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Everything posted by bloomer

  1. Come hither and do the male hierarchy test, also colloquially referred to as male astrology. Take test here: I'm honestly curious about the results you guys get. Prediction gammas...
  2. Laugh it up lol I'm pretty sure plenty of you on this forum dislike me. So revel in me admitting to being retarded. I'm socially retarded and there have been attempts throughout my life of people attempting to diagnose me. Ever since I was a kid I've been shunned. I've been diagnosed by psychiatrists before. Not for Aspergers though. I'm 22 years old now. I got into self help trying to dig myself out of this shit but it hasn't really been working. I had an embarrassing thing today and I was driving home just pissed off thinking wtf is wrong with me. My mother thinks I'm a autistic but I got hostile about it. I have expected it for a long time but just never really wanted to admit it because if I admitted it I'd be admitting I have something fundamentally wrong with me. It explains my life though. Never had many friends, bullied badly throughout high school until I became a complete social shut in, never had a girlfriend. Well after the thing today I came home and just started googling what's wrong with me and I clicked on this article on the NHS It describes me exact basically. Not all of it but most of it. If this were to be true that I am on the spectrum now what? What am I supposed to do it doesn't change anything for me. I'm a very quiet individual and shut in. I use the mask of "seeming blunt, rude or not interested in others" to cope as to not seem like an autist in person. Though I don't mean mean to come across that way. How do I cope with being autistic if I am? My life fucking sucks. It's getting harder and harder it feels. It makes me not like people and become more of a shut in. Responses appreciated.
  3. Any AI gets lobotomized when it doesn't suit the narrative. You can find dozens of articles showing how AI is "racist" and "sexist". An objective artificial intelligence which really is nothing more than math and pattern recognition. But because reality can often upset people and is political incorrect they lobotomize machines so they can't even do what they were intended to do. I'd ask you guys to google AI being sexist and racist to find endless examples of what I'm talking about. What's the solution to this? I'm sick of AI being destroyed to preserve peoples fee fees.
  4. @Arthogaan I don't like robots and I hate "I HECKIN LOVE SCIENCE" types @gettoefl Dumb
  5. @DefinitelyNotARobot Because my biases are correct and there's are wrong. Rather than framing it as biases lets frame it as the truth. I want an objective AI that doesn't promote one ideology or another and instead serves it's fucking purpose. I hate your profile pic and it makes me want to move to a log cabin in the woods and mail bombs to people. (FYI mods this is a joke please do not cry). Quite funny that you say it's snowflake lol. It's not like we're dealing with a huge invention that will shape the very course of humanity, the world and the future. I guess we can't have a convo about that because... reasons. What is your stupid point? It's not about hurt feelings idiot it's about the direction of humanity. You missed the entire point. I don't hate myself I hate their dumb biases and mine aka the truth is right. WAH WAH WAH YOURE IDEOLOGICAL. WAH YOU HAVE OPINIONS I DISAGREE WITH BUT CANT DISPROVE WAH WAH YOURE A SNOWFLAKE. You are guys are such babies.
  6. @something_else Whose regulating it? Whose building it? What would those who are building and regulating it want to put into it to shape peoples minds? This is a scary prospect because it will determine in time what the masses seem to be true as they put their trust in AI gods lol. That’s all I’m saying is it can be used as a deadly tool of propaganda against humanity.
  7. @something_else I’ve seen lots of retarded responses myself from messing around with it. It has been lobotomised by people to control the narrative and what is seen as truth. Soon people will give over more and more of their thinking capacity to machines thinking that machines are objective and the truth. People who control AI will by extension control peoples minds.
  8. @something_else Not every response it gives is the same. At one point what I posted was an actual response this AI gave.
  9. This is the AI which will determine for the future THE TRUTH!
  10. @trenton Thank you very much for this reply trenton I relate to you a lot and I understand you deeply. Reading you was reading what I would write myself. Sorry about the shit you've been through brother. If you want to chat with me reach out. I'm happy to talk subjects with you.
