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Everything posted by Twentyfirst

  1. Dude do you even watch Leo's videos? Why would I go a step down from his beautiful teachings and my own spiritual experiences? Everyone here is on the same page in terms of oneness
  2. There are different degrees to love. Just because you didn't reach the highest points doesn't mean they dont exist. Thats awakening 101
  3. I know you don't embody radical love Which is why I asked you about oneness. It goes without saying that everyone on the forum here is on the same page and will converse accordingly. Now we are all supposed to go down a level to meet you? Fuck that
  4. No it isn't. Stop speaking about what you do not know or be a sheep like everyone else
  5. In terms of absolute truth. It's not bullshit. You don't understand love
  6. Holy shit. Okay I will play along. Who told you that the Nazis hated Jews because they bring morality and ethics to the world? No really lets break this down step by step
  7. Somebody in another thread said that Jews are the chosen people so they should expect everyone in the world to oppose them
  8. You either love everyone or you love no one. If you don't love Hitler then you don't understand what radical love is. And yes this is horrible to say except we are on an enlightenment forum so you should be developed enough to handle me saying that
  9. @Lila9 So if you are also the 6 million Jews that were killed then you are the Palestinians getting killed right now. Essentially you share a being with everyone and everything is oneness. This is extremely important and Israel nor Palestine have this knowing so they have an excuse but why get sucked into it when you have higher knowledge?
  10. Israel doesn't care if it's hated because it will just say "See! I told you the world hates us. Thats why they let the holocaust happen"
  11. Bro please enough with the professional victimhood sympathy thing...everyone on this forum is way too developed to fall for that. Nobody is gonna feel bad for Jews being killed in the holocaust ENOUGH to justify Israel doing a genocide against Palestinians. We feel bad for the holocaust but not enough to give Israel a get out of jail free card for the rest of human time. I know you brought up another topic in 1954 but this is all really about the holocaust isnt it?
  12. The Arab/Muslim world is also fed up about being called extremists and terrorists for about 25 years now. All while being invaded for resources by the people calling them that. The West has been too hypocritical to ignore
  13. I dont make assumptions. Thats why I asked the question. Do you know that you are Hitler who killed 6 million jews?
  14. Still laughing at how you called me biased when really its just you projecting your bias and trying to sound wholesome while you call for war
  15. I get that part. But he was saying that Israel would cease to exist if they put down their weapons
  16. I never understood blackpill. As a man don't you care about how your woman looks? Don't you want the sexiest women you can get?
  17. Who told you if Jews put down the weapons there would be no more Israel?
  18. An important lesson in all of this is that not all bombs are created equally
  19. Everyone has had hardships. Don't be such a victim. Being a victim is the weakest position you can take as a man So if Jews put down the weapons why would Jews cease to exist?
  20. I don't mind if you guys stay or not. But it sure seems like it's causing problems. Problems that Jewish people have to deal with as well. You call that a success? One more thing. Why are you on this forum anyways if you believe that you should have holy wars for a useless piece of land? You do know that our work here goes way beyond that sort of thing? No offense but this is simply not the teaching