he is definitely correct about lack of energy being caused by excessive tension in your body. Ralston also talks about this in his book. Its only when you release all tension that your energy can flow freely throughout your body. Tension = wasted energy
  6. Try this exercise. Stand in front of a mirror and try to feel every single muscle in your body and try to release all tension. Try to be in a constant state of release and letting go and try to feel every part of your body. I find it best to focus on your hands, fingers, and toes and then work up from there. What will tend to happen is your arms will tighten up and slowly start to raise unconsciously. Notice any tension and release. THERE IS ALWAYS A DEEPER LEVEL OF RELEASE/LETTING GO. Shut off all thoughts and just feel your body. Try for 10 minutes to start The best book for identifying with your body is "Zen Body Being" by Peter Ralston. I got this exercise from that and there are a bunch more, but the core of it is developing sensitivity to every tiny piece of your body, noticing the held tension, and releasing
  7. Ive done it a couple times. I also threw up the first time, but that was a few hours after I took it. I felt a sort of body high as well and felt way more sociable. Never experienced waves of fear though. I probably wont do it again, If I did i would probably go for Kava which im pretty sure is derived from kratom. As many have said, its pretty addictive and ive heard of people being hooked on it similar to painkillers
  8. @OBEler Ive heard that tripping on a combo of vitamin D, vitamin C, B12, and some time in nature can cure it
  9. I think this. They wouldnt need to speak, they would recognize each others awakening just upon seeing each other and sit in silence because there is nothing for them to talk about. 6 Buddhas could be a different story...
  10. @erik8lrl I like David Shapiro but he is a techno optimist. He literally said last year when ChatGPT came out that we would have AGI by mid 2023, end of 2023 at the latest. Like Leo said, we dont even have a car that can properly drive itself yet. AGI is 10+ years away if it is even possible
  11. This was also my first thought. When this is available to the public, a good writer will basically be able to start their own film studio for 1/1000th the price of todays costs
  12. We are all collectively the messiah
  13. No Boundary -> Integral spirituality + integral psychology -> brief history of everything -> Sex, ecology, spirituality -> the Religion of Tomorrow
  14. Alex Hormozi - distills complex business principles into clear articulate ideas that a middle schooler could understand Dan Koe - most of his vids are just baby actualized lectures, but he does speak very articulately and thoughtfully Andrew Tate- I hate him, but you may actually able to take some lessons from his strong and persuasive speaking style Maybe some pro podcasters like Tim Ferriss and Chris Williamson Many good recs from others too like schmactenberger and jordan peterson
  15. I couldnt believe that video when i first saw it. Upon closer inspection, it much more plausible. When looking at the full length videos, you can see that she focuses on one drawing at a time and when its timelapsed, it looks as if its all at the same time. Still incredibly impressive, but much more fathomable. The stamina to do this for 9+ hours wow. A true master able to draw upside down as well
  16. This is simply him just developing and maturing. Hes pretty young so it would make sense that ones perspective would evolve over time. I also think hes pretty honest with what hes experienced in life and only tries to talk on things hes had experience in or from someone hes met. This is kinda fucked up from him. A couple days after i wrote that original comment, I saw how he scammed like near $1000 from like a few hundred teenagers. Its tough when your die hard audience is super young like his. I think part of him wants to help get people on self improvement before its too late, but also because its just easier to market to inexperienced kids.
  17. I also like Hamza. Hamza will never publicly admit it because much of his fanbase likes Tate, but deep down Hamza knows Tate is a toxic clown and is not a good role model for young men. He was going down that same path and Im glad he realized it and changed up to becoming a sort of family man and prepping to be a good father.
  18. How often is he posted on here? This is the first time ive seen him posted about on the forum in a while. Edit: Oh wait I just saw Starstruck post about him under this post lol. He seems to be the only one who is enthralled with his BS. I definitely agree that David Goggins is a much better alternative than Andrew Tate. They preach a somewhat similar message but at least Goggins is a respectable human
  19. For complete beginner advice, go with Dave Ramsey. Then read "Money: Master the Game" by Tony Robbins
  20. Either LSD or Kava. 1 kava/kratom drink feels like 10 cups of coffee and makes you more social. Also its made from leaves so its natural
  21. i didnt listen to a ton of music that was released last year but Im a big fan of lana del rey
  22. I think hes a valuable health resource due to the insane amount of data he tracks, but like others have said, due to his testosterone intake and low caloric intake its not perfectly replicable for the average person. I think taking bits and pieces from his stuff and customizing it to your own body is the best plan. Like I think a good steak a couple times a week would massively improve the protocol for the average person. I also think he said somewhere that getting good sleep, cutting out drugs/alcohol, and exclusively eating non processed whole foods is like 80% of the battle I guess another note is that hes optimizing for anti aging and not peak performance, which explains the calorie deficit hes living on. Obviously it depends on the persons metabolism, but if youre exercising as much as he does, you would probably want to go for 2500+ calories