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Everything posted by Twentyfirst

  1. I don't think there is much thinking going on hahahaha
  2. So whats the need for kicking Palestinians out of their homes? If it was really belonging to you why would you have to kick out innocents from their homes? Sounds sketchy af to be honest
  3. @Gennadiy1981 Why would the Palestinans leave? Wasn't the issue that it was the Jewish people that needed a state? The Palestinians can't be bought
  4. How is it clear that I am biased towards Palestinians? Show me where I was biased. What is a better solution than Israel carving out a state out of the USA? USA has amazing stuff to offer and like I said the USA loves Israel. I can't think of another solution that serves both parties
  5. Beggars can't be choosers. The Jews didn't have a land in the 1940s so that's why they took Palestine right? So they should go to USA because they would be more welcomed there. They shouldn't even be able to choose where they go they should just go where makes the most sense. They should be grateful for any land why do they get the benefit of choosing which land
  6. The Jews that lived there thousands of years ago are all dead. There are people still alive today that got their homes stolen. Give them their homes back. Thats fair
  7. Why can't Israel exist in USA? Seems like a better idea since USA loves Israel and Palestinians hate them
  8. It seems the USA and Israel are in love with each other. The USA has plenty of land. Why not just establish a new Jewish state there and then give back the Palestinians their land and homes? That seems fair
  9. I think a more important question is what makes a good man TODAY? Culture has definitely shifted even though most won't want to admit it. Young boys aren't gonna listen to anyone who doesn't understand or sympathize with the changing landscape . Notice that they would rather listen to Andrew Tate. I am convinced no man over 50 understands the problems facing boys/men today because it is simply a different time
  10. Only wimps could raise a generation of wimps
  11. Yes his how to get laid series is pretty damn good and it will work. He also has a playlist called Dating & Relationships that has 23 videos that will give you more understanding. Don't try to reinvent the wheel we already know what works and what doesn't just follow those guides but not robotically put your own flavor on it
  12. If they don't reject you then they wouldn't reject anyone else either. And if they don't reject any guy that advances on them then you wouldn't want them anyway Play the game
  13. Yeah it's not like mating is important or anything.....
  14. yeah he isn't a teacher of the masses but a teacher of teachers who will teach the masses
  15. You wouldn't ever have even thought about climate change if you didn't see it on TV Go outside your home and stand on the street. Do you see climate change?
  16. Yes when I first started I thought I could awaken the world in 5 years time so I was a fool too. Its been over a decade and I never actually woke anyone up although have helped
  17. For every single awakening there is another million babies born into this sleep and illusion. What happened to A New Earth?
  18. I met a girl recently and she was pretty much perfect in terms of green flags but not spiritual. She doesn't need spirituality because she doesn't have red flags anyways. Super rare though
  19. I have been doing the same thing in my life. Trying so hard to be extraordinary I forgot that I am fragile just like everyone else. Lost everything. Now I start back again at square one
  20. She told me herself. No she was not trying to get rid of me stop the cope
  21. I met a girl once who had 6 abortions before and something inside of me died. Who knows how high her body count was. You can have standards as a man and its okay
  22. Don't apologize for having desires
  23. Meh, I have seen teachers do crazier things. Sometimes you learn later that they were crazy on purpose. If you can't learn from someone "dangerous" because their bad qualities will rub off on you then that means you don't have good boundaries or discernment
  24. @CARDOZZO Never follow a woman especially if she doesn't love you more than you love her