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Everything posted by CARDOZZO

  1. @Breakingthewall Yes, our generation has no wars. The war is conquering ourselves and transcend the dream while inside it.
  2. No matter what you realize: God-Realization, Infinite Bliss, Infinite Love, Alien Consciousness, Absolute Solipsism. You're still inside the dream and have to play it. What will you do?
  3. @r0ckyreed I think that if the content is high-quality, you don't need to feel guilty about doing clickbait. Creators should not be entitled and think "I will not use clickbait, I deserve that people stop what they are doing and watch all my videos". Come on... You're not that special.
  4. @Breakingthewall I agree but the pursuit of Enlightenment is just part of life not life itself. You have to contribute to humanity, create, learn and share. Look at Ralston, He's 73 years old and launching books, doing workshops... Choop Wood, Carry Water.
  5. We need to aspire to be the next Da Vinci, Musk, Tesla, Ralston, Franklin, Michelangelo.
  6. @Vibes It's not just about people here on the forum, because if you think most people here are more developed than the average human being. If you stop your life to join a spirituality forum, you gotta be a bit serious about that if you consider. I'm talking about all human knowledge, practices, ways of thinking ever created. What's the next frontier of Spirituality, Science, Technology and Religion? What's the next steps no one else can see? Quoting Bryan Johnson: We here on the forum need to think about how to expand what is unknown, we need to focus on being a GENIUS, hitting the target no one else can SEE. Leo will not be around forever. We must forget all that was created and invent, create, share new paths to humanity. That's my main purpose and mission now. Peter Ralston gives an example here of what I'm talking about:
  7. After some years developing yourself and getting to the Truth, the most sane way is going your own way, getting out of internet, blogs or whatever. I'm realizing this right now.
  8. @LSD-Rumi Owen Cook said one day: If you criticize people for using clickbait, you don't love them and don't understand the war for attention. I'll never criticize Leo if one day he uses clickbait titles on his videos. I think it will do more good than harm. It's better seeing spirituality videos than people inside tubs of Nutella.
  9. Just to clarify, Jordan Thornton have read 600 books not myself ?
  10. @Razard86 Agree. Leo is enlightened but his health conditions makes him suffer.
  11. Who are AWAKE? Peter Ralston? Ken Wilber? Jed McKenna? Sadhguru? Yogananda? Tom Campbell? Ramana Maharshi? Adyashanti? Vadim Zeland? Frederick Dodson? Give it a shot who you think is AWAKE based on his teachings.
  12. @Razard86 Well said! Thanks for the guidance... I'll go until the END no matter what..
  13. @Razard86 I’m contemplating Absolute Solipsism. You should write a book talking about your direct experience. Books, videos or whatever… Teach people to get there ??
  14. Interesting ways of seeing why these hyper-successful/high performing people are the way they are, 3 Traits: Superiority Complex (They think they are better than other people and think they deserve more) Massive Insecurity/Not Being Enough Impulse Control
  15. @Dioxide2533 Awesome report! ? That song is amazing. The end of the serie is so sad
  16. Playing like GOD is not funny. Embrace your Avatar and see the beauty inside limits. “””Visit””” this God-Place here and there… then returns to your Avatar ❤️
  17. Spiritual seekers are generally seeking comfort, emotional regulation and freedom. I think the majority of spiritual seekers (including myself) are people who are not winning the games society gives them. They need tools to hack, transcend or win these games. If life is really cool all the time, why do you need to be spiritual or develop yourself? Pain wakes you up. Pain is a feature not a bug. This is why I really care about people who doesn’t need to develop themselves at extremely levels because the game is more “easier” for them.
  18. @Razard86 How did you realize that Absolute Solipsism is the Absolute Truth? Contemplation? Psychedelics? Neti Neti?
  19. @Husseinisdoingfine I think your ambition should be extremely high around 15-45 years old (speaking as a man). You have to organize and build a powerful foundation, developing your stage orange (Spiral Dynamics) as soon as possible to climb higher mountains and getting out of chasing your own tail. Ambition and obsession is a powerful fuel if you know how to use it, when to use it and how to stop using it after your job get done. Elon Musk is an example, he loves the game of inventions and business. But probably he’ll work until his death. What is hard work for yourself is a play for others, paraphrasing Naval Ravikant. Discover what is a play for yourself.