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Everything posted by Twentyfirst

  1. There was a scared little girl with a scared little family hiding in an attic when her people were being killed. Palestinians don't hide from even the largest empires the world has ever seen
  3. To be fair Israel has much more control of the media. Not poor and weak Palestinians who don't even have control of their own water and food supply
  4. The same could be said about any outrage Why was there BLM when some Mexican gets racist remarks thrown at him? You are trying to imply the only reason the world cares is because of anti semitism
  5. But wouldn't it make more sense that the Jews should live in Palestine under Palestinian authorities and guidance?
  6. Basically this situation will always be a back n forth unless you go back to Nakba which basically says that the Israelis used holocaust guilt to be dickheads to innocent Palestinians. Everything before Nakba doesn't matter and everything after Nakba doesn't matter. Please try to argue with this logic just try
  7. You still trust definitions? After all the lies you have been fed your entire life. Okay. Why not just look with your eyes and make your own judgments? Huh, sounds familiar. So how many civilians did Hamas unlawfully use violence for political means? And how many did civilians did Netanyahu use since October 7th? Keep posting memes I think they prove the point better anyway
  8. Exactly Also I wouldn't consider Hamas terrorists. Notice that Hamas doesn't hurt anyone outside of Israeli borders and only for resistance reasons. Not like they go to some Europe train station with bombs
  9. They just simply will never win because Palestinians will never give up. They will just bomb Israel from Egypt in the year 2125 and again in 2150. Violence won't solve this only fairness will
  10. Who is deeper in self delusion though? Timmy or Jonny?
  11. Land can't be given to you by the UN because it's not theirs to give. So if a kid has 5 strawberries then it belongs to him. You can't have even 1 strawberry okay Timmy? Ok good Timmy
  12. Believe it I don't I know face to face stories from real life actual people that were there Even if it was man...theres unused places in the USA. Go try and establish your own country. You can be king
  13. It takes 180 pages of a thread for Israeli supporters to say "you know what maybe we should have picked land that was already empty"
  14. Somehow they think they are righteous for "allowing" Palestinians to stay. You cant reason with people like that. Thats why you just gotta go to war with them
  15. The Jews came to Palestine without shoes after the holocaust and the Palestinians took them in and then the Jews turned on them and stole all the riches for themselves. Cant trust them Jews
  16. If they really are sent by god and the rest of us are animals like they claim...then why the worry? They will be fine. If god wrote that it is their land then it will be theres. It is the prophecy after all
  17. Zionists aren't human. They are gods lol here to rule over us all. For our betterment of course
  18. I remind you Half of Gaza are children bro
  19. When he said that it could be beneficial for Palestinians it's just a snarky underhanded way of saying "we are so superior to them and everything we touch is gold, that even when we beat them down its better than anything they can do on their own" Gotta have that Israeli translator in mind But if you say that killing 1400 civilian's is good for Israel he's brain wont be able to handle it
  20. Don't complain when you get hurt
  21. Maybe he's falling into the same trap the rest of the world falls into. Trying to sweep Palestinians under the rug in hopes of reaching a solution when really thats been the problem all along. He acknowledged that the Palestinians can't simply be swept under the rug though so I will give him that but its just too easy to fall into that trap even if you know its there
  22. Why should the Palestinians have to share their own land with Israel though? That too doesn't make sense
  23. Hamas is allowed to do whatever they want. Any action is justified under occupation Even the most precious and softest animal will bite when backed into a corner
  24. Yeah exactly Israel keeps pushing and poking and pushing and poking and they are left with a confused look on their face "wHy DoEs peOpLE n0 L0vE uS?"