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Everything posted by Twentyfirst

  1. I accidentally reached Turquoise at like age 20 hahahaha I didn't like it so I purposely reverted back Y'all take this shit way too seriously and it holds you back
  2. You do know that western women are statistically way more depressed than eastern women right? And that they are sexual objects?
  3. If you are advocating for war so much then you and your parents and siblings and children should go and fight. Enough of this keyboard warrior garbage. If I was supreme ruler I would put you into combat as punishment and teaching you a lesson for saying this <3
  4. Is it enlightened to not pick a side or something? Imagine someone saying about Hitler destroying the Jews "I wont pick a side"
  5. Its not that hard to understand and the solution is quite simple Think of the Palestinians as human beings. Are you a human being? Yes? Ok so here's the solution Treat others how you want to be treated. Do you want someone stealing your home? No? So then why is it okay to happen to Palestinians? Do you want someone blowing up your 4 generations of your entire family to bits in a matter of seconds? No? So then why is it okay to happen to Palestinians? Do you want someone locking you into an open air prison for decades controlling your food water electricity and having checkpoints at every turn? No? So then why is it okay to happen to Palestinians? Do you want someone abusing you for 75 years and any time you lash back they punish you even harder giving you no choice but to keep lashing back? No? So then why is it okay to happen to Palestinians? The only reason this is difficult to find a solution is because people see Palestinians as less than human. So it's not easy to find a solution or understand why Palestinians do what they do. They do it because they are human just like you You all would probably behave much worse in the same position as them. Almost everyone on this forum is a low IQ retard except Leo. And Leo is too enlightened for his own good when it comes to this. Plus he has been into geopolitics the past 18 months it seems from looking at his blog. I think he is new to this conflict and he's gonna do what everyone else does. He's gonna realize how hard it is and just give up completely and shrug his shoulders and say well I hope they figure it out and just move onto the next thing. His love for humanity wont be equal to his love for Palestine because the inhumane propaganda is too strong against Palestine. I have seen it a million times. If everyone on this forum is retarded which y'all are then there is no hope for the world because y'all should be a shining example for society hahaha The craziest thing and this is how I know the world is full of idiots is that this literally already happened. Hitler killed a bunch of Jews because he saw them as less than human and an obstacle. Then Europes solution was giving them full human rights. So why isn't the solution for Jews killing Palestinians giving them full human rights?
  6. I said it before. They think they are so superior that even their tyranny is somehow a blessing Then when the other side wants revenge they are shocked to the core They are truly evil and insane
  7. Let me guess. You are in the safety and comfort of a first world country with reasonable prosperity and opportunity? I dont think you even know what love is. Keep watching Disney channel and Netflix until you finally grow up
  8. This recent event will literally create so many more Hamas members. They can't be defeated your government is lying to you and you are brainwashed enough to believe it meanwhile its obvious to a five year old End of story. Theres no arguing that this creates more terrorists so just shut up about Hamas and actually bring intelligent discourse. You cant keep arguing points that dont even make sense just to fit your selfish narrative
  9. Don't worry its rhetorical Nothing on this forum matters anyways. Doesn't seem like anyone even understands Leos teachings and he posts a video only once every while Leo has top tier teachings but it would be hard for people to keep up with him Man I wish I had some cones
  10. The problem is victim mentality. Its weak. If someone is anti muslim I wouldn't even care haha. Besides personal identity is an illusion so someones thoughts against me doesn't have substantial reality Why be concerned with anything at all?
  11. So all this justifies brutal treatment to Palestinians for 75 years? Maybe the Israelis don't deserve shit? If they love Israel so much why do they want to travel anyways? If they wanted land to roam around in why not make a state in USA which is super big? If ten countries are against you is it each one of those tens countries fault or is it you?
  12. @hundreth Your collective actions have consequences. When you say islamic countries would attack you if you visit I first all don't really believe you and secondly I dont immediately go into victim mode and shout anti semitism I say "well maybe they did something rotten to islamic countries"
  13. Who is more hospitable? Did you eat food with them or be a guest at their home? Thats usually where the hospitality comes out
  14. Why don't you go to Egypt? Look up videos of travel YouTubers going to West Bank or just go to Jordan. Palestinians are the MOST hospitable people on the planet HANDS DOWN. I have travelled everywhere from South America to Asia
  15. “Do not try to bend Israel. That’s impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth: there is no Israel. Then you’ll see that it is not Israel that bends — it is only yourself.”
  16. At this point the world owes Palestine something just like how they owed Jews something. Same logic
  17. People think there is a link to jerking off too much and not being able to get sex organically with women
  18. You gotta give the devil his due I guess the holocaust lasted 13 years? And that was before telecommunications was so big and readily available Zionists have been managing for 75 years without the world batting an eye. Impressive
  19. Israel has nukes. Big mistake for the world since they are evil or whatever but no biggie
  20. "If they're demanding you denounce or declare something, or else. You must not do it, no matter what it is" - James Lindsay
  22. So whats your solution to all this? How to get peace while also massaging the ego of Israelis. Thats the hardest part btw
  23. What a time to be alive I get to roast literal modern day Nazis Cant wait to tell my grandchildren these stories