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Everything posted by CARDOZZO

  1. @Salvijus I'll search for a book about Christ Consciousness
  2. @Salvijus I'm putting some things into practice to live what he's teaching. Embodying it is essential. In the book he gives a lot of mindsets and behaviors to reach it also. This book is literally about embodying the LOVER archetype at its fullest/unconditionally.
  3. @NoSelfSelf That's the deal brother. When you REALLY LOVE something, you'll not think about all that can happen. Love is Love. You don't care how you're perceived, what the object will do, what will happen if you be a man XYZ, you simply LOVE women. If they love you or not, you're delighted on loving itself. Love is not manipulation and you'll not do it just to fuck her. When I come across the book, I was also thinking "fucking nonsense, giving too much power away, pussy, virtue signaling" type of thinking.
  4. @Twentyfirst Give it first without attachment. If she loves you more after that, awesome If not, you'll follow loving her and the energy that gives birth to her until your death.
  5. He talks a lot about what is loving a woman on the book. I encourage you to read it and think for yourself. I'll share other tips:
  6. @NoSelfSelf Good point! I'll test on the field. I actually like to contemplate about different mental models regarding any topic, mix them, test them together to give birth to a unique holistic mental model related to any subject. (Coding, Seduction, Electronics, Writing)
  7. I'll contemplate more about it. But, we as man need to open our hearts to feminine energy and then integrate it. Full vulnerability, openness, respect, empathy and innocence. Then, we can bring our masculine powerful energy and mix with that innocent delight.
  8. Actually, we can expand on that point. Think with me: Metaphysically speaking, feminine energy is the energy of birth, creation, creativity, love, passion, delight. Feminine energy is the source and energy of creation inside man and woman. Feminine energy is the seed of the inventor, artist, poet because of his love to creation itself and humanity. The more you love feminine energy, more connected you are to woman, creativity. The more you love feminine energy, more you're on the side of woman, creativity, love, inspiration, respect and empathy. Women are the symbol of feminine energy on earth, they rejoice/rebirth our warrior spirit.
  9. @NoSelfSelf Yeah, be open to that. I'm actually open to mix the teachings of Zan, Owen, DeAngelo, Manson.
  10. @Raze I don’t know why love is linked to being needy these days. Guys think that if they love a woman they will become nice guys. I actually think is the opposite: Love is so powerful that is detached. A needy man doesn’t love a woman, just what she can provide to him. Love is so powerful that if she doesn’t want yourself, you’ll understand that it is the best choice she can make and you’ll love her anyways because you want the best for her.
  11. @Sugarcoat Why not? I love women.
  12. @Sugarcoat I'm curious to see a picture of yourself We don't have a lot of active women posting on the forum.
  13. @koops We can say that Zan is a 2nd-Tier Casanova ?
  14. @Tenebroso You should rethink what is love. Open your heart to that idea.
  15. @NoSelfSelf Open yourself to that idea and buy the book. You’ll feel inspired.
  16. @Lila9 Man who grew with woman can easily see that they are not Aliens. It helps a lot. But one thing that is common between men: Men shame themselves because they love and like women. It’s shameful to like and love a girl when you’re young. We start to repress our love for women and this causes a lot of trouble.
  17. @supremeyingyang Thanks bro, I’m trying to do my best for the community. The book is a gem, literally. It’s just shaking my personal operational system to look at women and life. Just go for it.
  18. @StarStruck Agree. We need to begin with some aspects of reality. Then you can expand that love to the whole.
  19. He also talks about that: Men need a lifelong passion beyond her, beyond him and the whole world. Develop an infectious passion that radiates through yourself.
  20. @The Redeemer Develop your passions. It’s only a burden when you’re relating to women in a weak way.
  21. @The Redeemer Take your time.
  22. @Nabd Are you the guy on the picture? If so, you look like a singer from Brazil called Cazuza.
  23. That's where 99% of guys fail. They become obsessed with theory, reddit and how women can take their money.
  24. @WonderSeeker Thanks for recommending Zan! I'm watching this: He's great!!