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Everything posted by KatiesKarma

  1. I don't know... Imagine being tortured and then killed, leaving you with severe ptsd etc, does that carry into the next life? Really?
  2. What exactly are grooves from previous lives, what kind of mark could impressions from previous lives leave..? And why do past life memories inevitably get stripped away
  3. Sadghuru said that this Universe has been created 84 times, it will die out and recreate itself another 42 times or something. I don't know where these numbers come from, but my guess is that you will experience this exact life a few times again, yeah.
  4. According to Richard Schwartz, who channeled Jesus and works in the field of past life regression hypnosis therapy, we plan our Life and our biggest challenges before being born. There is not just a Plan A but many. Plan B, Plan C,... The question "What would Love do?" Guides you towards the best plan.Many times the plan doesn't really work out due to free will and reincarnation occurs. We choose our parents and our names. This whole deep suffering thing remains mysterious, albeit it might aid the Soul in purification and Karma Balance which are two of its Ultimate goals. [Yesterday I read about Junko Furata's abduction from around 30 years ago, her last 44 days of existence consisted of literal torture, beatings, being burned alive serveral times, gang raped etc, so it's really questionable how one could ever agree to such.. or think of the holocaust] Not too sure what to make of the Soul council and stuff. I am almost convinced that Death will lead to instantaneous reincarnation, from this perspective anyways, unless you are like super spiritual and highly developed. Wish I had access to psychic people who could do some channeling in this regard for me
  5. Contemplate these ideas more deeply. Where does the concept of hell come from? What are those people's motives, geniuene concern for your soul?
  6. Agreed. Taking more could lead to weeks or months of psychosis indeed. Maybe get tested for schizophrenia
  7. Meditation is not possible, I'll look into the writing though. :]
  8. Government pays. Father has money as well from his 'business' (dealing druggies) I don't really do much so I don't really need money, still live at my parents house.. I'm 19...
  9. It can be said that the absence of such a person, or even a tiny friend group, got me into this little disaster. Maybe God will grant me someone. I have never been in Love or crushed on someone, though.
  10. Sometimes I get some demon figure trying to strangle me, so that's concerning. Other than that I don't feel much in my dreams either, they are usually complete bs... You welcome. That channel is quite interesting
  11. Almost triggered nightmares in me. Now i'm like what are my prayers going to 'do' if things like this happen, even today. Yes, we choose our names. (See https://youtu.be/7nPQVPbxJD4) somewhere in the middle she talks a bit about it
  12. Ahh yes Being alive itself is the source of it, because it's fundamentally not grounded in Truth. You are an idea in the Mind of God and have never truly lived. And so being alive becomes this corrupted game of twisted and brutal Love. Love spelled backwards is also quite similiar to evil now is it
  13. Living in Germany is great but has many fallacies as well. The governtment won't pay for you just existing, you have to do something and are bound to all sorts of contracts. Me fucking around with school like that has certain consequences, like me being fucked for example
  14. I think it has to do with resilience and vulnerability. One drop (in this case a traumatizing event) would then lead to overflow, the nervous system being unable to integrate the experience, leading to all sorts of symptoms. The First seven years of your life are crucial for the Formation of your psychological make up, I imagine stumbling upon similiar energetic patterns latter in life simply triggers those dormat energies, they need to be processed. I do not by any means understand the whole thing, it's complex and perplexing as well
  15. Disconnectedness, some type of personality disorder. Really it's loneliness and eternal boredom or overwhelm.
  16. Tryna not to kill myself Cynical and concerning jokes aside, I think the solution lies in sustaining a lifestyle that doesn't feel like a never ending problem-solving maze or a lonely 'room simulator'. To exercise, gently if needed, to connect to our breathing and accept all bodily sensations. Maybe dance and use it as an expression of art.
  17. Actually that sums it up very well. "Move me. Feed me. Please me. Love me. I am full of disease and pain and needs. I am your baby and we are one. Endless tasks, problem after problem, this is your duty."
  18. Corruption and twisting of Love
  19. In LSD and the Mind of the Universe he talks about birth being traumatic to many Souls. You are just trapped in this womb (esp if from an alcoholic mother or otherwise bad conditions and energies) and then get pushed out, birth complications can occur which also leave deep marks in one's psyche
  20. I don't remember how I got here, why I seem to be stuck in a dysfunctional brain. One Day I literally just appeared out of thin magical air, and off I went to experience an odd and neglectful human Life. If someone were to cut off my arm, I wouldn't be able to just leave. I'd be forced to accept unbearable pain and mourn the loss of my beloved arm. I have very little control in general, I can control my breathing for a while and maybe alter my heart beat. I have no influence over digestion, blood pressure, actual processing of light trough my eyes, it all just happens and I witness it. Yet I am at all times in the middle of my Life , in the Now. So it's a combination of being stuck in the Now and the Body. See it as a trap, see it as a prison, see it as an infinite game, I don't like it much.