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Everything posted by Twentyfirst

  1. You are talking as if I am being contrarian just for the ego boost. Plus how do you know you aren't the one that is contrarian? I am not traditional although I have traditional views but all this new shit is actually contrarian to what has always been traditionally speaking If you watch Tate, whether you like him or not, and can't agree with a single point he says in a 3 hour discussion then something is wrong. Nobody is completely wrong. He does have some good points Even if you read The Way of the Superior Man there is nothing in there about toxic masculinity or if you have boundaries with a woman it means you are abusing them. And that book is flawless
  2. Leo made a video about Jordan Peterson's political biases bleeding into his other teachings but he forgot about how his leftist blue pill views literally colors every world view he has. He probably thinks that Jonah Hill is "emotionally abusive" just like the news says! Haha It's weird that Leo supports cancel culture, thinks toxic masculinity is real, and agrees with most of this woke garbage nonsense
  3. I want to try what is in the course and see for myself. I am open minded to what Leo is saying but also idc how great of an experience he is having because I am selfish and care about my experience more so if this will help with my experience then that is great
  4. It would have been better if Leo first offered an alternative solution before blasting the current methods