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Everything posted by CARDOZZO

  1. Do you create unnecessary suffering? Do you compare yourself to others? Do you compare yourself to what you should be? Where do I compare myself to other humans? (Money, Fame, Intelligence, Social Status) I think you can stop it, because YOU ARE DOING IT. Comparison just serves you to HURT YOURSELF.
  2. @Adrian colby How your relationship with your wife works? (Emotionally/Sexually) Do you feel desire for her as a man/woman? Sorry if I’m being extremely naive, but I really don’t know how your direct experience works.
  3. hahahah I have the same desire, but it is for Extreme High Consciousness Levels/States... How do you look at God's eyes? Complete PERFECTION... Strive for that ;))
  4. @Sugarcoat hahahahha no worries.. just an ideal
  5. I got it ? There’s no formula… You have to experiment and go balls to the walls…
  6. @UnbornTao Well said
  7. @Breakingthewall The real deal is knowing how to stop the activity. How do I create comparison? What is it in the first place?
  8. And it can really increase your capacity to be a Master. Also I had some enlightenment experiences... I’ve really become more clear, focused and calm.
  9. @Leo Gura I think it’s insanely difficult to create a philosophy/practice/spiritual movement that is extremely PURE who express TRUTH/GOD-REALIZATION in all its essence. Do you consider reaching an extreme purification to create that PURE way of expressing TRUTH/GOD-REALIZATION? Considering that you’ll use language as a tool to teach it.
  10. @funkychunkymonkey Contemplation, Meditation & Insight.
  11. @Moksha Judgment = Distinction = Separation = Illusion Thanks for the reminder ?
  12. Do you think we can reach a level where we burn all desire for sex? It’s a divine tool for exploring consciousness.
  13. Balance between theory and direct experience is key. I think Thornton is just obsessed in a good way.
  14. I see, it's not a problem. The point is believing that Enlightenment is the magic pill. You can pursue Enlightenment while mastering business, pickup, money.
  15. Culture and society just tricks us into thinking that joining a monastery is the UNIQUE source for finding TRUTH. God Bless: Peter Ralston, Jed McKenna, Leo Gura, Ken Wilber
  16. @Dioxide2533 6-12 Months is what you need, look at that video:
  17. Reminds myself of self-love is the highest teaching in the universe. @Water by the River Your posts are always enlightening and holistical. Thanks! @Dioxide2533 You literally have all Leo's videos for free and books/resources available on the internet. Search for mentors about business, gym, pickup and money. Leo's life purpose course is another powerful resource to find your way in life. You just need to become more focused, knowing what to do and make progress one piece at a time. If you are here on the forum and loves self-development, there's HOPE for you brother! If you need some help, just ask
  18. It's sad but Spirituality is becoming a sophisticated form of escapism. @Leo Gura Leo has warned us about it. He keeps talking about guys just going to Yellow/Turquoise teachings while living in their mom's basement. Enlightenment is awesome but you have to find a way to become an ambitiously enlightened human being We can contemplate if Enlightenment at an early age is a bless or a burden.
  19. @StarStruck Spiritual bypassing is a real issue here in the forum. I’m seeing guys around 18-25 just talking about Enlightenment and Psychedelics all day. That’s awesome but what about business, money, gym and pickup? (Stage Orange - SD) Enlightenment could not become your new religion. Enlightenment is not the magic pill that will solve all your problems. Become an Enlightened Renaissance Man who is spiritual, rich, strong and good w/ woman.
  20. And what a deep strong work to get out of that... But in the end if you resist, it'll persist.
  21. @Husseinisdoingfine HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap, React, Node.js, PHP, Wordpress, Laravel... You can build websites with different languages and frameworks. You can learn it on Udemy. ($10-$20 Courses) Search for Full Stack Software Developer on Udemy. Full Stack = Front-End + Back-End It means that you'll design what people see on your website and also what people don't see. You'll be an Artist (Front-End) and an Engineer (Back-End). You'll be fine. If you need some help, I'm open to help
  22. I was thinking today about how can I achieve the higher stages of human development... For yourself, how a profound and developed human being looks like? What is a highly developed powerful human being? How can we measure quality Consciousness? What a human being can BE, DO or HAVE to express high consciousness skills/qualities? How your best version/highly developed future self looks like? Do you have some human beings as role models? Who are they?