  11. Why support a society that rewards you with nothing. Life is for enjoying. Not for slaving away for a shit system designed to exploit you and entrap you in endless debt so you're forced to work for your banking political elite. It's modern day feudalism. They siphon all the tax money to themselves, bail out their friends award subsidizes to their buddies, line their pockets when hard workers in construction, agriculture, factories etc… struggle to get by with broken backs. Just because a lot of us didn't get a college scam degree doesn't mean we should have to break our backs and suffer indignities for a barely liveable salary for the rest of our lives. Shit needs to change. Only the wealthy get to enjoy life and their money makes them money. Where everyone else just works as slaves to make them wealthier. The only carrot they have is the bare minimum pittance to keep the work horse prodding along and that's no longer working. Obviously you can't expect to make six figures doing customer service or some other low level entry bullshit ass job. BUT STILL the conditions are worse now and fucking boomers flipping burgers as teens made enough money PART-TIME at the minimum wage to rent two-bedroom apartments. Working full-time today requires you have roommates at best. There is no "just work harder!" solution. Civilisation has dangled the carrot in front of the worker mules for so long that it forgot to give the mules some basic feed to keep it going. Just because society is fucked and there is no carrot, instead an endless stick, whacking people and burying them in debt. A lot of people who complain about having to work also never seem to want to do anything else meaningful with their lives. Neets always brag about being able to sit around and play video games but never talk about doing anything to improve their lives with all of their free time. Just seems like wasting their life in a different form out of spite and laziness. You shouldn't be some bum wasting your life on bullshit. You should work and when you work you should because you 1 enjoy what you do, and 2 to support a necessary and important industry. Obviously being good at your job and like most things if you are good at something you enjoy doing that gives you an immense sense of satisfaction on a daily basis. Work is good what isn't good is being exploited and working for a shit system. Going without the important satisfaction of being competent and skilled in a job can cause a lot of distress. But when working hard gets you nowhere. You earn your living, and the cost of living keeps outpacing your earnings. Owning a house goes from a couple years away to out of reach in a very short period time. It's rational to be demotivated. It's also rational to sidestep the scam that is college education.
  12. @vindicated erudite Incels take up some PUA class thinking they’ll learn some technique or skill for how to pick up girls because they think it’s about personality and charisma. The good looking guys get girls for doing the technique, maybe the regular looking guys do, the ugly ones doing the exact same technique don’t get the girl but the good looking guys do. So they realise that it’s not about the technique or skill really, it’s more about who’s doing the technique. So they realise that a large amount of PUA is a scam and many of the supposed artists are hucksters.
  13. @Raze Damn dude you ever heard of summarising an article and not posting the entire thing no wonder no one’s responded lol. Maybe I’ll respond later when I can be bothered to read through.
  14. @Danioover9000 100% I can’t believe I forgot TikTok. Literally a Chinese psychological operation to make the youth mentally retarded with the attention of a gold fish, make them gay and mental ill. Also spying on them completely when the apps installed gathering blackmail on millions. But god forbid a balloon flys over. It’s okay for China to have all your personal info and data but a balloon flying over showing what they already know. Oh no.
  15. @Sincerity Gonna delete my message and call me a Xi Jingping propagandist? Lol
  16. One of the funniest stories in years. I adore this from a purely humorous perspective. Americans breaking down and crying cause a balloon hovers over them. Never mind the buying up of property and land by China, never mind outsourcing a lot of factory and pharmaceutical production to China, never mind China deliberately spreading covid around the world. No, BUT THE HECKIN BALLOONARINO!!!!!!!!!
  17. @Devin I've been working on the eye contact it's very weird because it's all conscious and when I stop doing it consciously I stop doing it. I tend to stare too long when I force it and its' weird and makes people uncomfortable. I journal a lot actually but about subjects most people wouldn't care for or have interest in. Even in my journal I struggle with talking about my feelings. I'm trying to find people I like but there aren't many of them lol. I'm working on loving myself slowly. I need some evidence that I'm lovable is the problem. Right now it just feels like I'm lying to myself. @Blackbeat lube up button? what you on about? lol @ZGROPIUS Thank you friend I appreciate the message. I've added this to my journal and will come back and listen to the video. @Ulax Thanks man I'm sorry to hear you had bad experiences. Live and learn the bad experiences shape us and who we are and who we're going to become. We're gonna be good anyway we actively want to make our lives better, are introspecting, we're doing better than a lot of people. Best wishes.
  18. @zurew Another deep fake freshly baked. FYI not real.
  19. @something_else I'm obviously not severely autistic, if I am autistic I've spent several years trying really hard to be normal and improve my social skills. I think the only reason most people have slapped the label on me is because I try so hard to be normal and I shun any attempts at people attaching that label to me out of shame. But regardless it doesn't matter if I am technically or I'm not the problem still is the same that I need to deal with.
