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Everything posted by Twentyfirst

  1. He's funny as hell. Find me another politician who is as comedic. In a world of clowns the only value is laughter
  2. What about the UN as a source? Which clearly tells how many international laws and war crimes are being broken and committed. Israel is illegal
  3. Do another world war lol Third times a charm
  4. It's for normal people who need to find something to keep busy with or don't know how to forge their own path If you are above normal it's a prison that will do more harm than good Especially now in the digital information age with AI
  5. For someone who was the host of Fear Factor he is at a pretty decent level of understanding, politics aside, not everyone can be a full blown buddha
  6. Transgenderism is the equivalent of the final awakening of enlightenment for lefties lmao
  7. I don't know why Westerners are trying so hard to save America or Europe. Just let it decay please. The rest of the world will be better off. 800m people being comfortable is not worth 7.2b people getting shafted I am all for the decline
  8. How can anyone whether religious or not know about oneness yet demonizing another? Or do you mean a different segment of awakening that doesn't include realization of oneness? After oneness you can't even demonize Hitler
  9. It's a sick thing but you gotta learn to love the suffering. You have to suffer and the best gurus lie because if they said the truth you would never embark on the journey and the planet can never awaken. It's not entirely a lie because it does become flowery and nice after the suffering. Mainstream gurus water down the truth because the masses can't handle it so that's where you get self help with spirituality. At most only a couple humans in history ever woke up without a dark night of the soul. The rest have a dark night of the soul whether short or long depends on that person. Even people who have a random spontaneous awakening without a path or effort have suffering before or after that. Suffering serves a few purposes. It's a warning light for when you are away from truth and it keeps blinking to remind you to do maintenance, it's beating down the ego and erosion of the ego because the ego is nutty, and it's preparing you for death so when you are on your death bed you aren't freaking out. If you didn't want challenge you would have never incarnated in the first place
  10. Just split the country down the middle. West America for the left and East America for the right. No tariffs between their trades
  11. I think property tax already limits rich people from buying more homes than they actually want. If they are investments and the tenants are paying the mortgage then they don't have to worry about the property tax. If they are just hoarding houses just for the hell of it they would be penalized by property tax If you limit only one house per person then that will limit people's desire to create wealth. Having multiple homes is a huge dream for people and a reason they slave for money. What else will they buy? It's just homes, cars, yachts, jets, jewelry, and clothes If a rich person wants to buy 5 homes but can only buy 1 what is to stop them from making it a 1,000 room mansion that takes acres of land and then other people won't be able to buy that land
  12. Yeah I have been saying it. Zionism is on its way out. No way it survives a couple more years let alone decades. Same could be said with USA. Israelis will have to accept minority status and disown zionism while USA will remain a country but will lose empire status. White western solipsistic supremacists will be the last to find out but most of the world already knows this is set in stone
  13. Jews are extremely jealous of Arabs at the same time. Which is why they seek to copy them by stealing Arab identity (land, place in region, Arab neighbors, even some foods) and calling it their own meanwhile they are just Europeans
  14. The American empire and by extension the Israeli colony is going broke and nearing the end. Regardless of day to day actions no matter how unfortunate they are for ordinary civilians. Isn't the mighty Great Britain now being run by Indians and Blacks with their natives miserable? Same thing will happen to USA/zionists
  15. Since you brought it up How many unhappy citizens, genocides, atomic bombs has democracy created vs sharia law?
  16. Genetics is the new karma
  17. Im pretty consistent in what I am saying. People not being allowed to eat pork is not oppressive. Oppressive is something much worse
  18. Why separate state from religion? Does that mean the people who run the government are non believers and the people being run are believers? Prophets are the exact opposite of religion. Watch a politician on tv versus the words of a prophet. They are not the same. But ya that's what I am telling you your politicians hijacked it for bad control and then abandoned it when it was more profitable But a good follower of the Bible would follow it. Not find a new teaching like spiral dynamics which rejects the Bible. So no wonder it didnt work for you guys if you don't follow it correctly I think this is overcomplicating it. It's a book written by extremely wise humans that were ahead of their times and still are to a degree. To quench humans most sought after question. In a way where they can all join in community. That will guide them through hardships of life. Rarely people speaking against religion mention that it's a monopoly. They usually use other arguments which tells me it's just something they want to get away from just because. I can see how it can be a monopoly but theres plenty of cultures that have christians and muslims living side by side with understanding and friendship. It is common sense to say this is my religion but others are fine too. Common sense or lack of common sense is everywhere so of course some religious people will fall for saying this is my religion and others are false But aren't political laws telling you what to do? You trust a sneaky politician who is 1,000 lifetimes away from enlightenment to tell you what is right and wrong? How many secret government programs and hidden classified files prove that you should never trust man made laws? How often are religions wrong and how badly are they wrong. If you figure out your religion lied about not eating pork it's not a big deal you can just start to eat it there shouldn't be much trauma
  19. What's the difference between atheist and secular? Where in the Bible does it say that the people following it for thousands of years was supposed to outgrow it by development? Or did the Europeans just make that part up? Says western texts like spiral dynamics? Of course you will use a western text rather than a middle eastern text. If you read their Quran it says they are on the right track of development. What do you think about bombs being dropped on them and in a war torn country based on survival they still hold true to their religion even if their government has fallen and doesn't require it? Ya because Christianity in the West is notorious for oppressing its people and other people around the world. They use religion as a form of bondage and to gain more power. Control can be good or bad depending on it's intentions and how it's used
  20. If you live 100 years then even a 5 year break is not gonna hurt you. Just make up for it later on So that's what you meant by "normal" life. Ya its different for you then Some places are legal as far as I know but that would require travel
  21. There are literally billions of people in religion. Anyone saying that these people are just brainwashed suckers with no hope and embarrassing them will never lead anyone to unity. You are better off understanding their religion and combining that with enlightenment so their path can serve both them and you
  22. The West has always used religion to oppress its people and to oppress other people. The popes who used to be basically the government used to only let certain classes of people read and then they preached the Bible in the way they wanted it to be interpreted. When the west would colonize people they would say that god is telling them that they should conquer like manifest destiny. Then they would show images of their prophet Jesus who looked white just like them and say that they were gods among humans. Why do you think the buddhists stayed buddhist, the muslims stayed muslim, but the Christians became atheist?
  23. I want the people to be under control. It would be dangerous to let them run wild Holy scriptures are still among some of the best texts you can read even after you are enlightened. And they are the best for people who don't want to be enlightened