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Everything posted by Twentyfirst

  1. There have been only few women that have earned my respect. But I tend to avoid low quality people not just women but men too. I just want to make sure I don't get taken advantage of and I can experience the best a woman has to offer
  2. If you don't stand your ground with women they will walk all over you. Just like anyone else will. Nice guys finish last or not at all I hope you are right though
  3. I don't want a woman that would allow me to boss her around. But she should simply do certain things on her own without having to ask. Which is what Tate says like in the women should clean video from a while back that was very popular. People forget the second half of his point where if they don't do it he will just dismiss them and find another woman so where is the control in that. A woman will drop you asap if you don't meet her standards btw Idk what you mean about the equal partnership then
  4. I am not trying to get into arguments and I appreciate everyones point of view and will consider it. All I am saying is this forum is very politically correct on one side but very dismissive of the other side and it's obvious. Pretty soon everyone is gonna be a passive pussy. Perfect food for predators
  5. I am not talking about that I am just talking about the talking points that he uses are sometimes correct. I dont care how he makes his money why would I
  6. I am blaming the ideology. Feminism hurts women too
  7. Women are dominating men but nobody wants to admit it. And no not all women but most. Not all men but most
  8. Bro nobody wants an equal partnership. The worst thing about equality is you don't need each other anymore and there is no polarity. No glue. What kind of pussy will let his woman argue with him about a simple cup of coffee when the man would literally GIVE UP HIS LIFE. This is why women demand so much now and don't let men have their own standards because you say it's okay for them to argue with you at every turn and you never ask for anything in return. In my experience you should delay rewards with women and they actually like you for it. Make double money and offer her a stay at home job
  9. I am sure leftist policy has at least some to do with it. Maybe the porn, video games, and not being ambitious is a result of feminism. Why would a man work so hard just to have his woman (if he is lucky enough to get one) argue with him at every turn and compete with him. Then eventually leave him take his money and kids. This needs to be addressed in this country eventually how long will people just say nah its mens fault Andrew Tate is a mainstream solution. Just like how Eckhart Tolle can ease the suffering of millions of people but only few of them come to full realization To be fair in David Deida terms he is still a 1st stage man so even the 2nd stage pussies are more "advanced" than him. 1st stage men and 3rd stage men are the only ones that actually get laid. 2nd stage men have to beg for starfish sex then get left on read. Obviously 2nd stagers are gonna regress back to 1st stage when they see Tate
  10. When did I say he is a role model. Let's think about this from a spiritual perspective. Ten years ago crazy insane people started telling little boys that they are terribly oppressive mysoginists for literally no reason (one extreme) and now Tate is saying all that he says (another extreme) for "spiritual balance". In which case I say he has some good points. There was a video where he said that in case there was an intruder in the home he would die protecting his women so if he wants a coffee she better not argue making it for him or else he would simply dismiss her and find another women. He was saying that it wasn't that much to ask and it is absurd that society is now demanding men to do traditional things but calling it abusive if he wants a woman to do traditional things. How can you argue with that point? A lot of his points are like that If you agree with everything someone says you are in a cult. If you disagree with everything someone says you are in a cult.
  11. So you don't think that there is a mass breeding of weak men among the new generations which results in unhappiness, loneliness, and confusion for both men and women and weakening of the nuclear family? Do you admit the existence of angry left woke mob that comes out of nowhere every time somebody on the other side simply stands up for what they believe by using virtue signaling?
  12. You are talking as if I am being contrarian just for the ego boost. Plus how do you know you aren't the one that is contrarian? I am not traditional although I have traditional views but all this new shit is actually contrarian to what has always been traditionally speaking If you watch Tate, whether you like him or not, and can't agree with a single point he says in a 3 hour discussion then something is wrong. Nobody is completely wrong. He does have some good points Even if you read The Way of the Superior Man there is nothing in there about toxic masculinity or if you have boundaries with a woman it means you are abusing them. And that book is flawless
  13. Leo made a video about Jordan Peterson's political biases bleeding into his other teachings but he forgot about how his leftist blue pill views literally colors every world view he has. He probably thinks that Jonah Hill is "emotionally abusive" just like the news says! Haha It's weird that Leo supports cancel culture, thinks toxic masculinity is real, and agrees with most of this woke garbage nonsense
  14. I want to try what is in the course and see for myself. I am open minded to what Leo is saying but also idc how great of an experience he is having because I am selfish and care about my experience more so if this will help with my experience then that is great
  15. It would have been better if Leo first offered an alternative solution before blasting the current methods