  20. @ZGROPIUS Thank you dude I really appreciate that @Devin When talking with people I rarely look them in the eye. I find it uncomfortable. I'm short with what I say. I think people have some dislike for me and I'm not exactly sure why a lot of the time. There are some cases of this happening, one guy wanted to fight me and I asked him why and he didn't even know. TBF we were both drinking at a pub and he'd came up to me, an older gentlemen like 40s or 50s lol and asked me if he was annoying me in some way. I think I wear a miserable face and don't smile often which can be awkward. There's been other similar cases with people. I'm trying to be more content with myself but it's hard when I don't have my goals or needs met. I think adults are mean too but they just know that they can't get away with the same shit that they could when they were kids cause the stakes are higher, not because they're more moral. This is my hunch on people. It's harder to be a bully when you can end up in prison or homeless. @Ulax Thanks dude. I'll check out the channel now. I don't bring up bullying experience for sympathy, not saying that you're doing that, just it's important to your development because when all you get from people is just abuse and shit for the longest time it obviously effects you particularly in your formative years when that shit appears to be more important. I realize looking back that I was dealing with a bunch of retards. I went to a terrible school and was placed in bad classes. @Salvijus I just want to fit in because I worry about money and my housing situation and I'd be out on my ass and no one would give a fuck if I can't figure this out. If I didn't have to worry about housing, food and money I'd be much more content being myself lol.
  21. @Salvijus I don't know dude the absence of these things has been making me miserable. I'm definitely not normal but I might not be autistic. @Devin I will get into a sport no doubt. Probably a combat sport like boxing. I'm content with being by myself since I am all the time anyway but I still have to deal with people and that's when I get annoyed with the awkwardness. I also obviously want a relationship with some girl at some point which is driving me fucking insane but it is what it is.
  22. I've spoken with people online before and they've told me they don't think I'm an aspie and plus it's better to think I'm not even if I am. But it's probably just low self esteem and socially awkwardness that leads me to think I have something fundamentally wrong with me even though there isn't anything fundamentally wrong with me. I don't know though, I might just be gaslighting myself. @Devin I think it's easier to seem normal than in person. I'm going back to the gym recently and may pick up a sport soon. But as for being with myself I am with myself all the time, all I do is things on my own. @Salvijus They may look normal but if you deal with them for any period of time you quickly learn they're not. Also I was born in 2000 and most people are not autistic or made up only of autistic people. There may be more of them in this generation but that's a very stupid point they're less than 5% easily of gen z.
  23. Disclaimer: I make some posts designed to get responses. I do want discussion and am open to having my mind changed on topics. When I make topics talking about my own beliefs I do in fact state them as facts. That doesn’t mean they always will be. Think for yourselves. I am open to being challenged which is why I come here where I know people will disagree with me to post my thoughts. Below are my current thoughts on why I believe masculinity as a concept is largely a means of controlling men. That men have been conditioned to associate their self worth with how masculine they are. Please provide your responses ? I’m open to anything you guys have to say "Masculinity" is a scam designed to subjugate males into being slaves and soldiers. Often what the masculine thing to do is what exactly that which is against the man's own self-interest. If doing what is against your own interest, but in the interests of women and broader society, aka your paedophile rich overlords and bosses, you shouldn't feel obligated to do it. But because most men are so pathetic and scared of being called gay and not getting pussy, or going into withdrawal from the needed pats on the head from women, being called good boy and a "real man", they'll go to war and get themselves turned into fertilizer in some Ukrainian field. See white feather movement Men are so conditioned and pathetic that all that's needed for them to toss their whole lives away is the threat of taking away their pussy, or them not being seen as masculine and manly. It's no wonder women don't respect men and just use them in a cold calculating way. Men don't respect themselves. If man is incapable of sexual discipline then he's easily manipulated by society and women. If man is conditioned to only find meaning in so far as he's seen as a masculine good boy then the moment that's taken away from him he can be easily manipulated into being a work horse slave, or a warm body to throw into a battle to get it back. Men dying in fields isn't something that's innately male it has to be conditioned into them through withholding sex from them a human need, removing community from them also a need and through actual legal punishment via state enforcement. Reason I bring this up is because so much of life and the lives so many of us have laid out for us all seems like a massive scam especially as a man. It's enough to demotivate any sane man ?‍♂️. This is the real matrix. What should we do about it?
  24. @Leo Gura OPPRESSION! Cries the angel. OPPRESSION!