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Everything posted by Twentyfirst

  1. Let's hear what you have to say since your so smart Whats the solution?
  2. But it is more peaceful than trying to live side by side. They knew the two state solution would never work because why would someone be willing to share half of whats fully theirs? This is the problem. Israel would rather stay and cause chaos rather then leave somewhere else and live in peace
  3. "We should take all the Palestinians and push them somewhere else." - Geniuses in 1948
  4. What percentage of total land will Israel get and what percentage will Palestine get?
  5. Yeah, glad we don't live in those times
  6. In all your studies what is the most sadistic thing that a group of humans have ever done in your opinion? Just interested. Didn't Genghis Khan massacre everyone and then have dinner on top of their dead bodies or something? The Nanjing Massacre sounded horrible too I couldn't stomach that
  7. It is what it is. I was just saying if you don't want to say genocide that there is definitely an ethnic cleansing aspect to all this
  8. Whats your solution to all this? I haven't heard any of that from you I already said mine and the reasons why I think it's the best. Move Israel to USA If you have a better solution for no more war ever then speak up
  9. Do you have a girlfriend? If so can I have sex with her on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. You can have four nights and I will only take three. That way you win No, I am not gonna repeat myself over and over. Its all very well documented You should have gone and seen for yourself I don't hate Israel. But my opinion is that they have a giant black hole instead of a heart. Thats my opinion I already said I don't care if Israel exists I only care that it exists literally on top of other people. And you know what I think I am right. Doesn't sound fun living by people who literally hate you I think you know where I am from
  10. If it spreads to a regional war and then a World War I am sure people will regret this mindset. Lack of freedom for one is lack of freedom for all
  11. This discussion is pointless. Talking on a forum never changed anything. Although I do enjoy the learning experience I read what you wrote The Israelis had to teach their children that they found a "land without people". Making it seem like it was just open for grabs when really there was an entire population with their own culture, food, distinct clothing, way of life Palestinians were told to leave and were promised they could return which is why they still have the key to their homes till this day I don't know much about some voluntarily leaving It's okay to resist if someone else gives away what you claim to be your land to another group. Just because the UN says its okay doesn't mean that the Palestinians resisting is automatically a violent offense against Jews If the UN says that then why does Israel disobey the UN by breaking so many international laws? Gaza and the West Bank are open air prisons for decades now and have inhumane conditions. Israel is pure evil
  12. Just highlighting the repetition of this all. It's always the same irony. They are bad terrorists now lets drop a bomb on them hahaha
  13. Ahh the war on terror. Terrorists calling other terrorists terrorist
  14. Makes sense Thats the argument of the century You can find people still alive today that were kicked out of the homes they were living in. I won't say kicked out of their land but we know for a fact out of their homes and sent away. Jewish people weren't kicked out which makes it an ethnic cleansing. Sure it was in the past but when you see discussions today of certain European countries taking in Palestinian "refugees" you can't help but think the same thing is repeating itself They are only refugees after they are kicked out Im not arguing that point. The frustration isn't just the stealing of land but the reasoning behind it. The guilt trip from 6 million jews dying, the story of how the land was promised to them and how they are sent from god, Palestinians are animals that need to be extinguished, we just want peace I promise, etc If you could really just take someones land without anyone else batting an eye then you wouldn't need these ridiculous lies to keep the whole thing stringing along Definitions are in the eye of the beholder. Israel was defined by an outside entity aka the British. You don't have to agree with them you can just say I don't recognize Israel as a state. And if you do have to agree with them then after 1948 the proposal was a two state solution which was clearly defined and then Israel with help of USA slowly took over Palestine with settlements and occupations. May the best people win this 75 year war.
  15. If they cared so much about getting their hostages back like they claim then why drop careless bombs on Hamas? It's an ethnic cleansing because it started off as Palestinian land but now it's called "Israel"
  16. Any bully is automatically a coward
  17. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.
  18. It comes out in someone's speech and actions. You can just tell I used to talk like a victim. Now I never do It's not weak or strong "in my eyes". Theres simply just weak and strength. Cowardice and bravery. The true OG's know what I am talking about
  19. Palestine had a right to defend itself. Of course another country doesn't have legal authority to give away their land Is bombing innocent children brave? Or is it coming from a place of cowardice? You said before the settlers are like Nazis but they are brave. Doesn't make sense
  20. Bro I know how to read peoples mindsets and where they are at in life. Everything you posted in this thread was extremely weak. Just go back and look There was a day where I too was like you
  21. The British "gave" Palestine to the Jews. They didn't do shit but use their victimhood to illicit guilt. Weakest start of empire story in history of the world
  22. I mean the Israeli spirit is weak. Israel was founded on victimhood from the holocaust. Israel asks for help from USA. Israel complains about anti-semitism. Israel is afraid to die which is why they need so much security vs Palestinians who aren't afraid to die at all Sounds pretty weak to me
  23. Something that both Israelis and Palestinians could agree on is that Israel can't do anything without the help of the USA Israel IS weak