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Everything posted by Twentyfirst

  1. No idea. Thats what I am questioning Probably something super terrible that warranted a huge punishment. Why else would someone attack them
  2. Obviously they did something to deserve it Why did Hamas attack Israel? Because they deserved it
  3. Numbers could be 100,000. And why did it happen Just forget about everything for a few minutes and then you can go back to everything you were told. How possibly on Earth could just poor oppressed people become so barbaric and violent? Does that make any sense to you? Also I am not denying it. Just questioning it. We see how every crime Israel takes today when questioned is just called anti semitic even though its fair questioning
  4. So who is more brutal today than Israelis? How can a society go from poor and oppressed to the most barbaric regime of all time?
  5. One mans trash is another mans treasure Don't forget how asymmetrical Oct 7th was No meds but I am looking for some
  6. The Germans were normal people. Then they all wore costumes and started killing Jews FOR NO REASON. Then they were stopped and went back to being normal people The Jews were completely INNOCENT and were VICTIMS of anti semitism. Those same poor sweet INNOCENT Jews immediately without waiting went on to lie, rape, pillage, and steal an entire freaking COUNTRY that wasn't theirs. They also went on to occupy and oppress the natives of that country for 75 YEARS. They kill women in children in the most BRUTAL WAY POSSIBLE And I am not allowed to question that? Screw off
  7. WW2 was the greatest pivotal moment in all of human history! Events happened that shaped the modern world we live in today. The most historic event of WW2 was the holocaust! BUT YOU MUST NEVER QUESTION IT OR YOU GET ARRESTED
  8. So you trust your government which stole land beyond the 78% by expanding versus Hamas who refuses to be lay down for occupation and just take it?
  9. But shouldn't the focus be on stopping the bombings? Seeing as how Oct 7th happened only because Israel was greedy and wasn't satisfied with 78% of the land
  10. Have you protested this against your government? Realizing that it is not okay and it is putting you in danger?
  11. You don't get what I am saying. You replied that the UN gave you the land so it is okay for you to come and steal. But then you guys broke the UN rules by doing settlements. So you can't follow the UN rules by coming and then break them by expanding. You either respect and follow the rules always or never. Listen if some random government told me that I have full authority to go to someone's house and take it as long as I can kick them out. No I would never take it under any circumstance. I am not a garbage human thief
  12. So if the UN gave Israel a state then why did Israel take more land than what was given? You can't trust yourself. A true peaceful person would not put themselves in a dangerous position. You are in the most dangerous position in the world.
  13. So if some random huge military country swoops in and takes all of the 78% Israeli part of Palestine and the settlements in the West Bank then that too is justified?
  14. @Loveeee "Give them hell" - Jordan Peterson
  15. There are European Jews and Palestinian Jews. Which one are you? Then why cry victim after Oct 7th if it's all just fair play?
  16. You live on stolen land and the only way to remain living there is by killing innocent children.
  17. So everyone's stereotypical judgments about Israelis are wrong? Everyone that has something to criticize simply "doesn't know what it's truly like to be Israeli". The entire world sees you as something and you people are the only ones who see yourselves as something else. Who is wrong and who is right?
  18. How do these Israelis even function in society. Like if you want to have a family your wife must know your a pussy because you don't fight your own battles but instead CRY for others to help you. When you have a newborn is it like automatically a victim? Or do you wait until a couple years before calling it a victim? How does that part work. Do you tell the children the real reason why they will grow up to be hated? Like how does it all work
  19. @Nivsch Why don't you go out and fight on the battlefield like a real man?
  20. Why don't you guys actually step out onto the battlefield? Cowards!!!!
  21. The zionists on this forum love to make it seem like they will fight to their last breath to stay in their "ancestral homeland" when in reality they are just in their homes being protected by the worlds largest armies. They are too big of cowards to actually fight for themselves
  22. Jews will write paragraphs and paragraphs and beg for sympathy and take discussions in complete circles with their incoherent arguments simply because they can't state one simple fact. You guys stole homes and lands that were not yours. Its not complicated
  23. Even the British mandate is complete garbage If I told you that it was under my authority that you could take someone's house but in order to do so you have to kick them out. Would you take it?