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Everything posted by CARDOZZO

  1. Ken Wilber talks about that when we achieve a % of 2nd tier thinking humans (Yellow/Turquoise) we will have a lot of transformation on reality at all levels. I’m contemplating this.
  2. I would love to know the % of humans alive today that had enlightenment experiences or are seriously seeking it.
  3. If we think outside of the bubble, just being here talking about enlightenment is a rare thing in society. You should be proud of yourself. Even if you don’t “achieve” the highest levels of awakening, you’re partially aware of the game.
  4. If you’re a parrot of Ralston, McKenna, Leo or whatever spiritual guru, you’re not Awake. I’m not awake, but now I’m conscious of parroting enlightenment and wisdom to the “lesser” ones.
  5. How to know the difference if someone is enlightened vs just parroting enlightened words?
  6. @sleep To be honest, Peter Ralstos's method and Neti Neti Meditation. I don't know if it is the most profound awakening that you'll have, but it is a beginning.
  7. Wow. This video makes a lot of sense related to that insight. All is connected Thanks @Leo Gura
  8. I've had an insight. You're projecting your extreme divine power on external simbols. You're wasting your full divine potency. You'll not become a powerful human being like Leonardo Da Vinci, Nikola Tesla, Peter Ralston, Ken Wilber, Daniel Schmachtenberger, Elon Musk if you just continue projecting your own personal power on them. You have to reclaim that consciousness divine power and STOP PUTTING THEM ON A PEDESTAL. Stop projecting your personal power on external symbols: Human Beings Music Society God Philosophy Spirituality Any external symbol at all that you think will "empower" yourself If you want to do extreme and powerful things in this life, reclaim your personal power and see that they are creating their life's with the same substance as you are creating yours: CONSCIOUSNESS. Appreciate them, but don't let them take your own power. What are the states of consciousness these geniuses have acessed? Discover that and live from THAT place. Love you all ♥
  9. @Yimpa Carl Jung. Jungian Psychology.
  10. @Yimpa You can call it “Anima x Animus”
  11. Black Alien Native Woman
  12. @UnbornTao Thanks mate! Amazing findings, food for thought...
  13. Made this using BlueWillow.
  14. To be honest, I'll give some time of internet. This insight is shaking the entire structure of my Consciousness. It hits me so hard that I'm evaluating all things at the same time. Pure Recontextualization. It seems a silly insight, but when it really occurs in your Consciousness, that's another level. Holy sh!*, the power of having your own breakthrougs and insights, it's 100x more powerful than hearing someone saying about it or reading in a book.
  15. I've had an insight yesterday. If you can't give up and letting go everything: identity, ideals, beliefs, needs, craving, sex, money, you can't really appreciate and live life like a master or a player of reality. We're so attached to life that we can't see it and live it masterfully, because we are inside of it. Letting go rather than attaining. You can't live life well while putting its structures and contents in a PEDESTAL. Take life off the pedestal. BE a PLAYER of REALITY. When you give up everything, you feel abundance and your true self is there, always witnessing. Then, life starts again with a new context.
  16. @ValiantSalvatore Yes, that's it.
  17. @Leo Gura I'll be excited when the course come out. We hear GOD but we have a lot of fantasies about what it really is. Even with spirituality and enlightenment, we have a bunch of fantasies about the work and what it will do for us. Great we have people like You, Ralston and McKenna to facilitate the process.
  18. I've just discovered this type of music and I really like it It's like eletronics with native/shamanic music.
  19. @Jowblob I’m curious now. Do we have a thread of “Sober Enlightenment “ without psychedelics or any substance?
  20. @Israfil I know bro, just kidding. Tbh, I don’t support either Bolsonaro or Lula. Politics in ?? are a mess. And thanks for the shrooms recommendation.
  21. @ValiantSalvatore Here’s a good book about integral relationships (Ken Wilber’s model). This can help finding partners on your level of consciousness. May be difficult, but worth trying. (Note: it’s not an affiliate link ?)