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Everything posted by Twentyfirst

  1. All this BS will go out the window once it's your country in the oppressed position. Then you will ask "Why can't we have the flower without the dirt in 2025". You will see how nonsensical it all is
  2. Who cares if they grant those rights to their citizens while denying them to other nations citizens that they have no place interfering in Too much propaganda. In the Western mind this is how they see the rest of the world. If you go to Russia today there will be town squares with slaves in chains at the stage and people buying and selling them with paperwork. In Saudi Arabia the women will be locked in cages on a cart with wheels with a man pulling at it on the sidewalk. In China as soon as a Chinese person sneezes some van will speed over, throw him in, and drive away. In India you can turn on the TV and there is a sport called raping women Meanwhile in America so many people are incarcerated, there are school shootings all the time, people are depressed and neurotic, families are breaking up, police are dying, addicts are overdosing, the wealth gap is getting larger, people can't afford basic things or homes (in the richest country), the food is poison, everyone is suing everyone, people don't even know who their neighbors are let alone would be willing to help them, people are isolated and atomized...I don't know. I just don't get it So why is it so hard for the USA/Israel to stop colonizing Palestine in 2025 and deny them their rights? It seems like they just can't help it. Like they can't fight the urge to stop doing it. Even if it means damaging themselves. It seems from the outside that it is who they are regardless of any lies they say about not wanting to do
  3. So why not invent all these great things for the world WITHOUT the massacres and colonizing of entire peoples who suffer for half to full centuries?
  4. Aren't they the original vikings? Meaning all they knew how to do was rape, pillage, and build boats?
  5. But you make it seem like the West created values such as human rights or freedom. As if ancient societies just didn't know human rights existed. But the West are the biggest violators of these rights
  6. If you read Western history vs Eastern the Western always sounds more fucked up More people in the world today hate Americans more than Russians because more have felt the boot of America Why does the West still use toilet paper vs bidets
  7. I agree with that but just choose your elites wisely. But let's be honest whether in democracy or monarchy you can't choose your elites. Or else people would be happy with their rulers
  8. How do we know if they will use those weapons in the same way? Maybe they just want it for defense against those who use weapons as a way to develop their society. Rather than developing through peaceful means The two biggest arsenals of atomic weapons are USA and Russia and USA used two and Russia used zero
  9. You think hunting people for sport is something to scoff at? So we should never call out the crimes and let western society just run amok?
  10. Im not jealous. I would never want to be a Westerner. It is not a gift like you think it is. You will forever be corrupted and your mind is skewed
  11. Your point is blindness You still think the West is better even though you know all the crimes it has committed
  12. In what ways did the West develop on their own?...if we don't count all theft from stealing entire continents, enslaving people, stealing wealth for centuries from Africa, Asia, South America, and whatever economic manipulation still goes on today Didn't the British steal tens of trillions from India alone. That is all wealth taken away from one place and given to another and that is just one of many many chess moves I know the West will have a crazy invention every now and then but just because one man Steve Jobs or two men the Wright brothers are born in the west by random doesn't mean the West develops on their own
  13. The West themselves say they are superior due to higher development. They call the places they colonized savage and that it's better off after their genocide because they developed roads They say their values are better and therefore need to be spread at all cost It's an excuse to go to war Somehow it goes from this to "we are a good force". And anytime they are not good they will blame some outside force or just gaslight
  14. Congratulations. You have received the benefits of colonization and none of the damages of being colonized. Must be nice. What's your point?
  15. Because they are the best in the world at war, theft, deception. Not something to be proud of. Something to be ashamed of Nobody is saying the West causes 100% of problems and the East causes 0% of problems. It's more like West causes 80% and East causes 20% whether worldwide or inflicting on each tother When one "continent" and I put that in quotation marks because it looks like Europe is just connected to Asia or it all looks like Eurasia....when one of the 7 continents has colonized every single continent including 2 permanent colonizations of USA and AUS and then everyone who had to suffer is talking about it. Then no that narrative is not stupid at all. But shutting down that narrative with colors of a spiral is extremely stupid. And it's just part of the Western musical chairs that is used to avoid such obvious accountability Don't talk to the East about values, human rights, freedom, the ability to choose ones own destiny, governance, etc etc. Ya'll don't know. And when every single country tells you that you don't know you have so much arrogance to just reject them all and claim that you are right and everyone else is wrong. Somehow you were born in the most empathetic superior place on Earth and everyone else was born in a mud hut. It's like how religious people believe their religion is the best simply because they happened to be born in the geography that preaches that religion If you are drunk at a party and someone tells you that you are embarrassing yourself and go home. Maybe he is just spiteful or jealous. But when every single person at the party tells you that. It means you are drunk. But the West doesn't regard all the people at the parties opinions as valuable because they don't regard anyone that doesn't follow the white west agenda as a valuable human being
  16. Westerners always use bullshit charts, development graphs, colors of spiral, pseudo science, projection, finger pointing etc etc It means literally nothing. Just way to derail the real conversation
  17. This is mostly Western propaganda China did invade Tibet but they didn't use nearly as much violence as the western powers when they conquered entire continents (NA,AUS) Why would I believe the Russia/Ukraine war was started by Putin if the zionists are telling me that? I don't believe lying thieves The most dangerous thing to Iranian and Saudi women are the bombs or potential bombs being dropped on them. Guess by who? Whats so great about Western women treatment? She objectifies herself as a way to get accepted into your society because you mysoginistic men see women in hijab as invisible. You treat women like trash. If they do what you want you advertise their bodies as a way to sell cars and if they don't do what you want you bomb them endlessly. HYPOCRITE
  18. PurpleTree acts all tough...meanwhile he ratted to me to a higher power to give me a warning hahahaha I actually got a warning too. This is what they do. If immigrants come to the West they say "the west must be so great why else would people leave their war torn countries (that we caused) to come to our lands" all I said was "if europe is so great why did you leave and colonize other lands and then declare independence". Maybe I wasn't supposed to swear Not just European descent but most were born in Europe. Not like America where someone's great great grandfather comes from Italy but the rest born in America
  19. The deception here is that if you are zionist you can't be a nazi even though both groups hate Jews. Their goals of emptying Europe of its Jewish population aligned. They are also both racist, supremacist and colonial ideologies.
  20. I have never sat in an electric car in my life Yeah Steve Jobs changed the world. Everyone uses smartphones and apps I like Jeff Bezos better. Amazon is divine. Everyone uses it constantly and nobody wants to go back to life without it
  21. Which of those ideas are actually birthed by him? I am pretty sure there were electric cars before.
  22. I have never used anything that Musk has built. Haven't used the brain chips, electric car, underground tunnel, space x, solar power, I only X which I used as twitter before. If it wasn't for him marketing his personal brand in the media you wouldn't even know he existed Paypal is shit! Marketing is a hell of a drug